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Horde Mode stats

a guest
Nov 11th, 2016
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  2. S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP'
  3. Stat Collection: Attempting to register the match with GetDotaStats...
  4. Stat Collection: Flag was successfully set! {dedi:0}
  5. Stat Collection: Flag was successfully set! {map:Horde_2p}
  6. Stat Collection: {"hostSteamID32":"39018908","modIdentifier":"61a9b035e600b76eec198e090771025d","schemaVersion":5}
  7. Stat Collection: Flag was successfully set! {version:1.20p}
  8. Stat Collection: Flag was successfully set! {loadTime:1}
  9. C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_CUSTOM_GAME_SETUP'
  10. WARNING: Received SpawnGroup_LoadCompleted for an unknown spawngrouphandle: 2
  11. Stat Collection: Match was successfully registered with GetDotaStats!
  12. Stat Collection: Auth Key: R9FMPHOGCB
  13. Stat Collection: MatchID: 15307359
  14. S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION'
  15. difficulty: 0
  16. C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_HERO_SELECTION'
  17. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_abaddon(102)
  18. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_batrider(65)
  19. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_antimage(1)
  20. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_alchemist(73)
  21. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_bloodseeker(4)
  22. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_tinker(34)
  23. PR:SetPossibleHeroSelection 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_tiny(19)
  24. PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:39018908] true
  25. PR:SetSelectedHero 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_tiny(19)
  26. PR:SetSelectedHero 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_tiny(19)
  27. PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:39018908] false
  28. S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_STRATEGY_TIME'
  29. PR:SetPlayerReservedState 0:[U:1:39018908] false
  30. PR:SetSelectedHero 0:[U:1:39018908] npc_dota_hero_tiny(19)
  31. C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_STRATEGY_TIME'
  32. StatCollection Client Loaded
  33. S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME'
  34. m_flPreGameStartTime set to 30.20
  35. m_flStateTransitionTime set to 60.20
  36. Stat Collection: Attempting to send pregame stats...
  37. Stat Collection: Flag was successfully set! {numPlayers:1}
  38. Stat Collection: {"schemaVersion":5,"matchID":15307359,"flags":{"dedi":0,"loadTime":1,"version":"1.20p","numPlayers":1,"map":"Horde_2p"},"modIdentifier":"61a9b035e600b76eec198e090771025d","authKey":"R9FMPHOGCB","dotaMatchID":"0","players":[{"connectionState":2,"steamID32":39018908,"playerName":""}]}
  39. Sending: {"modIdentifier":"61a9b035e600b76eec198e090771025d","steamID32":"39018908","matchID":15307359,"schemaVersion":5}
  40. C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_PRE_GAME'
  41. Stat Collection: Match pregame settings have been recorded!
  42. GDS Reply: {"result":1,"schemaVersion":4}
  43. S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_GAME_IN_PROGRESS'
  44. Map Logic: Map Logic module is trying to init...
  45. Loading Two Player Map Spawners
  46. C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_GAME_IN_PROGRESS'
  47. Attempt to set 'item_bag_of_gold_datadriven' in inventory slot already occupied by 'item_bag_of_gold_datadriven'!
  48. CDOTAGamerules:Pause = true PlayerId=0 fUnpauseDelay=3.00 fPauseDelay=0.00
  49. CDOTAGamerules:Pause = false PlayerId=0 fUnpauseDelay=0.00 fPauseDelay=3.00
  50. Building: npc_dota_hoard_tower_easy destroyed at 408.940918.
  51. npc_dota_creature Model 'models/heroes/broodmother/spiderling.vmdl' doesn't have attachment 'attach_attack1' to attach particle system 'particles/units/heroes/hero_broodmother/broodmother_web_cast.vpcf' to.
  52. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  53. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  54. Building: npc_dota_goodguys_range_rax_mid destroyed at 462.861115.
  55. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  56. Building: npc_dota_goodguys_melee_rax_mid destroyed at 486.355377.
  57. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  58. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  59. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  60. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  61. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  62. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  63. Building: npc_dota_hoard_tower_easy destroyed at 524.546021.
  64. PR:GetSelectedHeroName called with bogus player id -1, ignoring
  65. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  66. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  67. Attempted to create unknown modifier type Effect!
