
meh [Trap Rumble smut]

Mar 1st, 2016
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  1. >Why do you do this to yourself
  2. >The nylon is so tight you can feel it cutting into the fur above your flank
  3. >The lipstick leaves a funny taste in your mouth
  4. >The mascara might be in your right eye but you're too afraid to rub it
  5. >And those... Those p-panties keep riding up your..
  6. >Do you think they noticed yet?
  7. >You follow the three fillies regardless, none of them seemed to notice how embarrassed you are as you keep your head down just passing through the small, poorly lit section of town
  8. >Applebloom, though, does shoot you a smirk after you hear audible giggles from the rest
  9. >They mentioned that they wanted you to meet a few friends near by
  10. >You're not sure but the way they smile at you when they mention these friends keeps you suspicious
  11. >But you're already this close
  12. >Maybe it's just two more ponies
  13. >Maybe they won't be home
  14. >You still shake nervously, fearing the worst
  15. >But they're younger then you
  16. >What's the worst that could happen
  17. >You've arrived at an old cottage far outside of town
  18. >Sweetie knocks three times, pauses, then two more
  19. >Applebloom and Scootaloo ask if you're ok in a sly, sultry tone
  20. "O-of course. Never better." do you think they can tell you're lying
  21. >They're looking at you like they know
  22. >But instead of calling you out, they turn and head towards the door opening slowly
  23. >The sounds of hearty laughter about ex-wives, loud crooning music, and masculine shouts about the time they fought dragons 'this big' escape into the quiet brisk air around you
  25. >It's as bad as you thought
  26. >From the candle lit high tables to the bar wet with cider and stretched into the dark back-end of the room, the place was packed with them
  27. >Dimly lit faces sent wide-eyed and hungry glances
  28. >Their age 3 times your own, if not more
  29. >The bar is standing room only and you hear the loud slam of the door behind you followed by the metallic clicking of locks, sealing you into this sea of fur stained by scars; brightly color manes and flickering candle light tainted by cigar smoke and splashing cider
  30. >You're all forced to wait for the bar to clear up a little before you can move any farther, leaving you entirely flanked by bodies towering over you
  31. >Trying your best, you point your butt away from any prying eyes, hoping none of them can see your petite… you have tucked away
  32. >But each time you move, you hear chairs screech over and idle hooves move in place for a better view
  33. >This is bad
  34. >What if they figure out...
  35. >The count of mares to stallions is like branches to leaves
  36. >There must have been 10 stallions stuck to this one mare, not much older then you
  37. >She stood there on her hind legs, just barely able to reach the table with her fore hooves, trying to act candid only to give a few accepting looks from her touchy admirers
  38. >A few of them runs their hooves across her body; some down her back and around the edges of her flank, others tracing down her stomach, reaching down far enough that her jaw drops a little and her pupils shrink
  39. >The stallions continue this awkward but blindly lust driven act of taking turns groping the young mare; some clearly stoking themselves
  40. >You've got to find a way out of here
  41. >But, you then catch something stepping out of the shadows, rooting you in fear, replacing the mare and yourself in your mind
  43. >Another figure joins the scene
  44. >A much larger and hungrier figure
  45. >A figure with horns like a devil and eyes yellowed with red cracks etched into the sides
  46. >A figure with pectorals bulging out of his fur and biceps crawling with veins
  47. >A figure that stands on two legs and walks into the light; just enough to see him stroking something
  48. >Something that stops well past his belly button
  49. >Something pulsating and beet red
  50. >It's massive girth ready to pin you down and plow deep into your-
  51. >"Hey there cute stuff. You lookin' for a drink?" A decrepit pony waves his cadaverous hoof, struggling to hold up the pint of sloshing amber in your face, catching you off guard, mid nightmare
  52. >You panic
  53. >The CMC are behind him, preoccupied talking among themselves and giggling at you and your admirer
  54. >You want to motion one of them over but, he's looking directly at you with his beady eyes
  55. "I...I...uhh.." Think dammit! Don't be polite but, not too mean. Or maybe you should be mean so to scare off the others
  56. >What if they get upset and come after you?
