
For TiE-Request-SCP-616

Sep 7th, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Only [spoiler]aeroplane[/spoiler] pilot in the singular super-contient of Equestria.
  3. >Possible psychopath.
  4. Today, you are all here because you absolutely refused to blasphemise Celestia, despite the constant torture you were under, and knowing that I had killed others for doing the same.
  5. >The eight, rather frightened p0nes, all of whom were quiet, outstanding theologians we-
  6. >Eight.
  7. >Hm.
  8. >You looked among them and found what appeared to be the weakest; a rather skinny, frail, and old p0ne.
  9. >Grabbing him by the shoulders, you asked him a question.
  10. Are you willing to die for your faith?
  11. >A moment of silence, a deep breath, then "Yes."
  12. >Crunch.
  13. >So he did.
  14. Well, with that taken care of, want any figurines, holy books, incense?
  15. >One wanted a mirror, another a small icon, but the rest were fine.
  16. >So you took them out to the plane.
  17. >When they saw the black orb sloppily painted on the emergency door, they immediately jerked their heads in your direction.
  18. >They might actually have whiplash from that.
  19. >Heh.
  20. Yeah, yeah, dark cult, end of days, blah blah blah.
  21. The truth of the matter is, she's a goddess of the night, of predators, of hunters and hunts.
  22. Of fair chances too.
  23. In about an hour that door will open by itself, then it'll close by itself.
  24. When that happens, the best of her predators, of those living and not, will be summoned, and give a small taste of the neverending hunt-to-come to everyone around here.
  25. Here's where fair chance comes in; you can stop it all if you can bring but half a moment of Celestia's attention.
  26. You even have the advantage, what with there being seven of you at the apex of your faith.
  27. >You open the door and grab one of the p0nes.
  28. >You smirk.
  29. Watch this.
  30. >As soon as he crosses the threshold, he tenses up, his eyes go wide, his teeth clamp together.
  31. She knows exactly who you are now.
  32. >You chuckle.
  33. Now the rest of you all.
  34. >And in they go.
  35. >You close the emergency door, then walk up to the already open loading door, and after climbing in, close it and take your seat in the cockpit.
  36. >As you run through the final steps of the start-up procedures, you call back over your shoulder.
  37. Remember, if one of you lot die, either kick his body out the door, or crush 'is throat, got it?
  38. >They were quiet, but then, that was to be expected.
  39. >You start up, go down the runway, take-off, climb.
  40. >Aside from what may have been preaching in the back, the climb is uneventful.
  41. >You're now at... 11km altitude... 780km/h.
  42. >And now you would just cruise.
  43. >You hear the door open, feel the turbulance start.
  44. Eyes ahead, Anon, eyes ahead.
  45. >You start praying yourself.
  46. Eyes ahead, Anon, Eyes ahead.
  47. >You hear a thump, then chanting in a timeless (but time-forgotten) language.
  48. Eyes ahead Anon, eyes ahead.
  49. >The chanting stops.
  50. Eyes ahead, Anon, eyes ahead.
  51. >The praying has been going on for about two hours now.
  52. Don't look too closely, this isn't prime real-estate right here.
  53. >You laugh at your own pathetic joke.
  54. Neither to the right or the left, nor up or down, for of the ground we're bereft, and for sights, there's no town.
  55. >You have a lot of time to think.
  56. >But then the red, glowing, hell-smoke clears away, and the clouds come back, and you like to think that when the sun reappears, it's a little brighter than before.
  57. >So you alert your passengers.
  58. You may now close the door, after you have done this, please take a seat and put on your oxygen masks.
  59. >Silence, then a slam, the turbulance stops, and a moment later you see the blinking lights of the provided masks being put into use.
  60. >Well, six of them, anyways.
  61. >You silently land, and usher them off to their graduation ceremony from "Princess Celestia's School for Dedicated Theologians".
  62. >The corpse wasn't here so they must have kicked it out.
  63. >With your job done, you sit back and have a good cry.
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