
princess adventures 4 Two idiots, two paths, Eva is on scene

Jun 10th, 2014
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  1. [23:05] <~Kroked> You all end up on a random planet in Eolian territory, you never bothered to check which
  2. [23:05] <~Kroked> the place IS pretty fantastic though
  3. [23:05] <~Kroked> it's full of towers and floating castles
  4. [23:05] <~Kroked> pretty crazy shit
  5. [23:09] <Remiel> "Amazing, I've never seen Castles like those before."
  6. [23:09] <Erina> "Neither have I this is nothing like back home!"
  7. [23:09] <Luna> "Castles, check, floating, check, these guys must be loaded!"
  8. [23:10] <Remiel> "Is money all you ever care about?"
  9. [23:10] <Erina> "Come to think of it.....I remember Spirit mentioning something about Eolas and us......something about our rel-something...."
  10. [23:10] <Erina> "Ah well, if I can't remember it it can't be all that important."
  11. [23:11] <~Kroked> Soul perks up "rel?"
  12. [23:11] <Luna> "Not all, there is food and sleep too"
  13. [23:12] <Erina> "Speaking of which, we should probably expand the ship. I'll go talk to the dock workers to see if there's anyone who can do it."
  14. [23:12] <~Kroked> Erina: go off to do that?
  15. [23:12] <Erina> "I mean, the upgrades will probably take a while and it looks like a fun place to explore in the meantime."
  16. [23:13] <Remiel> "I'll go with you."
  17. [23:14] <Erina> "Luna, do you wanna come with us?"
  18. [23:14] <Luna> "Dont see why itll take all of us to go ask, but sure why not."
  19. [23:15] <~Kroked> you all go do that
  20. [23:15] <Erina> "It's just fun walking around with more people. Plus, we can take the time to talk and get to know each other better."
  21. [23:15] <~Kroked> you talk to the engineers and end up deciding what you want done
  22. [23:15] <Luna> "Id rather find someone to sca.. i mean play with, but this works too"
  23. [23:16] <~Kroked> they say it will take 1 day to finish
  24. [23:16] <~Kroked> should be ready by tonight
  25. [23:16] * Remiel raises an eyebrow at luna.
  26. [23:17] <~Kroked> you than go and check out the giant city
  27. [23:18] * Erina wonders if Soul will notice the masculine translators people are wearing and call them out on the girly one they bought for him as a joke.
  28. [23:18] <~Kroked> he actually seems rather ok with it
  29. [23:18] <~Kroked> not a lot seems to faze him
  30. [23:18] <~Kroked> ,,,that or he's just thick
  31. [23:19] <Remiel> "So, where should we go first?"
  32. [23:19] <Luna> "This is your boat to run princess, where to?"
  33. [23:19] <~Kroked> "A bar or something right? isnt that where adventures go or something?"
  34. [23:19] <Remiel> "Princess?"
  35. [23:20] <Erina> " found out about that?"
  36. [23:20] <~Kroked> "...huh? I was joking"
  37. [23:20] * Erina begins to fiddle with her hair. "Not you...I mean Luna...."
  38. [23:21] <Erina> "But, um yeah! Let's go to a bar or something!"
  39. [23:21] <~Kroked> "Oh, uh Erina we weren't exactly... yeah let's just go"
  40. [23:21] * Remiel looks back and forth between Luna and Erina, a confused look is on her face.
  41. [23:21] <Erina> "......Are we allowed in a bar?"
  42. [23:21] <~Kroked> "...might as well try?"
  43. [23:22] <Luna> "Last i checked, they had strict age regulations in these terrortories"
  44. [23:22] <Luna> "So this prolly isnt going to work"
  45. [23:22] <Erina> "Um....."
  46. [23:23] * Erina walks up to the nearest passerby, "Hi, um. We're visiting here and was wondering if there was anything going on today? Any big events or something?"
  47. [23:24] <~Kroked> the rather well dressed man looks you up and down with a kind of... insulting look, as if you're barely worth his time "And why ask me? check a newspaper or something"
  48. [23:25] * Erina looks around for someone who looks 'friendlier'
  49. [23:25] * Remiel looks for the nearest newspaper stand.
  50. [23:26] <~Kroked> Erina: as you search, you lose track of Remiel
  51. [23:26] <~Kroked> Remiel: as you search, you lose track of Erina
  52. [23:27] * Luna watches the two girls go off in oppsite directions
  53. [23:27] <Luna> "Well, Soul, whos gonna take who?"
