
data anu

May 23rd, 2015
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  1. error_reporting(0);include ('setting.php');$cdn = '';$mid = $_GET["movie"];$free_title = $_GET["title"];$free_title = substr ($free_title, 0, 40);function clear_title($s) { $d = array ("-","","+","_","+","html"); $s = str_replace($d, ' ', $s); $s = strtolower(str_replace('-', $s, $s)); return $s;}function get_ip(){if (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'])) //check ip from share internet{$ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_CLIENT_IP'];}elseif (!empty($_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'])) //to check ip is pass from proxy{$ip=$_SERVER['HTTP_X_FORWARDED_FOR'];}else{$ip=$_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];}return $ip;}$pembanding[1] = "/";$pembanding[2] = "/";$pembanding[3] = "/";$i=0;foreach ($url as $elemen1){ $i++; $ada[$i]=0; foreach ($pembanding as $elemen2){ $hasil = preg_match($elemen2, $elemen1, $matches); if ($hasil==1){ $ada[$i] = 1; } }}$error=0;foreach ($ada as $elemen){ if ($elemen==0){ $error=1; }}if ($error==1){ echo "";}$code = $ada[1].$ada[2].$ada[3];if($error==0) { $country = file_get_contents(''.get_ip()); require_once ('geo.php'); $block3 = preg_match("/", $aff_link, $matches); $block4 = preg_match("/", $aff_link, $matches); $block5 = preg_match("/", $aff_link, $matches); $res = (($block3 == 1) || ($block4 == 1) || ($block5 == 1)); if($res) { $aff_link = $aff_link; } else {die('<h1>Forbidden</h1>');}$mid = $_GET['movie'];if (!$mid) {$mid=$r_movie;}$mid = str_replace('tt','',$mid);$key = '8c486b331d0164e5ae261aad23004b4f';$baseurl = '';$ch = curl_init();curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL,''.$mid.'?api_key='.$key.'&append_to_response=images,trailers');curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, FALSE);curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array("Accept: application/json"));$response = curl_exec($ch);curl_close($ch);$data = json_decode($response);$title = $data->original_title;$plot = $data->overview;$youtube = $data->trailers->youtube[0]->source; if ($country!=="ID") {$play_youtube = '<object width="1" height="1">';$play_youtube .= '<param name="movie" value="'.$youtube.'?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&start=7&autoplay=1"></param>';$play_youtube .= '<param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param>';$play_youtube .= '<embed src="'.$youtube.'?fs=1&hl=en_US&rel=0&start=7&autoplay=1&loop=1&modestbranding=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="1" height="1"></embed>';$play_youtube .= '</object>';}$runtime = $data->runtime;$release_date = $data->release_date;$date = date_create($release_date);$tanggal = date_format($date, 'l, jS F Y');if ($runtime==''){ $var=(string)rand(10,50); $runtime = '1 hour '.$var.' minutes'; }else {$menit = $runtime % 60;$jam=(int)($runtime/60);$runtime = $jam.' Hour '.$menit.' minutes';} $genres = $data->genres;$n=count($genres);if ( $n > 0){ $i=1; foreach ($genres as $x){ if($i==1){ $hasil_gen = '<a href ="#" title ="View all '.$x->name.' Movies">'.$x->name.'</a>'; } elseif ($i<=4) { $hasil_gen = $hasil_gen.', <a href ="#" title ="View all '.$x->name.' Movies">'.$x->name.'</a>'; } $i++; }}else {$hasil_gen='Drama';}$production_companies = $data->production_companies;$n=count($production_companies);if ( $n > 0){ $i=1; foreach ($production_companies as $x){ if($i==1){ $company = $x->name; } elseif ($i<=4) { $company = $company.', '.$x->name; } $i++; }}$production_countries = $data->production_countries;$n=count($production_countries);if ( $n > 0){ $i=1; foreach ($production_countries as $x){ if($i==1){ $countries = $x->name; } elseif ($i<=4) { $countries = $countries.', '.$x->name; } $i++; }}$spoken_languages = $data->spoken_languages;$n=count($spoken_languages);if ( $n > 0){ $i=1; foreach ($spoken_languages as $x){ if($i==1){ $languages = $x->name; } elseif ($i<=4) { $languages = $languages.', '.$x->name; } $i++; }}$movie_posterpath = $data->poster_path;$movie_backdropatch = $data->backdrop_path;$movie_backdrop = $baseurl.'w780'.$movie_backdropatch;$backdrop = $movie_backdrop;$poster = $baseurl.'w154'.$movie_posterpath;if ($backdrop =="") { $noimage = 'images/noimage.png'; $backdrop = $noimage; } else { $backdrop =str_replace('w300','w780',$backdrop);}if ($title==" (-1)"){ $title_heading = '<h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="name">Full-Length Movies You Can Stream Completely Free</h1>'; $title = 'Full-Length Movies You Can Stream Completely Free';} else { $title_heading = '<h1 class="entry-title" itemprop="name">'.$title.'</h1>'; }$genres_url =str_replace(' ','-',strtolower($genre));if ($genre=='') {$genre='<a href="'.$genre_path.'/drama/" title="View all Drama Movie">Dramxa</a>';}else {$genre='<a href="'.$genre_path.'/'.$genres_url.'/" title="View all '.$genre.' Movie">'.$genre.'</a>';}if ($title==" (-1)"){$content =$site_name.' offers the best movies including action movies, comedies, dramas, horror & all movie genres. Access 1000รขโ‚ฌโ„ขs of movies online from classic or on demand with hottest new releases. No waiting to download and stream!';}else {$content = '';if ($poster!=='') {$content .= '<a href="" title="'.$title.'"><img class="img-poster" src="'.$poster.'" width="92" height="138" alt="'.$title.'"/></a>';}if ($title) $content .= '<h3>Watch '.$title.' Full Movie Streaming</h3>'; $content .='<span class="field-movie">Genre</span> : '.$hasil_gen.' - Video Length '.$runtime.' - Quality: HD 1080p'; if ($company) $content .= '<br /><span class="field-movie">Production</span> : '.$company; if ($tanggal) $content .= '<br /><span class="field-movie">Release</span> : '.$tanggal; if ($countries) $content .= '<br /><span class="field-movie">Countries</span> : '.$countries; if ($languages) $content .= '<br /><span class="field-movie">Languages</span> : '.$languages;if ($plot AND $tagline) {$content .= '<p><u>'.$title.' '.$tagline.'</u> tell story about "'. $plot.'"';} else if ($plot) {$content .= '<p><strong>'.$title.'</strong> tell story about "'. $plot.'"';} $content .='</p>';}}else { die('<h1>Forbidden</h1>');}
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