
Healing Kisses (ch29)

Nov 1st, 2020
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  1. For 0mn! They asked me for this like... 3 months ago I'm so sorry it took so long to get to it aksjdhksjdf But this is a really cute domestic concept and I really enjoyed it~
  3. Disclaimer: I do not own Shoujo Kageki Revue Starlight.
  5. -----------
  7. Chapter 29. Making Up
  9. Much like anything else that captures Claudine's attention, it's a small ember that sparks the fire.
  11. And much like any other time, it's involving Maya.
  13. Although, this time, it isn't a spark of annoyance or jealousy at some infuriating comment or condescending glance.
  15. This time, it's a spark of interest - of curiosity.
  17. It happens on the evening of a simple recital, nothing major or nerve-wracking, but just a casual performance where each girl will sing one song onstage. And of course they prefer to dress up even for something so brief.
  19. Claudine herself has chosen a peach-cream gown that flutters down to her ankles and brings out her eyes. She's even clipped a pink rose onto the side of her headband to accent the colors.
  21. The other girls singing tonight are dressed similarly around her in all different colors, including Maya who is dressed in blue.
  23. As is typical on the night of any kind of performance, the girls from Class B are buzzing about making final adjustments to outfits and doing everyone's makeup and hair for them. But they'd made an apologetic announcement that they were a bit short on hands tonight, and that anyone who was confident enough in their own makeup skills would be advised to do whatever they could manage on their own.
  25. Naturally, Claudine had no issues with this. After all, she typically took care of her own makeup before just about every show, and would even help out Hikari or Futaba with theirs from time to time if necessary. As far as she knew, all of her friends knew plenty about makeup and such things.
  27. But tonight, as she angles her face in all different ways to observe her reflection in the mirror, her eyes catch sight of the person they always just so happen to catch sight of.
  29. Maya is probably the only one in the room not moving right now. Where everyone else is powdering their noses or brushing their hair, Maya sits perfectly still in front of the mirror, though Claudine can tell even from this distance that her eyes are flicking around nervously.
  31. If Claudine hadn't been several people away from her, she would've inquired what the matter was, but as things are now she's too far away.
  33. Even so, she gets her answer soon enough.
  35. As soon as one of the girls from Class B is free to take another patient for makeup, Maya politely raises her hand to wave her over. The girl beams and bounds to her, then begins gabbing away as she starts fixing Maya up. A look of relief comes across Maya's features then, and she seems to relax.
  37. And that's how Claudine learns something very interesting.
  39. She'd thought all of her friends were well-versed in these sort of things. After all, makeup and prep were second-nature in this type of career, where they were constantly being viewed by dozens or even hundreds of other people.
  41. But it would seem Claudine had misjudged the virtually-perfect Tendo Maya on this particular account. It piques her interest enough to have a smile curling onto her lips.
  43. But for now Claudine keeps quiet and simply applies a bit of pink lip gloss on herself.
  45. Tonight, her sole focus will be on the recital.
  47. But tomorrow, she's going to have a bit of fun with Tendo Maya.
  49. ----------
  51. The day after the recital is Saturday, so the girls spend their free time however they please. Junna is helping Nana with some cooking, Futaba and Kaoruko had gone town to go shopping and have just returned to put things away, and Mahiru is supervising Karen and Hikari with their chores.
  53. As for Claudine, she has something very specific in mind planned for today.
  55. And for once, it isn't practice. Not the kind that's done in the dance studio, anyway.
  57. As she enters the lounge now, she hears Nana and Junna's pleasant chatter as they chop vegetables together, Kaoruko's whining that it was too hot outside and Futaba's sighs for her to drink some water, as well as Mahiru's tittering warnings to her roommates that certain kinds of sprays can only be used on certain surfaces.
  59. Claudine spots her target on the couch reading quietly amidst the easygoing noise. She approaches casually, with her hands folded behind her back, a stance so innocent it might be borderline suspicious. Once Maya realizes she is being looked at with such intent, she lifts her face from her book and smiles.
  61. "Saijou-san? Is there something you need?"
  63. Claudine stops a foot or so away from the couch and returns her smile with a smirk.
  65. "As a matter of fact, there is."