  54. [23:28] <~Kroked> Soul sighs "I'll go for Remi, you get Rina"
  55. [23:28] <~Kroked> he immediately heads off
  56. [23:28] <Luna> "Aint that a cute nickname"
  57. [23:28] * Luna runs after Erina
  58. [23:29] <~Kroked> Luna: it is... surprisingly hard to catch up to her
  59. [23:30] <~Kroked> the crowd keeps getting in your way, and you've gone a long ways before you finally do catch up
  60. [23:30] <Remiel> ((Won't be that hard to catch up with me.))
  61. [23:30] <~Kroked> at that point, you're hopelessly lost as well
  62. [23:30] <Luna> (even withmy dex and agi?)
  63. [23:30] <Luna> (screw that jump on a roof an follow her)
  64. [23:30] <Erina> "Why does no one look friendly here...."
  65. [23:31] <~Kroked> Erina: they all seem very high class
  66. [23:31] <~Kroked> they wear fine clothes and perfumes
  67. [23:32] <~Kroked> Luna: you'd climb a roof, but that'd look odd in a crowded street, dont you think?
  68. [23:33] <Luna> (if it lets me surpass the crowd then go for it)
  69. [23:34] * Erina briefly considers mentioning who she is to see people's reactions and whether it would get her the info she needs, but decides against it.
  70. [23:36] <~Kroked> Luna: you start climbing, their are plenty of handholds... and plenty of onlookers
  71. [23:36] <~Kroked> including Erina
  72. [23:36] <~Kroked> who notices you climbing a building
  73. [23:37] <Erina> "Hey Luna! What're you doing up there?"
  74. [23:37] <Luna> "Looking for you dummy, why did ya run off?"
  75. [23:37] <~Kroked> the bustle has slowly begun to slow to a halt
  76. [23:37] <~Kroked> all eyes are on both of you
  77. [23:37] <Erina> "I didn't run off! Everyone's right.......behind me....."
  78. [23:37] <Luna> "Right behind you about four blocks ago"
  79. [23:38] <Luna> "Hang on a sec ill come down to ya"
  80. [23:38] <Erina> "I'll catch you!"
  81. [23:38] * Erina holds her arms out
  82. [23:38] <Luna> "Yep, this wont end badly"
  83. [23:38] * Luna jumps down
  84. [23:39] <~Kroked> you catch luna
  85. [23:39] <~Kroked> and simultaneously a hand falls on your shoulder
  86. [23:40] * Erina tenses up
  87. [23:40] * Erina slowly turns to look at who it is
  88. [23:41] <~Kroked> "Ma'm, May I ask exactly what's going on here?" You see a man in fine robes, lined with Violet, marking him a as a Sorcerer of the the Royal Court of Eolas
  89. [23:43] <Erina> "Um, well you see....We're just visiting, and I got lost in the crowds, so she kinda jumped on the roof to look for me....I think."
  90. [23:43] * Luna whispers to Erina "Put me down, and say nothing about being you know what to this guy"
  91. [23:43] <Luna> "Sorry about that mister, was just looking for my friend here"
  92. [23:43] * Erina gently puts Luna down.
  93. [23:43] <~Kroked> he raises an eyebrow as he looks you up and down "Could I see your identification please?"
  94. [23:44] * Erina pulls out her wallet and rifles through it before producing her ID. "Sure here you go."
  95. [23:44] * Erina whispers to Luna, "What am I not supposed to mention?"
  96. [23:45] <~Kroked> the man looks at your id with a sigh
  97. [23:45] <Luna> whispers back "idiot put that away"
  98. [23:45] <~Kroked> and than freezes
  99. [23:45] <~Kroked> and pales
  100. [23:45] <Erina> "Um, sir. Are you alright?"
  101. [23:45] * Luna sighs
  102. [23:46] <~Kroked> "I-I'm sorry your majesty I d-didn't realize"
  103. [23:46] <Luna> "As you can see, shes a very unique case, now if you dont mind we will just be going on our way"
  104. [23:46] * Erina whispers, why'd you call me an idiot? He asked to see it."
  105. [23:46] * Luna whispers, "you do know what you are right? Dont just go around flashing that to anyone"
  106. [23:46] <Erina> "Ohhhhhhhhh.....right."
  107. [23:46] <~Kroked> "Of course! Shall I escort you? I assume you are going to visit the Empress?"
  108. [23:47] <Erina> "Ah, uhm..."
