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a guest
Jul 30th, 2016
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  2. Scoreboard:
  3. Title: '&e&lXeor&6&lCore &c[V.2]'
  4. CombatTag: '&c&lSpawn Tag&7:'
  5. EnderPearl: '&e&lEnderpearl&7:'
  6. PvpTimer: '&a&lPvp Timer&7:'
  7. FHome: '&3&lHome&7:'
  8. Logout: '&9&lLogout&7:'
  9. Bard: '&b&lEnergy&7:'
  10. Koth: '&9%KOTH%&7:'
  11. DTC: '&2&l%DTC%&7:'
  12. Citadel: '&5&lCitadel&7:'
  13. SOTW: '&b&lSOTW&7:'
  14. FStuck: '&4&lF Stuck&7:'
  15. Archer-Tag: '&4Archer Mark&7:'
  16. Mod-Board:
  17. - '&e- &9&lMod Mode'
  18. - '&d&lVanish&7: %VANISH%'
  19. - '&b&lStaff Chat&7: %STAFF_CHAT%'
  20. - '&e&lGameMode&7: %GAMEMODE%'
  21. - '&a&lOnline&7: %ONLINE%'
  22. options:
  23. Deco_line: '&7&m------------------'
  24. Timer_Color: 'WHITE'
  25. Timer:
  26. CombatTag: 30
  27. Enderpearl: 16
  28. PvpTimer: 1200
  29. FHome: 10
  30. Logout: 30
  31. SOTW: 7200
  32. Chat:
  33. Chat-Formating:
  34. enabled: true
  35. CHAT: '&e[%FACTION%&e] %RANK%%PLAYER%&7: %MESSAGE%'
  36. NO-FACTION: '&c-'
  37. Rank:
  38. Default:
  39. Prefix: ''
  40. Message-Color: 'WHITE'
  41. VIP:
  42. Prefix: '&b[VIP] &f'
  43. Message-Color: 'WHITE'
  44. Super-VIP:
  45. Prefix: '&5[Super-VIP] &f'
  46. Message-Color: 'WHITE'
  47. Owner:
  48. Prefix: '&4[Owner] &c'
  49. Message-Color: 'RED'
  50. Slow:
  51. enabled: true
  52. time: 5
  53. Death-Ban:
  54. enabled: true
  55. Default-Time: 3600
  56. Revive-Cooldown: 7200
  57. Use-Automatically-Live-OnDeath: false
  58. Rank:
  59. VIP:
  60. Time: 3000
  61. Super-VIP:
  62. Time: 1800
  63. Plugin-Protector:
  64. enabled: true
  65. Blocked-Commands:
  66. - /icanhasbukkit
  67. - /pl
  68. - /bukkit
  69. - /minecraft
  70. - /ver
  71. - /about
  72. - /?
  73. - /yum
  74. - /stop
  75. - /man
  76. - /spigot
  77. - /restart
  78. - /op
  79. - /deop
  80. Blocked-TabCommands:
  81. - /bukkit
  82. - /ver
  83. - /?
  84. - /about
  85. - /plugman
  86. - /version
  87. - /icanhasbukkit
  88. - /pl
  89. - /bukkit
  90. - /minecraft
  91. - /ver
  92. - /about
  93. - /?
  94. - /yum
  95. - /stop
  96. - /man
  97. - /spigot
  98. - /restart
  99. - /version
  100. - /op
  101. - /deop
  102. Events:
  103. TimeZone: 'Europe/Paris'
  104. CONQUEST:
  105. Cap-Time: 30
  106. Required-Points: 300
  107. Loot-Number: 3
  108. Key-Number: 2
  109. DTC:
  110. Loot-Number: 3
  111. Key-Number: 1
  112. KOTH:
  113. Cap-Time: 15
  114. Key-Number: 2
  115. Loot-Number: 3
  116. Glowstone-Mountain:
  117. enabled: true
  118. Time: 30
  119. Mod-Mode:
  120. Staff-LeaveJoin-Message: true
  121. Toggle-ModMode-OnJoin: true
  122. Block-InventoryMove:
  123. Player-Inventory: true
  124. Others-Inventory: true
  125. Block-ItemDrop: true
  126. Block-PickUp: true
  127. Block-Interaction: true
  128. Block-Place: true
  129. Restore-Inventory: false
  130. Disable-Pvp: true
  131. Staff-Chat:
  132. format: '&7[&cStaff&7] &b%PLAYER%&7: &b%MESSAGE%'
  133. Mystery-Case:
  134. Case:
  135. Item: ENDER_CHEST
  136. Name: '&5&lMystery &d&lCase'
  137. lore:
  138. - ''
  139. - '&eRight-Click to use it !'
  140. Loot:
  141. - Type: 276
  142. Amount: 1
  143. Name: '&cEpic Sword'
  144. Enchants: DAMAGE_ALL:5 FIRE_ASPECT:2
  145. Lore:
  146. - '&6Xeor Sword ! ! !'
