
4.0.9-Beta 1 changelog

Jul 29th, 2019
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  1. Added support for:
  2. - [NEEDS TESTING] NametagEdit
  3. Added configs:
  4. - giveitems-on-respawn
  5. - giveitems-on-respawn-armor
  6. - force-slot in shop.cm2 for pages and items
  7. Minor:
  8. - Improved game end handling
  9. - It's now more logical
  10. - It'll directly enter regeneration mode instead of the EndLobby if there are no player left
  11. - Players who leave and cause the end of the round won't get a message of those who won and etc.
  12. - Now has better respawn handling
  13. - Added the ability to have no custom name for a page or item by simple leaving its name empty in the shop.cm2 file
  14. - Renamed 'Regeneration speed' to 'Regeneration time' in /bw arena info
  15. - Added feedback with estimated time when using /bw arena saveblocks for larger region arenas
  16. - Added error message when repeating /bw arena saveblocks while the operation is already running
  17. - Added error message when trying to regenerate an arena while it's saving blocks
  18. - Added error message when trying to save blocks of an arena while it's not stopped
  19. - [NEEDS TESTING] Improved respawn system
  20. - Improved general system of the handler
  21. - Reduced time until the death screen disappear (if enabled)
  22. Fixed bugs:
  23. - Fixed 'UnsupportedOperationException: Cats are now a different entity!' error for 1.14
  24. - Fixed weird potion when using this syntax:
  25. - Fixed broken 'keep-on-death' for items of shop.cm2 when 'death-spectate' was enabled
  26. - Fixed that placeholders of the 'beddestroy-message' config didn't got replaced properly
  27. - Fixed that an arena didn't enter the stopped status when the 'Stopped arena because it has * problems.' occured on start of the server
  28. - Fixed that it was possible to use the leave item (even if that item isn't visible in the inventory) during spectate caused by death
  29. - Fixed that there was a chance that the server wouldn't restart/stop properly when restart-oncearenaend was enabled
  30. - Fixed slight chance for 'NullPointerException' error on start
  31. - Fixed that the {heart} placeholder in the ingame scoreboard would display any team as still alive on round start
  32. - Fixed NullPointerException error when using the config rescueplatform-autobreak
  33. - Fixed '* is not a @Sharable handler, so can't be added or removed multiple times.' error on start
  34. - Fixed that players couldn't use /bw addstatssign on wallsigns for 1.14 (and propbably also 1.13)
  35. - Fixed 'java.lang.NoSuchMethodError: org.bukkit.inventory.Inventory.getTitle()Ljava/lang/String;' error
  36. - Fixed that you could interact with holographic entities from any distance through hacks
  37. - Fixed that new blocks of 1.13 and 1.14 would disappear when using region regenerator
  38. - Fixed that the config 'forcestart-ignoreminplayers' didn't have any affect
  39. - [NEEDS TESTING] Fixed broken 'keep-on-death' and 'one-time-purchase' configs
  40. - [NEEDS TESTING] Fixed that the 'no-drops' config didn't have any affect
  41. - [NEEDS TESTING] Fixed problem with players getting glitched in blocks when placing them at their position while using paper and ViaVersion
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