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RPSouth Carolina and beyond Stump Speech tips and guidelines

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Jan 20th, 2012
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  1. I can't participate in the South Carolina primary voting or any of the voting process as I'm a legal resident and not a citizen, but I've been following the Ron Paul race (watching lots of RP videos, Free to Choose, Tom Woods videos, Thomas Sowell videos, Ayn Rand vids, Mises institute videos and reading about Austrian economics and articles on the Republican race) since November 2011 and want to help in a different way. Ron Paul is trailing in the SC polls right now so I thought I'd offer tips for the final and potentially powerful ways to convince people to change their minds on their candidate: the stump speeches right before the vote. It's time to remind people why Ron Paul is awesome.
  3. Points to include
  5. * More than twice as many campaign contributions from active duty military - explain why: Because they understand that the way we're running our foreign policy - the way Obama is running our foreign policy and Bush ran our foreign policy is bogging down our country, with nation building and unnecessary involvement in civil wars. Taking ten years and perhaps even longer. When RP is president, he'll make sure that conflicts are over and done with as soon as possible and as efficiently as possible without meddling or getting bogged down with nation building and without breaking international laws. Narrow the target - Letters of Marque and Reprisal - and work with sovereign nations to apprehend targets. *A note on nation building:* It's hypocritical to say you're for freedom when you're involving yourself in central planning, which is essentially what nation building amounts to. We freak out when government meddles into our lives and infringes our liberties with acts such as NDAA, but in Afghanistan it's probably many times worse than U.S.-with-NDAA.
  7. * For those Romney fans who think Ron will leave the country defenseless and with a military that's *not* the largest in the world that no one would think of testing it: RP's budget would allow for a military three times the size of China's military and be able to sustain and pay for it
  9. * Everything is paid for in RP's budget proposal
  11. * Budget balanced in three years, resulting in a surplus in his first term (which would bring respect and honor back to the Republican party) - comment that this along with monetary policy is why Tom Davis and three other state senators endorsed him and the monetary policy along with the plan about the Federal Reserve being why Senator Jim DeMint advised the GOP to seriously consider his message
  13. * For pro-lifers: [effectively] Repeal Roe v. Wade (by doing what Ron proposed in the debate last night)
  15. * He'll cut the deficit by $1 trillion the first year (this cut which will be sustained in the next three years because the initial cuts are on programs and a foreign policy that take revenue)
  17. * Understands the boom/bubble-bust cycle, predicted the housing bubble burst, tried to prevent it, will make sure recessions/bursts don't happen again (artificial and unsustainable booms either). This understanding derived from his adherence to the Austrian school of economics, which is the culmination of everything about the free market, principles that brought about the Golden Age, the Swinging Twenties, and the greatest, wealthiest middle class in the history of this country (along with GI bill after WWII, like Gingrich said/appeal to Gingrich fans), the times when the family could survive on one breadwinner in the family (appeal to traditional family Santorum fans); also RP understands what brought about the Great Depression, seeing how Mises Institute members do talk to one another and Tom Woods is great at explaining the Great Depression from his lectures
  19. * Hasn't flip-flopped (earmarks are an example of his principle of federal spending; he believes the federal government shouldn't be spending more money so he makes sure the money is taken back to his district, which I'm sure voted him in because of his belief that the federal government shouldn't be spending more money). Married to the same woman for almost 55 years.