  67. Maya slowly closes her book and places it aside.
  69. "And what might that be?"
  71. "You."
  73. There's a soft, but mutual sputtering from their friends all around the room.
  75. "My," Kaoruko mumbles. "That was rather bold."
  77. "Kaoruko, shush! Quit eavesdroppin'!"
  79. "I was doing nothing of the sort! They're talking right there!"
  81. "Still-!"
  83. In the kitchen, Junna is trying not to pry either, but she can't help looking back over her shoulder.
  85. "I wonder what that's all about…"
  87. "Who knows?" Nana purrs.
  89. And back across the room where they are cleaning, Karen proposes her own guess to her roommates.
  91. "I bet they're gonna practice together like always! Tendo-san and Kuro-chan are so dedicated!"
  93. "That's what they normally do on weekends," Hikari agrees.
  95. "Even so," Mahiru says quietly. "Kuro-chan is being really forward today."
  97. As all their friends murmur to themselves, Maya is left blinking curiously up at Claudine's outstretched hand.
  99. "Me?" she inquires. "And may I ask what you need me for, Saijou-san?"
  101. "You'll see." She moves her hand a bit closer, and Maya is both compelled and delighted to accept as she gets to her feet.
  103. "Very well. Where shall I be accompanying you to, then? The studio?"
  105. "Not today." Claudine shakes her head. "Today you're coming to my room."
  107. Another sputter goes up, but this time it's mostly Kaoruko's squeak before Futaba swats her on the head.
  109. Claudine and Maya are none the wiser about their friends' misinterpretations and merely give them all puzzled looks before Maya glances back to her partner.
  111. "You room…?" she repeats. "What could I possibly help you with there?"
  113. "You'll see." And with this, Claudine tugs her along, and the two turn to walk out of the lounge, hand-in-hand.
  115. The others are left reeling.
  117. "Heavens!" Kaoruko cries. "Those two are so brazen! In the middle of the day? Shameless~"
  119. "Kaoruko, shut it! It's definitely not what you're thinkin'!"
  121. "Only one way to be certain, yes? Shall we go take a listen?"
  123. "H-Hell no!"
  125. "Isurugi-san is right!" Junna half-shrieks to interject. "There's no way those two would be doing that sort of thing after announcing it so openly like that!"
  127. "I don't know…" Nana hums. "They've always been really close..."
  129. "Indeed~" Karouko grins. "And it would appear Kuro-han wants to be even closer~"
  131. "Kaoruko!"
  133. "Hopefully they're gentle~ Can't have them being sore on Monday during lessons~"
  135. "Hanayagi-san, please!"
  137. On the other side of the room, Hikari looks to Karen and tilts her head.
  139. "What are they talking about?"
  141. "I dunno…"
  143. Mahiru, who's turned cherry-red by now, quickly scrambles to change the topic for them.
  145. "N-Never mind that, you two! H-Here, let me show you how to clean this kind of wood…"
  147. And so, the lounge is left in a state of blushing disarray, though Claudine and Maya haven't the slightest idea as to what chaos they've inadvertently caused.
  149. Though Maya would be lying to say she isn't a bit nervous - or perhaps even excited - about what Claudine's surefire stride back to her bedroom might entail. She tries not to let her mind get ahead of itself, and simply remains quiet as she prepares herself for anything. Though she has to wonder if her hand is getting a bit sweaty.
  151. By the time Claudine has brought her to her room, Maya is a bit stiff.
  153. "Saijou-san…?"
  155. "It shouldn't take that long," Claudine assures her. "Only an hour or so."
  157. "An hour…" Maya's heart does something like a fish out of water might do and begins to squirm as Claudine opens the door and brings her inside. She never knew she would be this excited, but then again it shouldn't be all that surprising, considering-
  159. "Here." Claudine's stern tone snaps Maya from her flustered thoughts and back into reality. She blinks as Claudine veers her away from the bed - as Maya thought, and maybe even hoped where they'd be headed - and instead pushes her down into a pink cushioned stool at the vanity.
  161. "Eh?"
  163. "Why do you look so surprised?" Claudine huffs as she fumbles with the makeup supplies on the vanity. "What did you think we'd come here to do, exactly?"
