
u guys pls

Jan 23rd, 2017
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  1. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:17 AM
  2. oooh she found out
  3. "....Come again"
  4. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:18 AM
  5. "i said i'm- i'm... oh i can't do this"
  6. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:20 AM
  7. "...Poppet. You are long have you been..."
  8. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:20 AM
  9. "I don't... I really can't tell you. I didn't... know... I didn't.... I'm so fucking sorry"(edited)
  10. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:21 AM
  11. "Shhh....Its alright. We'll take good care of them, don't fret my Sweet"
  12. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:22 AM
  13. "You... you don't have to stay. Please. Don't... let me ruin your life."
  14. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:23 AM
  15. '....Wot"
  16. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:23 AM
  17. "It's just... it's a huge thing, and... I don't want you to feel like you're obligated, especially when you've got so much going for you..."
  18. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:26 AM
  19. "....Poppet do you really think I'm the type of man that would leave. Just so i can continue working with my Brother and Father in business? Zora Blackward are you daft, I can do that kind of work here on a computer, I can even teach my classes electronically as long as I set it up with the Univerity. I won't be walking away just because you think I'd be trapped here"
  20. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:28 AM
  21. "I mean... I just wanted to be sure. Do you... want this? Are you ready for something like this..?"
  22. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:35 AM
  23. "Are you?"
  24. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:36 AM
  25. "Full disclosure? It's kind of a weird... even artsy fartsy thing, but... to see what we could make together, something beautiful and wholly unique... I guess I've been thinking about it a lot."
  26. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:37 AM
  27. "Then lets see what we create then. If you didn't feel ready for this though..."
  28. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:38 AM
  29. "Only if you are. If you aren't, then... then I dunno."
  30. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:40 AM
  31. "Poppet, I'm not going to force someone to have my child."
  32. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:41 AM
  33. "I- I know... I know... I'd say... yes. Yes, I want to do this."
  34. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:43 AM
  35. "...then lets do this" [He pulls her into a hug]
  36. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:44 AM
  37. "I guess we're in it now, huh. No going back." [face in chest] "I'm sorry I made that harder than it had to be."
  38. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:50 AM
  39. "No it was at the right setting I believe. Having children is a big step for everyone, Wolf or Human. With how its treated in this society, it makes it all the harder for the mothers to abort if they wish to. I don't want you to feel like you are stuck"
  40. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:51 AM
  41. "No, no... I have to just admit it when Anya had hers I was jealous. I just didn't want to force that on you."
  42. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:54 AM
  43. [pets her hair] "Then lets do this. Together. I'll see to getting paternity leave from work so I can help you out"
  44. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:54 AM
  45. "You don't ave to do that, you know."
  46. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:55 AM
  47. "Oh and why shouldn't I"
  48. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:56 AM
  49. "Well... I mean, you can if you want to. I just don't want you to feel obligated."
  50. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:57 AM
  51. "I want to be here for them while I can. I can still work through my computer, do more of the paperwork end of things for my Father and teach electronically. Just need to make sure the connection stays savvy"(edited)
  52. AntipathicZora - Today at 4:58 AM
  53. "Uuugh... someone else is gonna have to appease the baby for the next nine months because I don't want to move"
  54. MoonlightSylph - Today at 4:59 AM
  55. "And I still say going with Rickroll would be better"
  56. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:00 AM
  57. "I had to go on an ultra important mission before I could get Aidan here to do anything about that."
  58. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:04 AM
  59. "Why don't you call him over and you both can sort this out"
  60. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:05 AM
  61. "I'm gonna have to now, huh. I can't do the upkeep by myself."
  62. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:06 AM
  63. "Maybe show the Shirtless Aussie which spirit needs to be appeased as well"
  64. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:07 AM
  65. "Might be a good plan... aaaand a thought just occurred to me."
  66. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:07 AM
  67. "Hm?"
  68. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:11 AM
  69. "...So... if you're a twin, and I'm a twin..."
  70. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:12 AM
  71. [He smiles] "Did that only occur to you now, Love?"
  72. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:13 AM
  73. "That only occurred to me now."
  74. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:14 AM
  75. [he chuckles, nipping her nose lightly] "You still ready for this?"
  76. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:14 AM
  77. "Well... I'm helping take care of three of 'em, so... god I hope so."
  78. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:16 AM
  79. [He nuzzes her neck] "Then how about we flood your system with endorphens"
  80. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:17 AM
  81. "...Wh... Oh. You're just... okay with that?"
  82. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:18 AM
  83. "Okay with...what" [He's smiling. Looks like you'll have to say it]
  84. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:19 AM
  85. [squint] "Coy bastard. Okay with turning me into what is effectively an X-rated bouncy house."
  86. "...That's not a no, by the way."
  87. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:21 AM
  88. [He kisses her jawline before giving her neck a small nip] "I'm okay with making the Mother of my Children very happy, so in turn they will be happy and healthy as well. If I get a bit of fun from it, that's a bonus"(edited)
  89. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:22 AM
  90. "Well when you put it like that..."
  91. MoonlightSylph - Today at 5:28 AM
  92. [That cabin be rockin'. Sorry Anya]
  93. AntipathicZora - Today at 5:29 AM
  94. [Rip in piss.]
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