  57. >What if that bull comes over here?
  58. >….
  59. >Then you need to be nice
  60. >...but doesn’t that mean you’re flirting?
  61. >Oh god he’s starting to look angry now
  62. >What if he knows?
  63. >You can feel yourself blushing hard, still stuttering; the words caught in your throat
  64. >"Come'on girly, let's spend a good night together!" his lips curl into what should have been toothy smile but, he must have lost that ability after the first 4 fell out
  65. >“Tumble! We gotta seat for ya over here!” Applebloom walks into your 'conversation' before directing you out
  66. >Bless that little blonde filly
  67. “Well uhhh… I guess I gotta go… Nice talking to…”you begin to trail off as you hastily follow Applebloom to the bar stool thanking her before being stop by a sudden shift in the crowd
  69. >You here murmurs mentioning ‘Duke going for another one’ as the hordes of colts and some mares scurry past
  70. “...umm h-hey AB? Where are we? I've never seen it before.”
  71. >“Why, just at a friend of ours place. Still kinda new, I think.” She mentions absently as she start excitedly scouting for higher ground to look over the crowd
  72. “Your friend owns a bar?” you ask meekly, following her instinctively up a chair and onto a shaky table
  73. >”Eeyep! Only place in Ponyville that’ll serve us. Plus, it’s always got somethin’ fun goin’ on here.”
  74. >Your legs are restricted up by your dress; your dark mane flips in front of your eyes and you feel your…underwear shifting uncomfortably tight against your flank, causing you to nearly slip off
  75. >Applebloom laughs and helps you gather yourself back onto the table
  76. “Something fun?...” She doesn’t respond and instead stares attentively ahead over the crowd
  77. >You can’t see from your angle so you shift your weight over to the sides, nearly able to look entirely over a few seated stallions in front of you
  78. >Then you see it
  79. >The bull you saw early is now eerily spotlighted in the crowd
  80. >His red fur and yellow hair bobbing between the raised legs of that same mare from earlier, only now she’s propped onto of the table and her complexion is disheveled
  81. >She twitches with each jerk of his head
  82. >You’re not all that sure what’s going
  83. >’Why is he down that close to her...stuff?’
  84. >You can just barely hear her gasps, moans, and yelps over the jeering of others, counting upwards
  85. >There’s a large worn hour glass set on a table next to them with names etched into the side of the glass slowly losing sand
  86. >Each grain slipping slowly through the center, matching the pace of her ecstasy
  87. >Suddenly she her voice raises to a near scream and she arches her back, slapping the table wildly and trying to push the intruding head away
  88. >The bull rises, white crumbles and a saliva trail still clinging to his silver septum ring and pink snout
  90. >“Colts and mares, our reigning muff eating champ, Stteeeeeellll!” You hear a nearby voice announce as they mark his name on the hour glass, in line with the sand
  91. >“Whaooow! That’s like only 15 seconds, Tumble! Couldja imagine?” She day dreams momentarily before jumping down from the table, sighing in envy
  92. “O-oh… yea… crazy stuff.” you almost forget to respond to your knew name while you try and digest what you just saw
  93. >’What the hay were they doing?’
