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Origin of asshattery

a guest
Jun 21st, 2012
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  1. (21:04:38)<Xesya>m3mo_ oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  2. (21:04:40)<Xesya>lets go
  3. (21:05:01)<Xesya>m3mo_ oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  4. (21:05:30)<m3mo_>?
  5. (21:06:13)<Xesya>cw
  6. (21:06:14)<Xesya>now
  7. (21:06:44)<Xesya>m3mo_ 9 mins u got
  8. (21:06:55)<m3mo_>wtf
  9. (21:06:56)<m3mo_>wtf
  10. (21:06:57)<m3mo_>wtf
  11. (21:06:57)<m3mo_>wtf
  12. (21:06:57)<m3mo_>wtf
  13. (21:06:59)<m3mo_>wtf
  14. (21:07:07)<m3mo_>oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  15. (21:07:08)<m3mo_>oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  16. (21:07:08)<m3mo_>oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  17. (21:07:08)<m3mo_>oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  18. (21:07:08)<m3mo_>oizo|ITA ORIJIN
  19. (21:07:11)<m3mo_>wtf ?
  20. (21:08:06)<Xesya>men? sup?
  21. (21:08:47)<Xesya>
  22. (21:09:30)<Babou>Lol
  23. (21:10:51)<Xesya>5 mins gents..
  24. (21:10:57)<m3mo_>we can't play tonight i thnik..
  25. (21:11:03)<m3mo_>sunday ?
  26. (21:11:18)<Xesya>today is last day
  27. (21:11:49)<m3mo_>LOL
  28. (21:12:20)<Xesya>all matches have to be played by today
  29. (21:13:12)<m3mo_>putain on va se faire no show par du low Babou
  30. (21:13:13)<m3mo_>abusé
  31. (21:13:25)<Xesya>speak english or stfu
  32. (21:13:36)<Babou>Plz
  33. (21:13:37)<m3mo_>be polite or you will be ban
  34. (21:13:41)<Babou>Not your chan
  35. (21:13:43)<Babou>Fr chan
  36. (21:13:45)<Babou>Ty
  37. (21:13:46)<Xesya>do i look like i care?
  38. (21:13:49)<Babou>Chaud ca m3mo_
  39. (21:13:56)<Babou>Ils sont ou? :/
  40. (21:14:00)<m3mo_>aucune idée
  41. (21:14:06)<Babou>Ptin
  42. (21:14:07)<m3mo_>mais surtout origin propose dimanche et tout
  43. (21:14:08)<m3mo_>ils rep pas
  44. (21:14:09)<Babou>Foot ofc
  45. (21:14:18)<m3mo_>histoire de bien nous foutre dans le mal
  46. (21:14:27)<Babou>C'est qu'il peut pas play ce soir :/
  47. (21:14:30)<Babou>ORIJIN:
  48. (21:14:31)<Babou>Pd
  49. (21:14:39)<Babou>oizo|ITA: aussi?
  50. (21:14:43)<m3mo_>je l'ai sms
  51. (21:14:44)<m3mo_>no rep
  52. (21:14:53)<Babou>Rofl
  53. (21:14:57)<m3mo_>on était 1er easy
  54. (21:14:59)<Babou>Craignos ca
  55. (21:15:03)<m3mo_>et on se fait no show par des noobs
  56. (21:15:05)<m3mo_>lol quoi
  57. (21:15:10)<Babou>Rofl
  58. (21:15:10)<m3mo_>on va être 3eme
  59. (21:15:15)<Babou>Au lieu de?
  60. (21:15:17)<Babou>2-3?
  61. (21:15:20)<Babou>2?
  62. (21:15:22)<m3mo_>1er si on gagnait
  63. (21:15:27)<Babou>--'
  64. (21:15:30)<Babou>Dur..
  65. (21:15:40)<m3mo_>cmb ouais
  66. (21:15:50)<m3mo_>surtout on avait une date et tout
  67. (21:15:53)<m3mo_>mais ils étaient pas là
  68. (21:16:01)<m3mo_>et now ils nous no show la gueule
  69. (21:16:02)<m3mo_>super
  70. (21:16:08)<Babou>Il manque cmb de joueurs?
  71. (21:16:14)<Xesya>super fort
  72. (21:16:19)<m3mo_>j'en sais rien, j'ai l'impression d'être seul
  73. (21:16:23)<Babou>Tu peux pas garder l'ancien no show?
  74. (21:16:28)<Babou>Oops
  75. (21:16:31)<Babou>Ca craint x)
  76. (21:16:33)<m3mo_>non car tout le monde était ok sur la date
  77. (21:16:35)<m3mo_>mais ils étaient pas là
  78. (21:16:44)<m3mo_>et l'admin liite nous insulte
  79. (21:16:49)<m3mo_>la date était pas forcée
  80. (21:16:53)<Babou>...
