
#Flarp2 - Session 17

May 28th, 2012
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  1. <adequateAccuracy> [[Startiiing... now. uvu]]
  2. <adequateAccuracy> ***
  3. <adequateAccuracy> *** *** The Naga Guardian replies to Gamzee's inquisition with stone cold silence, simply grimacing at the juggalo as he waved the relic like a loon. Kanaya is on guard! Nero wastes no time with assailing the guardian, drawing the rotary ripper and successfully striking the serpentine fiend, drawing an angered hiss from the foe! Roxy breaks out the Steam Cano
  4. <adequateAccuracy> n and generates a burst of hot air at the fiend! It doesn't severely sear the skin, not by a long shot, but it still hits and hits adequately, at that.
  5. <adequateAccuracy> *** Enemy turn.
  6. * PurpleKoopa is recording! ouo]
  7. * Kansis|Nerbro whups
  8. * Kansis|Nerbro casted shrinkify
  9. <adequateAccuracy> [[Oh-- oops, sorry. Though;]]
  10. * Kansis|Nerbro probably didn't make that very clear sorrrry :<
  11. <adequateAccuracy> [[It only works on objects. :y]]
  12. * Kansis|Nerbro pffff
  13. * Kansis|Nerbro TOO BAD KANAYA
  14. * PurpleKoopa sorry kanaya you'll have to learn Reduce Person sometime, brush up on your d&d spells
  15. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> maybe you can use it on his weapon)
  16. * Kansis|Nerbro was just about to try that! :y))
  17. * Kansis|Nerbro creativity at its best!))
  18. <adequateAccuracy> *** With precision, the serpentine fiend shows his disgust with the /thief/ and his pathetic attempt at peace-- if you wanted /that/ you would have left the panel where it was, kid. He proceeds to mercilessly deliver an uppercut to the juggalo's jaw, sending him sprawling to the sandstone floor! As for Nero... he simply gives him an icy unsettling glare-- but
  19. <adequateAccuracy> it does nothing more than that, luckily enough.
  20. <adequateAccuracy> *** End turn.
  21. * Kansis|Nerbro wait, does he have a weapon?))
  22. * adequateAccuracy Unless you're intent on shrinking his hands, no y:]]
  23. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> dang!)
  24. * Kansis|Nerbro pfff
  25. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> you're up first, cg)
  26. <Phenom> After more aimless wandering through the town, Vriska picks up a few more clues from the townspeople that suggest the nerd herd may be headed toward some ancient ruins. She could not, however, pick up a solid enough lead to figure out which way the damn temple is. This of course means that it's time to rely on her old frenemy Luck, and see if she can find t
  27. <Phenom> hem on her own. She gets to the city limits and fires up her boots, taking off in a random direction and keeping straight.
  28. * Kansis|Nerbro has learned the first rule of spellcasting - assume nothing. With a sigh, she worrying glances at Gamzee and decides to go for a more /direct/ approach. And by direct, she means leaping over the scrawny demi-demon and and tearing into the naga's back saw first.
  29. * Kansis|Nerbro is not so /kind/ about it. Defending its stupid panel was one thing, attacking the goddamn /pacifist/ was another. Not impressed by the naga's /glare/, he snarled with a lunge. "cmon you yellow bellied /bastard/, ive seen /garter/ snakes scarier than you!" Oh, he was /furious/. Furious enough to try and /slice/ right through its arm.
  30. * PurpleKoopa Hey! He was just trying to give you back your stupid panel, you /ass/! Lalonde slid the brass knuckles onto her hands and clenched her fists, just about ready to give this scaly fucker the score. But first, a little boost couldn't hurt. Roxy casts EMPOWERMENT!
  31. * Kansis|Nerbro i think we've all learned a valuable lesson here
  32. * Kansis|Nerbro attack gamzee at your own risk
  33. * adequateAccuracy Pff]]
  34. * PurpleKoopa he is the heart and soul of this team, brother]
  35. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> (o:>)
  36. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> aw shucks motherfuckers)
  37. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty No stranger to getting punched in the goddamned face, as surprising as that may seem, Gamzee is able to roll himself out of the way of his charging teammates and not just lay there like a dumbass. While he isn't too keen on getting up just yet- motherfuck, /ow/ - his brain isn't rattled enough to make him forget his DOZE spell.
  38. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty So he casts that shit in the hopes that the big yellow motherfucker will chill out, god /damn/.
  39. <adequateAccuracy> [[Oh also whups-- should probably write something proper for Vriska finding the ruins < u >]]
  40. <adequateAccuracy> [[And should stop getting distracted too that]]
  41. <adequateAccuracy> [[Would help]]
  42. <adequateAccuracy> *** Kanaya ruthlessly tears her chainsaw into the snake hybrid's back, the bladed tool making a horrible noise as it screeched against the scales. Nero drives their motorblade into the scaled menace's arm... and doesn't necessarily hack it off. But he comes close, he has to admit. Roxy casts Empowerment... and the spell fizzles out mid-cast with a few dull sp
  43. <adequateAccuracy> arks. < u > Gamzee casts Doze on the Naga Guardian... and succeeds! He yawns, thrown off of his game, but nowhere near out, oh no.
  44. <adequateAccuracy> *** Enemy turn.
  45. <adequateAccuracy> *** Meanwhile, Vriska heads throughout the desert for quite some time, having more than a bit of trouble with the sandstorms and otherwise overactive desert. However, by some inane stroke of LUCK, she at last comes across the van in question, parked right near the desert ruin entrance leading down.
  46. <adequateAccuracy> *** Vriska's Rocket Boot Fuel is now at 30%.
  47. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> vriska ==> siphon fuel from the van)
  48. <adequateAccuracy> [[Pfffffffffffff]]
  49. <Phenom> Triumphant, Vriska lands next to that terrible armored van. She never thought she'd actually be happy to see this thing. Attempting to shake some of the sand out of her hair, she examines her new surroundings. Sand, more sand...oh, what's this? The ruins she'd heard about through the grapevine, most likely.
  50. <Phenom> (would Vriska be able to see the fight from this spot)
  51. <adequateAccuracy> [[They're in the ruins and in the rightmost room-- so no. o:]]
  52. <Phenom> (that's what I thought, thanks)
  53. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> she can go down ans see the sign gamzee drew on the wall, tho)
  54. * PurpleKoopa unless i'm mistaken, it's like a hole in the ground with a big staircase descending into the dark]
  55. <Phenom> (I'm deciding whether or not Vriska's going to take the front entrance or make her own entrance)
  56. <Phenom> (welp)
  57. <Phenom> (guess I have to take the stairs then)
  58. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> be careful about them stairs)
  59. <adequateAccuracy> *** The Naga Guardian recoils from these strikes, scales across it's body begining to chip from the wear and tear. Cracking it's neck, it first swipes it's tail at Kanaya, the tough as stone lower end /just/ grazing the rainbow drinker, thankfully. Then, almost simutaneously and with the speed of a cobra, it makes a quick lunge at Nero--
  60. <adequateAccuracy> *** And sinks it's piercing sharp fangs right into his arm with a gut wrenching noise. Not his... unique arm, thank the heavens above, but the strike is without debate painful, even managing to inflict POISON onto the part-demon preteen...!
  61. <adequateAccuracy> *** End turn.
  62. * adequateAccuracy hopes]]
  63. * PurpleKoopa just a heads up, i might have to leave for an hour or two to head out and eat dinner with my folks, i'll let you know when that happens]
  64. * adequateAccuracy that they aren't]]
  65. * adequateAccuracy doing too terribly with this y:]]
  66. * adequateAccuracy Also oh yes alright then PK. uvu]]
  67. <PurpleKoopa> yo neero ive got a venom antidote
  68. <PurpleKoopa> u want it?
  69. * Kansis|Nerbro whups
  70. * Kansis|Nerbro so busy
  71. * Kansis|Nerbro drawing flarp
  72. * Kansis|Nerbro that i didn't rp flarp
  73. * adequateAccuracy < u >]]
  74. * Kansis|Nerbro gets off with just a graze, though she can't say the same for her fervent comrade. Thinking quickly, she lifted the roaring chainsaw and decided to make short work of that /tail/. The blades screaming for blood, she lunged it down onto the upper half.
  75. <Phenom> When it comes to old temples and their desecration, Vriska usually isn't a big fan of taking the main entrances. First off, there were bound to be booby traps if the spoils were good, and secondly, only losers walked right through the front door. Sometimes there was no choice, though. And this temple was looking like a no-choice kind of entrance for her.
  76. <Phenom> It should be fine. People had been in here before her very recently to spring initial traps, she would assume. With that assuring thought, down the stairs she goes.
  77. * Kansis|Nerbro Motherfucker /nagas/, he should've known this would've happen! With a hissing whine, the fangs sunk deep into his alabaster flesh. Now he was locked into a desperate struggle; his sword cutting into their arm, its maw snapped /tight/ onto his. Shooting Roxy a glare, he growled "gee, you /think/?" Not one so willing to give up, though, he kept a bone white
  78. * Kansis|Nerbro grip on his blade. Aiming to drive it deeper into its arm, if he could. And as for /its/ neck, he grappled it with his glowing montrosity of an arm. He was going to /snap/ its brittle fucking /bones/, if it was the last thing he did.
  79. * Kansis|Nerbro might be a little bit mad.
  80. * Kansis|Nerbro maybe.
  81. <adequateAccuracy> *** Vriska scales the plenty of ancient steps. The room is dark and shows it's incredibly old age, a few bugs here and there hiding where they can, the occasional cobweb residing in the corners of the stone room. As it stands, there are but only two unexplored pathways-- one passage to the RIGHT side of the room, and a looming stone doorway directly to the NO
  82. <adequateAccuracy> RTH of the spider afficionado.
  83. * PurpleKoopa pulls out the vial of Venom Antidote and sets carefully it on the sandstone floor. Alright, whatever, it'd be here when you needed it! She then leaped into the fray and joined into the crowded melee, charging straight up to the snake monster and sucker punching it with a brass-knuckled fist!
  84. * PurpleKoopa what are tenses]
  85. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Aw fuck, snakebite! First things first, make that motherfucker let go. Gamzee scrambles up to do just that, whipping his bigass augmented club out of thin air to wham it in a brutal sideways swing to snakedude's jaw.
  86. <Nitro> [Demonic things that should be utterly disregarded in practical writing, is what.]
  87. <Nitro> [Yo.]
