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Black & Berg Security Expose Team Poison

a guest
Jul 10th, 2011
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  8. Hacker group Team Poison (@_TeaMp0isoN_ @TeaMp0isoN_) who have been publicly attacking LulzSec and Anonymous and who claimed responsibility for posting British prime minister Tony Blair's personal information has been exposed by Black & Berg Security as being a group that was created by members of LulzSec, Sabu and Topiary in order to have a foe.
  10. Session Start: Sat Jun 18 17:58:33 2011
  11. Ident: #peIRC
  12. [17:58] * Now talking in ##p0ison
  13. [17:58] * Topic is '[pE] TeaMp0isoN | OpFade2Black | If you got access to a botnet msg lol'
  14. [17:58] * Set by Sabu! on Fri Jun 17 06:11:42
  15. [17:59] <&Sabu> I know. If he does then I move it, TTL is only 5min.
  16. [17:59] <lol> k
  17. [17:59] <lol> Who is *******?
  18. [17:59] <&Sabu> Thats *******... He can write the python for the IRC log, I have better things to do.
  19. [17:59] <lol> ...
  20. [17:59] <Topiary> Sabu: I thought I was doing that.
  21. [18:00] * Sabu sets mode: +oo lol Topiary
  22. [18:00] <&Sabu> Nah, let him. I have something for you.
  23. [18:00] <&Sabu> Get two or three twitter accounts setup. We want the "TeaMp0isoN" group to be a foe...
  24. [18:00] <@Topiary> ok
  25. [18:00] <&Sabu> So, start making posts calling us skidz and get a story line going.
  26. [18:01] <@Topiary> preference on names?
  27. [18:01] <&Sabu> They already have names. TriCk, iN^SaNe, and c0nv1ct.
  28. [18:01] <@lol> convict is not one of them... he was just a skid that wanted to help the "cause"
  29. [18:01] <&Sabu> Okay, so just TriCk and iN^SaNe.
  30. [18:01] <@lol> Sabu: are you sure these two are not active still?
  31. [18:01] <&Sabu> Yes, I was one of them. xD
  32. [18:02] <@lol> wheres AV at?
  33. [18:02] <&Sabu> Said he would be back in a few... I'll send him a msg on Skype.
  34. [18:03] <&Sabu> No reply... Probably busy with the repair guy still.
  35. [18:05] <&Sabu> *******: Did you get the script written yet?
  36. [18:05] <*******> Hold, fighting with the g/f...
  37. [18:05] <&Sabu> Let me know when you are done. I wan't to get this process started.
  38. [18:05] <*******> Okay.
  39. [18:06] <@Topiary> TriCk was taken already so I setup the names as _TeaMp0isoN_
  40. [18:06] <@Topiary> I will use TeaMp0isoN_ for the other one
  41. [18:06] <&Sabu> Make it look militry style so people think it might be #jester.
  42. [18:06] <@lol> :) hehe
  43. [18:06] <@Topiary> I have the font used for Modern Warfare :p
  44. [18:06] <&Sabu> Just don't make it look cartoonish
  45. [18:07] * avunit (Avunit@HA-4o8.6s8.srgpum.IP) has joined ##p0ison
  46. [18:07] <&Sabu> About time...
  47. [18:07] <avunit> Gimmeh a break, they just left.
  48. [18:07] * Sabu sets mode: +o avunit
  49. [18:07] <@avunit> What did you need?
  50. [18:08] <&Sabu> We are starting the poison pawn thing...
  51. [18:08] <&Sabu> And lol was asking for you :p
  52. [18:08] * avunit hides
  53. [18:08] <@avunit> lol, I like men, but NO BEARS!!!
  54. [18:10] <@Topiary>!/_teamp0ison_ < Look good?
  55. [18:10] <@lol> LOL... Nice.
  56. Session Close: Sat Jun 18 18:11:20 2011
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