
Canter U: Day X1 Saturday [Worlds of Trouble]

Nov 10th, 2013
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  1. “Anon! Come on, let’s go!”
  2. >You shake your head and step out of the taxi and walk next to Twilight, holding her hand.
  3. >You see nothing but Teemo and Rammus hats and decently large Asians as far as the eye can see.
  4. >The Staples Center!
  5. >Never been too big of a fan of the Lakers… let alone the NBA in general.
  6. >That’s for the /sp/artans.
  7. >Luckily there’s no giant size pictures of Steve Nash or Pau Gasol…
  8. >Or… Kobe for that matter. No achilles, no standing.
  9. >But for Riot to host the League of Legends World Championships here?
  10. >Unreal.
  11. “Wow, this is a huge stadium! We don’t have anything like this back where I’m from.”
  12. >Where exactly is she from? Hard to believe you don’t know where your girlfriend’s from.
  13. >Twilight squeezes your hand tighter as you cross Figueroa, moving closer to the front gate.
  14. >Amidst all the people, there’s a handful of street performers, and people with big ass signs that say “Gays and bronies are the same and are crimes against Christianity.”
  15. >You recall reading that verse in the Bible once.
  16. >But then again you probably should confer with Applejack about that one.
  17. “Whoa! Who’s that?”
  18. >Twilight lets go of your hand and runs over to the large statue of Oscar De La Hoya.
  19. >You slowly follow her and take pictures.
  20. >Selfie Saturday.
  21. >There’s still a couple hours to kill before the match starts.
  23. A. Inside the stadium.
  24. B. Get food.
  25. C. Outside the stadium.
  27. >Damn right you’re hungry.
  28. >The trip here to LA definitely wasn’t all that short.
  29. >Fem’s such a good friend for making that journey to CU.
  30. >You would’ve texted her to hang out with you, but it always seems like you’re trying to make her meet your girlfriend(s)...
  31. >D-dash…
  32. >Ahem.
  33. >Not gonna take that risk.
  34. >Plus Fem doesn’t like League so that’s all good.
  35. >You’re totally cool being here with Twilight.
  36. >She looks at you and smiles.
  37. >Your stomach rumbles…
  38. >Right, food.
  39. >After exploring the Nokia Plaza, and finding absolutely nothing within your price range, you and Twilight enter the stadium, hoping to find something cheap to eat.
  40. >Sporting venue food is always good, right?
  41. “I don’t care, I’m so hungry, I could eat a horse!”
  42. >Twilight laughs hysterically at her own joke.
  43. >If only she knew.
  44. >The inside of the stadium is decorated with a mixture of purple, gold, blue, red, and black…
  45. >And it’s starting to fill up with people too.
  46. >You wait patiently in line for your food with Twilight, who’s rocking back and forth on her toes.
  47. >S-should you say something?
  48. >Don’t wanna be too awkward on your first date, right?
  49. >Well, not first first date, but… y’know.
  51. A. small talk
  52. B. business
  53. C. bizness
  55. Or free response, specify please.
  58. >So… what does Twilight want to eat?
  59. “Not sure. Definitely not horse though.”
  60. >She shrugs.
  61. >How about chicken?
  62. “Chicken sounds nice…”
  63. >Male chicken?
  64. “How am I supposed to know if it’s male?”
  65. >Does she like her chicken rare or well done?
  66. “Anon what are yo-... If you don’t cook chicken long enough, you could get sick with salmonella enterica! Are you crazy?”
  67. [spoiler]>memorizing exact nomenclature
  68. >lol what a nerd[/spoiler]
  69. >So… well done then.
  70. >She sighs. Somewhere between confused and frustrated.
  71. “Yes Anon, well done male chicken. But they only serve chicken strips here!”
  72. >So… hard cock then.
  73. >Twilight blushes madly and hits you on the arm.
  74. >But it’s a girly nerd hit, so it you only [spoiler]cry for 20 minutes.[/spoiler]
  75. >You reach the front of the line and order some chicken strips and a hot dog.
  76. >Because hot dogs would’ve been the easier dirty joke material to work with.
  77. >Twilight doesn’t even say thank you and takes your food.
  78. >Uh-oh.
  80. A. Take your seats
  81. B. Explore the stadium
  82. C. Twilight
  83. >Gotta avoid the subject.
  84. >You paid a butt ton for these tickets. Don’t wanna ruin the experience by having your girlfriend mad at you.
  85. >You approach Twilight slowly as she noms on some fried cock.
  86. >So who does she think is gonna win? SKT or Royal Club?
  87. >She keeps eating.
  88. >That Faker doe… 2gud4me.
  89. >Wonder who they’re going to pick…
  90. >...
  91. “Are you even going to say sorry?”
  92. >S-sorry?
