
Girls Night

Nov 4th, 2017
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  1. Tsaaq: Hayley was upstairs in her bedroom, lighting all her candles while Hera followed her around. She chewed the skin of her lower lip as she went to open her bedroom door to see who was around. Nobody as far as she could see.
  2. Covet: Tae pulled up to the house in her mom's car and parked it. Taking out her phone she sent a message to Hayley, -txt- Hey! I'm here, meet you at the door?-Tae. She got out and tucked the keys into her bag, along with her phone, because tonight was a night just for the two of them to hang out.
  3. Tsaaq: Hayley heard her phone go off and picked up Hera as she jogged down the stairs. Hayley opened the front door and waved Tae inside. "Hey. Lock the door behind you." She instructed as she scratched the back off Hera's furry head.
  4. Covet: "Hey, yeah, got it." She said locking the door, "Isn't this a community sort of house? Why the locked doors?" She asked curiously as she looked at the cat, and reached out to pet her as well.
  5. Tsaaq: She cleared her throat as she combed some of her hair behind her ear and went towards the stairs and slowly went up them. "Yeah... We've been robbed before. And guys broke in here before that so I usually just lock the door. So does almost eveyrbody else."
  6. Covet: "Shit, that's pretty intense. I see why everyone would." Tae said following Hayley up the stairs, "How was your day? Did you have class?" She asked choosing to change the subject to something a little less bleh.
  7. Tsaaq: "Yeah. Classes were okay. I have to do stupid homework but I have all weekend for that." She replied, putting Hera down and letting her run under her bed. Hayley went to let Tae walk into her bedroom after her so she could close the door. Hayley went to sit on the floor.
  8. Covet: "That's cool, at least you have time to do it." She walked in and looked around, "Your room is so cool, It's comfy and doesn't smell like really expensive perfume." Tae said with a laugh then went to sit down.
  9. Tsaaq: She rose an eyebrow at Tae. "That was an oddly specific observation." Hayley said as she went to crawl closer to her back to grab her guitar before letting it sit in her lap as she strummed the strings. "Who's room is like that?"
  10. Covet: "Persephone's" Tae said rolling her eyes, then watched her get her guitar, "Eli said you did a performance thing at the wedding. You do any other sort of music performances like that? Open mics, that sort of thing?"
  11. Tsaaq: "Wow. Persephone never lets anybody into her room. You should be like a spy or something." Hayley said as she plucked at the strings. "I do sometimes. For school and stuff but I'm not good at performing any other time. Like, on my own. I've never been in a band or anything." She said. "I haven't performed in a while actually."
  12. Covet: "I don't think she knew I was in there, I walked in there this morning, to please the beast, but she had that Jason guy that had a stick up his ass last night with her in bed, so I just kind of awkwardly stepped back out of the room. It just had a very posh, high society smell to the place." Tae said with a laugh. "I used to have a dream of being in a band, but then I realized I have absolutely no musical talent what so ever."
  13. Tsaaq: Hayley's eyebrows rose up her forehead. "You're sneaking into people's rooms now?" She asked with a laugh. "Yeah that's how I figured her room would be." She nodded her head. "Jason is my friend Kelsey's ex. He's a dead beat dad." Hayley began to gossip. "I think here there's too many people with talent so I don't know who to play with."
  14. Covet: "Not intentionally , to like snoop or anything, I was going in to talk to her, see how her night went, because I kind of just ditched her, but when I saw the guy...Seems like she ended the night on a higher note." Tae said and nodded her head, "Yeah, he gave me his sob story about it at the bar one night, He's totally jealous of her new guy. It was all over his face." She said gossiping along with her, "Yeah, if they aren't musicians they're artists. At least from what I've seen."
  15. Tsaaq: She pursed her lips. "Kels told me their son calls Brad daddy. So I can totally see it." She snickered. "He knows that Persephone sleeps with literally no one though, right?" Hayley rose an eyebrow. "Yeah. Going to an arts school is kind of overwhelming. And it's hard to see who I'd work well with. So I mostly do shit alone."
  16. Covet: "Oh, well then maybe he should have tried harder to be the kids dad? I've never really met Kelsey, I know of her, but never met her. I don't know who Brad is either." She said coming to that realization, then raised her eyebrows, "Really? Wonder what changed her mind last night then....I think I might have some more spy work to do." She said clicking her tongue, "Nothing wrong with doing your own thing, sometimes it's better that way. I did a costume collab once with this chick from Seattle, for ECC, I think it was more frustrating than it was productive."
