

May 22nd, 2016
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  1. (Sister-Sting) kinda wonder how obvious We're being
  2. (Sister-Sting) speaking of~
  3. (Emit) is it a fart?
  4. (Emit) are your words fartign?
  5. (Tinker) Pfft
  6. (Tinker) Maybe
  7. (Sister-Sting) no, its a flirty thing
  8. (Emit) no one has the slgihtest clue
  9. (Emit) just so you two know
  10. (Sister-Sting) and you
  11. (Sister-Sting) and Jero
  12. (Sister-Sting) and flam
  13. (Emit) like if you hadn't said something then id have no idea
  14. (Tinker) I thought it passed as a sister-ish thing
  15. (Tinker) Lmao
  16. (Emit) lewd
  17. (Emit) neither of you live in alabama that is unnacceptable
  18. (Emit) ;)
  19. (Sister-Sting) I live in Arkansas
  20. (Sister-Sting) is that close
  21. (Tinker) Close enough
  22. (Sister-Sting) also we live an ocean away mang ;m;
  23. (Tinker) ^
  24. (Flamberge-) aw
  25. * Flamberge- pulls the two of them into a hug
  26. (Flamberge-) you two can make it work
  27. * Tinker hugs
  28. (Flamberge-) i believe in you ^-^
  29. (Emit) ya, just save up some money and do a realyl bad ass vacation together somewhere
  30. (Emit) i beleive in you too
  31. (Tinker) Thanks!
  32. (Emit) literally anythign is possible
  33. (Tinker) True that
  34. (Emit) my ex thought that love was the most powerful force on the planet, I disagree, I say it is tied, for love is useless without hope to believe in, and willpower to make it so
  35. (Emit) you both seem to have a lot of all of them
  36. (Emit) itll work
  37. (Tinker) Hah
  38. (Tinker) We'll try
  39. (Tinker) It'll happen
  40. (Tinker) Sooner or later, one way or another
  41. (Emit)
  42. (Sister-Sting) gotta raise money during summer
  43. (Sister-Sting) and get buff
  44. (Sister-Sting) dont want her to meet some fatty
  45. (Emit) love knows no form
  46. (Emit) but being fit is awesome, you will feel so much better every day
  47. (Sister-Sting) yeah but I dont want to be fat in general
  48. (Tinker) I'm gonna be c u t e
  49. (Sister-Sting) eh I feel perfectly fine already
  50. (Sister-Sting) but you already A R E
  51. (Flamberge-) don't over do it, go for balance, strongman, not bodybuilder
  52. (Tinker) Then i wanna upgrade the c u t e
  53. (Tinker) Cute 2.0
  54. (Emit) wlel its not that you feel bad, but the psychological effects of working out are very beneficial
  55. (Flamberge-) as someone who's seen you, i can agree, you are adorable onee-san
  56. (Emit) aww
  57. (Tinker) Aww i'm not adorable i'm obnoxious
  58. (Flamberge-) are we talking about the same person here?
  59. (Emit) hehe idk how or why but its liek we are programmed to hate outself now adays :P
  60. (Emit) you aren't obnoxious, lol
  61. (Flamberge-) ^
  62. * Sister-Sting gets a bit defensive and hugs the GF
  63. (Tinker) I feel like i am most of the time
  64. (Flamberge-) no worries sting, there's a reason i call her onee-san both in and out of character
  65. (Flamberge-) she's like a sister to me
  66. (Sister-Sting) :D
  67. (Emit) was this araks first appearance?
  68. (Emit)
  69. (Tinker) Awww
  70. (Emit) I dont even think I was here for that
  71. (Tinker) This makes me happy tbh
  72. (Tinker) Thanks
  73. (Flamberge-) can i join in the hug?
  74. (Flamberge-) no problem, onee-san
  75. (Flamberge-) ^-^
  76. * Tinker hugs!
  77. * Flamberge- hugs back :D
  78. ** Miranda has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  79. (Emit) rofl this goat thread is goofy
  80. (Flamberge-) i think it was holiday's
  81. (Sister-Sting) Holiday threads are always silly fun
  82. (Emit) Arak called my tower eeriness ....
  83. (Emit) why I oughta
  84. (Tinker) Lol
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