  88. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> hey nites!)
  89. * PurpleKoopa yo nitro! the party arrived at the ruins and they're fighting a snake. vriska's down there too, but she hasn't found them yet.]
  90. <adequateAccuracy> [[Sup, Nitro. uvu]]
  91. * adequateAccuracy Also gets back to responding--]]
  92. <Phenom> Vriska's eyes adjust immediately to the darkness. She pauses to consider her two options: the passage to the right...maybe. Or the big stone doorway...She shrugs and heads toward the latter. Go big or go home, she liked to say.
  93. * adequateAccuracy after they go to the bathroom whoopwhoopwhoopwhoopwhoop]]
  94. * adequateAccuracy apologizes < u >]]
  95. * Kansis|Nerbro >vriska: fuck you guys, you're on your own
  96. <Phenom> (lol I have no idea where you are so it's not personal)
  97. <Phenom> (yet)
  98. * Kansis|Nerbro even if she did, she'd probably leave them anyway.
  99. * Kansis|Nerbro you guys have fun with that Bl
  100. <Phenom> (she would wait until you killed that fucker and then join you)
  101. <Phenom> (exp be damned)
  102. * PurpleKoopa Regardless of what happens next round, Roxy will just fall asleep after that. Unless she dies or gets injected with caffeine shots or something.
  103. * PurpleKoopa okay gotta fly now]
  104. <adequateAccuracy> [[See you later, PK! o:]]
  105. <adequateAccuracy> *** The stone passage remains sealed-- it's not going to open, not any time soon, that's for sure. However, upon closer inspection, a single perfectly square hole resides just to the right of the door, perhaps hinting on means of opening the great passage in front of her.
  106. * PurpleKoopa LOG THUS FAR keep recordin' gents]
  107. <Phenom> "Son of a 8itch!" She kicks at the ground in anger. Man did she hate puzzles! Especially the puzzles that blocked you from simple tasks like opening a door. If she were better equipped, she would attempt to blow up the door herself, but she didn't have the time or the patience for that right now. She would just head for the other passage like the archite
  108. <Phenom> cts clearly wanted her to in the first place.
  109. <-- PurpleKoopa has left this server (Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  110. [Notify] PurpleKoopa went offline (
  111. <Nitro> [I'm not sure if I'll be joining in tonight. I am a) being emotional, and b) doing speculation-y things.]
  112. <Nitro> [squints]
  113. <Nitro> [Puzzlesssss why is no one Pickle Inspector]
  114. <adequateAccuracy> [[Oh-- aw, fair enough Nitro. 3: If something's the matter and you'd like to talk about it, we're all ears. unu]]
  115. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> he has the BEST imagination)
  116. <Nitro> [Aww, thanks! It's mostly been resolved, really, I'm just pulling myself together in a manner. RPing...may actually be just the thing I need, but we'll see when I get back in from feeding the horse and finish this Tumblr post.]
  117. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> okay duder)
  118. <adequateAccuracy> [[Very well! Take your time. uwu]]
  119. * Kansis|Nerbro hugs anyway))
  120. * Kansis|Nerbro CLINGS))
  121. <adequateAccuracy> *** Kanaya slices yet again at the serpentine guardian, the motor powered weapon causing the Naga's scales to show their wear with ease, but again not quite dislodging anything. Nero successfully manages to drive their weapon a bit deeper and deeper still into the snake-like monstrosity, gurgling and hissing louder and louder as his neck was gripped, his clen
  122. <adequateAccuracy> ch on the preteen's arm tightening. He gives the boy an icy piercing glare, serpentine eyes narrowed to a squint--
  123. <adequateAccuracy> [[Wow I am]]
  124. <adequateAccuracy> [[Bad at tenses too < u >]]
  125. <adequateAccuracy> *** POW BONK ROXZEE TO THE RESCUE. In succession, both Gamzee's metal club and the drunken lass' brass knuckles connect to the snake-like fiend's head, causing the naga to be knocked back clear away from the part-demon preteen, the fangs roughly pulling out from Nero's arm.
  126. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> who's recording? nites?)
  127. <adequateAccuracy> *** The serpentine assassin hits the ground... and crumbles to stone rubble, as if it were always a statue. The Naga Guardian has been slain.
  128. <adequateAccuracy> *** V I C T O R Y .
  129. * Kansis|Nerbro VICTOLY
  130. * Kansis|Nerbro does a Kanaya jig.
  131. * Kansis|Nerbro except not really
  132. <adequateAccuracy> *** The following items remain:
  133. <adequateAccuracy> *** (1) Naga Fang
  134. * Kansis|Nerbro is quick to put away her lipstick, hustling towards the preteen. He had taken the brunt of the damage, and his arm was looking worse for wear. Tenderly, she knelt beside him. "Are You Alright Dear"
  135. <Kansis|Nerbro> That Was Quite A Hit You Took
  136. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Aite, snakebite step 2- tie up the bite and take the motherfucker to the hospital. Well, closest thing we got is Nurse Chucklefuck and some antivenom, so that's what you gettin bro.
  137. <Nitro> [I've got the entire log.]
  138. <Nitro> [Chat client advantages. :B]
  139. * Kansis|Nerbro was forced back by the impact, landing flat on his back. Amazingly, right next to the antivemon. Stubborn as ever, he reached for it with his good hand. "im /fine/" he grumbled, weakly lifting his head to pop off the cap with his teeth. God, he'd been poisoned before. It was no big deal...
  140. <Nitro> [I've also got]
  141. <Nitro> [basically every log we've done since I downloaded this.]
  142. <Nitro> [So if there are gaps, let me know.]
  143. * Kansis|Nerbro ...But ugh, it hurt. Sizzling like a champagne bottle, seeping deeper and deeper into the wound. Faster than any regeneration could heal.
  144. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Drink up, brother. I think.
  145. <Nitro> [I think it's actually supposed to be injected.]
  146. <Kansis|Nerbro> Here Let Me Help You-
  147. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Are you supposed to inject that shit? Pour it over the bite? Fuck.
  148. <Nitro> [But I'm just a dog.]
  149. <Nitro> [Woof.]
  150. <Kansis|Nerbro> jesus, i can do this myself. ive done it before, yknow.
  151. <adequateAccuracy> *** 400 Boondollars (100 Each.)
  152. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> we need to make halley an awesome talky collar like the dog from up)
  153. <Nitro> [yES]
  154. <adequateAccuracy> [[Compuderp hrped on me. .c.]]
  155. <Nitro> [YES]
  156. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> so we can actually have someone with common sense besides kanaya)
  157. <Nitro> * Kansis|Nerbro ...But ugh, it hurt. Sizzling like a champagne bottle, seeping deeper and deeper into the wound. Faster than any regeneration could heal.
  158. <Nitro> <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Drink up, brother. I think.
  159. <Nitro> <Nitro> [I think it's actually supposed to be injected.]
  160. <Nitro> <Kansis|Nerbro> Here Let Me Help You-
  161. <Nitro> <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Are you supposed to inject that shit? Pour it over the bite? Fuck.
  162. <Nitro> <Nitro> [But I'm just a dog.]
  163. <Nitro> <Nitro> [Woof.]
  164. <Nitro> <Kansis|Nerbro> jesus, i can do this myself. ive done it before, yknow.
  165. <Nitro> <adequateAccuracy> *** 400 Boondollars (100 Each.)
  166. <Nitro> [was what happened]
  167. * Kansis|Nerbro doesn't know what the exact procedure was, honestly. But when it came to Vital Stars, you always poured them over the wound. Unless it was internal. Then you had to /drink/ it. Guh, tasted like ash. Glumly, he poured it over the wound.
  168. <Nitro> [for Jasps]
  169. <Nitro> [Jaspy Jasps McJasperface]
  170. * Kansis|Nerbro gingerly takes the wounded arm, lifting it up to inspect the damage. "Are You Sure You Dont Want This Bandaged"
  171. <Nitro> [The J spanish]
  172. <Nitro> [Hasp]
  173. <Kansis|Nerbro> It Could Get Infected If Youre Not Careful
  174. <Nitro> [is spanish even]
  175. <Nitro> [Okay, I am quitting while I'm ahead.]
  176. <Nitro> [With that line of thought anyway.]
  177. <adequateAccuracy> [[Also, ingestion/injection, it can work either way I s'pose so long as it gets in you. uwu]]
  178. <Nitro> Halley, from Whereverthefuckland, thought that they should do that. The bandaging thing. It seemed like a good idea. Even /Master/ bandaged /his/ wounds.
  179. * Kansis|Nerbro poured it into the wound like dumb fuck. /Oops/.
  180. <Kansis|Nerbro> dont, itll heal.
  181. <Kansis|Nerbro> You Dont Know That For Certain
  182. * adequateAccuracy Oh. < u >]]
  183. * adequateAccuracy It's still in you I s'pose so]]
  184. * adequateAccuracy It's all good. uvu]]
  185. <Kansis|Nerbro> im a
  186. <Kansis|Nerbro> im
  187. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  188. <adequateAccuracy> *** Oh and yes, end.
  189. <Kansis|Nerbro> look, its just somethin i can do.
  190. <adequateAccuracy> ***
  191. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Lil' brother's got his ways, girl. He knows about how his body works.
  192. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Lil brother also gets hugged around the not-injured part of his shoulders.
  193. <Nitro> [> Nero: Proceed to have /feelings/.]
  194. * Kansis|Nerbro noted his hesitation, but said nothing. For now. It seemed like this boy had problems that went beyond a wounded arm. Maybe he'd like to talk about it, some time? ...Just a little? "Alright Ill Trust Your Judgement" she finally said with a smile, giving his uninjured shoulder a pat.
  195. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> oh kankans. meddlin till the day u die)
  196. <adequateAccuracy> *** Nero's POISON heals the moment the Venom Antidote makes it's way into his blood stream.
  197. * adequateAccuracy is]]
  198. * Kansis|Nerbro is being assaulted with /hugs/ and /pats/. He didn't even know what to say; he wasn't exactly showered in affection back at home, not anymore. That was just uncool. But here he was, lying on the floor and bleeding, being hugged by his soul bro. His /friend/.
  199. * adequateAccuracy distracted by so many things. .c.]]
  200. * Kansis|Nerbro He tried his damnedest to hide his blush. "...ill be fine."
  201. * Kansis|Nerbro FEELINGS
  202. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Don't I know it, bro.
