

Oct 12th, 2011
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  1. @xTsukiTsuki
  3. You are uneducated, the Bible has sold more copies than all other books in history combined and you never read it. God gave commandments to the Hebrews not to eat many things to separate them from the nations. Jesus abolished those rules , to not know that is proof positive you are a sheep following the herd. BTW , there are health reasons not to eat pork , shellfish etc. but they are not forbidden.
  4. You say your open but you don't know the New Covenant abolished the dietary laws? Open to what? Ignorance? stupidity?
  5. How do you know my parents weren't atheists? The vast majority of creationist leaders were atheist. All children are born knowing God, even the children of Japanese who have no concept of God. Hellen Keller knew God before she was taught how to communicate. You are looking for excuses, not the truth!
  6. I am a Christian because it is the only logical explanation of our existence, it is a historical fact recorded not only in the Bible but in Roman , Egyptian and Jewish records that all the events recorded about the day Christ was crucified , the earthquake, darkness at midday etc. happened just that way . They also record Christ was not in His tomb that Sunday morning and no secular explanation is even rational.
  7. The Bible predicted explicit details of Christ life , death, and resurrection 800 and more years in advance , including the very day Christ would enter Jerusalem on the colt of an ass . Look at Israel! The Bible correctly predicted they would be scattered among the nations and eventually return to their homeland which no nation in history has ever done. Saying their is no evidence for the existence of God is asinine.
  8. You will ignore the scientific problems with materialism because you are intellectually incapable of answering them and if you have any understanding at all you know they make atheism impossible.
  9. All life, plant, animal , and human are based on the information in the DNA code which had to pre-exist ALL life. Information cannot arise by itself from matter therefore an eternal, self existing, non material being of super human intelligence created it.
  10. But most of all I believe because of my personal relationship with my savior and creator Jesus Christ.
  12. Of course I love God more than my fellow humans, my God humbled Himself to become a man and spenf 33 homesick years and died the most horrible death imaginable to pay a debt I could not.
  14. Greater love has no man than to lay down His life for His friends.
  16. The hymn says:
  17. Oh how I love Jesus!
  18. Oh how I love Jesus!
  19. Because He first loved me!
  21. Romans 5:8 .
  22. But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
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