  165. Maya blinks again, finally letting out a breath.
  167. "I'm not certain… What is it you need me for, Saijou-san?"
  169. Claudine groans and rolls her eyes.
  171. "Isn't it obvious?" She places a makeup kit down right in front of Maya and gives her a serious look. "I'm teaching you how to do your makeup."
  173. Maya feels as though the world has suddenly straightened out again after her thoughts had tossed it into turmoil.
  175. "Oh. I see. Then it for was makeup…"
  177. "Again, what did you think it was for? Honestly…"
  179. Maya swallows and keeps her embarrassing thoughts to herself, shaking them off now as she settles into this much less stressful reality Claudine has brought her into.
  181. "My makeup, you say?"
  183. "Oui." Claudine pulls up a second stool now to sit beside her and begins pawing through several rows of little bottles and containers of various things of various shades of peach or pink. "I noticed last night that you were all too reliant on the girls from Class B to handle it for you. And while they're much more skilled at it than the rest of us are, it would still be better if you at least knew the basics, don't you think?" She starts opening up some of the containers of powder and blush and arranging different-sized brushes on the vanity. "Honestly. To think the mighty Tendo Maya doesn't even know how to apply her own foundation..."
  185. Now that Maya has calmed herself down enough, she engages Claudine in this conversation.
  187. "It isn't that I don't know how," Maya corrects her. "But I simply feel those girls will do a much more efficient job than I ever could."
  189. "Right…" Claudine sighs. "Well, either way, this is something anyone in theatre should know. You should be grateful I'm offering my time to help you out with this, Tendo Maya."
  191. Maya responds to her challenging eyes like a magnet finding its other piece.
  193. "But of course. I am eternally grateful, Saijou-san."
  195. "Don't be weird," Claudine huffs. "Like I said, I'll just go over the basics. You can leave the fancier things to the makeup experts, but you've got to know a few things at the very least."
  197. "Very well." Maya dips her head in compliance. "Then I will be in your care, Saijou-san."
  199. "Good." Claudine picks up the first brush of the hour. "Then let's get started."
  201. She begins with a thin layer of foundation, lightly sweeping the brush across Maya's pale skin that's so indicative of how many years she'd spent indoors training. Claudine only includes a bit of color to add a hint of shine to her natural beauty. But of course, she doesn't describe it out loud to her as such.
  203. "You do the strokes like this, got it?" she explains. "This will help with your pallor. And it will serve to make a good base and contrast for the blush."
  205. "I see…" Though Maya has her eyes closed at the moment, she says as much.
  207. "Actually, you're about the same skin tone as me," Claudine says. "So this is the same one I use." She gives a few more passes of the brush over Maya's cheeks, and then notices her flinch slightly. Claudine withdraws her hand. "Sorry. Was I being too aggressive?"
  209. "Not at all." Maya opens her eyes and smiles, taking Claudine's hand to reassure her. "Rather, quite the opposite. You were so gentle it felt a bit ticklish."
  211. "Oh?" Claudine muses. "So you're ticklish, then. Just not quite in the places most people are."
  213. "I wouldn't say that…"
  215. Claudine takes pride in her small victory as a faint blush comes across Maya's cheeks now.
  217. "Which brings us to our next step." Claudine puts down the current brush and container of foundation and exchanges them for a slightly rounder brush and some blush. She tests out a few strokes on her own wrist first, then motions for Maya to give hers and does the same before making her decision.
  219. "All right, close your eyes again. I'll try not to tickle you."
  221. Maya does as she's told, and is actually very much enjoying this experience. To think that Claudine had been observing her from a distance enough to recognize her awkwardness with makeup makes Maya very happy.
  223. And even more than that is how considerate Claudine is being of her comfort right now, how she's being so careful and gentle and checking to make sure she's all right. Maya feels her reach out with her free hand to tilt her chin slightly one way or the other. She's enjoying the treatment so much she fails to realize Claudine had been talking to her.
  225. "Hey! Tendo Maya!"
  227. "Eh?" Maya blinks her eyes back open to find herself looking at a disgruntled Claudine.
  229. "Were you listening to any of my instructions on this, or were you falling asleep?"
  231. "My apologies. Would you mind repeating that?"