  203. <Kansis|Nerbro> you could probably hit me with a sixteen wheeler, an id still be fine.
  204. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty He makes a point to muss the motherfucker's hair as he stands - he still needs to ask what he does to it, damn- and pads over to the stone tablet that started this mess. He picks it up and squints at it. Are there like, patterns on this bitch? An incantation? Why's this shit impoirtant?
  205. <Nitro> [finishes Tumblr posts, could probably do RP things yes]
  206. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> so me, nero, kansis and nerbro all get 100 boons?)
  207. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i mean me roxy kansis nerbro)
  208. <adequateAccuracy> [[Nero, Kanaya, Gamzee and Roxy, yeah. o:]]
  209. * Kansis|Nerbro 's dad has an armory of hair care products. The /good/ kind.
  210. * Kansis|Nerbro I mean.
  211. * Kansis|Nerbro If you're wondering.
  212. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i'll just edit the doc. and since nobody picked up the fang i'll just put it in nero's shit. he's the craftiest and also it was probably lodged in his arm or something)
  213. * Kansis|Nerbro >nero: MOTORFANG
  214. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Bro, when this is over, our asses are gonna get our hair did (o:
  215. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Damn, that sounded weird. Our head hair is what is gonna up and get did.
  216. <adequateAccuracy> [[Ehh, I'm hoping that others get to crafting too that aren't Nero. .o. But yes, thanks Non! ^u^]]
  217. <Nitro> [Halley will craft.]
  218. <Nitro> [Craft all the things.]
  219. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> can we get a fangdesc?)
  220. <Nitro> [Into doggy items.]
  221. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> aww yee)
  222. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> first thing- thumbs)
  223. <adequateAccuracy> *** Gamzee recollects the Square Stone Pannel. There's not much else to it-- it's perfectly square and has an entirely smooth surface.
  224. <Nitro> [The rat tails would be tug-o'-war toys.]
  225. <adequateAccuracy> [[Pfffff good Nitro. uvu]]
  226. * Kansis|Nerbro helps the preteen up, which he reluctantly accepts. That arm still looks /nasty/, but it did seem to be healing up. An odd thing to watch, for certain; the tendons tying together, frayed skin replacing itself. Rather disconcerting, even. But she wouldn't watch too hard, that was just rude. Instead, she peered over Gamzee's shoulder.
  227. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  228. <Kansis|Nerbro> I Suppose This Is A Dead End Then
  229. <Nitro> [Any ideas of how I could come in on this?]
  230. <Nitro> [Besides Halley returning from an off-screen murder attempt by a yet-unidentified perpetrator?]
  231. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Follow vriskers down the steps because U DONT TRUST HER)
  232. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> where DID phenom go, anyways)
  233. <Phenom> (I am still here)
  234. <adequateAccuracy> *** Naga Fang: The poisonous tooth of a once powerful snake hybrid, the tip as sharp as a very well-kept dagger.
  235. <Nitro> Halley sneaked like the super stealthy canine he was after the Robarm Lady, narrowing keen eyes at her. He's watching you, Robarm Lady. Always watching.
  236. <Phenom> (I made the one move I could make)
  237. <adequateAccuracy> [[You're in the room with the others, where the fight was-- I thought that it didn't need clarifcation, fuck, I'm sorry Phenom x:]]
  238. <Nitro> (By "sneaked like the super stealthy canine he was", the roleplayer of course means "/thought/ he sneaked like some other super stealthy canine that he wasn't".)
  239. * adequateAccuracy is just]]
  240. * adequateAccuracy horrible at everything. .c.]]
  241. <Nitro> [Jaspers, don't do that. D: You're a good GM and it's painful to see you be so hard on yourself.]
  242. * Kansis|Nerbro lets his hair be mussed, though he re-ruffles it soon after. No one ruffled his hair, save for his dad. And the old man only got away with it because...well, he was the old man. But he'd let Gamzee get away with it. Just this once.
  243. <Nitro> [You're a good roleplayer, at that.]
  244. <Phenom> (oh whoops that does make sense in retrospect, my bad)
  245. <Nitro> [And -- so Halley is just super intently "stalking" Vriska in the room with everyone else?]
  246. <Nitro> [Halley, you doof.]
  247. <Kansis|Nerbro> ysee any other exits round here?
  248. <Kansis|Nerbro> though ill bet my pitchin arm that panels good for /somethin/
  249. <Kansis|Nerbro> They Wouldnt Go Out Of Their Way Defending It If It Wasnt
  250. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Mhm. This shit seems like a pretty important fuckin' rock.
  251. <Phenom> Vriska enters the next room and finds herself in the midst of what is unmistakably a victory celebration. They were kind of laying it on pretty thick, though, hugging each other and spewing sweet nothings. She clears her throat loudly. "Are we prooooooooud of ourselves for defeating a 8asic enemy?" She stands her ground in the doorway for now.
  252. <Kansis|Nerbro> Why Dont We Hold It For Safekeeping Then
  253. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Hey, Roxsis looks like she fell asleep so I'ma take her konked-out ass back to the van.
  254. * Kansis|Nerbro lifts her head at the voice, slightly surprised. That could only belong to /one/ troll, and one troll only.
  255. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Hey, spidersis.
  256. <Nitro> Halley was still stalking her, of course.
  257. <Nitro> Halley, no, that's creepy.
  258. <Kansis|Nerbro> Oh Vriska Its Good To See Youve Decided To Join Us
  259. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee takes the unconscious Roxy back to THE VAN.
  260. * Kansis|Nerbro says nothing, only shooting her a dark glare, Hey, spider /bitch/.
  261. <adequateAccuracy> [[I still think I'm not doing a good enough job in general, though. x: I'll try to be more clear in the future. unu]]
  262. * Kansis|Nerbro Just the person he wanted to see.
  263. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> dming is a thing that takes a lot of practice, so you're likely to improve as you go)
  264. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> lots of things to keep track of at once, and so on)
  265. * Kansis|Nerbro yeah, no one gets it right off the bat.))
  266. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> adapting to things you didn't expect)
  267. * Kansis|Nerbro but speaking as someone who's gmed before.))
  268. * Kansis|Nerbro you're doing a good job!))
  269. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> same)
  270. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> take heart!)
  271. <adequateAccuracy> [[.n.]]
  272. * Kansis|Nerbro had a tendency to send malkavians to...untimely deaths.))
  273. * Kansis|Nerbro so maybe she's not the best person to take advice from 8y))
  274. <adequateAccuracy> [[Thanks either way, I suppose. x:']]
  275. <Nitro> [You're holding yourself to a really high standard here. For, what, the second time you've done this? You're doing /brilliantly/. I do expect there are things you'll learn and decide to change as you go, but you're doing a great job working with what you have.]
  276. <Phenom> Vriska looks over her shoulder and gives the dog that she knows is following her her best creepy smile. Turning back to her moirail, she says simply, "It isn't like I had anything else 8etter to do."
  277. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Is Gamzee's journey uneventful?
  278. <Kansis|Nerbro> Yes Well The Desert Town Is Unfortunately Quite
  279. *** adequateAccuracy is now known as Jaspersprite.
  280. <Kansis|Nerbro> Quaint
  281. [Notify] Jaspersprite is online (
  282. <Nitro> Halley just narrowed his eyes right back. He's onto you, woman. He ain't letting up.
  283. <Nitro> =.=
  284. <Nitro> [casually uses emoticon in roleplaying]
  285. <Nitro> [worst roleplayer]
  286. * Kansis|Nerbro thinks it over, before showing a small half-smile. "We Could Always Use Your Adventuring Expertise"
  287. * Jaspersprite does it]]
  288. * Jaspersprite all the time y:]]
  289. * Jaspersprite liberally plasters emoticons onto everything < u >]]
  290. * Kansis|Nerbro doesn't want /anything/ to do with that /woman/. But whatever, fine. Sweeten up the ornery brat.
  291. <Jaspersprite> *** Oh-- oops also yes, Gamzee successfully carts the unconscious Lalonde to the armored vehicle. 3:
  292. <Nitro> [pfff I was kidding anyway uvu]
  293. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Woop WOOP. He returns, tracking sand into the room.
  294. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Hey, y'all. I think I saw where that motherfuckin' tablet goes.
  295. <Jaspersprite> [[As for Nitro; I've only done it once before, and only assisting. This is the first time I've done it entirely on my own. o:]]
  296. * Kansis|Nerbro He picks the fang out of his wound, wincing as he does. Could come in handy...but maybe he should clean it first. "did you now?"
  297. <Nitro> [Then it's definitely impressive!]
  298. <Jaspersprite> [[Which is probably one of the reasons why I'm worried I'm doing a shitty job. .c.]]
  299. <Kansis|Nerbro> whered you see it?
  300. <Phenom> "Of course you could!" Vriska saunters up to Kanaya, walking as if she owns the place. "I could get you through here with all the loot in half the time. Half the injuries, too!" She gives a quick glance to Nero before smiling at Kanaya.
  301. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Come on and peep for yourself, little brother.
  302. * Kansis|Nerbro follows her glance, before hesitatingly smiling back. It looked like this was yet another fledgling kismesitude in the making, with her in the middle. Hopefully she could intervene before it got that far. That would be just.../disastrous/. "Im Sure You Could Do All That And More"
  303. <Kansis|Nerbro> Without A Doubt
  304. * Kansis|Nerbro That's it, he's out of here.
  305. * Kansis|Nerbro He's not about to be passive-agressively /insulted/ while everyone watched. Strolling beside Gamzee, he gives him a hearty clap on the back. "well whatre we waitin for"
  306. <Kansis|Nerbro> lets take a look
  307. * Kansis|Nerbro Not even going to look back. Not once. Nope. No way.
  308. <Nitro> [A shitty job would be being uncreative or being unable to work flexibly. You've been very creative and I'm sure there've been several things you've had to make up on the spot or adapt your plans to fit what we're doing. You haven't seemed to get angry with us, or if you did you didn't act on it and rather did your best from what I've seen to resolve things without conflict. You've been trying to make sure everyone has fun, and you've
  309. <Nitro> succeeded, but the fact that you concern yourself with it at all is a mark of a good GM.]
  310. <Nitro> [oops that was long]
  311. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee, oblivious to the BLACK ROMANTIC TENSION, grooves on back to the loom-y closed passageway and pats the perfectly square depression in the stone beside it.
  312. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Looks like it could use a thing like the one we got, you know?
