
2019-03-27 Grammar: sensory verbs

Mar 27th, 2019
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  1. Greg Malivuk
  3. - Notes from all classes
  4. ---
  5. Homework: p. 59 exercise 13
  6. 1 began
  7. 2 were intended
  8. 3 were called
  9. 4 was started
  10. 5 was referred to
  11. 6 was
  12. 7 comprised
  13. 8 stand
  14. 9 know
  15. 10 were written
  16. 11 existed
  17. ---
  18. Sensory Verbs
  19. ---
  20. The basic sensory verbs are: see, hear, smell, taste, feel
  21. If we’re paying attention to what we see, we can look and watch.
  22. (Because “look” doesn’t focus on the action, it’s less common in the sentences we’ll see.)
  23. If we’re paying attention to what we hear, we can listen.
  24. At the bottom of p. 297 are some verbs of “discovery”, which usually involve seeing something.
  25. ---
  26. If you perceive an action, the verb goes after the object in the base form or -ing form.
  27. I saw him take the cookies. = I saw the complete action.
  28. I saw him taking the cookies. = I saw the middle of the action in progress.
  29. ---
  30. p. 299 exercise 4 - Choose the correct form for each sentence. (sometimes both are correct)
  31. 1 ringing
  32. 2 ring
  33. 3 take (She’s sure because she watched the entire completed action.)
  34. 4 getting
  35. 5 riding
  36. 6 playing
  37. 7 leave
  38. 8 burning
  39. 9 snap and fall / snapping and falling
  40. 10 sitting
  41. 11 crying
  42. 12 waiting
  43. ---
  44. p. 298 exercise 2 - With your partner, use sensory verbs (and a second action) to answer the questions.
  45. 1 You can hear artists singing. You can hear music playing. You can hear the audience clapping.
  46. 2 You can see people skating. You can see people slipping and falling down. You can see people having fun.
  47. 3 You can smell bread baking. You can sometimes smell bread burning.
  48. 4 You can hear waves crashing. You can hear people having fun. You can hear seagulls squawking.
  49. 5 You can see people shopping. You can see people spending money. You can see people buying things. You can see people walking around. You can see parents looking for their children. You can sometimes see birds flying.
  50. 6 You can hear children screaming and laughing. You can hear people breathing. (?) You can hear swingsets squeaking.
  51. 7 You can hear people speaking and improving English. You can hear people arguing with the teacher. You can hear people cheating on their homework. You can hear the Kahoot music.
  52. 8 You can see people exercising and working out. You can see people drinking water. You can see people trying to lose weight. You can see people suffering.
  53. ---
  54. You can feel yourself getting [sick/bored/angry/tired/etc.]
  55. You can feel your heart beating.
  56. You can feel your baby moving and kicking.
  57. You can feel the sweat dripping.
  58. You can feel an insect crawling on your hand.
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