  109. [23:47] * Erina looks at Luna
  110. [23:48] <Luna> "No thats alright, we were just doing some sight seeing is all, dont mind us"
  111. [23:48] <Erina> "We're actually just here on vacation, I'm actually looking for a secret gift for my brother, so if possible could you not mention seeing me to anyone?"
  112. [23:49] <Erina> "I'll be sure to stop by and visit once I get my....proper attire."
  113. [23:49] <~Kroked> "Are you certain?"
  114. [23:50] <Erina> "Yes, I mean. It'd be rude to not look my best for a visit to the Empress, wouldn't it?"
  115. [23:53] <~Kroked> The man seems as if he wants to say something, but than rememebrs who he's in front of and nods :Of course, than I'll just inform her of your presence"
  116. [23:54] <Erina> "Thank you."
  117. [23:54] <~Kroked> the Man heads off
  118. [23:54] <~Kroked> meanwhile the crowd seems to be more wary of you
  119. [23:55] <~Kroked> they're DEFINITLY being more respectful now
  120. [23:55] <Luna> "Seriously what are we gonna do with you"
  121. [23:55] * Erina waves as the man heads off.
  122. [23:55] * Erina turns back to Luna as soon as he's out of sight.
  123. [23:55] <Erina> "We gotta hide Soul."
  125. ~Pause~
  127. [23:56] <~Kroked> Remiel: you are way lost
  128. [23:56] <~Kroked> like lost to hell
  129. [23:56] <~Kroked> WHY IS THIS PLACE SO BIG
  130. [23:56] <~Kroked> WHY IS THERE SO MANY PEOPLE
  131. [23:56] * Remiel suddenly looks around.
  132. [23:57] <~Kroked> WHY IS THE NARRATOR SHOUTING
  133. [23:57] * Remiel suddenly begins wondering where everyone is.
  134. [23:57] <~Kroked> Remiel: you feel a hand on your shoulder
  135. [23:57] * Remiel looks to see who it is.
  136. [23:57] <~Kroked> you se soul, panting, and looking extremely worn out
  137. [23:58] <Remiel> "Oh, Soul!"
  138. [23:58] <~Kroked> "You.... you're hard to keep up with... you know that?"
  139. [23:58] <Remiel> "I'm Sorry..."
  140. [23:59] <Remiel> "I was looking for a newspaper stand...but then I got lost."
  141. [23:59] <Remiel> ((by the way, I wouldn't by any chance be anywhere near one now, would I?))
  142. [00:00] <~Kroked> "You and Erina, both. Luna went after her and... now Im lost too."
  143. [00:00] <~Kroked> you ARE in fact close to one
  144. [00:00] <Remiel> "Oh...Sorry."
  145. [00:01] <Remiel> "Anyways, lemme just go buy a newspaper and then we can go look for them."
  146. [00:02] <~Kroked> "..." Soul sighs and holds a hand out towards you
  147. [00:03] * Remiel slowly grabs Soul's hand.
  148. [00:03] * Remiel and blushes a little.
  149. [00:04] <~Kroked> Soul blushes and looks away "Uh.... I uh... meant money"
  150. [00:04] <~Kroked> "I n-need money for the paper"
  151. [00:04] <Remiel> "o-oh."
  152. [00:04] * Remiel quickly retrieves her hand, her face is beet red.
  153. [00:05] * Remiel fumbles around with her wallet and retrieves a silver coin, holding it out to soul.
  154. [00:05] <~Kroked> Soul awkwardly scratches his head
  155. [00:05] <~Kroked> Soul quickly takes it off and rushes off to get a paper
  156. [00:06] * Remiel slaps her forehead. "Stupid, stupid, stupid!"
  157. [00:07] <~Kroked> Soul come back a moment later and awkwardly hand you the paper
  158. [00:07] * Remiel grabs the newspaper, avoiding eyecontact with soul.
  159. [00:07] <Remiel> "...thanks."
  160. [00:08] * Remiel scans the headlines for anything important.
  161. [00:08] <~Kroked> One thing does catch your eye
  162. [00:08] <~Kroked> you seem to be on EOlas
  163. [00:08] <~Kroked> not just in eolian territory
  164. [00:08] <~Kroked> on EOlas itself
  165. [00:09] <~Kroked> the Core planet
  166. [00:09] <Remiel> "Oh no..."
  167. [00:09] <~Kroked> "What is it?"
  168. [00:09] <Remiel> "We seem to be on the home planet of Eolas."