  68. Building: npc_dota_goodguys_fort destroyed at 558.004517.
  69. S:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_POST_GAME'
  70. CDOTAUserMsg_PlayerMMR check: lobbyType=-1, GameEndReason=0
  71. Stat Collection: Attempting to send final stats...
  72. Stat Collection: {"rounds":{"0":{"players":[{"isWinner":"0","steamID32":39018908,"connectionState":2}]}},"schemaVersion":5,"modIdentifier":"61a9b035e600b76eec198e090771025d","gameDuration":618,"matchID":15307359,"authKey":"R9FMPHOGCB"}
  73. -------- GAME DATA --------
  74. {
  75. }
  77. -------- PLAYER DATA --------
  78. {
  79. 1 = table: 0x00240e90 (table)
  80. {
  81. pl = 10 (number)
  82. pk = 0 (number)
  83. steamID32 = 39018908 (number)
  84. ph = "tiny" (string)
  85. pnw = 6126 (number)
  86. pa = 0 (number)
  87. pd = 1 (number)
  88. il = "hoard_magic_wand,tpscroll,ultimate_scepter" (string)
  89. }
  90. }
  91. -------------------------------------
  92. CDOTAGCServerSystem::MatchSignOut gathering sign out stats. Duration in minutes = 9.300632
  93. Player 76561197999284636 Account 39018908 TotalGold = 6224.000000 TotalXP = 5408.000000 nGoldPerMinute = 669 nXPPerMinute = 581
  94. Match signout: duration = 558 (558.037842) good guys win = 1
  95. Match start date: Fri Nov 11 09:54:37 2016
  96. Team 0 Player 0 m_unAccountID = 76561197999284636 Items: 108, 46, 10034, 0, 0, 0
  97. LastHit = 206 Deny = 0 ClaimedMiss = 49 ClaimedDeny = 0 Miss = 19
  98. Level: 10 Gold: 1441 KDA: 0 / 1 / 0
  99. Actual Player Damage: 0 Actual Building Damage: 0 Actual Healing: 0
  100. Scaled Player Damage: 0 Scaled Building Damage: 0 Scaled Healing: 0
  101. XP per min: 669 Gold per min: 581 Claimed Farm: 5451 Support Gold 80
  102. KILLEATER: Signing out with 0 adjustments
  103. KILLEATER: Message has 0 player blocks
  104. SIGNOUT: Job created, Protobuf:
  105. duration: 558
  106. good_guys_win: true
  107. date: 1478850877
  108. num_players: 1
  109. teams {
  110. players {
  111. steam_id: 76561197999284636
  112. hero_id: 19
  113. items: 108
  114. items: 46
  115. items: 10034
  116. items: 0
  117. items: 0
  118. items: 0
  119. gold: 1441
  120. kills: 0
  121. deaths: 1
  122. assists: 0
  123. leaver_status: 0
  124. last_hits: 206
  125. denies: 0
  126. gold_per_min: 669
  127. xp_per_minute: 581
  128. gold_spent: 4785
  129. level: 10
  130. scaled_hero_damage: 0
  131. scaled_tower_damage: 0
  132. scaled_hero_healing: 0
  133. time_last_seen: 0
  134. support_ability_value: 0
  135. party_id: 0
  136. scaled_kills: 0
  137. scaled_deaths: 1
  138. scaled_assists: 0
  139. claimed_farm_gold: 5451
  140. support_gold: 80
  141. claimed_denies: 0
  142. claimed_misses: 49
  143. misses: 19
  144. ability_upgrades {
  145. ability: 5106
  146. time: 36
  147. }
  148. ability_upgrades {
  149. ability: 5107
  150. time: 129
  151. }
  152. ability_upgrades {
  153. ability: 5107
  154. time: 187
  155. }
  156. ability_upgrades {
  157. ability: 5106
  158. time: 210
  159. }
  160. ability_upgrades {
  161. ability: 5106
  162. time: 271
  163. }
  164. ability_upgrades {
  165. ability: 5109
  166. time: 371
  167. }
  168. ability_upgrades {
  169. ability: 5107
  170. time: 428
  171. }
  172. ability_upgrades {
  173. ability: 5107
  174. time: 473
  175. }
  176. ability_upgrades {
  177. ability: 5108
  178. time: 532
  179. }
  180. ability_upgrades {
  181. ability: 5108
  182. time: 617
  183. }
  184. net_worth: 6126
  185. custom_game_data {
  186. dota_team: 2
  187. winner: false
  188. }
  189. match_player_flags: 0
  190. hero_damage: 0
  191. tower_damage: 0
  192. hero_healing: 0
  193. }
  194. }
  195. cluster: 0
  196. server_addr: ""
  197. first_blood_time: 0
  198. game_balance: 0.089108586
  199. automatic_surrender: false
  200. server_version: 1779
  201. additional_msgs {
  202. id: 7532
  203. contents: "\010\000\020\002(\002"
  204. }
  205. match_flags: 0
  206. pre_game_duration: 30
  207. match_id: 0
  208. region_id: 4294967295
  209. players {
  210. account_id: 39018908
  211. ip: 2130706433
  212. avg_ping_ms: 0
  213. packet_loss: 0
  214. ping_deviation: 0.28942332
  215. full_resends: 0
  216. }
  217. cluster_id: 0
  220. --- Tiny ---
  221. Total Damage Done: 0
  222. - ability damage -
  223. other damage done: 0
  225. C:Gamerules: entering state 'DOTA_GAMERULES_STATE_POST_GAME'
  226. Stat Collection: Match stats were successfully recorded!
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