  17. Tsaaq: "See, working with people is harrrrddddd." She dragged out as she threw her head back. "Brad is a guy I've slept with but that's not important. Kelsey is my blonde friend who looks like what a mouse would look like if they wished to be a pretty human." Hayley explained. She furrowed her eyebrows. "You should keep snooping. But don't use that as an excuse to fuck Drew." Hayley bit the inside of her cheek.
  18. Covet: Tae smiled at Hayley's reaction and her comments about Brad and Kelsey, "That sounds.. adorable." she said then nodded her head, "I can do that, while cutting back on the boning Drew thing. Sephy and Drew are Twins right? Cause they have a weird, sort of relationship."
  19. Tsaaq: She furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean?" Hayley asked as she moved her guitar from her lap and went to face Tae. "And I'm glad you're cutting back." She said. "At least for a couple weeks so nobody catches your scent." She whispered. "Yeah I think so. Even though they don't look too much like each other. I guess they look like their parents. I've never met their mom or dad."
  20. Covet: "Well, there was something that Drew said when I had made a comment about Persephone predicting something, and I guess it caught him off guard and he responded by saying it was one time, and that he was on MDMA. But he didn't really ellaborate, because we were well.. busy. Then Sephy was giving me the schpeal about taking me under her wing, and wanted to know how far we'd gone, then said she'd only done anal, but it sounded like it was with Drew, not just some casual sex comment? It was just super weird." Tae said shaking her head. "I'm probably reading way to into it."
  21. Tsaaq: Hayley kept her eyebrows furrowed as she stared at Tae. "You think Persephone fucked her brother?" She started to frown widely. "I mean... I've never got the twincest vibe from them. But I guess it's possible?" Hayley shrugged. "That's gross though. But I guess drugs will do that to you. That's why I don't do them."
  22. Covet: "I think so?" Tae said cringing, "I don't even know how I'd go about confirming that tidbit of info. It's defnitely unsavory to say the least. If you've never met their parents, it's possible they just didn't have great supervision, clearly if drugs were involved. I'm right there with you. I do a lot of dumb stuff, but I won't touch drugs, and I really only drink smirinoff and wine. I tried rum last night and it tastes like how furuniture polish might taste." She said with a laugh.
  23. Smokeless: Dori pulled up in the drive way and she got out of her car. she grabbed her things making her way up the drive way towards the house fiddlign with her keys. She unlocked the door and looked around. she raised her voice slightly."Hayley are you home?" she made her way towards the kitchen.
  24. Tsaaq: "They definitely wouldn't tell you..." Hayley said. "You'd probably have to ask Bliss. Or Grandma Maverick." She suggested. "I think their grandmother raised all of them. Their parents are horrible idiots." Hayley rolled her eyes. She scrunched up her nose and nudged Tae. "You drank rum? At a party! Stop that." She scolded before hearing her voice. "Shit." Hayley stood. Hera the kitty crawled from under the bed and went to hop into Tae's lap. "I'm upstairs in my room." She called back.
  25. Smokeless: Dori grabbed a water from the fridge and she turned poking her head out of the kitchen to hear Hayley. she nodded her head as if she could see her. She set her bag on the couch and jogged up the steps."Hey I was wondering if you had a make up tuturial or somethingfor that makeup you did last night at the party. I wanted to try it out."she called out as she made her way up the steps.
  26. Covet: "I've only met Prudence a couple of times when the family got together for dinner. Do you think Bliss would know? " She asked then nodded, "At least they had someone raising them though. Prudence seems like she's got a good head on her shoulders, I like how candid she is." She said then gagged, "Sephy was drinking it and shared the bottle with me last night. It was awful." She said petting Hera as she joined her in her lap, she gave the girl who came in a soft wave, not wanting to interupt them.
  27. Tsaaq: "Persephone claims I stole her 'best friend' if anybody knows. It's Bliss." Hayley told Tae gently. "She's a nice lady. She's always been nice to me anyways." She said at the mention of Prudence. She went to open her room door. "Well... No. But I can just do it for you if you want? Like I have my makeup case in here and shit." She told Dori.
  28. Smokeless: Dori smiled to Tae and waved."I'm sorry I didn't know you had company over. oh no no we can do it some other time. I just wanted to do it and add somethings to it and save the idea for cinco de mayo." she smiled softly to hayley.
  29. Covet: "She doesn't even seem like she likes Bliss that much. She's so resentful towards her because she's engaged, and nobody loves poor Sephy." Tae said rolling her eyes, She looked at the girl and shook her head, "It's fine, we were just hanging out and talking, no interuption."