  169. [00:10] <Remiel> "...And you just so happen to be the spitting image of the King of Animus."
  170. [00:10] <~Kroked> ""
  171. [00:11] <~Kroked> Soul doesn't seem to have grasped the situation
  172. [00:11] <Remiel> "What would you think would happen if news got out that the ruler of a nation visited the capitol of another nation, and didn't pay the ruling family there a visit?"
  173. [00:12] <Remiel> "We have to get you a disguise, quick."
  174. [00:12] <~Kroked> "...OH!"
  175. [00:12] <~Kroked> "Oh shit"
  176. [00:13] <Remiel> "Shh!"
  177. [00:13] <Remiel> "Try to stay calm, we'll only attract more attention to ourselves!"
  178. [00:13] * Remiel attempts to casually look around.
  179. [00:13] <~Kroked> people look at you at the outburst, but go back to their buisness
  180. [00:15] * Remiel pulls off her hat and glasses, and hands them to Soul. "Here."
  181. [00:15] <Remiel> "This'll have to do for now."
  182. [00:15] <~Kroked> he just stares
  183. [00:15] <~Kroked> "This will never work
  184. [00:16] <Remiel> "I know... But do you have any other suggestions?"
  185. [00:17] <~Kroked> Soul sighs and takes them
  186. [00:18] <~Kroked> )roll 1d100+6
  187. [00:18] * Crunk --> "Kroked rolls 1d100+6 and gets 30."
  188. [00:18] <~Kroked> ...yeah it's not helping
  189. [00:19] <Remiel> "Yeah, you still look to much like yourself."
  190. [00:19] * Remiel looks around for a clothing shop
  191. [00:22] <~Kroked> you find one, it's... spendy
  192. [00:23] * Remiel sighs.
  193. [00:23] <Remiel> "It'll do..."
  194. [00:23] <~Kroked> you walk in?
  195. [00:24] <Remiel> ((Yes.))
  196. [00:24] <~Kroked> you head in and as you do you pass by an older man in robes marked with Violet Trim
  197. [00:24] <~Kroked> a Royal Sorcerer
  198. [00:25] * Remiel tenses.
  199. [00:26] <~Kroked> he passes you by
  200. [00:26] <~Kroked> ...and than freezes
  201. [00:26] <~Kroked> and turns around
  202. [00:27] <~Kroked> he looks at Soul
  203. [00:28] * Remiel silently swears.
  204. [00:29] <~Kroked> the mans eye's widen and he quickly bows "I apologize your highness I didn't recognize you!"
  205. [00:29] <~Kroked> SOul looks extremely confused
  206. [00:29] <Remiel> "...not good."
  207. [00:30] * Remiel quickly whispers to soul. "He's talking to you."
  208. [00:31] <~Kroked> SOul looks at the man and suddenly realizes what's happening "uhhh, no, it's... it's fine"
  209. [00:31] <~Kroked> "No it was a grievous error on my part Sire, is there /anything/ I can do to remedy this error?"
  210. [00:32] <~Kroked> "Uhhhh." Soul desperatly looks to you Remiel
  211. [00:32] <Remiel> "Just send him on his way..."
  212. [00:33] <~Kroked> "Uh, it;s nothing you can just... go away"
  213. [00:33] <~Kroked> "No no that wouldn't do! SHall I escort you to the palace? I assume you are here to meet the EMpress?"
  214. [00:35] <Remiel> "Just tell him to inform the empress."
  215. [00:35] <~Kroked> "Just uh... let her know I'll talk to her later:
  216. [00:35] <~Kroked> "Yes Sire immediatly"
  217. [00:36] <~Kroked> he heads of enthusiastically
  218. [00:36] * Remiel sighs.
  219. [00:36] <Remiel> "this is not going to end well..."
  220. [00:38] <Remiel> "Okay! New plan!"
  221. [00:40] <Remiel> "We're...Going to have to pass you off as your brother."
  222. [00:41] <~Kroked> "...What?!"
  223. [00:41] <~Kroked> "I can;t do that!"
  224. [00:41] <Remiel> "It's either that or we run away and cause one of the biggest scandals in history."
  225. [00:42] <Remiel> "And while plan B sounds really, REALLY good right now, tensions between Animus and Eolas are high enough already."
  226. [00:43] <~Kroked> "But what if I'm found out? Wouldn't that be a BIGGER scandal?"
  227. [00:43] <Remiel> "I don't know!"
  228. [00:43] <Remiel> "What if..."