  313. <Phenom> Vriska silently waves goodbye to Nero, smiling throughout.
  314. <Nitro> Halley, knowing he'd been discovered, slinked past Vriska to join his /companions/, still giving the Robarm Lady the evil eye. One of these days...she is going down.
  315. <Nitro> eue
  316. <Phenom> (yes good)
  317. * Kansis|Nerbro Fuck you too, Vriska. He makes the most subtle showing of he bird as he possibly can, before disappearing around the corner. Thank /god/, she was out of their hair.
  318. <Phenom> (if this hate for Vriska continues, Halley, she may just spare your life)
  319. * Kansis|Nerbro .../For/ /now/.
  320. <Jaspersprite> [[Mmph, perhaps you're right, yeah. It's just a bit of a stressful job at times-- I don't want to slip up with the good job that I've been alegedly doing or anything, and I need to make sure that there's no contradictions with any gameplay logistics too of course. x:']]
  321. <Jaspersprite> [[Plus I get easily distracted and that--]]
  322. <Jaspersprite> [[Is plain awful. .n.]]
  323. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> there aint no pressure, brother)
  324. * Kansis|Nerbro He'd just focus as much as he could on this /door/, and nothing else. No aliens, no spiderbitches, no nothing.
  325. * Kansis|Nerbro yeah, this is just for fun!))
  326. <Kansis|Nerbro> cant think of any other way to open it
  327. <Kansis|Nerbro> looks like we gotta put the shape in the right hole
  328. <Kansis|Nerbro> damn its kindergarten all over again.
  329. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee just sort of...slides the panel into the slot.
  330. * Kansis|Nerbro didn't see that rude gesture, /thankfully/. She watched them leave for a bit, before focusing back on her morail. "Vriska Is It Alright To Ask Youve Been Doing This Past Few Days"
  331. <Kansis|Nerbro> I Understand This Is Not Exactly An Ideal Situation.
  332. <Nitro> [Don't worry, man. If you really drop the ball on anything (which you probably won't, with how you're stressing about it) and someone says something, don't feel like it's criticism of you or that you're doing a poor job. I think I can safely say we don't expect you to have everything perfect. If we say something that sounds like a correction, it's to try to help, not because anyone thinks you're doing a poor job. uvu]
  333. <Nitro> [As for getting distracted, I know that feel. :B]
  334. <Nitro> [I. I know that feel so well.]
  335. <Nitro> [@Phenom: NOPE TOO LATE I'VE DECIDED. Halley will find himself proven "wrong" regarding Vriska and, in immense regret of his prior treatment of her, will /shower/ her with affection.]
  336. <Nitro> [That's just how dogs do.]
  337. <Nitro> [Sort of. Except for the extreme comparative intellect in that line of thought.]
  338. * Jaspersprite wandered away. < u >]]
  339. <Phenom> Vriska chuckles quietly to herself as Nero disappears out of sight. In her eyes (or eye, rather), she didn't start this little one-upmanship battle, but she certainly could finish it. Once it was just the two of them--and the dog too, she guesses--she gives a big sigh. "I never thought I'd 8e saying this in a million sweeps, 8ut........I just want to go ho
  340. <Phenom> me, Fussyfangs." She checks over her shoulder for eavesdroppers, then lowers her voice. "Are you sure you don't want to ditch these losers and find our own way 8ack? Just you and me?" Besides Kanaya, it seems the Jake human was the only one that didn't have a problem with her, but she figured it wouldn't take long for him to have a little change of heart.
  341. <Phenom> She would rather not be around when that happens.
  342. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee pushes the Square Stone Panel into the socket. Unsurprisingly, it's a perfect fit! With a few loud mechanical noises, the large stone door slides down into the floor, successfully opening the pathway NORTH.
  343. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> good vriska, best paranoid scallawag)
  344. <Jaspersprite> [[I can totally take constructive criticism, don't get me wrong! But I still want things to be as perfect as I can get them-- you all deserve nothing less. uvu]]
  345. * Kansis|Nerbro listens intently, nodding at all the right places. She understood the feeling, yes. Wanting to go home, or where home was now. There was a sense of urgency as well, even with two years to make it. Respecting her privacy, she leaned it and rested a hand onto her shoulder. "I Think Everyone Wants To Go Home Vriska"
  346. <Kansis|Nerbro> Thats What We All Want
  347. <Kansis|Nerbro> I Know You Dont Think Very Highly Of Them...
  348. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...And I Know The Feeling Is Reciprocated Among Many Of Them
  349. <Kansis|Nerbro> But...
  350. * Kansis|Nerbro Her voice takes an almost pleading tone, despite herself. She wanted to make this /work/, damnit. She'd already seen one team fall apart due to petty differences, she didn't want to see it happen again. And in a way, this had become her new team. "I Implore You To Give Them A Chance"
  351. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee scrawls a note on the stone with his paints. 'ThIs WaY rOxSiS (o:'
  352. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Then an arrow and several honks.
  353. <Kansis|Nerbro> They All Have A Good Heart Deep Down Inside
  354. <Kansis|Nerbro> Even Gamzee
  355. <Nitro> Halley, pricking his ears at the familiar old sound of stone scraping stone. He and his master had, of course, gone on expeditions such as this one in the past. Perhaps not in such...dangerous areas or on quite the same scale but adventuring nonetheless. He proceeded to the new opening with some trepidation, examining the immediate area in and around the door for TRAPS.
  356. <Nitro> [casually gives Halley adventuring experience to some degree, is this ok?]
  357. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Speak of the clown cultist, he calls out; "Hey grey sisters! We up and found the next way down through this bitch!"
  358. * Kansis|Nerbro Oh, good thinking. Though his spelling needed...some work. He peered around the corner, examining the newly opened room. Nine times out of ten, there was something lurking around the corner. Or a falling piano. Or whatever.
  359. * Kansis|Nerbro Though in his /father/'/s/ case, he'd probably just waltz right in with a smug smile. Then again, his dad could withstand being impaled ten times to Tuesday. Nero? Not so much.
  360. <Phenom> Vriska frowns in disappointment. Clearly Fussyfangs wasn't budging on this issue. She would have to count it as a loss...which means getting all chummy with her new best pals, clown freak and angry demon douche. Wordlessly, she walks toward the sound of Gamzee's voice, assuming he'd managed to open that pesky stone door from earlier. Before she leaves the
  361. <Phenom> room, she says softly so that only Kanaya could possibly hear, "For your sake, I hope this arrangement doesn't turn out 8adly." She briskly goes to rejoin the others.
  362. <Jaspersprite> *** Halley examines the area... and fails to find any signs of booby traps, pit falls, giant rats, falling anvils, or anything along the lines. As it currently is, there are two path ways-- one to the NORTH, which is left wide open for exploration, and another to the LEFT. The westward entrance is adorned with an impressive stone arch, but aside from that, it
  363. <Jaspersprite> is as well left wide open for further exploration.
  364. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee peeks through the LEFT passageway.
  365. * Kansis|Nerbro heard that, and saw disappointment in full force. As much as she liked Vriska, her anti-social tendencies were...frustrating. It's what made her difficult to like, difficult to cope. But there was a good troll underneath all that, Kanaya absolutely knew it. She just hoped the others could too. Before it was too late. Before tragedy struck again.
  366. <Nitro> Halley stepped through the d-- there went Clowny Bro, better follow him. These kids. So impulsive.
  367. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty I mean, they up and went right last time, so he may as well bring some balance into this expedition.
  368. <Nitro> ...Then again, he probably would've just. Kind of. Walked forward or something. No reason to it.
  369. * Kansis|Nerbro Quietly, wordlessly, she whispered to herself. "I Hope So Too"
  370. * Kansis|Nerbro Then, without another word, she briskly joined the others. They needed her, in more ways than one.
  371. <Jaspersprite> *** The passageway to the left doesn't hold much to offer, other than the way back to the hall and a staircase that leads... far down. /Very/ far down, the darkness of the steps drowning anything in sight for the group of adventurers.
  372. * Kansis|Nerbro /Great/, more directions. And once again, Gamzee led the way. Not that he was going to complain; he'd probably just pick a random door after a few fruitless moments of pondering. Joining the juggalo, he gave a hallow whistle at the sight.
  373. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  374. <Kansis|Nerbro> ysure you wanna go down there
  375. <Kansis|Nerbro> i mean
  376. <Kansis|Nerbro> look at it
  377. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Yeesh.
  378. <Kansis|Nerbro> im p sure that bad boy goes straight to /hell/
  379. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Without further ado, he turns right the fuck back around into the previous room, then checks out the room to the NORTH.
  380. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty He ain't got time for THAT ominous bullshit.
  381. <Nitro> Halley agreed with this course of action and walked alongside him faithfully.
  382. * Kansis|Nerbro joins them right about that time, following the paint signs. The... ominous paint signs. But they were just harmless directions, that was all. Nothing malignant about them. Not yet, at least.
  383. <Nitro> Ain't no miracle gonna all call Gamzee down there.
  384. <Kansis|Nerbro> Have Weve Procured Anything From Our Glorious Exploration Yet
  385. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Got some boonies.
  386. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee enters the room to the NORTH. Inside this chamber...
  387. * Kansis|Nerbro peeks over his shoulder, glancing into the other room. "Admittedly Not Much But Its Better Than Having No Funds At All"
  388. <Kansis|Nerbro> Have You Checked The Other Hall Yet
  389. <Kansis|Nerbro> yeah
  390. <Kansis|Nerbro> went down to the bowels of the earth
  391. <Kansis|Nerbro> fun stuff
  392. <Kansis|Nerbro> Indeed
  393. <Jaspersprite> *** Is piles and piles of nakodile bones, skulls, and remains and general. Really, probably hundreds to thousands of nakodile bones, all piled up in one more or less moderately large sandstone room. What kind of architect would design a room with the sole purpose for storing nakodile remains? One that is prepared for /anything/.
  394. <Jaspersprite> *** Anything including mass nakocide apparently.
  395. <Phenom> Vriska silently follows Gamzee, giving him at least fifteen feet of berth. She keeps watch of the rear with feigned interest.
  396. <Nitro> Well this isn't ominous.
  397. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Aw, /damn/.
  398. <Nitro> Halley felt it safer to wander around a graveyard. No one lurks in a graveyard waiting to kill people.
  399. <Nitro> They're all already dead.
  400. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Them poor little nakkadudes all jumbled up in here.
