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May 16th, 2016
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  2. Session Start: Tue May 17 07:19:43 2016
  4. Session Start: Tue May 17 07:25:40 2016
  5. Session Ident: #reactos
  6. 03[07:25] * Now talking in #reactos
  7. 03[07:25] * Topic is 'Official ReactOS Channel | | Shop: | ReactOS 0.4.1RC is out! | The Source: ; ; | Testman URL: | ISOs: | | We are NOT ReactJS'
  8. 03[07:25] * Set by AmineKhaldi!~AmineKhal@reactos/developer/BZMaintainer on Fri May 06 21:01:24
  9. 05[07:25] -ChanServ- [#reactos] Welcome to #ReactOS! || ***Please Identify your Nickname! Ask for help if you don't know what this is!*** || Project Information: || Developer Chat: #reactos-dev || Enjoy your stay!
  10. [07:25] #reactos url is
  11. 01[07:25] <drv53b6> 1
  12. [07:26] <Pi_User5|Laptop> [TheFlash]: are you around?
  13. 02[07:26] * Uityyy2 ( Quit (Ping timeout: 260 seconds)
  14. 01[07:26] <drv53b6> just remoot this reactos cose it stop worck
  15. [07:27] <Pi_User5|Laptop> ?
  16. 01[07:27] <drv53b6> ok
  17. 01[07:27] <drv53b6> this reastos terribe now
  18. 01[07:28] <drv53b6> i use virtual box image from site
  19. [07:28] <Pi_User5|Laptop> what do you expect? ReactOS is Alpha
  20. 01[07:28] <drv53b6> it 5 years alpha!
  21. 01[07:29] <drv53b6> for want pay Putin?
  22. 03[07:29] * Caitola (~Caitola@ has joined #reactos
  23. 01[07:29] <drv53b6> Putin will kill u dog if u gona worck like now!
  24. 01[07:29] <drv53b6> as warning!
  25. 01[07:30] <drv53b6> givme gaude
  26. 01[07:30] <drv53b6> i want^
  27. 01[07:30] <drv53b6> i want:
  28. [07:30] <Pi_User5|Laptop>
  29. 01[07:30] <drv53b6> 1. add farmanger in aplications
  30. [07:30] <Pi_User5|Laptop> ReactOS has been shown to
  31. [07:30] <Pi_User5|Laptop> ReactOS has been shown to Putin before*
  32. 01[07:30] <drv53b6> shup pls i want say
  33. 01[07:31] <drv53b6> 1. add farmanger in aplications
  34. 01[07:31] <drv53b6> 2. make samba clien worck well
  35. [07:31] <Pi_User5|Laptop> A) does it work in ReactOS and B) is it free?
  36. 01[07:31] <drv53b6> yes yes opencource
  37. [07:32] <Pi_User5|Laptop> 2. We need to support joining work groups and domains, implement the Samba driver and stuff related in the kernel
  38. 01[07:33] <drv53b6> whai if i change windows meny by file manipalations i need to reboot?
  39. 01[07:33] <drv53b6> now all look wery terrible!
  40. 01[07:33] <drv53b6> from last year done nothing!
  41. 01[07:35] <drv53b6> and why someone start use assembler?
  42. 01[07:35] <drv53b6> why?
  43. 01[07:35] <drv53b6> it 100% saboteur
  44. 01[07:35] <drv53b6> Putin want make it worck in arm!
  45. 01[07:37] <drv53b6> im very unhappy with this worck!
  46. [07:37] <@[TheFlash]> Pi_User5|Laptop: yes?
  47. [07:37] <Pi_User5|Laptop> :)
  48. [07:38] <Pi_User5|Laptop> I'm about to try NewCC with all the corrupt files replaced :D
  49. 01[07:38] <drv53b6> now it imposible to test by compare with original microsoft
  50. 01[07:38] <drv53b6> ithis progect go it wrong way!
  51. 01[07:38] <drv53b6> this progect go in wrong way!
  52. 01[07:38] <drv53b6> someone must goto Gulag!
  53. 01[07:39] <drv53b6> who is maine testng engeneer now?
  54. 02[07:40] * Caitola (~Caitola@ Quit (Quit: [])
  55. [07:40] <@[TheFlash]> drv53b6 | and why someone start use assembler? <- i'm not sure what you mean
  56. 01[07:40] <drv53b6> iat 1st u have perfect sourses direct form microsoft and now have pack of buggy sh-t
  57. 01[07:40] <drv53b6> at 1st u have perfect sources direct form microsoft and now have pack of buggy sh-t
  58. 01[07:40] <drv53b6> this sabotage!
  59. [07:41] <@[TheFlash]> we never got anything from microsoft
  60. [07:41] <@[TheFlash]> that would be illegal anyway
  61. 01[07:41] <drv53b6> it lie!