  233. "Cette femme… I was explaining about how to flick your wrist when doing this for the best possible outcome. Different strokes will give you different results, just like in art class."
  235. Maya grimaces a little at the mention of the class that gives her the most trouble.
  237. "Perhaps that is why I am not so confident with makeup…" she mumbles. "I was never the best with painting in any form, I suppose."
  239. "Not with that attitude," Claudine huffs. "Just like with anything else, you just need to practice. Do you think I got this good overnight?" She tosses her hair over her shoulder and turns her head to the side importantly. And even though Claudine doesn't have a speck of makeup on her, Maya believes she's never looked more beautiful.
  241. "You're right," she nods. "I will pay proper attention to your lessons from now on."
  243. "You'd better." Claudine puts down her current brush and then reaches for some eyeliner. "Now then, we'll move onto this. And you're going to try it once I've demonstrated."
  245. "Very well."
  247. So Maya listens closely now as Claudine explains about all the many different kinds of makeup, from eyeliner to lip gloss and everything in between. She does her best with her own limited knowledge to memorize which brushes are used for what, and which comes first in the sequence of application. She also does her best to mimic Claudine in applying them on herself.
  249. And it's odd, but this little surprise makeup session with her today has made Maya very, very happy. After all, she'd never been doted on or pampered much as a child.
  251. While it's true makeup artists had always done this sort of thing for her when she was old enough to be deemed needing of it, it had never been a process that brought her any sort of enjoyment. She'd always just sit there quietly, unmoving as some adult or another fussed away with her skin and hair and did whatever they thought was best, without ever asking for her input or preference. It had always just been a part of her long and lonely climb to the top.
  253. But now, today with Claudine…
  255. This is the first time Maya has ever actively enjoyed such things.
  257. She'd heard of and seen plenty of girls their age doing these sorts of things for one another simply for the sake of fun, without any pressure for perfection at all. She'd always thought it would be frivolous - a waste of time. But now she understands how mistaken she'd been.
  259. She can't wipe the smile off her face as Claudine continues telling her about any and all kinds of makeup and skin tone and blush and eye shadow. Even as Claudine is doing Maya's lipstick for her and telling her to pucker her lips a bit, Maya ends up smiling again, which causes Claudine to smear it on her chin and then chide her about it.
  261. It's only now, when she's well into her high school years, that Maya finally gets to experience this kind of playful activity with someone close to her.
  263. And it's only now that she realizes that the true goal of this isn't just to teach her about makeup and beautification, but rather, it's to let the participants spend time with one another and have fun.
  265. Whatever Claudine does for Maya, she then does on herself, demonstrating so that Maya can see it performed more clearly on someone else. She then has Maya try it on herself to help her learn.
  267. In just over half an hour, Claudine finally dusts one more brush across Maya's cheek before sitting back with an accomplished sigh.
  269. "And there you have it," she says, putting everything aside. "Nothing too major or flashy. Just the basics. It might take some time, but it's a very fine and precise art." Putting her hands on Maya's shoulders, she turns her toward the mirror. "What do you think?"
  271. Maya looks up at her reflection now, and her eyes grow a bit wide in surprise. Just as Claudine had said, it isn't much of a change, just subtle alterations here or there, highlighting her lips or the apples of her cheeks or a certain shade of her eyelids. But with just those few little brushes, she feels as though she's ready to go onstage right this moment and blow the audience away.
  273. Though, her eyes don't end up lingering on her own reflection for very long. They stray to Claudine, as they always seem to do, admiring her beauty. Of course, Maya thinks her lovely enough already without makeup, but to see her with just those slight tints of pink on her cheeks and lips sends her heart into a little whirl.
  275. "Hey." Claudine gives her shoulder a firm shake. "Are you spacing out on me again?"
  277. "Not at all," Maya smiles. "I was simply admiring your work, Saijou-san. I feel as though I've just been tended to by a professional."
  279. "Flatterer."
  281. "But I mean it," she says. "There is something different about your technique, even if you only covered the basics. I very much enjoyed the treatment from you more than anyone else." Maya feels a true blush coming on now as she prepares herself to say something so honest. "Saijou-san, I feel that only you - above anyone else - can bring out this kind of beauty in me."