  401. <Nitro> Unless their next opponents will be Nakghosts.
  402. <Nitro> Nakskeletons.
  403. <Nitro> Zombnaks.
  404. * Kansis|Nerbro doesn't feel so safe. He /knew/ better. You knew what bodies were good for? Mass henchmen. Demons loved the shit out of them, especially the human kind. But little crocodile dudes would do just as well. Cautiously, ever so cautiously, he searched for an exit.
  405. * Kansis|Nerbro If they leapt up to the forefront, he wouldn't be the least bit surprised.
  406. * Kansis|Nerbro Not
  407. * Kansis|Nerbro At
  408. * Kansis|Nerbro All
  409. <Nitro> But would you rather face the thing killing them all in the depths of Hell.
  410. <Nitro> Would you, Nero.
  412. <Nitro> Not that Halley can actually communicate this with him.
  413. <Nitro> GOD DAMN IT
  414. * Kansis|Nerbro Knowing his dad, he's probably already beaten the shit out of them.
  415. <Nitro> Halley initiated GNAWING.
  416. * Kansis|Nerbro He's a /demon/ hunter, not a nakodile hunter.
  417. <Phenom> Oh, what the fuck.
  418. <Jaspersprite> *** Hardly even attacking really. Just kinda. Flinging at the party on their own accord. Magic possessed nakomanes. However, they are quickly bested by Halley's doggy instincts, getting the everloving shit gnawed out of them. They have been slain.
  419. <Nitro> Awww yeah. B]
  420. * Kansis|Nerbro no i can't
  421. <Nitro> Halley figured it was never a bad idea to have a bone on hand for gnawing emergencies, and so just kind of reached out and
  422. <Nitro> plucked one
  423. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> You slay those dastardly motherfuckers, dogbro.
  424. <Phenom> Vriska retrieves the Flourite Octet from her sylladex...and puts it right back. Well, that was pointless and pretty much a waste, if the damn dog could take care of it himself.
  425. * Kansis|Nerbro See? He /knew/ it! He lifted his swo- Oh wait, they're already dead.
  426. * Kansis|Nerbro *** V I C T O R Y ? ? ?
  427. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty He delivers well deserved pats to their furry savior. Good dog, best boneslayer.
  428. <Jaspersprite> *** Halley swipes a single Nakodile Femur from the pile.
  429. <Nitro> *** REWARD: 1000 BOONBUCKS (1000 to Halley 'cause dammit no one else helped)
  430. <Nitro> Yes this was the /best/ battle. Bones /and/ petting.
  431. <Jaspersprite> *** Well of course it would be hardly much of a fight. They were already dead. What are you going to do, double kill them? Productivity at it's finest, to say the least.
  432. * Kansis|Nerbro It all happened so fast, Kanaya barely had any time for react. She reached for her pocket, and then almost instantly pulled it back. My, what an impressive lusus. Trotting ahead, she joined Gamzee in the petting.
  433. <Jaspersprite> *** Nakodile Femur: The remains of a deceased nakodile. May he rest in peace, chilling the motherfuck out in nakodile heaven with their lord and nakker. BV
  434. <Kansis|Nerbro> What Would We Do Without You Dear Woofbeast
  435. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> We'd be boned.
  436. <Nitro> Aww yeah. Halley, defender of...random teenagers he met in the woods one day.
  437. <Nitro> B]
  438. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty HONK HONK HONK
  439. <Phenom> Vriska facepalms. Were these shenanigans going to occur with every small victory? If so, this was going to be a long trip.
  440. * Kansis|Nerbro Oh, good one.
  441. <Kansis|Nerbro> well i think settles it
  442. <Kansis|Nerbro> all i see is one big pile of shitty crocodile bones
  443. <Kansis|Nerbro> lets call steve irwin and call it a day
  444. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Well, boys and motherfuckin' ladytypes, looks like there's only one thing to do.
  445. <Nitro> Sigh. Welp, it looks like the pit of Hell for them.
  446. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Gotta go to the echo side.
  447. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty And with that, he backtracks to the hellpit.
  448. <Nitro> He turned right 'round and headed back with Gamzee.
  449. <Jaspersprite> *** The party reenter the westward passage. Everything is as it was previously, stairway down and all. A foreboding sense of dread practically emits from the ancient steps, but that easily goes without question.
  450. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee leaves another friendly be-clownfaced note to Roxy saying they went down 'into the motherfuckin hellpit, yo, shit's gonna suck but it's aite'
  451. <Nitro> Halley treaded forward with immense caution. No sense in rushing and alerting whatever may be lurking in the depths to their presence before it was necessary, and also with that kind of feel to the room, one didn't just charge forward loudly and stupidly. It was far too...terrifying for that.
  452. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Then with a flick of his hatchetman lighter, his candle is lit and he heads down after Halley.
  453. * Kansis|Nerbro wishes someone told her about the hell stairs earlier. She would've prepared herself for the sense of dread. Stepping forward, she volunteered to go first. "Ill Light The Path"
  454. * Kansis|Nerbro EXCEPT NOT REALLY WHOOPS
  455. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Aite, girl.
  456. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> We can use motherfuckin' teamwork (o:
  457. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Two lights are better than one motherfuckin' light, you feel me?
  458. * Kansis|Nerbro gives him a small smile, with only the /slightest/ hint of worry. Going first usually meant being /attacked/ first. But she'd handle it with grace, even if her arm was being torn off. "Very Wise Thinking Makara."
  459. * Kansis|Nerbro is a-okay with flanking beside them, blade already at his side. This reeked of a hellgate, and that was /never/ a fun time. But it was the only way to go, so...what could you do?
  460. <Nitro> Technically, if they went right earlier, they could backtrack and take another path, buuut.
  461. <Phenom> Vriska follows quietly, without protest. The lights did help, but she knew she would have been fine without them. Down the hell-stairs she goes, just wanting to get this overwith.
  462. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> nah, i think they went everywhere else they could have)
  463. <Nitro> [Did they? Man, I wasn't even here. P:]
  464. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> yeah, the only options in the entrance was snake room or room they had to open with the panel)
  465. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> and then the room they had to open with the panel had boneroom and pitroom)
  466. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i'm making a crude mspaint map)
  467. * Kansis|Nerbro complicated shit here
  468. * Jaspersprite head]]
  469. * Jaspersprite desk]]
  470. * Jaspersprite repeatedly]]
  471. * Jaspersprite x:]]
  472. <Nitro> [puts a pillow under Jaspy's head]
  473. <Nitro> [paps]
  474. * Jaspersprite in their defense, really has a signifigant portion more to it that isn't]]
  475. * Jaspersprite Literally four rooms--]]
  476. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> well yeah i mean we're going downstairs so there's more there)
  477. * Jaspersprite Of course, but--]]
  478. <Nitro> [living easy, loving free]
  479. <Nitro> [season ticket for a one way ride]
  480. <Nitro> [asking nothing, leave me be]
  481. * Jaspersprite still feels like they should have added more first I suppose]]
  482. <Nitro> [takin' everything in my stride]
  483. <Nitro> [Dungeons have levels. It's ok. uvu]
  484. <Nitro> [don't need reason, don't need rhyme]
  485. <Nitro> [ain't nothin' I would rather do]
  486. <Nitro> [goin' down, party time]
  487. <Nitro> [my friends are gonna be there too]
  488. <Nitro> [I'm on a hiiiighway to hell]
  489. <Jaspersprite> [[Still, I guess I ought to have added a signifigant portion more to the top and]]
  490. * Jaspersprite headdesks, is sorry]]
  491. * Nitro shooshpaps, no it's okay uvu]
  492. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> well, show us how cool you made the bottom layers then)
  493. * Nitro only AC/DC now]
  494. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> jeez i mean they probably would hide the best stuff down at the bottom anyway)
  495. <Jaspersprite> [[3:]]
  496. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> just do the next part dude, you're doing fine)
  497. <Jaspersprite> [[Right, sorry]]
  498. [Notify] PurpleKoopa is online (
  499. --> PurpleKoopa has joined this channel (
  500. <Nitro> [Yo PK!]
  501. * PurpleKoopa yo! what's going on?]
  502. <Nitro> [We're heading down some hellstairs. Gamzee took Roxy back to the van and left signs for her to follow.]
  503. <Nitro> [Written in facepaint.]
  504. * Kansis|Nerbro DON'T TRUST HIM
  505. <Jaspersprite> *** The party scales the oh so many dark stairs, leading to a lower part of the ancient desert structure. After some time of traversing the steps that have cracked with age and wear, the group of adventurers arrive at the second floor. The ground is tiled in a checker-board pattern, the lighting provided by only Gamzee and Kanaya. There are two pathways from
  506. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> check skype for the map!)
  507. <Jaspersprite> this corridor, both leading to the EAST and WEST. The atmosphere is almost completely heavy, dust particals and cobwebs clearly visible in the illumination.
  508. <Nitro> Halley sneezed almost immediately. So much for a silent approach.
  509. <Nitro> Regardless, figuring that there was little they could do but make a split decision, he started to the EAST.
  510. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee follows. Cool.
  511. * PurpleKoopa where is the map?
  512. <Nitro> [Skype]
  513. <Nitro> [or ]
  514. * Kansis|Nerbro Oh god. Checkerboards. It wasn't a full room, not yet. But it /could/ be. Chess was played on checkerboards. Painful, living chess. With /brutal/, vicious demons. His father told him /all/ about those, and how absolutely unfair they were. He won, of course. But
  515. * Kansis|Nerbro But
  516. * Kansis|Nerbro /But/
  517. * Kansis|Nerbro He would follow, regardless. But the observant would notice his already pale skin had gone a ghostly white.
  518. * Kansis|Nerbro >nero: hOLY FUCK NO NOT CHESS
  519. * PurpleKoopa okay, almost ready to join, have you guys been recording]
  520. * Kansis|Nerbro thought nothing of it, though the opressive atmosphere was quite dour. It was a good thing she couldn't breathe, or she'd nearly choke on the dust and cobwebs. Easily strolling alongside Gamzee, she looked back and-
  521. * Kansis|Nerbro ...What was that boy's problem. She swore, one of these days she was going to meddle the /hell/ out of him.
  522. <Jaspersprite> *** The party enters the eastward room. It's a fairly simple sight, not exceptionally out of the ordinary compared to the other previous rooms-- save for a few distinct features, of course. For one, the ceiling was devided by a long thin line straight from the entrance to the other end, and a single rusted valve sits built in the wall at the farthest part of
  523. <Phenom> Vriska catches Kanaya giving that look. "8utt out, Fussyfangs," she warns, then heads east with the rest of the party.