  229. [00:44] <Remiel> "What if...we convince the Empress to keep it a secret?"
  230. [00:45] <~Kroked> "... /That's/ your plan?"
  231. [00:45] <Remiel> "On Eolas, they have a saying."
  232. [00:45] <Remiel> "Knowledge is Power."
  233. [00:45] <~Kroked> "Yes,and if we tell them, they have power"
  234. [00:46] <~Kroked> "OVER US"
  235. [00:48] <Remiel> "'re right...oh...I wish Erina was here."
  236. [00:49] <~Kroked> as if on cue
  237. [00:49] <~Kroked> you see Erina in the distance
  238. [00:50] * Erina runs up to the familiar faces.
  239. [00:51] <Luna> "Remiel! Soul! Hurry we have to get the hell out of here! Now!"
  240. [00:51] <Remiel> "We have a bigger problem than that!"
  241. [00:51] <Luna> "This idiot flashed her id to some higher up in purple robes"
  242. [00:52] <Remiel> "I'm afraid it's a lot worse than that, now."
  243. [00:52] <Erina> "But he only asked for it after you climbed on a roof."
  244. [00:52] <~Kroked> "...."
  245. [00:52] <Luna> "Details, whats worse then them seeing a princess from another nation?"
  246. [00:52] <Remiel> "One of them has mistaken Soul for the King."
  247. [00:52] <Luna> "...Well, shit"
  248. [00:53] <~Kroked> :...Man tis shit is so ridiculous"
  249. [00:53] <~Kroked> "Just insane"
  250. [00:53] <~Kroked> "Is this really not a dream?"
  251. [00:53] * Luna pinches Soul
  252. [00:53] <~Kroked> "OW!"
  253. [00:53] <Luna> "Get it together, only option now is to get the heck off this planet"
  254. [00:53] <Remiel> "No!"
  255. [00:54] <Luna> "AND why not?!"
  256. [00:54] <Erina> "We could always tell them that he lost his voice looking for us......We just need to temporarily damage his throat for the short time we'll be paying our respects to the Empress."
  257. [00:54] <Luna> "Temporarily damage Soul huh..."
  258. [00:54] * Luna cracks her knuckles
  259. [00:54] <~Kroked> Soul backs away nervously
  260. [00:55] <~Kroked> "Woah woah, don't I get a say in this?"
  261. [00:55] * Remiel stands in front of Soul
  262. [00:55] <Erina> "It's this, or an elaborate lie."
  263. [00:55] <Luna> "Common, this'll only hurt for a second, then a few days, maybe a week"
  264. [00:55] <Remiel> "It's already an elaborate Lie!"
  265. [00:56] <Erina> "Maybe we can say he caught a cold and didn't want to give it to the empress?"
  266. [00:56] <Remiel> "And what if the damage you cause is irreversible!"
  267. [00:56] <Luna> "Oh i wont, and if either of you got a better plan id love to hear it. I still say we run."
  268. [00:56] * Remiel turns around
  269. [00:57] <Erina> "I'm not saying we seriously hurt him....just a throat punch...or getting him to yell for a few hours."
  270. [00:57] <Remiel> "What do you think, Soul?"
  271. [00:57] <Luna> "I vote for the throat punch!"
  272. [00:57] <~Kroked> "NO!"
  273. [00:57] <Erina> "OH CRAP!"
  274. [00:57] <Luna> "Aww whats a matter soul, afraid of alittle girl?"
  275. [00:58] <Erina> "I just remembered how high the tensions are between Animus and Eolas..........."
  276. [00:58] <Remiel> "Exactly."
  277. [00:58] <Luna> "...You are just now remembering that?"
  278. [00:58] <Erina> "Uh....Luna? There's no way we're getting out of this."
  279. [00:58] <Erina> "Whoops?"
  280. [00:58] <Luna> "Ugh.. well i tried, can i still punch him?"
  281. [00:58] <Remiel> "No!"
  282. [00:59] <Erina> "Do you want to be arrested for assaulting a king?"
  283. [00:59] * Luna poutes
  284. [00:59] <Luna> "It would be worth it"
  285. [00:59] <Luna> "So what ARE we going to do"
  286. [00:59] <Remiel> "It'd probably turn into assassination charges."
  287. [00:59] <~Kroked> Soul subconciously rubs his throat
  288. [01:00] <Erina> "I'm sorry Soul...I just don't know what to do, and the REAL Spirit might figure out we're here, and well this is all going really badly....."