  30. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged her shoulders at Dori. "I'm sure Tae doesn't mind. I can do her face too." She waved her inside. "You should take this chance now. I don't really let people in my room. Like at all." She told the other female before stepping past Tae. "Don't get me started on the fucked up manipulated shit that family does." Hayley whispered to Tae and went to go under her bed to grab her makeup case. "Pretty sure Bliss' dad wanted to molest me or some shit before he took off."
  31. Smokeless: Dorinodded her head and she smiled stepping in with hayley."Now how could I pass up that chance."she chuckled some and looked around the room. She looked at Tae and offered her her hand."I'm Dori by the way." she smiled to Taw.
  32. Covet: "I'm fine with it. The more the merrier." Tae said, "Someone doing my make up for a change, Sign me up." She laughed. " I'm Tae Cohen. Nice to meet you." She said pausing her petting of the pussy to shake Dori's hand. She heard Hayley and her mouth dropped, "Really? I heard that he got into some serious trouble with an underage maid, but he did that to you? That's awful. How did Bliss turn out so normal compared to all of her family?"
  33. Tsaaq: She tilted her head as she schlepted the large case and put it down on her coffe table. "I don't know." Hayley shrugged. "A miracle?" She asked before opening up the case. "Here. Put on this primer." She tossed the small squeeze bottle towards Dori.
  34. Smokeless: Dori smiled sitting down and nodded her head. She thought for a moment as Tae's last name seemed familiar to her but she jsut brushed it off. "Oh I just got done with a meeting with Bliss. I like her she is really nice." she caught the bottle and did as Hayley told her to do squeezing the primer in her hands nad rubbing it all over her face.-
  35. Covet: "Yeah, She's great, always been nice to me too. I'm excited to have her as a sister in law." Tae said happily watching the other two girls working on the make up, while she continued to give Hera attention. "Her family is kind of the opposite of a regular family, where everyone else are regular sheep with the one black sheep, They've got a whole lot of bad sheep, and a couple of good ones instead."
  36. Tsaaq: "Yeah Bliss is cool. She's been my friend for a while. And she's a pretty good one most of the time." She said. "Aren't you like, on SGA with Bliss?" Hayley asked Dori before going over to her and starting to brush over Dori's face with setting powder. "You want the exact makeup I did yesterday or some other type of style?" She asked Dori.
  37. Smokeless: "Oh you are Elis sister. I like Eli he is very nice and polite." she looked at Hayley."umm yeah I am I jsut got out of a meeting with everyone. We met at the panel." she thought for a moment."well i am thinking of something jsut slightly different"she smiled and listened in on them."That one girl at the door seemed to not like me to much. I can't remember her name ie started with a P and sounded real unique almost like a greek goddess."
  38. Covet: "Yeah, he's a total nerd." Tae said shaking her head, "But He is my brother and love him. Even if he's a super nerd." She laughed, "Oh, you mean Between the Panels? Yeah, he half owns the comic shop. See.. Super nerd." She said then laughed, "Persephone, who thinks she's a greek goddess, Sephy.. is a little far from that sort of Grace. Don't tell her I said that though."
  39. Tsaaq: Hayley rose her eyebrows at Dori. "Well tell me the colors you want then?" She asked the other female. "Persephone." She said in unison with Tae. "I work at BTP too. I just didn't have a shift today." She piped up. "Don't feel bad. She literally doesn't like anyone."
  40. Smokeless: ori looked at the colors she had." iwas thinking red and black and some white if possible." she nodded her head."She called me Bliss's ethnic friend..."she laughed a little."I mean she could have jsut said I was her friend." she shrugged some.
  41. Covet: "That's hilarious, because here she is wanting to "take me under her wing"... and look at me, I'm not any less ethnic than either of you. "She's a little detatched from the real world. I was honestly surprised to see her at the cafe one night, because I thought she just stayed and her place all the time."
  42. Tsaaq: She nodded and picked up her eyeshadow palette. Hayley picked up one of her makeup brushes and waked her hand at at Dori so she'd close one of her eyes. "Oh yeah, she's a racist bitch. She used to to straight up not even act like I was alive." Hayley said. "She's better now but she was not shy about it before." She rolled her eyes. "I think she's lonely." Hayley said softly, a little somberness in her voice. "Everything that seemed so close and secure is slipping through her fingers. She's probably never had to deal with people not giving her what she wants before."
  43. Smokeless: Dori closed her eyes and moved her hair from her face."She makes me feel uncomfortable. Though the party last night was nice. Adam's hat was really big so was brad's."she chuckled softly."I felt so dull campared to everyone elses costumes. Oh that remindsm e I got your snacks in the fridge hayley that i snuck off with."