  524. <Jaspersprite> the corridor, clearly not used in quite some time or even at all. But all considering, that... doesn't have to be said.
  525. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Huh,
  526. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Well, that valve ain't gonna turn itself.
  527. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> and yes we have been recording, pk)
  528. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> nitro's got it)
  529. * Kansis|Nerbro /Fine/, she'll but out. But /one/ day, she's getting to the root to that boy's problems! And yours! And /everyone/'/s/!
  530. * Kansis|Nerbro But for now she'd settle for standing in the middle of the room, casting a helpful light for the adventurers.
  531. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty He crosses the room to the valve, casting weird shadows on the walls.
  532. * PurpleKoopa finally re-awoke to find herself back inside the van. Huh. Must've fallen asleep earlier. She recollected her belongings and hopped out of the vehicle. Seeing how the van was still parked by the ruins, the rest of the party must be exploring inside. Either that or they were kidnapped by desert raiders. The former was the more likely scenario, though.
  533. * Kansis|Nerbro Okay, so it wasn't chess. But, it /might/ be! Somewhere in this damn dungeon. And he did /not/ want to deal with that unholy mess. Settling down a bit, he still kept a tight grip on the Ripper.
  534. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty With one hand on the valve, he turns to the rest of the party. "Y'all ready for this?"
  535. <Kansis|Nerbro> ready as ill ever be
  536. <Phenom> Just open the fucking door.
  537. * Kansis|Nerbro gives a nod of approval, hand gently slipping into her pocket. Twist away, Makara.
  538. * PurpleKoopa Well, better catch up with 'em! Roxy descended the ancient staircase, being extra-careful not to repeat that stairs incident again.
  539. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Thus encouraged, he twists that bitch. Lefty loosey.
  540. <Nitro> This seemed like a bad idea, Halley reflected, but of course they had to make something /happen/ at /some/ point.
  541. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee begins to turn the rusted valve-- but nope, it won't be having any of that, it seems. As soon as he applies any form of force or pressure, it breaks and crumbles into a crimson rust powder in his hands, leaving only the barely turned metal axel to remain in the sandstone wall.
  542. <Nitro> That was...unproductive.
  543. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  544. <Kansis|Nerbro> all that for nothin
  545. <Kansis|Nerbro> huh
  546. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Whoops.
  547. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Well.
  548. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty busts out his TIRE IRON.
  549. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Let's see if this shit fits.
  550. <Kansis|Nerbro> Gamzee What Are-
  551. <Nitro> Maybe there was something nearby with which they could twist it, or something they had -- oh tire iron.
  552. <Nitro> That.../might/ work. Halley wouldn't know. Weird human contraptions.
  553. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty attempts to fit one of the knobbly ends of the iron into the axel.
  554. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty KNOWS about changing tires, man.
  555. <Kansis|Nerbro> you sure you know what youre doin?
  556. <Nitro> [Gamzee is the king of improvisation.]
  557. <Nitro> [Or at least the jack of it.]
  558. <Jaspersprite> *** The tire iron is a perfect fit! Now isn't that convenient. Turning ancient gizmos wasn't it's intended purpose, hell, it's only purpose is in the /name/, but it certainly works it's magic either way.
  559. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee shrugs eloquently. "I know how to change a tire and turn a bolt on a nut, brother."
  560. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> I guess this shit's close enough.
  561. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty hell yeah, tire iron, don't let those motherfuckers /label/ /you/.
  562. <Nitro> Halley braced in spite of the humans' goofing around. Who could tell what would happen.
  563. * PurpleKoopa Upon entering the dark, cobwebbed entrance room, Roxy stopped for a moment and listened for the voices of her teammates. Hmm. Sounded like they were coming from the north? Lalonde passed through the looming stone doorway north in search of them. Jeez, where were those guys?
  564. * PurpleKoopa and now i need room descriptions because idk what these rooms are like]
  565. <Nitro> [Gamzee left signs around the area if you missed that.]
  566. * PurpleKoopa i don't know where those are?]
  567. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty A series of grey and white clown faces may or may not catch her eye as she moves through the north corridor.
  568. * PurpleKoopa whoop, nevermind]
  569. <Nitro> [They went north through the formerly locked room which is actually kind of a hall, then left to the west and down the stairs on the far side, then east in the hall at the bottom of those.]
  570. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty 'ThIs WaY rOxSiS (o:' says the message. An arrow points through the passage.
  571. <-- Kansis|Nerbro has left this server (Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  572. * RocknRollStyle|SmoothJazz YES HELLO
  573. *** RocknRollStyle|SmoothJazz is now known as Kansis|Nerbro.
  574. * Kansis|Nerbro was here all along
  575. <Nitro> [Of course.]
  576. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty As she emerges in the next room, another paint sign gleams on the wall next to the LEFT passage.
  577. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty 'WeNt DoWn ThE hElLpIt, SiSteR. sHiT's DaRk As A mOtHeRfUcK bUt We GoNnA bE aItE'
  578. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty 'HoNk HoNk HoNk'
  579. * PurpleKoopa Oh, they caught her eye all right. No way Gamzee's wonky handwriting would go unnoticed. She followed the chain of messages to the left, down the far staircases, then finally to the east. This should be it, right?
  580. <Nitro> Yo yo, Rox. Halley was actually much too focused on the situation -- that they just turned the valve of some kind of old fixture in the wall with a narrow slit thing overhead -- to notice her presence.
  581. <Jaspersprite> [[Oh-- you turned it? I thought you just]]
  582. <Jaspersprite> [[Popped it on :u]]
  583. * Jaspersprite is the biggest drp. <c>]]
  584. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> oh whoops i forgot to say i turned it OH WELL)
  585. <Kansis|Nerbro> there you are, sleepin beauty
  586. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee again cranks that bitch lefty loosey.
  587. <PurpleKoopa> yaaawwwwn sorry i zoned out rite in the middle of combat
  588. <PurpleKoopa> but i assame u were able to kick that guys snakeay ass
  589. <PurpleKoopa> or w/e it is snakes have 4 asses
  590. * PurpleKoopa did they use the venom antidote? i'll remove it if they did]
  591. <Kansis|Nerbro> We Defeated It Quite Soundly But Not Without Sustaining Injuries
  592. * Kansis|Nerbro yeah, they did)
  593. <PurpleKoopa> well at least u guys r doing ok now
  594. <PurpleKoopa> and uh
  595. * PurpleKoopa stares at Vriska.
  596. <PurpleKoopa> wats SHE doding back here???
  597. <Phenom> Minding my own damn 8usiness!
  598. <Kansis|Nerbro> well keep at it
  599. <Kansis|Nerbro> youre doin a /swell/ job
  600. <Phenom> And you /were/, until now!
  601. <PurpleKoopa> so u finelly decided not to split up from us huh
  602. * Kansis|Nerbro No /stop/, she wasn't capable of auspticing for /all/ of you! She's not that good, people!
  603. <-- Jaspersprite has left this server (Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  604. [Notify] Jaspersprite went offline (
  605. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Shhh, y'all.
  606. --> Jaspersprite has joined this channel (
  607. *** ChanServ gives channel operator privileges to Jaspersprite.
  608. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty said that aloud shh
  609. <Jaspersprite> [[:1]]
  610. * PurpleKoopa 20:44 tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee again cranks that bitch lefty loosey.
  611. <Jaspersprite> [[Sorry, guys. For both cutting out and not realizing that Gamz actually--]]
  612. <Jaspersprite> [[Turned it. :u]]
  613. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> i didn't actually say he did until like a few minutes ago tho
  614. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> )
  615. <Jaspersprite> *** Gamzee begins to turn the tire iron to the left, successfully spinning the axel entirely. Upon completion of the turn, a loud and creaky chorus of mechanisms could be heard from the ceiling just above the party members as ancient machinery begins to kick into motion...
  616. * Kansis|Nerbro glares, but shuts his mouth. He's /watching/ you, spiderbitch.
  617. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee squints upwards, holding up his candle to see.
  618. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Whooooa.
  619. * PurpleKoopa takes a step back and cranes her neck upwards.
  620. <PurpleKoopa> wohoooha
  621. <Nitro> Halley felt the sudden urge to back away. Perhaps this was from normal and natural fear or from past experience. Either way, he complied with the urge, tucking himself close to the wall and ready to leap away.
  622. * Kansis|Nerbro looks up, twisting her mouth. Oh my, this was completely unexpected! She watches, ever on her guard.
  623. <PurpleKoopa> i think this calls 4 a puzzel solve sfx
  624. <PurpleKoopa> da da da da do do daaah???
  625. * Kansis|Nerbro isn't surprised at all. Twisting and turning shit was half of his dad's deal, when he was on /away/ business. Fuckin' puzzles, man. Still, seeing it in person was a completely different experience.
  626. * Kansis|Nerbro ...Sill sort of boring, though.
  627. * Kansis|Nerbro But so long as it wasn't chess.
  628. <Phenom> Vriska complacently shuts up, but not before giving Nero a wink. Yeah yeah, you're watching; you join a long list of babysitters, buddy. She boredly watches the gears turn in the ceiling.
  629. <PurpleKoopa> so were theare machines upstares or was that something from this room??
  630. <Kansis|Nerbro> my guess is the skeleroom
  631. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee gives that bitch another crank.
  632. <Kansis|Nerbro> but hey, anythin goes
  633. <Kansis|Nerbro> Gamzee Im Sure One Turn Is More Than Enough
  634. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Anything worth motherfuckin' doin' is worth doin' twice, sister.
  635. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> An' that sounded cool as fuck.
  636. * Jaspersprite got distracted whups. < u >]]
  637. <PurpleKoopa> dont stop him man sometimes u just wana get your crunkin on
  638. <PurpleKoopa> the worst taht could happen is just a puzzle resset right
  639. <Jaspersprite> *** The ceiling itself slowly parts way in reaction the mechanism's cranking. A single nakodile bone falls through the opening stone. And another. And a few more bones at that, followed by a skull or two from the room just above.
  640. <PurpleKoopa> uh
  641. * Kansis|Nerbro He hated being right.
  642. <Nitro> Mm, more bones.
  643. <Nitro> ERR --
  644. <Nitro> Oh no. More bones.