  289. [01:00] <Erina> "I never thought that the place I randomly chose to land at would be here......"
  290. [01:01] <Luna> "Well heres a question, can you act kingly enough long enough for us not to get killed soul?"
  291. [01:01] <~Kroked> Luna: Erina Remiel there is suddenly a person in front of you
  292. [01:02] <Remiel> ((Do we recognize the person?))
  293. [01:02] * Luna tensses up
  294. [01:02] <~Kroked> Person describe yourself
  295. [01:03] <Remiel> ((Person?))
  296. [01:04] <~Kroked> Evangeline: describe yourself if you please
  297. [01:08] * Evangeline stands before the group in a lacy gothic lolita dress, the black fabric attempting to conceal twin moons. Violet eyes framed with dark hair, the woman smiles with utter glee, as if everything is for her enjoyment. Her right hand rests next to the whip on her hip, and her left hand holds an ornate fan.
  298. [01:08] <Evangeline> "Helllloooooooooooooo, there! How are you doing today?"
  299. [01:09] <~Kroked> Soul just... stares
  300. [01:09] * Luna whispers "Guys, we need to run, now"
  301. [01:09] <~Kroked> Erina: you recognize the woman, you've only seen her once or twice but...
  302. [01:09] <~Kroked> she's hard to forget
  303. [01:09] <~Kroked> VERY hard to forget
  304. [01:10] <Erina> "H-hello Evangeline."
  305. [01:10] <Remiel> ((Does the name ring any bells?))
  306. [01:11] <~Kroked> Evangeline: their is in fact, a Man here who looks Exactly like King Spirit
  307. [01:11] <~Kroked> Remiel: yes
  308. [01:11] <~Kroked> ...but you can tell it's not him
  309. [01:11] * Evangeline frowns
  310. [01:11] <~Kroked> it DOES look just like him, could be his twin even
  311. [01:12] <~Kroked> but his bearing is different
  312. [01:12] <Evangeline> "You're not the king. Ugh. Good help is so hard to find these days."
  313. [01:12] * Remiel quickly bows. "Your highness!"
  314. [01:12] <~Kroked> Soul just looks really really confused "Wh...what's going on /now/?"
  315. [01:13] * Evangeline snaps her fingers to call the attention of one of the nearby spies
  316. [01:13] <~Kroked> a man walks out from the shadows
  317. [01:13] <Erina> "Uhm...Guys, this is Evangeline, the sister that declined the Eolas throne."
  318. [01:13] * Evangeline points at Soul
  319. [01:13] <Evangeline> " NOT the king of Eolas."
  320. [01:13] <Evangeline> "He doesn't even carry himself like royalty. I don't have to stare at his soul to know that."
  321. [01:13] <Erina> "W-wait.....why were you looking for my brother?"
  322. [01:14] <Evangeline> "In addition, you failed to report that he was with the princess."
  323. [01:14] <Evangeline> "Please do try harder in the future."
  324. [01:14] <Evangeline> "You are dismissed."
  325. [01:14] <~Kroked> the man just kinda... looks at you at a loss and walks oof
  326. [01:14] <~Kroked> poor fool didnt even get a chance to speak
  327. [01:15] * Evangeline turns to the group, beaming
  328. [01:15] * Evangeline hugs Erina tightly
  329. [01:15] <Erina> "Awawawawawawa."
  330. [01:15] <Evangeline> "OH it's WONDERFUL to see you again, dear. I was worried you'd taken a leaf out of my book and decided to flee the castle or something."
  331. [01:16] * Erina squirms for a bit before returning the hug.
  332. [01:16] <Erina> "Uhm....funny story about that."
  333. [01:16] * Evangeline stops hugging Erina and looks at Luna
  334. [01:16] * Evangeline thinks for a moment
  335. [01:16] * Luna stiffens
  336. [01:16] <Evangeline> "...aren't you...AH YES. The Tagalong."
  337. [01:16] * Luna looks for a qucik way out
  338. [01:17] <Luna> "uhh.. ya about that"
  339. [01:17] <Evangeline> "Wait, no."
  340. [01:17] * Evangeline turns to Remiel
  341. [01:18] <Evangeline> "You. You're the tagalong."
  342. [01:18] * Luna sighs in relief
  343. [01:18] <~Kroked> SOul just continues to boggle vacantly at these shennanigans
  344. [01:18] <Evangeline> "I'm confused. It really doesn't matter. You're all now tagalongs of Erina anyway."