  93. >Her stern look turns into a smile.
  94. [spoiler]Since this is spinoff… you guys are on easy mode.[/spoiler]
  95. “Wow Anon… I can’t believe I played you like that… I had no idea girls had this… power!”
  96. >Yeah, girl power.
  97. >It’s like she hasn’t been a girl her entire lif-... oh shit.
  98. >Is Twilight a girl?
  99. >Panic mode engage.
  100. “Want some of this hard cock?”
  101. >Twilight takes out a chicken strip and holds it, giggling at what she had just said.
  102. >Oh man… you can’t take any more of this tension.
  103. >It’s gonna kill you.
  105. >You enter the stadium, and see the huge stadium with all the cool lights and shit.
  106. >At least you have decent seats.
  107. >The big center scoreboard is showing some really cool lights as some shitty stock electro dub music is playing.
  108. >Nothing but Teemo hats, signs and Asians.
  109. >Your phone vibrates.
  110. Fem: Have fun. :P
  111. >Yeah sure.
  112. >You and Twilight sit down and focus on your food.
  114. A. continue eating
  115. B. Twilight
  116. C. phone check
  117. D. talk to strangers
  119. >You pound down your hot dog and do a quick tongue check for any lingering plaque.
  120. >Don’t wanna make any bad impressions on the people sitting next to you.
  121. >You turn to your right.
  122. >Is that…
  123. >Kobe Bryant?
  124. >What’s he doing he-
  125. >Oh… it’s not Kobe.
  126. >Just a rather tall and athletic looking black man.
  127. >These kind of people play League?
  128. >No wonder why you get feeders every game.
  129. >Racism University.
  130. >What’s his name?
  131. “Cody! Cody Brians.”
  132. >He shakes your hand.
  133. >Rather firm grip.
  134. >All the better to land skillshots with.
  135. “And before y’all ask, I do come here often.”
  136. >Wonder if you can call him “nigga”.
  137. >Maybe.
  139. A. Keep talking to him.
  140. B. Twilight
  141. C. Center Stage.
  143. >How long has he been playing League?
  144. “Oh, y’know… 1996.”
  145. >wow much cool
  146. >What’s he ranked?
  147. “Gold I. I’m not trying to get into Diamond any time soon.”
  148. >But… post season rewards are so cool.
  149. “I know man, I know… but I ain’t about that life. I wish I could have bolf doe.”
  150. >So black.
  151. >So very black.
  152. >...[spoiler]Yeah, I’m off my game.[/spoiler]
  153. >What’s his in game name?
  154. “BlackMamba24… y’all should add me after the game. I wouldn’t mind playing with a fan.”
  155. >Silly Cody…
  156. [spoiler]>Fans can’t play video games.[/spoiler]
  158. “Anon! Look, it’s starting!”
  159. >Silence, noise, then lights.
  160. >The stage lights up, as some really whyboner material comes onto the stage.
  161. >Some chunky girl in lingerie plays an electric cello seductively.
  162. >Gross.
  163. >And… fake Daft Punk plays music really loud.
  164. >how cool much skill
  166. A. Twilight
  167. B. more strangers
  168. C. Keep watching the show
  170. >Twilight watches on.
  171. >And she looks… disgusted.
  172. “What the heck is this about? This isn’t League!”
  173. >You roll your eyes and agree with her.
  174. >This is pretty dumb.
  175. >You paid a shitton of money to watch 10 asians right click furiously.
  176. >And you could’ve easily done that for free in college.
  177. >You didn’t pay to see this… music.
  178. >The lights are cool.
  179. >And the atmosphere’s awesome…
  180. >And… damn, you’re hyped…
  181. >They play their last big note and the lights scan the crowd.
  182. >A huge roar.
  183. “Okay! Now, summoners! Presenting the teams for tonight!”
  184. >Twilight bounces excitedly in her chair.
  185. >Weird to see her so passionate about something.
  186. >The ten Asians walk out on the stage.
  187. >They’re waving to everybody like all Asians would…
  188. >...
  189. >Um.
  190. >[spoiler]Fried rice combo[/spoiler]
  191. “Lee Jyun Park!”
  192. >The short Asian waves his hand an-
  193. >Oh shit! He took a spill.
  194. >Off the stage.
  195. “Oh my gosh! Is he okay?”
  196. >Twilight cups her mouth in shock.
  197. >He stands up, but… oh LORDY HIS ARM.
  198. >It’s like…^v all over the fuckin’ place…
  199. >You see the MC trying to give the signal to cut the cameras.
  200. “And…. we’ll be right back!”
  203. “And we’re back! And we have a sub for SK Telecom!”
  204. >The MC points his hand to off stage.
  205. “xPike!”
  206. >xPeke?
  207. >”Spike?”