  645. <PurpleKoopa> ok i dont know what the skeleroom is like but lets try to avoid a skullvalanche aight
  646. * Kansis|Nerbro would be proud, son. We'll make an ace detective out of you yet!
  647. * Kansis|Nerbro gET OUT
  648. <Kansis|Nerbro> you sure you wanna spin that now?
  649. <PurpleKoopa> maybe we shuld head back 2 that room n see what changed?
  650. <Nitro> Halley wondered why whatever-the-fuck-was-down-here had an easy access hatch to a graveyard.
  651. <Nitro> And hadn't used it in a ridiculous amount of time, apparently.
  652. <Kansis|Nerbro> I Think Thatd Be A Wonderful Idea Lalonde
  653. <Kansis|Nerbro> you know what i think is a wonderful idea?
  654. <Kansis|Nerbro> gettin the hell outta dodge
  655. <Kansis|Nerbro> cause drownin by croc bones isnt exactly how i wanna go
  656. <PurpleKoopa> me neither lets haed back upstsiars then
  657. * PurpleKoopa heads left, then up, then east. ...This was the skullroom, right?
  658. * Kansis|Nerbro doesn't waste /any/ time in getting out of the door. Out, out, /out/ everyone. He doesn't think any investigation is necessary/
  659. * Kansis|Nerbro JUST GET THE FUCK OUT.
  660. <Nitro> Halley was more than willing to turn around and head back with the group.
  661. <Nitro> [The skullroom is north of the formerly-sealed room. The hellpit room with the stairs going down is west of the formerly-sealed room. The formerly-sealed room is north of the entrance. The snake room is east of the entrance.]
  662. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee is shepherded out of the room, with many a glance over his shoulder to see what else is happening. Man, this shit is /intense/.
  663. * Kansis|Nerbro gets the fuck out. But the least you could do was do it /gently/, Redgrave.
  665. * PurpleKoopa Thanks for the directions, friendly fourth-wall voice! Once inside of the formerly-sealed room, Lalonde heads north.
  666. <Phenom> (I'm out, nighty-night)
  667. * Kansis|Nerbro doesn't see any reason to backtrack. It's a /hatch/ Lalonde, a hatch meant to kill them. Or some other reason. But mostly kill them. Unfortunately he wasn't telepathic, so he just smoldered at the wall.
  668. * PurpleKoopa good night, phenom!]
  669. <Phenom> (you may control Vriska if it makes things easier for you)
  670. <Jaspersprite> [[Oh, night Phenom.]]
  671. <-- Phenom has left this server (Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  672. <Jaspersprite> *** Not a moment after the party so leisurely leaves the room, the room just behind them is promptly filled to the brim with skeletons, bones, remains, skulls, the nakagra falls of femurs and broken ribs. The party is clearly the quickest and easily the most keenest when it comes to absconding from near death situations--
  673. <Jaspersprite> *** Which is to say that they will leisurely stare at the ceiling as it brings upon their demise.
  674. * PurpleKoopa BONES FALL, EVERYONE DIES
  675. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Damn, y'all.
  676. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty He idly kicks a skull.
  677. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Guess we should head up after Roxsis? Won't that room not have a motherfuckin' floor now, or will it be like. The worst motherfuckin' swimming pool.
  678. * Kansis|Nerbro /Jesus/ and /Mary/, that was close. Too close, and easily avoidable. How could he have fallen for such an easy trap? And let them do it?
  679. * Kansis|Nerbro He gives a heavy sigh, before leaning against the wall. His faith in this expedition just got /massively/ shot down.
  680. <Jaspersprite> *** Roxy arrives in the once boney and otherwise grim room. Upon the emptying, the now very spacious chamber is safely revealed to have but another pathway on the farther end of the room! The farther end of the room... that.
  681. <Jaspersprite> *** Is missing a floor. Smooth.
  682. <Jaspersprite> *** Thankfully enough, the piles of bones from the floor just above provides an... unstable ground, but ground nonetheless! Crisis averted.
  683. * Kansis|Nerbro Oh...she should have seen that coming. A wave of disappointment washes over her, but quickly fades. The boy, however, didn't seem to be in any better shape.
  684. <Kansis|Nerbro> Are You Quite Alright Over There You Look...
  685. * PurpleKoopa Hey, neat. Better wait for everyone else to catch up before traversing the dreaded BONE BRIDGE.
  686. <Kansis|Nerbro> ... More Pale Than Usual
  687. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee frumps into the wall next to him. Moral support.
  688. <Kansis|Nerbro> oh im just fine. its not like we almost died from the /easiest/ trap in existence.
  689. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...the worlds not all sunshine an rainbows yknow. when shit happens, you cant just
  690. <Kansis|Nerbro> you /have/ to
  691. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  692. <Kansis|Nerbro> whatever
  693. <tenaciouslyCrunknasty> Maybe that was the puzzle, bro. Get the fuck out before the roof falls in.
  694. * Kansis|Nerbro With a grunt, he lifts himself off the wall. Still dragging his sword along, like some iron security blanket, he starts to ascend the staircase. "cmon, lets get out of here."
  695. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty gets out of there. He gives Kanaya a pap of thanks, though. She's cool.
  696. * Kansis|Nerbro Now he'd realized. It wasn't just about defeating the monster, no. It was about getting everyone out of here /alive/. And death had become all too commonplace for him.
  697. * Kansis|Nerbro smiles at the pap, lightly touching the spot. Still, she couldn't help but to squint after the boy. That /boy/. Boy, stop having so many problems she wanted to fix. She was trying to be /less/ of a meddler.
  698. * Kansis|Nerbro Wordlessly, she followed.
  699. * Kansis|Nerbro No common sense, no common sense at all. Maybe having friends wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Still smoldering, he joined Roxy at the pool of bones. Looked like there was a passage way after all. No doubt to something equally threatening.
  700. * PurpleKoopa idly picked up one of the skulls and kicked it across the other side of the room. Boy, that was sure a boring idea to move on ahead. ...Oh, there they are!
  701. <PurpleKoopa> yo check it out theres another room for us 2 explode
  702. <PurpleKoopa> *explor... u know what explosions work good too
  703. <PurpleKoopa> place is gonna hit the shit and well have to run out of it in slo mo
  704. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee puts one massive shoe onto the bonepool and rests his weight on it, testing the waters so to speak.
  705. <Kansis|Nerbro> The Footing Doesnt Look Very
  706. <Kansis|Nerbro> Sturdy
  707. <PurpleKoopa> well yeah its made of bones not xactly the best floor makeing materail
  708. <Jaspersprite> *** The skull sinks a bit into the mound of remains, but otherwise stays underneath the juggalo's step, not breaking or sliding clear out. Not yet, at least.
  709. <PurpleKoopa> hmm
  710. <Kansis|Nerbro> Well Have To Be Very Careful With Our Steps
  711. <PurpleKoopa> alrite here goes nothing
  712. <Nitro> Halley tentatively started out onto the unstable mass and dogs are not /made/ for this /fffff/ --
  713. * PurpleKoopa begins to cross across the bone pit, taking soft, long strides towards the open passageway. Easy does it now.
  714. * tenaciouslyCrunknasty Gamzee strides out a few feet behind the others, his snowshoe-feet perhaps balancing out how tall he is in the weight distribution department.
  715. * Kansis|Nerbro does not have time for this bs, and he's already in a bad mood. Slowly stepping away, he backed himself into the door. Then, like a shot, he raced into a running leap across the pool. He could clear this, easy. And if he couldn't, well...
  716. * Kansis|Nerbro ...He better hope he finally learned how to ace that rune summoning. But he was in too sour of a moon to consider /that/ unfortunate end.
  717. <Jaspersprite> *** Roxy... surprisingly manages to safely traverse the mound of remains without a problem, as does Nero-- Halley and Gamzee, however, slips underneath one of the various unstable nakodile bones, falling right onto their respective stomachs and /right/ onto a skull. Oof! That. That smarts, alright.
  718. <Jaspersprite> *** These architects certainly had a bone to pick with the party.
  719. <Jaspersprite> *** It's a rattling conundrum.
  720. * PurpleKoopa Wow, Halley and Gamzee must weigh a skeleTON.
  721. <-- corpseCommunion has left this server (Read error: Connection reset by peer).
  722. [Notify] corpseCommunion went offline (
  723. <Nitro> Ow shit that /hurt/.
  724. --> corpseCommunion has joined this channel (
  725. * PurpleKoopa These are certainly humerus puns!
  726. <Jaspersprite> *** Whatever's in these ruins must be pretty femurcious.
  727. [Notify] corpseCommunion is online (
  728. * Kansis|Nerbro no stop
  729. * Kansis|Nerbro ssstop
  730. <Jaspersprite> *** ... Stretched pun, but pun nonetheless.
  731. <Jaspersprite> *** Only one unexplored path /remains/ in this room.
  732. <Nitro> Halley growled and shuffled to his paws, continuing along the mound again, but holding himself lower to the "ground". He was not looking forward to crossing back. ;n;
  733. * Kansis|Nerbro tested the waters a bit, before cautiously making her way across the pool. However they did this, they must do with the utmost ca- Oh my goodness, what was that boy /doing/?
  734. * Kansis|Nerbro Did he...did he just jump across the entire pool?
  735. --> tenaciouslyCrunk has joined this channel (
  736. <tenaciouslyCrunk> gnarr, got kicked)
  737. * PurpleKoopa yo do you need a repost]
  738. <tenaciouslyCrunk> well i posted PFFF and got kicked right after so)
  739. <tenaciouslyCrunk> probably not a lot happened
  740. <tenaciouslyCrunk> i was just bitching)
  741. <PurpleKoopa> skele-puns ]
  742. <-- tenaciouslyCrunknasty has left this server (Quit: ajax IRC Client).
  743. [Notify] tenaciouslyCrunknasty went offline (
  744. <Jaspersprite> *** Kanaya crosses successfully, her caution and tentative actions aiding her greatly. Halley is a lot luckier as well this time around, reaching the other end of the skeleton sea without another problem.
  745. * tenaciouslyCrunk Gamzee army crawls the rest of the way. Damn that hurt.
  746. * PurpleKoopa stretches a hand out for the crawling Gamzee.
  747. <PurpleKoopa> here dude lemme pull u up
  748. * Jaspersprite realizes how sad it is that Jake is missing out on skull city--]]
  749. * Kansis|Nerbro also offers a hand, helping the juggalo up. That looked...rather painful.