  345. [01:19] <Remiel> "Um...It's a pleasure to see you again...Your highness...""
  346. [01:20] <Evangeline> "Right, so, then. What brings you here to Eolas?"
  347. [01:20] <Erina> "Uhm, Evangeline. Would it be possible for you not to mention seeing us to Spirit?"
  348. [01:20] <Evangeline> "On an adventure?"
  349. [01:21] <Evangeline> " want me to do you a favor? Now, dearie, surely you know how costly that could be."
  350. [01:21] <~Kroked> SOul suddenly speaks up "Knowledge is power here right?"
  351. [01:22] <~Kroked> "How about we trade you information?"
  352. [01:22] <Erina> "R-right.....Well you know how Spirit is with me....I just couldn't take staying in the castle for the rest of my life so I kinda........ran away."
  353. [01:23] <Evangeline> "Besides, even if we made a deal, I guarantee you that 15 seconds ago one of my sister's spies flitted off to tell her."
  354. [01:23] <Evangeline> "That is, if they want to ensure their job security, anyway."
  355. [01:24] <Evangeline> "But I'm curious! What information could you have that I don't already have?"
  356. [01:25] <~Kroked> "The Kings Brother is alive, and around."
  357. [01:25] <Evangeline> "And it's you, I take it?"
  358. [01:26] <~Kroked> "Soul Vains" he nods his head, his cat eared beanie he forgot he was wearing falling off his head
  359. [01:27] * Remiel scrambles to pick it up.
  360. [01:28] * Evangeline leans in towards Soul and squints, looking him over
  361. [01:28] <Remiel> " got dirt on it.
  362. [01:28] <Evangeline> "How boring, you don't even have an interesting character model. I bet you'll be dead before the third act."
  363. [01:29] <~Kroked> Soul seems taken aback at that
  364. [01:29] <~Kroked> Evangeline: at this range you can see white roots in his hair
  365. [01:30] <Erina> "N-not if I can help it."
  366. [01:30] <Evangeline> "Eugh. This render job is terri-OH right."
  367. [01:30] <Evangeline> "Yes."
  368. [01:30] <Evangeline> "Let's not have the man killed too quickly, then."
  369. [01:31] <Erina> "I'll make sure Soul survives..."
  370. [01:31] <Evangeline> "With me, then."
  371. [01:31] <Erina> "H-huh?"
  372. [01:32] * Luna whispers to the others "Guys, seriously, we have to run, now!"
  373. [01:32] <Evangeline> "Back to the palace, or back to your ship. Pick one and let us away."
  374. [01:32] * Luna whispers "If the stories are right, this chick eats suns for a snack and wipes out whole planets with the wave of her hand"
  375. [01:32] * Luna whispers "we have to go now"
  376. [01:32] <~Kroked> Soul looks from Erina to Remiel
  377. [01:33] * Evangeline lights up like fireworks
  378. [01:33] <Evangeline> "Are the stories about me really that fearful?!"
  379. [01:33] * Luna eeps
  380. [01:33] <Evangeline> "Do go on."
  381. [01:33] <Erina> "Well our ship's in for upgrades and it won't be done for a while. I was going to grab my dress and head towards the palace so we could pay our respects."
  382. [01:33] <Luna> "U-Uh noo.. ofcourse not.."
  383. [01:34] <Erina> "So we just need to stop at the docks and grab it from the storage real quick."
  384. [01:34] * Remiel walks over to Luna and gives her a pat on the shoulder.
  385. [01:34] <Evangeline> "No, really, it'd be nice to hear what stories I'm told about. I mean, I have to go to Animus anyway."
  386. [01:35] <Evangeline> "The least I could do is show up as a baby-eater or something."
  387. [01:35] <Luna> "T-they are just silly stories i heard back at home.. dont pay me no mind"
  388. [01:36] <Remiel> "It's too late, she's already taken an interest in you."
  389. [01:41] <Erina> "So uhm, Evangeline. Why don't we stop by our ship so we can get dressed then we'll follow you to the palace."
  390. [01:43] <Evangeline> "No, you're going to tell me about these wonderful stories on the way."
  391. [01:44] <Luna> "Um-m.. sorry but the only thing on my mind right now is..."