  21. * Worked as a doctor during a time when healthcare was not handled by the government/was nearly fully privately handled
  23. * Gradually reduce income tax to zero, which not only brings more money back into the private sector but reduces the temptation to grow government and drives lobbyists away because there's no money to enforce and implement new regulations. Also make a note that the income tax is what eventually allowed the Progressive movement to come in and the big government liberal-progressive Democrats to come into being (FDR and his New Deal and all kinds of government programs that prolonged the Great Depression; Gingrich admires FDR, btw - not surprising as he's all for bold grandiose government plans like moon mines and secret advanced technology police and crack CIA-on-steroid teams to take down scientists in the Middle East)
  25. * 100% Constitutional voting record (the only one in the House to have such a record, AFAIK), and being a veteran swore to defend and uphold the Constitution and defend the United States from enemies both foreign and *domestic*
  27. * Understands foreign policy, and the concept/principle/idea that every action we take has an opposite reaction, and predicted 9/11 (or terrorist attacks) and in 2002 predicted a whole host of actions and reactions in the Middle East (make reference to the video "Predictions in Due Time"), all of them coming true illustrates his claim that all offenses are predictable consequences. Also to squeeze in more credentials of his foreign policy chops, mention that he was in the House Foreign Affairs Committee for the State Department Budget 2008 that had a hearing with Condoleezza Rice and again on Foreign Policy Priorities How odd, btw, that people criticize Ron's view on foreign policy when he has served in the HFAC and has probably seen and heard more about the current and previous administration's foreign policy than his critics have in all its hearings and meetings.
  29. * Gold standard would restrain government spending because there's a solid reserve and people can withdraw from that reserve by trading notes for gold
  31. * Asking Congress for a declaration of war would force people to think long and hard about whether or not the conflict is worth the lives and money, and to think rationally ~~and thoroughly~~ about our foreign policy and look at all the reasons why the "Al Qaeda" attacked us and how we're going to go forward with the foreign policy and if the threat is sufficient and credible and identified clearly, then all resources we can use and all effort will be used to go in, get the deed done, tie all loose strings, then get out as quickly as possible, a la WWI
  33. * Country will not be left defenseless to attacks, 9/11 would never have happened with an RP style defense and foreign policy (and with the 2^nd Amendment in effect on airplanes for pilots) and will not happen again under RP's watch. They would never reach the United States border in the first place. That's what a strong defense means. So strong that attacks would next-to-never reach
  35. * First Republican to speak out against SOPA, which shows that he's an eagle eye when it comes to unconstitutional and impractical legislation, which is important in a President who is tasked with signing these legislation into law
  37. * Serves as the chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Domestic Monetary Policy and Technology (under the [House] Committee on Financial Services), being one of the few members of Congress who led the charge to investigate and successfully audit the Federal Reserve, facing against Ben Bernanke in person, on its involvement with (correct me on this) the housing crisis/bailouts, the partial audit which turned up with $16 trillion worth 'loaned' to US and European banks. Also comment about the $9 trillion missing that the Fed couldn't account for - and $1 trillion lost by Obama (forgot where this Obama lost $1 trillion thing came from). I'd say Ron Paul's 30-year project on exposing the Federal Reserve was pretty successful. As President he can be counted on to make a full proper audit of the Federal Reserve a priority and pursued with as much if not more vivacity as he did in Congress.
  39. * As a doctor in the Air Force and OB/GYN in the private sector (unfortunate phrasing), swore on the Hippocratic Oath to not take action that would harm his patient and understands the *traditional* Hippocratic Oath segment (now removed from modern recitings - read about this tidbit in *Liberty Defined*) that stated doctors are not to perform abortion. He sees life as important and of high value and something that should be respected/that is worthy of respect. Also, as a doctor, he has had to (likely - I'm guessing) make snap decisions because when you're a doctor, a mistake could be life-threatening and the burden would fall on both patient and doctor; you can expect the same quick, calculated thinking and decision-making when he becomes president because he is experienced in a role where he is responsible for a life, only as president he would have 300 million under his wing, you can trust that he'll take the responsibility knowing the possible severity of the consequences of his decisions
  41. * Understands the economic workings behind tuition, house, and energy prices in relation to government subsidies
  43. * Will enforce a no-nonsense immigration policy that puts forces currently on an indefensible border to work defending OUR border and lift trade agreements that have encouraged illegal immigration (NAFTA, etc.) One of the reasons people move to the U.S. illegally is because of the economic advantage. NAFTA is a subsidy on corn, which made South Americans unable to compete and earn money by selling there. They move to the U.S. to make money to send home to their families.
  45. * All the above considered, Ron Paul is the original modern TEA Party patriot, and why cogent Tea party leaders and members support him
  47. The time limit on these speeches may vary, so choose points that you think are best for your audience/region and practice your speech to fit the time or go over just a little.
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