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Corrupt Rarity in the Heat

a guest
Mar 10th, 2017
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  1. The massive plantation roiled in the heat of summer. The air rippled from the temperature, the hot wind stirring up the various scents of the enormous farm and complex: hay, soil, manure, trees, wood, sweat. From the cotton fields to the flax fields to the wheat fields, powerful, muscular zebras toiled away in harvest and planting, sweating and groaning with their heavy labor, made worse by the sweltering heat. Farm hands, mostly earth ponies, roamed about, keeping watchful eyes on their employer's chattel, whips and flails always at hand to encourage harder work.
  3. At the edge of one cotton field, there was a raised platform, upon which an elegant bed of great size sat. A huge umbrella spread over this bed, which was fixed with a soft mattress and pristine white sheets. On the mattress, under the umbrella, Rarity lay, sprawled in her obesity, watching her slaves work.
  5. "Ohhh, it's so HOT, Betsy," she moaned. Her massive body was even now being rubbed gently by slaves with cool, damp washcloths. Other slaves were fanning her with large fans. Even so, from her gigantic belly to her bloated ass to her folded jowls and chins, trickles of sweat would run down. Rarity puffed an exhausted breath, blowing out some sweat from her mouth. "Oh, why does it have to be summer?"
  7. "I'm sorry, mistress," cooed Betsy. "Your milkshake is on its way, at least."
  9. "Mmmm, milkshakes," mumbled Rarity, gurgling in her throat at the thought. A fly came buzzing around her elephantine ass; on instinct, her purple tail swished to drive it away. The fly merely flew around it, though, and landed on her broad, fat back, where it sat and twitched its legs. "I'm so hot, Betsy, so hot. Huff... I wonder if I could just bribe the Ministry of Weather to make it always spring or fall here on my property?" She rubbed her porcine chin with a soft hoof. "I already bribe the Ministry of Labor. What's one more department? Mmm, it's not like I don't have the money."
  11. "Wouldn't that make maintaining the crops more difficult, mistress?" Besty asked.
  13. "Oh, it's just a little more work, that's all. It's nothing the boys can't handle, and I can always buy a few more of them."
  15. "All respect, mistress, but if you're so uncomfortable, why not go back to the house? None of the fields need your direct supervision to operate."
  17. "Ah, Betsy, but this isn't about supervision, it's about dominion. The slaves and the handlers NEED to see me, at least every so often." Rarity wheezed out a breath, and her vast bulk expanded a little bit more. Though still sweating like a pig, she was slightly more relaxed now. "They need to be reminded who's in charge. They belong to me, Betsy, it all does, it's mine." She smiled, dimpling her fat face. "Mine, mine, mine..." Another fly had come and landed on her back. One of the zebras noticed, and shooed it away.
  19. "Mistress!" came another voice. Rarity slowly turned her head to see a zebra ascending the steps, this one carrying a huge metal bowl. It was sweating with perspiration in the heat, a sign of how cold it was. "Your milkshake, mistress."
  21. Rarity's face lit up with pleasure. There was no cup, not even a glass; instead, there was a huge metal bowl filled to the brim with strawberry milkshake, into which a straw had been stuck. "Delightful!" said Rarity brightly. "Hold it in front of me." The zebra brought the bowl up and aligned it until the straw almost touched Rarity's lips. "Further forward," she said sharply. The zebra moved it just a little further forward, and the straw slid into Rarity's waiting mouth.
  23. Her body rippled and jiggled as she drank. Gallons of the cool sweet milkshake traveled through the straw into her mouth, then into her bottomless gut. A dribble of milkshake ran out of the corner of her mouth, trickling stickily down her chins and onto the platform. She drank and drank, until it was all gone. "Let me lick it," she commanded in a thick voice. The zebra holding the bowl brought it closer, and Rarity dove her face into the metal, lapping up the stray leavings of her massive dessert feast. Finally, the bowl was spotless, and the zebras rubbing her belly felt that it was cool to the touch. "Uurp! So good," she murmured, slurring her words. "Betsy... wipe me." Betsy came around with a damp rag and daintily cleaned Rarity's face. Rarity jiggled herself deeper into the mattress. "Hmm, so much more comfortable."
  25. Her gut full, Rarity fell into a lethargic haze. The hot breeze blew through the fields and onto the platform, gentling warming her again. She watched the burly zebras harvesting the cotton, their muscles straining and flexing from their laborious tasks. Rarity began to feel hot in a particular place. Her fat legs churned on either side of her spreading stomach. She flicked her tail back and forth, fanning her loins with hot breeze. "Betsy... Betsy-burp!-Betsy, that slave with the red rag around his head."