  392. [01:45] * Luna dashes for the door in an attempt to escape
  393. [01:45] <~Kroked> soul grabs you by the arm
  394. [01:45] <~Kroked> he gives you a look that says "If we have to suffer, so do you"
  395. [01:45] <Luna> "Whats with you sticky fingers, let me gooooo"
  396. [01:46] * Luna starts to tear up and gives Soul them puppy dog eyes
  397. [01:46] <Remiel> "You have to remember... She LIKES you."
  398. [01:46] <Erina> "I've never heard those stories before. No one really brought them up back home, so I only know what Spirit told me here and there and what I learned those times I met you."
  399. [01:46] * Luna curses incoherently under her breath
  400. [01:46] <Evangeline> "Tell you what: Tell me your stories, and I'll tell you what parts of them are true."
  401. [01:46] <Erina> "Uhm, Remi, Luna, have you two heard any?"
  402. [01:47] <Evangeline> "That way you'll hopefully stop being afraid of me for fake reasons."
  403. [01:47] <Luna> "Too scared, must run.."
  404. [01:47] <~Kroked> you guys decide to just head off, Luna hesitantly telling stories the entir way while Soul keeps a grip on her arm
  405. [01:47] <~Kroked> end session
  407. ~Pause~
  409. [01:47] <~Kroked> wooooo
  410. [01:47] <Luna> (HA)
  411. [01:47] <~Kroked> 25 exp for everyone
  412. [01:47] <Erina> Yaaaaaay
  413. [01:48] <Erina> Next session is the Violet intro and a chance to break out the Princess Dress
  414. [01:49] <~Kroked> pffft
  415. [01:49] <Luna> stories include: eva useing planets as poolballs in a glactic sized pooltable, entire sector of lords bathing her with gold daily, blackholes running away from her, kicking kittens, blowing up planets with a sneeze, not needing to breath or eat and is nigh on immortal
  416. [01:50] <~Kroked> XD
  417. [01:50] <~Kroked> welp i need sleep
  418. [01:50] <~Kroked> night
  419. [01:50] <Luna> she is the bump in the night
  420. [01:50] <Luna> the terror all little girls fear
  421. [01:50] <Erina> Night Kroked
  422. [01:50] <Luna> she visits you in the dead of night if you EVER hold hands
  423. [01:50] <Erina> ......Oh shit
  424. [01:50] <Erina> I just realized something
  425. [01:51] <Evangeline> I've decided at least 2 of those things actually happened.
  426. [01:51] <Erina> Spirit could have people there waiting for us the moment we walk in thanks to the gates
  427. [01:51] <Evangeline> Two of the stories at random.
  428. [01:52] <Erina> I'm guessing 1 and 3
  429. [01:52] <Evangeline> $roll 1 d 10
  430. [01:52] <&JapanBot> Evangeline rolled 9
  431. [01:52] <Luna> plz be kicking kitties
  432. [01:52] <Evangeline> $roll 1 d 10
  433. [01:52] <&JapanBot> Evangeline rolled 6
  434. [01:53] <Evangeline> Wait shit I can't count
  435. [01:53] <Luna> ha
  436. [01:53] <Evangeline> $roll 2 d 7
  437. [01:53] <Erina> Isn't there only 6 of them?
  438. [01:53] <&JapanBot> Evangeline rolled 5
  439. [01:53] <&JapanBot> Evangeline rolled 5
  440. [01:53] <Remiel> Kroked didn't answer any of my questions that I pmed him.
  441. [01:53] <Evangeline> $roll 1 d 7
  442. [01:53] <&JapanBot> Evangeline rolled 3
  443. [01:53] <Erina> 8 if you break the last one down
  444. [01:53] <Remiel> what?
  445. [01:53] <Evangeline> Eva had herself bathed in gold by a bunch of lords and kicked a kitten at least once each.
  446. [01:53] <Evangeline> Canon.
  447. [01:53] <Erina> Awesome
  448. [01:54] <Luna> you count right?
  449. [01:54] * Erina is now known as Saia
  450. [01:54] <Saia> .....fuck
  451. [01:54] <Luna> blackholes is three and sneeze is 5
  452. [01:54] <Croaker> man, this is going to be weird
  453. [01:54] <Saia> I blame the lack of food for 29 hours
  454. [01:54] <Evangeline> You forgot the one from earlier
  455. [01:54] <Luna> oh ya...
  456. [01:54] * Remiel is now known as Frederick
  457. [01:54] <Evangeline> About eating suns and wiping out planets with a handwave
  458. [01:54] <Luna> welp
  459. [01:54] <Evangeline> Or were you hoping for that one?
  460. [01:54] <Luna> iv created a monster
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