

May 16th, 2016
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  1. [color=transparent]##### QQBot[/color]
  2. [X] 18 ... Is that supposed to be a problem? You have no problems with appetites...: (Tavarokk, macdjord, korat56, t15, angelofwhim, megrisvernin, Zatch P, Deathwings, Marked_One, inverted_helix, Xicree, ficsy, Ethereal Light, fitzgerald, tempestk, Bre Karn, Dreadis, Lazurman)
  3. [X] 1 ... Is that supposed to be a problem? You have noproblems with appetites...: (Imabot)
  4. -[X] 1 By the way, what kind of clone were you talking about before, with the short lifespan? I don't think I have to worry about dying suddenly in a few days, but I'd like to make sure: (tempestk)
  5. -[X] 10 By the way, what kind of clone were you talking about before, with the short lifespan? I don't think I have to worry about dying suddenly in a few days, but I'd like to make sure.: (Tavarokk, korat56, t15, megrisvernin, Zatch P, Deathwings, inverted_helix, Ethereal Light, Dreadis, Lazurman)
  6. -[X] 4 I've got plenty of my own... why do you think I came to you?: (angelofwhim, Imabot, Xicree, fitzgerald)
  7. -[X] 11 If you're willing, it'd be nice to go on a proper training trip though, going from place to place and such. Anywhere outside of Nerima where the locals will be a bit friendlier and not mistake me for mom would be good, really.: (Tavarokk, korat56, t15, megrisvernin, Zatch P, Deathwings, inverted_helix, Ethereal Light, tempestk, Dreadis, Lazurman)
  8. ---[X] 4 Try to convince him to do this outside of the influence of the USUAL haunting grounds... And no holding back in training you or you'll stuff his mouth full of well worn boxershorts.: (angelofwhim, Imabot, Xicree, fitzgerald)
  9. [X] 2 Will you help me feed my apetite for young strapping men as well as beautiful maidens? Not actively but with training. If yes this is not problem. It is an oppurtunity.: (Larekko12, Dirk93)
  10. [X] 2 You'd be happy to help him collect his treasures! You're a little interested yourself...: (Kinematics, Arkatekt)
  11. --[X] 4 You'll need to become Unstoppable if you're to survive... use every bloody trick in the book and then some more to weasel everything your 'honourable master' knows out of him.: (angelofwhim, Imabot, Xicree, fitzgerald)
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