  283. And similarly to Maya's condition, Claudine's cheeks are overcome with a genuine blush as well.
  285. "Wh-What are you saying?" she huffs. "That's awfully poetic for something so simple…"
  287. "But to me, it is something quite major." Maya closes her eyes and shines a heartfelt smile up at her. "Thank you very much, Saijou-san."
  289. It's Claudine's turn to feel her heart skip and bounce around in her chest as she promptly turns away.
  291. "Don't thank me yet," she huffs. "I'm not finished with you."
  293. "Oh?" Maya tilts her head. "What else do you have in mind?"
  295. "Well... I was thinking I might try a few things with your hair," Claudine reveals. "If you wouldn't mind, of course."
  297. And normally, Maya would have minded. She'd known far too many adults who had brushed quickly and roughly through her hair for the sake of time, always yanking through the tangles and claiming that she had so much beautiful hair that losing a few strands wouldn't matter. And Maya had always had to swallow back her little yelps of pain for the sake of appearances.
  299. As such, she'd always been hesitant to let other people do her hair, and when given the option she would rather take care of it herself.
  301. Only when Claudine gives her the option does Maya readily choose to leave herself in her care.
  303. Truth be told, Maya had even been hesitant about her from the start. Claudine had once stated she knew the struggles of long, thick hair after a shower and had offered to dry and brush it for her. And something about her then, as now, had just had Maya letting down her defenses and agreeing.
  305. Claudine's been doing Maya's hair for her after every shower since.
  307. So naturally, Maya is more than happy to let her do as she pleases now, too.
  309. "I don't mind one bit," she agrees. She'd trusted Claudine in the past, and Claudine has honored that trust every time, to the point where Maya will sometimes come to her specifically asking for her hair to be tended to - something she'd never done with anyone else.
  311. Presently, Claudine is glad Maya has accepted the offer once again. She can assume Maya's plight about this sort of thing based on her past, so Claudine always makes certain she gives her the option to decline.
  313. But Maya never refuses her, and that makes Claudine all the happier, though she rarely shows it.
  315. As she gets up from her stool, she retreats to the bathroom and returns with both a straightener and a curling iron. Maya perks up a little.
  317. "Oh? This is new."
  319. "I just figured since we've already done makeup, why not play around with our hair as well?"
  321. "This is what most people would call a girls' night, is it not?"
  323. "Though it's the middle of the day, I guess you're right." Claudine puts both tools down on the vanity for the moment and picks up a hair brush. "May I?"
  325. "Please do." Maya sits as properly as ever as she closes her eyes to enjoy Claudine's familiar treatment. "So," she prompts her. "What exactly are you planning to do with my hair, Saijou-san?"
  327. "Well…" Claudine takes her time brushing through the brunette locks, weaving through the few minor snags so as not to tug. "Something struck me, and I felt I wanted to see what you'd look like with curls."
  329. "I see," Maya chuckles, opening her eyes to meet hers in the mirror. "I don't think I can recall ever having that done. I suppose I'm rather curious as well. In that case, what if I were to straighten yours in return?"
  331. Claudine makes a face at her in the reflection.
  333. "I'm not sure that will be very flattering, but I suppose it's only fair."
  335. "Then I will look forward to it."
  337. But for now, Maya simply enjoys the feeling of Claudine's hands at her back, her fingers combing lightly through her tresses. As always, she brushes gently and smoothly, and her movements are so tender and careful in contrast to what Maya was once used to that she almost feels the urge to cry.
  339. Somehow she refrains though, or else she'd end up ruining their carefree mood for certain.
  341. Claudine soon removes Maya's ribbon and brushes all down her back until she's satisfied. Then, she moves to plug in the curling iron. Maya has to admit she is eager to see the results of this, not only on herself, but on Claudine for her turn as well.
  343. "Well?" Claudine taps her shoulder. "May I begin then? Or would you rather not after all?"
  345. Maya shakes her head.
  347. "Please go ahead, Saijou-san."
  349. "Okay. But you can change your mind at any time, all right? Just say the word and I'll stop."
  351. "Thank you." Maya's chest is filled with a blooming warmth. She is always so touched by Claudine's thoughtfulness for her comfort.
