
Le poop be back again

Jun 12th, 2016
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  1. xxNyxSangrealxx has joined the chat
  2. GoddessHeraSangreal has joined the chat
  3. Guest_SierraAntiqou has joined the chat
  4. Guest_KylanDeadMau5 has joined the chat
  5. xxNyxSangrealxx: Ashla.
  6. xxNyxSangrealxx: Things just got a little bit more interesting
  7. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Yeah, but only if you try to start something
  8. xxNyxSangrealxx: Yeah, I know. I won't.
  9. AshlaSnow: ello and wut i just came in to say hi to people but ok
  10. xxNyxSangrealxx: What's up? I didn't mean it exactly in a bad way
  11. AshlaSnow: Not muchhhh just bored and tiredd butttt my mind is to awake
  12. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: I'm getting a lot of sass from Levi
  13. xxNyxSangrealxx: I feel your boredom
  14. xxNyxSangrealxx: What now?
  15. AshlaSnow: why? whats up
  16. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: I asked him about his upcoming wedding if I could ask Ash and he goes "Um, sorry, I'm sorta already almost done planning it, I've picked her dress and my tux. The maids and grooms people."
  17. xxNyxSangrealxx: His wedding?
  18. AshlaSnow: huh he might just be upset last time he said you werent being nice to him but idk ill ask you guys do need to talk it out but you are invited so
  19. AshlaSnow: i just havent sent out any invites yet
  20. AshlaSnow: Levi is my Fiancee
  21. xxNyxSangrealxx: -She raises an eyebrow then begins counting her fingers and looks back up- Is that right?
  22. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: I wasn't be nice? I asked what happened between him and Neko. I can show you the messages through a screen shot.
  23. AshlaSnow: Yes
  24. AshlaSnow: oh that whole thinggggg yeahhh from what i heard neko was really clingy but idk much about it i tend not to get into things that have nothing to do with me
  25. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: It's also because she wouldn't sexually appease him
  26. xxNyxSangrealxx: Neko and...others but people move on differently. Neko told me everything was fine just a few days ago
  27. AshlaSnow: from what he told me that wasnt the case but again idk the whole story
  28. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: As we know, he is a habitual fibber and he does exaggerate when he doesn't get his way. But I like to watch him do that, it amuses me.
  29. AshlaSnow: also nyx is there a reason you were looking at me up and down
  30. xxNyxSangrealxx: I'm sorry?
  31. xxNyxSangrealxx: When did I do that?
  32. AshlaSnow: you looked me up and down
  33. AshlaSnow: when i said i was levi fiancee
  34. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: -He whispers- "She want the puhhh"
  35. xxNyxSangrealxx: No, I looked at my fingers then looked up
  36. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Oh, my bad
  37. AshlaSnow: okay then you said "is that right" as if you knew something
  38. GoddessHeraSangreal: (bk sorry call)
  39. Guest_SierraAntiqou: (ur fine)
  40. xxNyxSangrealxx: I know a lot of things like Mitochondria is the power house of the cell
  41. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Bill Nye.
  42. xxNyxSangrealxx: :P
  43. GoddessHeraSangreal: Leli knows something that obviously Kylan missed earlier
  44. AshlaSnow: are you going to stop acting like a child and tell me get something of your chest or maybe ill cut something out of your chect instead so start talking -holds sword thightly-
  45. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: I miss a lot of things.
  46. AshlaSnow: -while smiling-
  47. GoddessHeraSangreal: and I think she wants to say it
  48. xxNyxSangrealxx: -She smiles back- I love how you talk dirty to me, Ashla
  49. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Cat fight. -He crosses his finger-
  50. xxNyxSangrealxx: On a serious note, I have little to nothing to say
  51. GoddessHeraSangreal: Ashla, Levi asked me out just the night before last
  52. AshlaSnow: -pulls out sword and holds it to her neck while she is sitting- is it really worth your life? it took a second to put a sword at your throat what do think will happen in the next second
  53. GoddessHeraSangreal: i didnt know he was wit sar n he said smehing bout hndeling you but i wasnt paying ttention i had a lot going on here
  54. GoddessHeraSangreal: -she waves her hand as the srds disapear frm Ashla;s hands and ppear softly on the table- This place is proteced. We don' die here
  55. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Ash, is the bar and open bar in the Tavern? -He makes his eyes pretty-
  56. GoddessHeraSangreal: Don't*
  57. xxNyxSangrealxx: -She shrugs- Depends, really. -She puts a finger on the blade and pushes it down- I said my part. I'm not the one you should be agianst
  58. AshlaSnow: (yes)
  59. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [I'm so getting smashed.]
  60. AshlaSnow: (lol)
  61. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [Later of course, when I have down time.]
  62. AshlaSnow: -she flicked the sword cutting her finger slightly- be careful your mother may protect you here nut elsewhere is a dangerous thing
  63. GoddessHeraSangreal: Anyways, it was Nyx, (Leli) who informe me tody it was Sar
  64. GoddessHeraSangreal: and he was with you
  65. AshlaSnow: Sar?
  66. AshlaSnow: I havent talked to him in a bit
  67. xxNyxSangrealxx: Sar is Levi
  68. xxNyxSangrealxx: Did you not know that already?
  69. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: Vice versa
  70. xxNyxSangrealxx: Yeah, that
  71. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: -He winks-
  72. AshlaSnow: no hes actually not I talk to levi on skype XD
  73. xxNyxSangrealxx: Your point?
  74. xxNyxSangrealxx: ((Thank you, sir. I always need someone to correct my sentence errors))
  75. AshlaSnow: i have talked to sar on skype i have seen both in person they arent the same person XD
  76. xxNyxSangrealxx: Cool.
  77. AshlaSnow: in person i mean on cam but still
  78. Guest_KylanDeadMau5: [ siraun2 his skype ]
  79. GoddessHeraSangreal: Either way, he asked me out night before last and has tried pyuling me in romantic pc's
  80. GoddessHeraSangreal: Im lad to hear he isn' Sar but I dont want you hurt
  81. GoddessHeraSangreal: gld* isn't*
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