  147. - Type: 3
  148. Amount: 1
  149. Name: 'Example'
  150. - Type: 1
  151. Amount: 1
  152. GUI:
  153. Kit-Map:
  154. enabled: true
  155. Glass-Color-Animation:
  156. - 7
  157. - 8
  158. - 0
  159. - 15
  160. - 12
  161. Potion-Limiter:
  162. - 8201
  163. - 8265
  164. - 8233
  165. - 8238
  166. - 16458
  167. - 16457
  168. Enchant-Limiter:
  169. - DAMAGE_ALL:1
  170. - KNOCKBACK:0
  172. - ARROW_FIRE:0
  174. - THORNS:0
  175. - FIRE_ASPECT:0
  176. Craft-Limiter:
  177. - 'ENDER_CHEST'
  178. - 'GOLDEN_APPLE'
  179. - 'TNT'
  180. - 'GOLDEN_APPLE:1'
  181. Miner:
  182. enabled: true
  183. effects:
  184. '1':
  185. type: FAST_DIGGING
  186. amplifier: 2
  187. '2':
  188. type: NIGHT_VISION
  189. amplifier: 10
  190. give-invisibility:
  191. enabled: true
  192. under-level: 16
  193. Archer:
  194. enabled: true
  195. effects:
  196. '1':
  197. type: SPEED
  198. amplifier: 2
  199. '2':
  201. amplifier: 1
  202. bow-damage-boost: 2
  203. tag-config:
  204. tag-time: 5
  205. tag-other-archer: false
  206. tag-boost-damage-perLVL:
  207. '1': 2.00
  208. '2': 3.00
  209. sugar:
  210. enabled: true
  211. cooldown: 60
  212. effect:
  213. amplifier: 3
  214. duration: 10
  215. Bard:
  216. enabled: true
  217. effects:
  218. '1':
  219. type: SPEED
  220. amplifier: 1
  221. '2':
  222. type: REGENERATION
  223. amplifier: 1
  224. power:
  225. max-power: 100
  226. effect-radius: 15.00
  227. click-effect-cooldown: 5
  228. held-items:
  230. type: INCREASE_DAMAGE
  231. amplifier: 0
  232. duration: 7
  233. SUGAR:
  234. type: SPEED
  235. amplifier: 1
  236. duration: 7
  237. FEATHER:
  238. type: JUMP
  239. amplifier: 3
  240. duration: 7
  241. IRON_INGOT:
  243. amplifier: 0
  244. duration: 7
  246. type: FIRE_RESISTANCE
  247. amplifier: 0
  248. duration: 7
  249. click-items:
  251. type: INCREASE_DAMAGE
  252. amplifier: 1
  253. duration: 7
  254. power: 50
  255. SUGAR:
  256. type: SPEED
  257. amplifier: 2
  258. duration: 7
  259. power: 40
  260. FEATHER:
  261. type: JUMP
  262. amplifier: 4
  263. duration: 7
  264. power: 30
  265. SPIDER_EYE:
  266. type: WITHER
  267. aplifier: 1
  268. duration: 7
  269. power: 40
  270. Others:
  271. Disable-Enderchest: true
  272. Found-Diamond: true
  273. Horse-Protect: true
  274. Death-Sign: true
  275. Anti-PortalTrap: true
  276. Disable-Explosion: true
  277. Disable-BreakSpawner-Nether: true
  278. Disabled-PlaceSpawner-Nether: true
  279. Nerf-Food: true
  280. Death-Messages: true
  281. Furnace-and-PotionBrewer-Boost: false
  282. Crowbar-Item: GOLD_HOE
  283. Head-Drop:
  284. enabled: true
  285. name: '&eHead of &c%PLAYER%&4[%KILLS%] &e!'
  286. Request:
  287. enabled: true
  288. cooldown: 60
  289. Report:
  290. enabled: true
  291. GUI: true
  292. cooldown: 60
  293. Freeze:
  294. execute-cmd-on-disconnect: false
  295. cmds:
  296. - 'banip %PLAYER% Refusing to SS'
  297. Item-Tracker:
  298. enabled: true
  299. format:
  300. Max-Lore-Size: 15
  301. Title: '&6&lKill&7: &f'
  302. Kill-Format: '&c%KILLER%&4[%KILLER_KILL%] &ekilled &c%PLAYER%&4[%PLAYER_KILL%]'
  303. ITEM-LIST:
  305. - BOW
  306. Gapple-Cooldown:
  307. enabled: true
  308. cooldown: 3600
  309. Combat-Logger:
  310. Despawn-Time: 30
  311. Name: '&e%PLAYER%'
  312. DTR-PENALITY: 1.5
  313. FHome:
  314. Disabled-World:
  315. - 'my_world'
  316. Disable-FHome-In-Enemy-Territory: false
  317. PvpTimer:
  318. Deny-Food-Lose: true
  319. Deny-Every-Damage: false
  320. WG-Whitelist-Region:
  321. - 'Road'
  322. - 'WarZone'
  323. Deny-Usage:
  325. - LAVA_BUCKET
  326. - ENDER_PEARL
  327. Unpickupable-Item:
  328. - DIAMOND
  335. - BOW
  336. - POTION
  337. Disable-EndPortal-Teleport: true
  338. version: '2.0'
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