  44. Covet: "When you put it like that, it makes me feel a little sad for her. I'm sure she could be a nice person, without having to be mean to people, but she has a long way to go to get to that point." Tae commented, then smiled at the costumes, "I didn't see anyone looking dull last night, I don't know what you're talking about."
  45. Tsaaq: Hayley began to apply the eyeshadow as she hunched over Dori. "It was nice... But it wasn't anything exciting. I don't know why you feel dull." She shrugged. "Thanks. I'll eat some later." She shot Tae a dirty look once she said she didn't see anyone.
  46. Smokeless: "I never really been to parties till I came to college to be honest. I mean I went to the sority one and then bliss's was my second party."she shrugged some."I'm just glad i'm getting out more now that I dont have like ths big weight holding me back kind of."
  47. Covet: Tae looked back at Hayley and gave a shrug signaling "What?!" She listented to Dori, "I've been to the bar once, and then to Bliss's party, but I don't really do a whole lot with the college, outside of the events at BTP. Course, that's because I'm not enrolled, and have a hobby that takes up a LOT of my time."
  48. Tsaaq: She went quiet at the mention of parties. She bit the inside of her cheek. "I mean... Do what you want. Life is only to be lived once so..." Hayley trailed off.
  49. Smokeless: Dori would have nodded her head but she was staying still for hayley."So what is your hobby Tae?"
  50. Covet: "It's all about moderation." Tae said with a nod, "But sometimes it's just nice hanging out like this too." She said seeing Hayley's look, She looked at Dori's make up, "I make custom cosplay outfits for myself and other people for comic conventions."
  51. Tsaaq: She nodded before switching brushes, finally finishing the eye makeup. She went to grab her finishing spray. "What do you want for your face Tae?" She asked. "You're done Dori."
  52. Smokeless: Dori siled and puleld her phone out using her camera as a mirror." ooo I love it thank you hayley" she looked at Tae and smiled" oh cool I bet you make alot of money off of that"
  53. Covet: "Nothing over the top like that, Just doll me up a bit." She said with a smile, moving Hera from her lap. "Yes and no. Most of my money goes back into materials, or into stuff I want to make for myself." She said with a laugh.
  54. Smokeless: [brb]
  55. Tsaaq: "You got it." Hayley said, getting a few other things from her makeup case. "I'll give you the mightiest wing you'll ever see." She chuckled. Hayley went silent again, getting lost in her thoughts as she went to hand the primer to Tae
  56. Tsaaq: ((Tyt.))
  57. Smokeless: [bk]
  58. Smokeless: Dori smiled taking selfies of the make up hayley did for her."This is nice." she set her phone down and smiled to the two."I really havent had like girl time with anyone before."
  59. Covet: "Make me fly!" She said with a grin, taking the primer from her putting it on her face, like Dori had done. She looked over at Hayley seeing that she'd gotten quiet. "You okay Hayles?"
  60. Tsaaq: Hayley put eyeliner on the end of her brush and shook her head a bit. "I don't know... This time of year is weird for me." She gave the vaugest answer she could. "And I have to go to PP tomorrow. And I'm a little nervous, don't say anything either." She pointed between Dori and Tae.
  61. Smokeless: Dori zipped her lips."Your secret is safe with me. If you want to talk bout im here for you hayley. Im sure Tae is too." she smiled to Tae and looked back at Hayley.
  62. Covet: "I won't say anything. Don't worry." Tae told her with a soft smile. "What can I, we do to help?" She asked.
  63. Tsaaq: She shrugged her shoulders. "Nothing anybody can do." She said. "I think, if anything was wrong like, down there... I'd know or whatever. So I'm not all that worried about the doctor." She began to explain. "But October and Novermber suck. This year has been pretty awesome but before I was a miserable." Hayley explained. "I guess just listening helps?" She said, beginning to draw on Tae's eyeliner.
  64. Smokeless: Dori nodded her head."well we are all ears."she smiled some."Those two months do suck becuase of the change of weather and its like sick season." she tried to cheer hayley up a little.
  65. Covet: "Yeah, makes sense. Nobody knows your body better than you." Tae said with a reassuring look, then she looked over at Dori, "Yeah, that's totally it... " She said shaking her head, assuming that it was more than just whether related things.
  66. Tsaaq: She lifted Tae's chin and looked over to Dori as well. She forced herself to nod. "It's so weird..." She said quietly. "It's still embarrassing to talk about." Hayley said. "It's not cause of that. It's cause of the monster that lives downstairs." She lowered her head then went to go through her make up for lip colors and blush.