  750. * Kansis|Nerbro jake would have a goddamn orgasm
  751. <tenaciouslyCrunk> if we finish the dungeon before he returns he'll have to make a pilgrimage)
  752. <tenaciouslyCrunk> maybe we can get him some souveniers)
  753. <Jaspersprite> [[Pff, good. uvu]]
  754. * tenaciouslyCrunk The juggalo is helped upright by his best glowin' sister. He is much heavier than he appears, though this should pose no problem to the rainbow drinker.
  755. <PurpleKoopa> alright good thing we didnt lose any teemates to the lamest trap in the dngn
  756. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Thanks, girl. I can't say I blame them bony motherfuckers. I wouldn't want no hoodrat steppin' on my nug, either.
  757. <PurpleKoopa> coulda been worse there mightve been lik a bone dragon that popped out or something
  758. <Kansis|Nerbro> Consider It A Blessing For Them To Be Stepped On By The Great Fairy Queen
  759. <PurpleKoopa> they were blebssed by the almightey peacokk
  760. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Well I musta blessed about a hundred of those motherfuckers with my face on the way over here.
  761. <PurpleKoopa> ok now lets get a move on ppl weve got dungons to quest thru
  762. * PurpleKoopa enters the entryway north!
  763. * Kansis|Nerbro has been busy intently staring at the door. Not moping, not moping at all.
  764. <Kansis|Nerbro> chances are likely this is gonna be one hell of a room
  765. <Kansis|Nerbro> they went outta their way to hide it
  766. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Best get our game faces on then, little brother.
  767. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  768. * tenaciouslyCrunk Encouraging eyebrow waggle.
  769. <tenaciouslyCrunk>
  770. <tenaciouslyCrunk> updated map!)
  771. * PurpleKoopa pounds her fist against her palm. Her game face is motherfuckin' SET.
  772. * Kansis|Nerbro won't say it out loud, but he'll certainly think it. He didn't think they'd make it. He wanted to have faith in them, but that last room shot it to bits. And when push came to shove, one of them might...
  773. * Kansis|Nerbro They just might...
  774. * Kansis|Nerbro huffs, before pushing on wards. "cmon, lets get this show on the road."
  775. <Jaspersprite> *** The party enters through the north corridor. This room... is much smaller compared to the others. The walls are painted a dark red, liberally engraved with heiroglyphs that just can't be made into sense without the proper insight. There's only one exit out of this room-- that being a staircase leading to the second floor once more, as deep as the last set
  776. * Kansis|Nerbro follows around, taking up the rear once more. Her game face is not /quite/ set, but she was determined none the less! Peering from behind, she squinted at the hieroglyphs adorning the wall.
  777. <Jaspersprite> of ancient steps. It carries an unsettling aura, vaguely and of course silently telling anyone with a head on their shoulders not to mosey on down unless you were efficiently looking for a death wish.
  778. <PurpleKoopa> hmm
  779. * Kansis|Nerbro Dark red. Weird hieroglyphs. Aura that made his skin crawl. Yup, this was it. Not for the first time, he dully wished his father was around. He'd make sense of those scribbles on the wall, and would probably climb those staircase without a second thought.
  780. <PurpleKoopa> wat do u think guys
  781. <PurpleKoopa> boss room?
  782. <Kansis|Nerbro> has to be
  783. <Kansis|Nerbro> this room screams archdevil
  784. <Kansis|Nerbro> do you have any idea what that means
  785. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Can't rightly say I do, little bro.
  786. <PurpleKoopa> like a regular devil except even moar evil?
  787. <Kansis|Nerbro> p much
  788. <Kansis|Nerbro> they could kill you with one look
  789. * Kansis|Nerbro Oh look, there goes his confidence. Up, up and away.
  790. <Kansis|Nerbro> Are You Positive That This Is One
  791. <Kansis|Nerbro> no, but the signs certainly aint helpin
  792. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Maybe it'll just be some more snakey motherfuckers.
  793. <PurpleKoopa> the guy who i got the quest frum didnt say what kinda monster this was
  794. <Kansis|Nerbro> with a room like this? i doubt it.
  795. <PurpleKoopa> but in any case its gonna b a nasty one
  796. <Kansis|Nerbro> this has got all the signs of a powerhouse
  797. * tenaciouslyCrunk Gamzee runs a hand through his fro, somehow not getting entangled in it.
  798. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Well, if y'all don't wanna go ahead, there ain't shit sayin' we have to.
  799. <PurpleKoopa> well if hes the pwowerhouse then here comes the demaolishing team B[
  800. <tenaciouslyCrunk> But like. What if this motherfucker's got our way home?
  801. <PurpleKoopa> then well have 2 beet it out of him
  802. <Kansis|Nerbro> Makara Is Correct This Could Be Our Ticket Out Of This Mysterious Realm
  803. <PurpleKoopa> hang on dudes one thing i wanna do b4 we go in herae
  804. <Kansis|Nerbro> And Im Certain None Of Us Want To Be Staying Here Any Longer Than We Must
  805. * PurpleKoopa pours her Delicious Tonic into one of her Enchanted Shot Glasses!
  806. <PurpleKoopa> anyone else gotta postion they wanna beef-ify?
  807. <Kansis|Nerbro> None On Me At The Moment
  808. <tenaciouslyCrunk> I think you got the only potions, girl.
  809. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Though we could make more with your dope-ass alchemy set.
  810. <PurpleKoopa> i think ur right gamz ill just hold onto it in case anyeone needs it
  811. <Kansis|Nerbro> if ya got any last words, better say em now.
  812. <PurpleKoopa> but i think we got more than enoufh heeling whatwit the spells and all
  813. <Kansis|Nerbro> cause there aint no turnin back after this
  814. <tenaciouslyCrunk> I got an escape spell, though. Mistify a motherfucker.
  815. <Kansis|Nerbro> an then what? we just leave?
  816. <Kansis|Nerbro> newsflash, it aint that easy.
  817. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Well if you wanna do this last words shit, we gonna do it right.
  818. * tenaciouslyCrunk Gamzee then opens his arms and advances on the boy. It's going down.
  819. <Kansis|Nerbro> yo-
  820. <PurpleKoopa> ive got ur last words right here
  821. * tenaciouslyCrunk we're doing this
  822. * Kansis|Nerbro Wait, what.
  823. <PurpleKoopa> lets kick ass or die treying B[
  824. * tenaciouslyCrunk grabs Nero, then Roxy, then heads for Kanaya.
  825. * tenaciouslyCrunk we're making this happen
  826. * Kansis|Nerbro is suddenly group hugged! She had been watching the scene unfold with some distress, but...this...this was a surprise.
  827. * tenaciouslyCrunk sort of nudges Halley in with his foot.
  828. * PurpleKoopa delightedly joins in the group hug!
  829. * tenaciouslyCrunk feel the sweaty juggalo love, y'all.
  830. <PurpleKoopa> god i luve u juys so much :,)
  831. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Couldn't have said it any better my damn self, baby girl.
  832. * Kansis|Nerbro ...
  833. * Jaspersprite whups popped away <u>]]
  834. * PurpleKoopa roxy poured her delicious tonic into one of the shot glasses, if that has any kind of effect]
  835. * Kansis|Nerbro reluctantly joins the hug. Affection wasn't exactly his thing, but okay. They were his friends, and that's what matter. That, and the fact that they were all possibly going to die. God help him, he hoped they were ready for this.
  836. * Kansis|Nerbro He didn't want to have the first friends he ever made /die/ on him. But it would be appropriate.
  837. <Jaspersprite> [[Oh, yes, right Roxy. uvu]]
  838. <tenaciouslyCrunk> I ain't know how any of us motherfuckers got to be here, but I'm glad we did.
  839. <PurpleKoopa> me too gamz if it werent 4 you guys idk WHAT id be doing
  840. <PurpleKoopa> prolly still be out there stukk in the woods
  841. <PurpleKoopa> liveing off bugs and dead things fo a living
  842. <Kansis|Nerbro> I Havent Known You For Very Long I Know
  843. <Kansis|Nerbro> But Im Very Glad That Ive Met All Of You
  844. <Jaspersprite> *** The drunken lass fills an Enchanted Shot Glass to the brim with her Delicious Tonic. It glows brightly for a fleeting moment before returning to it's former glory.
  845. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Naw, you prolly woulda found your motherfuckin' way. Woulda been less fun, though.
  846. <Kansis|Nerbro> Id Probably Still Be In That Town By The Forest If I Hadnt
  847. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  848. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  849. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...
  850. <Kansis|Nerbro> just dont die, okay?
  851. <PurpleKoopa> cmon nero were advuntcurers
  852. <PurpleKoopa> whats the wurst that could hapen? (:
  853. <PurpleKoopa> well
  854. <PurpleKoopa> ok dying
  855. <PurpleKoopa> u just said that already tho
  856. * tenaciouslyCrunk with a final squeeze and a rousing whoop WHOOP he releases them.
  857. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Stop talkin' bout this dyin' shit, y'all.
  858. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Never worried about dying a day in my life and I ain't about to motherfuckin' start, you dig?
  859. * PurpleKoopa *SQUEEZE!* Lalonde eases out of the hug and wipes a wistful tear from her eye.
  860. <tenaciouslyCrunk> Shit's just a transition state. If I leave y'all today, I'll just see you in motherfuckin' Shangri-La tomorrow.
  861. * Kansis|Nerbro He could think of a lot of things. Things that were even worse than dying. But he was here, and there was no turning back. That wasn't about to change. Pulling out of the hug, he gave a grim look up at the staircase.
  862. <Kansis|Nerbro> ...yknow what they say.
  863. <Kansis|Nerbro> get busy tryin, or get busy dyin
  864. <PurpleKoopa> woooooooo ok now whos ready to BRING THE MAYRAM
  865. <PurpleKoopa> *mayham whoops sorry kan i didnt mean u lol
  866. <Kansis|Nerbro> I Am Most Ready To Bring The Maryam
  867. <Kansis|Nerbro> You Can Absolutely Count On It
  868. <PurpleKoopa> then what r we still standing arund here fo
  869. <PurpleKoopa> lets DO IT
  870. * tenaciouslyCrunk And DOWN THEY DO.
  871. * tenaciouslyCrunk GO. THEY GET DOWN.
  872. * PurpleKoopa tramples after Gamzee, staircase safety be DAMNED!
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