  353. She sits patiently as Claudine begins gathering locks of her hair and curling them around the iron, then pressing them in. Maya's hair takes to the curls without much trouble, and the overall length is shortened a bit as it becomes temporarily wavy.
  355. Claudine focuses on her task of dividing it into sections and curling them each, and only steps back to admire the final product when she's entirely finished.
  357. And she never for a second thought it might look bad on Maya...
  359. But she also never thought it would look this good, either.
  361. "My, my," she says. "I shouldn't really be all that surprised. Leave it to Tendo Maya to look good no matter what."
  363. "Oh?" Maya purrs. "Was that a compliment? Then I suppose it looks all right?"
  365. "See for yourself." Claudine gathers her hair and drapes it over Maya's shoulder for her to observe in the mirror. From the middle to the ends, it bounces in several sections, giving an overall regal sort of appearance.
  367. "See?" Claudine says. "It would put Shizuha and even Yachiyo to shame."
  369. "Only because it was done by such a skilled hand, I'm sure."
  371. "Do you like it?"
  373. "Yes," Maya smiles. "I think I rather do. Perhaps I should ask you to do this sort of thing for me more often, Saijou-san."
  375. "I'd be glad to." Claudine places the curler aside and puts her hands on her hips triumphantly. Maya bounces her hair in her palm for a moment longer before getting up now. She fastens her ribbon back in its place before offering Claudine her seat.
  377. "Now then, allow me, Saijou-san."
  379. "Right…"
  381. Claudine is half-eager and half-dreading to see herself with straightened hair. She'd done it a few times before as a child and never been much of a fan for whatever reason. She assumed it was because most girls in Japan seemed to have straight hair, so she'd always been proud of her half-French heritage that give hers a natural curl.
  383. As she sits down and gets comfortable, Maya plugs in the hair straightener and lets it warm up, taking the time to brush through Claudine's hair as well. Claudine has told her multiple times that she can just brush it normally straight down, but Maya always prefers to follow the waves of her curls nonetheless.
  385. After Claudine had done so much for her in such a brief amount of time today, Maya is more than glad to repay the favor now. She carefully removes Claudine's hairband and places it on the vanity before continuing her motions, until she's brushed over every last strand. By now the straightener is ready, so Maya exchanges the brush for that.
  387. "Are you certain you'd like me to do this, Saijou-san?" she checks. "Please don't think you have to agree to it simply because I did."
  389. "It's fine." Claudine smiles up at her through the mirror. "Just promise not to laugh if I look ridiculous."
  391. "I would never. I'm certain you will look as stunning as ever."
  393. So Maya gets to work on straightening out Claudine's hair, starting at the top of each section and gradually working her way down. She almost feels guilty to be flattening out the gentle waves of her beautiful hair, and it must show on her face, because Claudine notices.
  395. "Don't look so upset," she says. "You know it will go back to normal after I shower, right?"
  397. "Yes, I suppose it will." The reminder makes her feel a bit better about doing this to her now, so Maya continues with her task.
  399. By the time she's straightened out the last of Claudine's curls, she has to blink half a dozen times to get used to the sight of her light blonde hair looking so different now.
  401. "Well?" Claudine asks. "How bad is it? Be honest."
  403. Maya puts down the straightener and runs her fingers through Claudine's locks.
  405. "It isn't bad at all," she says. "It seems to be a bit longer, even. If Kagura-san or Tsuyuzaki-san were to dye their hair blonde, I imagine it would look something like this." She paws through it again, noticing how the strands now fall through her fingers a bit differently than they did as waves.
  407. Claudine reaches back over her shoulder to touch her hair as well, making a contemplative expression.
  409. "I guess it's not as bad as I thought. But I still don't think I could do this permanently."
  411. "I think I would have to agree," Maya nods. "Though your beauty is incomparable no matter what, I do believe it is most lovely when it is natural."
  413. "You're so annoying…" Claudine says as much, but it doesn't change the fact that she's blushing.
  415. Maya puts her headband back on for her, then helps her tidy up the vanity. Claudine puts the straightener and curler back in the bathroom, getting used to seeing herself with her hair like this. Similarly, Maya is getting used to the odd feeling of her own hair bouncing a little as she moves. When they come back together, they share a bemused smile.