  67. Smokeless: Dori knew who Hayley was talking about. She didn't say a word and just slipped off the bed. She made her way over to Hayley and gave her a big hug."I'm sorry Hayley. I know there is nothing I can do to make you feel better but I wish there was."
  68. Covet: "Who lives downstairs?" Tae asked, "No judging here, so you don't have to feel ashamed or anything if you don't want to tell us. I get it."
  69. Tsaaq: She went to grab her liquid to matte lipstick and began to put it on Tae's lips. "His name is Thaddeus..." She began to say. She jumped a bit from the hug and went to pat Dori on the back as she sighed. "It wasn't just him Do-Do. it's okay... But it was his idea." She looked ashamed again. "I guess after I got to the doctor and hear that everything is okay I won't mind talking about it. I just need that little push."
  70. Smokeless: She smiled and let hayley go."Yeah Thad lives downstairs. With me and Jade." she climbed back on hayley's bed."i'm sure everything will be fine." she shrugged some."I still don't see why I was so damn stupid and dated him."
  71. Covet: "Wow, yeah, if it's something that's overwhelming we don't have to talk about it until later. Get yourself checked out first, and then I'll be here to listen." Tae told Hayley, after she put the lipstick on because talking while doing that is rude.
  72. Tsaaq: Hayley shrugged. "I don't know. I was in a pretty abusive relationship too before Adam. People make mistakes." She said as she looked over to Dori. "Thanks guys." Hayley took her kabuki brush and added the blush. "What do you think Tae?" She asked.
  73. Smokeless: "and we learn from ou mistakes. You dont have to thank us thats what friends are for." she smiled and looked at Tae as hayley finished"oh wow you look really pretty."
  74. Covet: "What she said, You're with a pretty nice guy now. So things get better, you feel down now, sure because.. it sounds like it was a pretty traumatic thing, but you won't always feel that way." Tae said, "And until then, You can lean on us." She said then reached for her phone, in her bag to see what she looked like, "Hot damn, Hayle's This looks sexy. These wings, I'm in love. You're fantastic at this."
  75. Tsaaq: Her head began to nod at Dori. She smiled at Tae and patted her head. "You stay out of trouble. Lookin' all sexy." She said playfully with a laugh. "Tae I think you should go home. Portland gets dangerous at night." Hayley said with a frown as she went to put her things away. "Unless you'd actually spend the night here and not sneak off to be with you-know-who."
  76. Smokeless: Dori smiled and she looked between the two."oo a you-know-who. Sounds romantic." she smiled and slid off the bed" I should probably head downstairs soon. I need my rest"
  77. Covet: "Thank you, The only trouble I'm getting into, tonight is gossping and chatting with you guys." Tae said then looked at Hayley, "I'll happily stay the night, and I won't sneak off. Scouts honor." She said holding up three fingers, then looked at Dori, laughing "Yeah that's one way to put it."
  78. Tsaaq: Hayley looked over to Dori and shook her head. "No." She said flatly. Hayley went to take off her pants cause it was bed time. "Well obviously this bed is yours. Hera will try to crawl in bed with you if I'm not in here... And Adam will come in eventually which means I'll close my curtains." Hayley listed. "I'm pretty sure we're the same size so whatever you need just ask." Hayley went to put her hair in a ponytail. She looked over to Dor and smiled. "Yeah we'll see you for breakfast in the morning. Have a good sleep." She said to her with a smile.
  79. Smokeless: Dori yawned and smiled."See you for breakfast guys." she headed out of the room and down stiars to her own room to get ready for bed.
  80. Smokeless: [nini guys]
  81. Tsaaq: ((Niiight.))
  82. Covet: [NIGHT!]
  83. Covet: [oh late.. oh well dont' care.]
  84. Covet: Tae cringed a little sheepishly and kicked her shoes off, as well as her jacket. "I'm pretty comfy in my top and leggings, so nothing special needed. But thanks, I appreciate the offer. Thanks for inviting me over Hayley, I had a good time tonight." She said in a genuine tone as she pulled the blankets back on the bed.
  85. Tsaaq: Hayley went to remove her eyeliner and pulled back her curtains and turned off her lights. Her candles only illuminating the room now. "You're welcome Tae. It's cool. It's not a pain in the ass really. We can hang out whenever. It's not like I don't have room?" She shrugged as she yawned, crawling under her covers.
  86. Covet: "I like that idea, harder for me to get into any serious trouble that way. Even if we have an awkward third wheel hanging out with us." She said in regards to Dori, " Night, Talk to you in the morning, sweet dreams."
  87. Tsaaq: "Night T." She yawned, curling into her ball under her covers and waiting for Adam for sleeps and stuff but also cuddling Hera while she slept.
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