  94. >Just as you’re about to follow her you turn back to see the bull strutting and flexing
  95. >He lifts up the absent minded mare with ease before dropping her casually to the floor, flexing his arms downward
  96. >Those…bulgy muscles
  97. >And those patches of unkempt tuff on his collar and shoulders
  98. >And those stern eyes
  99. >And that…th-that down there…
  100. >’Snap out of it before he sees you…’
  101. >Your stunned by his next gesture
  102. >It looks like he’s pointing at you…
  103. >…and he is reeling his finger back…. As if to say…
  104. >”You’re next” he mouths and then winks
  106. "W-would it be ok if I left soon? I don't feel so good." you're asking the group as your slumped over on the bar, soaking in cider and fear
  107. >The mug you have wrapped around your hoof is empty but you can still feel the burn down your throat and makes you feel light headed
  108. >Not to mention your neck starting to stiffen up looking over your shoulder constantly
  109. >But they can't hear you
  110. >All they can hear is the slow rock music droning on about lost lovers
  111. >In contrast, each of them are fantasying of meeting new ones
  112. >They've gone on like this for a while, slowly forgetting you're even there
  113. >You shift in your seat nervously and look towards the exit again
  114. >But, that old pony is still there and you're afraid to leave by yourself
  115. >You decide to listen in on their conversation once more
  116. >"That bull is gigantic! I can't even imagine how big his thingy is!" She looks dead ahead a moment
  117. >She stars blankly childishly fantasizing
  118. >Length
  119. >Weight
  120. >How much it must twitch when it's buried
  121. >"Well, ya don't hafta imagine anything Scootaloo..." Applebloom she admits, biting her lip and begins blushing
  122. >"You mean... you...saw it?" Sweetie asks curiously
  123. >"Mhmm....." She practically melts into her seat
  124. >The two other fillies look at each other momentarily
  125. >The two resonate excitement and astounded looks; their faces flashed wide eyed by the same mental image
  126. >"TELL US!"
  127. >'What is it that he has that's so incredible to them?' Your naivety is expected
  128. >Last week, you *cute anecdote about childish sexual exploration*
  131. >"Aright aright, hush a little. I don't want him to hear yall..."
  132. >Before she starts, she picks up the cider mug with one hoof and dumps the contents down her tiny throat; her cheeks are even more flushed from the sudden rush of two sins, booze and lust
  133. >She embraces both with warm wet lips *you're not as clever as you think*
  134. >"So last week, in the middle of the night, I heard a noise by the barn. It sounded like yellin' or something. Normally, I gotta sleep through Granny sawing down tree's in her sleep so this must'a been loud. I quickly ran out to see what it was. As I turn the corner, sure enough, I see his face. His back against the wall and my sister..."
  135. >She'd report that she was simply pausing to make sure no one was eavesdropping and dramatics had nothing to do with it
  136. >"...well, let's just say, she had quite a mouthful to deal with!"
  137. >The two weren't satisfied and thus came the barrage of questions, each one unanswered warranted another one twice as loud
  138. >"What color was it?"
  139. >'What thingy are they talking about?'
  140. >"Would it fit in my mouth?"
  141. >"It must have been gross seeing your sister do that, huh?"
  142. >'They couldn't possibly be talking about...'
  143. >"Would it fit in my mouth?"
  144. >"Did they do anything else?"
  145. >'...nah that's just dumb maybe there's something else they would-'
  146. >"Would his big fat meat fit in my tiny mouth!" Scoot's outburst earned her a few onlookers, maybe a whistle if you think you heard correctly, but nothing more... thankfully
  147. >The other two just scold her while she smiles and raises her shoulders sheepishly
  148. >You interrupt their anger with a question
  149. >An apparently dumb question
  150. >You didn't feel compelled to ask
  151. >It slipped out along with the mug in your hand, cider spilling off the bar and onto your dress, soaking through the fibers
  152. >"Wait, Tumble, you really don't know what we're talking about?" Sweetie looks surprised
  153. >You shake your head no, trying to not make eye contact while you attempt to wipe off the cider from your rear hooves; the cold cider is causing any fur not matted by alcohol or a skin tight dress to stand up
  154. >"Let's change that tonight then, girls." Applebloom leads the others in thought and by the time you look back up, the three of them are giving the same look Steel gave that mare from earlier
  155. >"How about we take you to the bathroom and help you get cleaned up." You don't even know who requested; the thought of going to a mare's restroom combined with their shift in demeanor has you racked with fear
  158. **Make the CMC less slutty. They have no sexual experience but they lie to each other regardless. Scootaloo thinks penises taste like fruit. SweetieBell thinks you put the cum from her mouth to his and then his to inside her. AppleBloom has only seen it done in the butt and is battling her confusing homosexuality. Sounds pretty fkign stupid tbqfh fam*
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