  417. "Well then," Claudine proposes. "Why don't we go get some practice in? Then we can shower and get back to normal."
  419. "I would love to," Maya agrees. "Though, until then, I will be sure to enjoy this rare occasion to the fullest." She reaches out to glide her fingers through a lock of Claudine's hair. Claudine huffs, but counters with the same movement, letting Maya's hair twirl around her finger at the ends.
  421. "I guess you're right. I should enjoy this while I can."
  423. They share a smile before heading to the door so they can make their way to school to practice.
  425. But as they step out into the hallway, Maya and Claudine are puzzled to find all of their friends huddled outside the door together. They all shriek and blush now as Claudine puts her hands on her hips.
  427. "What's the meaning of this?"
  429. "S-Sorry!" Junna yelps. "I told them we should just leave you two be, but-"
  431. "That's right you guys," Nana pouts. "It was none of our business."
  433. "It was mostly this one." Futaba jabs a finger at Kaoruko. "Can't keep her nose outta stuff."
  435. "Oh, don't tell me you weren't curious as well! What, with all that talk of being too 'aggressive' or a bit 'gentler'…"
  437. "K-Kaoruko-chan!" Mahiru wails. "P-Please-!"
  439. "What on earth are you talking about?" Claudine demands. She turns to Maya expectantly. And although Maya had initially been prone to the same misunderstanding as the rest of them, she quickly shakes her head.
  441. "I'm not sure…"
  443. "Either way," Kaoruko sighs. "It doesn't seem like anything happened. What a shame."
  445. "I still don't know what they're talking about…" Karen mumbles.
  447. "Me either," Hikari says.
  449. "D-Don't worry about it, you two," Mahiru chuckles nervously. "I-In any case, it looks like Kuro-chan was doing Tendo-san's makeup for her! And your hair looks lovely, too! Both of you!"
  451. "I agree!" Nana claps. "It's a nice change of pace!"
  453. "I'm going to need to get used to it," Kaoruko mutters. "It seems wrong."
  455. "The only thing wrong about any of this is your brain," Futaba grunts.
  457. "I think they look great!" Karen chimes in. "Tendo-san, you look so elegant! And Kuro-chan, you look like a princess!"
  459. "Thank you very much, Aijou-san," Maya smiles. "I owe it all to Saijou-san."
  461. "And I suppose Tendo Maya didn't do half bad on my hair either," Claudine admits.
  463. With this, the nine of them turn to start heading back down the hallway together, chatting. Maya follows along at the back of the group with Claudine. But she pauses briefly when she feels a hand on her wrist, tugging her back. Claudine looks up at her with a glint in her eyes.
  465. "Just a minute."
  467. "Yes?"
  469. Claudine reaches out to cup her cheek, tilting Maya's head a little bit and scrutinizing her face.
  471. "Ah, it's just as I thought…"
  473. "Pardon?"
  475. But before Maya can inquire any more, she feels the soft bump of lips against her own. The kiss is sweet and pink and tastes like cherry. When Claudine eases back, Maya slips an arm around her waist and purrs.
  477. "Oh? And just what was that about, Saijou-san?"
  479. "Nothing," she huffs. "I was just making sure your lip gloss was doing its job. It got a little smeared."
  481. "Oh," Maya beams. "Then perhaps you'd care to smear it a little more with me, Saijou-san?"
  483. "Mechante va. We've got practicing to do!"
  485. "Of course."
  487. And so that day, Maya learned a great deal about makeup from Claudine, and they both got to see a new hair style on each other as well.
  489. And just perhaps as they'd enjoyed their training session alone together, they might have smeared their lip gloss a little bit more.
  491. ---------
  494. A/N: kajshdf so 0mn's prompt was just to have Claudine doing Maya's makeup, but then I asked if I could also throw in an idea of mine I'd had for a long time of them swapping hair styles since it was also makeup-related and she said yes so I just made it one big domestic chapter ;v; And the others (Kaoruko) misinterpreting things just sort of happened haha
  496. And I'm pretty sure I've written about Maya having it rough as a child and being untrustworthy of people touching her hair but now is only comfortable with Claudine caring for it. I'm so weak...
  498. Hope you enjoyed!
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