  62. [07:41] <Pi_User5|Laptop> here goes nothing
  63. [07:42] <@[TheFlash]> you can look at the whole SVN history
  64. [07:42] <@[TheFlash]> we did everything on our own
  65. [07:42] <Pi_User5|Laptop> is this nicoalta? ^^
  66. 01[07:42] <drv53b6> mast return back to microsoft clear version, then make tets, then start to slow replace modules
  67. [07:42] <Pi_User5|Laptop> no way!1!!!!
  68. 01[07:42] <drv53b6> mast return back to microsoft clear version, then make TESTS, then start to slow replace modules
  69. [07:42] <Pi_User5|Laptop> NewCC is booting!
  70. [07:42] <Pi_User5|Laptop> I got it working!
  71. [07:43] <@[TheFlash]> you must be confusing us with some other project...
  72. [07:43] <chungy> Nothing from Microsoft is in the tree afaik. Only open source things would be allowed anyway.
  73. 01[07:43] <drv53b6> it worcking like sh-t
  74. 01[07:43] <drv53b6> in now wey now to fix it
  75. [07:43] <chungy> (eg: It's possible for ReactOS to one day incorporate the MIT-licensed .NET)
  76. 01[07:43] <drv53b6> and no wey now to fix it
  77. 01[07:44] <drv53b6> mast return back to microsoft clear version, then make TESTS, then start to slow replace modules
  78. 01[07:44] <drv53b6> make good test syte with screepts for firtual mashine and check every screen frame!
  79. [07:44] <@[TheFlash]> i'm not sure what you want us to go back to, but we do have tests
  80. 01[07:44] <drv53b6> make good test syte with screepts for Virtual mashine and check every screen frame!
  81. [07:45] <@[TheFlash]> we have tests from wine + our own
  82. 01[07:45] <drv53b6> but we do have tests-what test it tests?
  83. 01[07:45] <drv53b6> now i see nothing worck well!
  84. 01[07:45] <drv53b6> im mirck i have small teriible font
  85. [07:45] <@[TheFlash]>
  86. 01[07:46] <drv53b6> @[TheFlash]> i see the result- this tests pack of sh-t
  87. [07:46] <Pi_User5|Laptop> [TheFlash]: do you know of any specific NewCC tests?
  88. [07:46] <Pi_User5|Laptop> that I could try?
  89. 01[07:46] <drv53b6> 1. mast return back to microsoft clear version, then make TESTS, then start to slow replace modules
  90. [07:46] <@[TheFlash]> Pi_User5|Laptop: i know NewCC fails a lot of them
  91. 01[07:46] <drv53b6> 2. make good test syte with screepts for Virtual mashine and check every screen frame!
  92. [07:46] <Pi_User5|Laptop> [TheFlash]: because I think I have it booted
  93. [07:47] <Pi_User5|Laptop> I had to replace all the corrupted files :D
  94. [07:47] <@[TheFlash]> Pi_User5|Laptop: well yes it does boot
  95. [07:47] <@[TheFlash]> but it doesn't work well
  96. [07:47] <Pi_User5|Laptop> [TheFlash]: but all the files are written as garbage
  97. [07:47] <Pi_User5|Laptop> that's why it doesn't boot in GCC
  98. [07:47] <chungy> drv53b6: I think you are very confused about what you want.
  99. 01[07:48] <drv53b6> not! like this Putin cannot pay more!
  100. 01[07:48] <drv53b6> 1. mast return back to microsoft clear version, then make TESTS, then start to slow replace modules
  101. 01[07:48] <drv53b6> 2. make good test syte with screepts for Virtual mashine and check every screen frame!
  102. 01[07:48] <drv53b6> stop f-ck the Putin!
  103. 03[07:49] * Uityyy ( has joined #reactos
  104. [07:49] <chungy> "return back to microsoft clear version" -- what do you mean by this?
  105. [07:50] <Pi_User5|Laptop> and now VBox guest additions don't install :D
  106. [07:51] <+encoded> drv53b6, who is you?
  107. [07:51] <Pi_User5|Laptop> encoded: might be nicoalta :D
  108. 01[07:51] <drv53b6> +encoded> do google
  109. [07:51] <+encoded> Pi_User5|Laptop, admit it. YOU are nicoalta!
  110. [07:52] <+encoded> ?
  111. [07:52] <+encoded> ?
  112. [07:53] <+encoded> ?
  113. [07:53] <+encoded> ?
  114. [07:54] <+encoded> are you with anonymous?
  115. 01[07:55] <drv53b6> im with Putin!
  116. [07:56] <+encoded> drv53b6, does putin put you in gulag if you dont say that?
  117. 01[07:56] <drv53b6> Putin will put evereone in Gulag if it need!
  118. [07:56] <@[TheFlash]> also, i think it should be made clear that most of us, at this moment all of us i think, are not paid
  119. [07:57] <@[TheFlash]> we're all volunteers who work on ReactOS in our spare time, if any
  120. 03[07:57] * Pi_User5|Laptop_ ( has joined #reactos
  121. 01[07:58] <drv53b6> it mean someone still tho money!
  122. 01[07:59] <drv53b6> it mean someone still the money!
  123. [08:00] <+encoded> the capitalists stole the money!
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