  27. "Yes, mistress?"
  29. "Get him up here."
  31. The call was made, and the zebra came out of the fields. Rarity's crotch was on fire as he heavily mounted the steps, and she licked her lips as he stood before her, sweating from the heat and from the extent of his labor. The zebra himself was sullen and silent. This was the closest he'd ever been to his owner. His eyes were a bit big; he'd heard how fat she was, but he was still amazed at the huge bloated form of her body. Her vast belly was riddled with stretch marks; veins were visible along her fat flanks; there were dimpled pockmarks of cellulite on her upper legs. But she was... alluring, too.
  33. "What is your name?"
  35. "I Buck, Missa Rarity."
  37. "Buck? MmmMMMMmmm, Buck, and such a buck you are." She bit her lip. "Well, now, spread your legs, let me see it." The zebra was at first confused, then with wide eyes grasped her meaning. He hesitated. "Do it, Buck," she commanded sharply. So he complied, and showed it to her. It was already a bit hard. Rarity smiled. "Hmm, not the biggest I've had, but a good size." Her belly churned softly. She eyed him lustily. "Now, Buck, I want you to use that thing. Show me a good time, and you can go home early from work."
  39. Buck's excitement on hearing this was considerable. It actually made him harder. He slowly walked around the huge fat unicorn, seeing her sweat, smelling the stink that all her perfume couldn't quite hide. It was one of the strangest things he'd ever seen, but it was, in the oddest of ways, enough to make him want her. Maybe it was her position, above all else. All her power, all her luxury, all her decadence, all her gluttony and sloth-it was potent.
  41. So when he got around to her backside, he was ready. And what a backside. Huge, white, dimpled, sagging, he'd never seen bigger. It was wider than the wagons they used to haul cotton. His shoulders were only half as wide as each buttock. That bottom was all he needed to finish getting ready. So when Rarity cocked her tail back, and presented herself, he was all set to go.
  43. For the next twenty minutes, the double grunts of Buck and Rarity were carried on the breeze across the fields. The other field hands looked up and saw their comrade hard at work on their owner. The exchanged elbows. Many of them had been called on to please Rarity in the same way. They generally found it worth their while; for such a cruel, vicious slaveowner, Rarity was a pleasant lover, and she was at least conscientious enough to reward those who satisfied her. Not to mention that body: that huge obesity, that bloated, helpless flab. Even those who'd seen a little of the world before being sold into slavery could attest that she was the most unique time they'd ever had.
  45. "Unt-Unt-Unt-UNNNH!" Rarity gave a final, barn animal grunt as she and Buck climaxed at once. They hadn't used protection, but Rarity didn't mind. She was on the off period of her fertility cycle; and even if, by chance, something came of it, it was nothing her doctor couldn't fix. Buck pulled out, and she gazed at him with a haze of lust. "That will be all, darling. Go enjoy the rest of the afternoon." Buck stared into her eyes. He cast a lingering gaze at her ass. Rarity scowled. "We're done here. Go on, before I change my mind about letting you off work!"
  47. He nodded sheepishly. "Yes, Missa." And was quickly gone from the platform.
  49. "Whew..." she breathed out. Her heart was hammering; lovemaking was exhausting these days, like any other physical activity. Sweat ran down her folds and bloated sides. "Hff... hff... Besty, clean me."
  51. "Clean her!" said Betsy, and at once, with the softest of washcloths, the zebras on the platform set about cleansing their mistress.
  53. "Besty, Besty..." she cooed softly. Both flies had returned, and had settled on her ass and her flank, respectively. Rarity smiled fatly up at Besty. "Betsy, tell me I'm gorgeous." An explosive fart erupted from between her buttocks, the noise echoing across the fields. A trickle of sweat made its way down one swollen cheek and into the rippling lines of her chins.
  55. "Mistress, you are the picture of loveliness," said Betsy, with what sounded like genuine affection. "I consider it an honor that I get to serve you so intimately."
  57. "MmmMMMmmm, I love flattery," cooed Rarity. She wheezed out a breath, and said, "You know, Betsy, one of these days I may have YOU pleasure me. Would you like that?"
  59. Betsy, to her own surprise, flushed red. "I think I would like that very much, mistress."
  61. THE END
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