  208. >Oh shit… no way…
  209. >Spike?
  210. >You turn to someone behind you, the sheer excitement.
  211. >You were roomies with that guy in freshman year!”
  212. >No fucking way!
  213. “I… huh?”
  214. >Twilight’s stunned.
  216. >Not sure if you should be…
  218. A. Mad
  219. B. Jealous
  220. C. Proud
  222. >Damn right you’re proud of him!
  223. >He gave up the normal life.
  224. >And chased the dream.
  225. >That short little motherfucker.
  226. >Hard to make him out from up here.
  227. >N-not that you’d wanna make out with him or anything.
  228. [spoiler]I really can’t write anything but tsundere.[/spoiler]
  229. >But… he did it.
  230. >Made it to the biggest stage of League e-sports.
  231. >And you’re damn proud of him.
  232. >You remember when you used to support for him.
  233. >And when you stole his pentakill.
  234. >And… that one time you [spoiler]fucked that girl that he liked on your current girlfriend’s bed.[/spoiler]
  235. >But who gives a shit about that? He’s probably fucking millions of girls.
  236. >You look at Twilight.
  237. >Can’t say a million is quite where you’re at.
  239. >The game starts.
  240. >Now he’s gonna carry his team to victory.
  241. >He’s gonna destroy that Royal Club midlaner, and be the number one.
  242. >Schmidtywerberjaeger man Jensen.
  243. >Everyone’s gonna cheer when he gets first blood.
  244. >And everyone’s gonna be excited when he teleports in.
  245. >And FUCK YEAH! It’s gonna be great!
  246. “First blood!”
  248. >Spike… gave up first blood…
  249. >And second.
  250. >And third.
  252. >Twilight’s shouting only adds to the decibel level of the auditorium.
  253. >Staples Center. So cool.
  254. >You thought he was gonna be the best.
  255. >Like no one ever was.
  256. >He was gonna bring honor to your CanterU famiry…
  257. >And rise to the top. Shining glory.
  259. >They lose the first game.
  260. “Don’t worry Spike! It’s just the first ga-”
  261. >And the second.
  262. “Keep your head up Spike! You’re not gonna lose this on-”
  263. >And the third.
  264. >The MC comes up and announces the opposing team the world champions of League of Legends.
  265. >Not like that means much.
  266. “And here’s your one million dollars.”
  270. A. Go find Spike
  271. B. Head home and [spoiler]make sex with Twilight[/spoiler]
  272. C. Hatch plan to steal money.
  274. >Time for money.
  275. >Nice to see the methods haven’t changed.
  276. >All the crews, the roles, don’t wanna leave evidence behind on a hard drive.
  277. >Well, mapping out all the options, and showing you all the angles, that’s my area of expertise.
  278. >But as for making decisions…
  279. >That’s your domain, my friends.
  280. >Here.
  281. >There’s two ways I see of doing this…
  282. >We go in smart…
  283. >or…
  284. >We go in loud and dumb.
  285. >Remember the decorations?
  286. >We could use those as a distraction… then take the money and run.
  287. >The cover is stage crew, so no one will look twice when you’re taking any of the banners.
  288. >That means getting a uniform though.
  289. >Go in dumb and you’ll need your famous way with people and four carbine rifles.
  290. >We can’t buy them and risk them getting traced. No, no, no…. we’ve got to find some in circulation.
  291. >It’s awkward… but this is the gun favored by LAPD tactical teams… so security is a good place to look.
  292. >The exit strat is about the same. Bikes for running through the new subway tunnel they have on the 210.
  293. >So how do you wanna do this?
  295. A. Run in through the front door
  296. B. Try to play it smart.
  297. C. Find Spike.
  299. >Alrighty… four carbines, eh?
  300. >That’s two for each hand.
  301. >Unless you can get Twilight in this.
  302. >Then it’s one for each hand.
  303. >T-twilight?
  304. >Well… she’s gone.
  305. >What about Cody Brians?
  306. >He’s…. not here either.
  307. >Odd.
  308. >You stand up out of your seat and make your way to the security office.
  309. >They’ve got to have guns in there.
  310. >Sweet, the door’s open.
  311. >You peek your head in, see nobody and enter the office.
  312. >And… there’s a gun safe.
  313. >No bigger than a middle school locker, but… maybe the gun has a foldable stock?
  314. >And… it’s open?
  315. >You reach inside and pull out what appears to be a Tec-9.
  316. >Well… this’ll have to do.
  317. >You slide it into the inside of your hoodie, and make your way back to the auditorium.
  318. >And you shoot a couple into the air.
  319. >Everyone runs, screaming in terror.
  320. >You demand money. Right no-
  321. >And you’re falling.
  322. >The last thing you ever hear was the sound of a gunshot.
  323. >Sweet dreams… baby.
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