

Aug 26th, 2016
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  1. Seirens were created by the Goddess Mekia. They spend most of their life in the water, but some chose to walk and mingle with Humans. There is only a small population of them, less than any other races in the world including Fallen. The largest group of them lives in the ocean south of Mer Reef, but there is no more than fifteen of them there. Most choose to travel in groups between two to five. They prefer to be surrounded by other Seirens, because some of their religious practices are considered a bit morbid by everyone else.
  3. Female Seirens can breed with humans, and this is becoming more and more popular. Breeding amongst Seirens is rare to begin with, and breeding with Humans narrows their numbers of pure bloods drastically. Males can only breed with female Seirens, since they breed more like fish than Humans. A female Seiren must lay an egg for the male to fertilize. They lay multiple eggs at once, but only one or two hatch and survive. Females can lay eggs as well as give live birth. This helps to keep the race from dying out completely. It is unheard of for a Seiren to breed with any race besides Humans, but since no one has tried it no one knows if it's possible. Seirens tend to live about as long as Humans, and they consider their life accomplished if they manage to conceive at least once before they die. Unlike Humans, Seirens can reproduce until the day they die.
  5. Politics:
  7. The Seiren leader is female. She is known as their Mother, while her mate is the Father of the race. This title does not actually reflect upon their relationship among their people. It is more an expression of how they are expected to take care of their people much like a parent would. The oldest daughter is titled Sister as the oldest son is titled Brother. The Sister will take over in the event of her mother's death. Even the Seirens that travel consider the Mother their leader, and return home often to keep up on news from their people.
  9. Aside from their leader, the Seirens are ruled by a caste system. This system ranks pure blood Seirens as the highest in their society, second only to the leader and her family and associates. Hybrids of Seiren and Human are the lowest level, and are generally poorer and tend to serve the higher two classes. If a Seiren were to breed with anything but a Human or another Seiren the offspring would be considered an abomination, and would be outcast to live without the society.
  11. Religion:
  13. The Seirens worship the Goddess Mekia, and often make sacrifices to her in exchange for godly praise and blessing. She is said to live among the people, but it is rare that she is ever reported as being seen. If a Seiren does see their Goddess they are expected to bow their heads until she passes by. They consider themselves unworthy to look upon such a godly figure. Anyone who does not bow when the Goddess crosses their path will have their eyes torn out and offered up to Mekia as a token of apology.
  15. Seirens are well known for blood rituals that they perform in the name of their Goddess. They sacrifice barren maidens to Mekia, hoping that she will punish the woman for disgracing their people. Once a year they also hold a Ceremony of the Flesh. During this ceremony they offer up a sacrifice of flesh, a willing victim. When the sacrifice is slain the population will all partake in consuming the flesh of that individual. This is done in hopes that the Goddess will not steal away the Seirens magic as punishment for failure to please her. Murder outside of sacrifice is sacrilegious, and the offender must be killed, spilling their blood into the ocean in effort to cleanse them of their sin before they go before Mekia in the afterlife.
  17. Appearance:
  19. The females and males differ significantly in appearance. The females possess angel wings, colored from white to blue to green. Scales cover their neck, shoulders, or arms. These scales are the source of their magic. If they were to be removed the Seiren would be killed immediately, because it is a disgrace to her people to not possess magic. As long as their Goddess has a tail all the women must have scales.
  21. The males have feathers where the females have scales. This is to remind them that the females can soar above their heads, and are therefore the higher of the two. However, the males possess a higher honor by all being equip with mermaid tails just like their Goddess. A male can elect to walk on land, giving up his tail in the process. The moment he leaves the water his tail shifts painfully into Human legs. If he does this, however, he is shunned, seen as not worthy of the Goddess or sacrifice. No Seiren is allowed contact with this man, and his magic leaves him when his tail does.
  23. Strength(s):
  25. Water is the biggest strength a Seiren can hope to come across. All their magic is enhanced while they are in water. Their scales hold a great deal of power, and submerging those scales in water increases any power they had to begin with. They are immune to Vampire and Shapeshifter viruses. Pure bloods are also immune to all other illnesses, but hybrids can contract Humans sicknesses. Most can resist Vampire mind tricks, but not all.
  27. Weaknesses(s):
  29. Men who lose their tail are weakened not only magically, but physically. Females who lose their scales suffer the same punishment. If either are exposed to dry air, it has the same effect if they were to lose their scales.
  31. Powers:
  33. Females can seduce most races through song. Some have visions of past or future. These visions temporarily paralyze them, and some suffer headaches and nausea. However, despite the side effects, those who can see the past or future are of higher rank than all but the Mother and Father. Both male and female can harness power of water, but not to the extent of the Leiy. Males can cure illnesses through their water harnessing. They can also lift curses and brew potions. These potions can work as wards, or can be used to heal.
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