  81. (21:16:54)<m3mo_>donc pas de no show
  82. (21:17:09)<Babou>Rooowh
  83. (21:17:19)<Babou>Mais la vous aviez accepté?
  84. (21:17:24)<Xesya>lmao
  85. (21:17:27)<Babou>C'est forcé today?
  86. (21:17:33)<Xesya>you kids insulted me outta the nowhere
  87. (21:17:36)<Xesya>i responded.
  88. (21:17:46)<m3mo_>wtf Xesya ?
  89. (21:17:51)<Xesya>see comments
  90. (21:17:53)<Babou>Il me soule lui =D
  91. (21:18:01)<m3mo_>i speak with my bro on my chan
  92. (21:18:10)<m3mo_>not your business
  93. (21:18:24)<Babou>Yeah i'm a bro :D
  94. (21:19:12)<Babou>Bend pas la?
  95. (21:19:36)<Babou>Il joue pas KoS tonight
  96. (21:20:25)<m3mo_>personne savait qu'on avait cw
  97. (21:20:43)<Babou>Pteu
  98. (21:20:56)<Babou>Il a une cop oizo|ITA ?
  99. (21:21:00)<m3mo_>ouais
  100. (21:21:25)<Babou>Il est avec :]
  101. (21:21:35)<Babou>Pas de ta faute gros m3mo_ :)
  102. (21:21:46)<m3mo_>ça me saoule
  103. (21:21:51)<m3mo_>on avait la 1ere place ez
  104. (21:21:53)<Babou>Ouais normal :/
  105. (21:22:44)<Babou>Ptin l'temps de merde
  106. (21:22:47)<Babou>Tempete
  107. (21:24:35)<ORIJIN>helllo Xesya
  108. (21:24:38)<ORIJIN>what's up?
  109. (21:24:47)<m3mo_>on a cw ORIJIN
  110. (21:24:51)<m3mo_>enfin selon lui
  111. (21:24:54)<ORIJIN>nonon
  112. (21:24:57)<ORIJIN>you kiddin me
  113. (21:25:10)<Xesya>cw was 25 mins ago
  114. (21:25:13)<Babou>Haha
  115. (21:25:13)<ORIJIN>YEH
  116. (21:25:15)<ORIJIN>Xesya,
  117. (21:25:17)<ORIJIN>look
  118. (21:25:21)<ORIJIN>as your mate alex said
  119. (21:25:25)<Babou>Tu peux pas ORIJIN
  120. (21:25:28)<ORIJIN>Find a suitable date and let me know. Less screaming, more facts. Thx.
  121. (21:25:32)<ORIJIN>Babou, je te previens
  122. (21:25:33)<ORIJIN>tg
  123. (21:25:34)<Babou>C'est today normalement :/
  124. (21:25:38)<ORIJIN>la prochaine intervention
  125. (21:25:41)<ORIJIN>c'est le ban
  126. (21:25:42)<ORIJIN>k?
  127. (21:25:47)<ORIJIN>merci
  128. (21:25:51)<Babou>Jprefere /quit
  129. (21:25:53)<ORIJIN>tu me laisses gerer ca
  130. (21:25:53)<Babou>Bb
  131. (21:26:05)<Xesya>ORIJIN sir, the last day of this season was today
  132. (21:26:07)<ORIJIN>il est gentil mais la ca va pas le faire
  133. (21:26:12)<Xesya>like posted in uz news
  134. (21:26:14)<ORIJIN>Xesya, sir
  135. (21:26:18)<ORIJIN>you told us
  136. (21:26:19)<Xesya>all matches got forced to today
  137. (21:26:27)<ORIJIN>"cant play this week end
  138. (21:26:34)<ORIJIN>let's see next week end"
  139. (21:26:37)<ORIJIN>i said OK WHY NOT
  140. (21:26:50)<ORIJIN>so i found suitable to conclue to play sunday
  141. (21:27:00)<ORIJIN>but HELLO Xesya
  142. (21:27:03)<Xesya>today was the last day of the season
  144. (21:27:08)<Xesya>HELLO ORIJIN
  145. (21:27:14)<ORIJIN>you know what bro?
  146. (21:27:17)<ORIJIN>i don't care
  147. (21:27:19)<ORIJIN>as you see
  148. (21:27:21)<ORIJIN>we aren't 5
  149. (21:27:26)<Xesya>I see
  150. (21:27:28)<ORIJIN>for a "Referee" of uz
  151. (21:27:33)<Xesya>idc
  152. (21:27:35)<ORIJIN>you act like a ... douchebag
  153. (21:27:36)<ORIJIN>yeah
  154. (21:27:41)<ORIJIN>always find the little problem
  155. (21:27:44)<ORIJIN>only to win
  156. (21:27:45)<ORIJIN>hell
  157. (21:27:47)<Xesya>lol man
  158. (21:27:50)<ORIJIN>you wanna money?
  159. (21:27:57)<m3mo_>ORIJIN va voir un admin uz voir ce qu'on peut faire
  160. (21:27:58)<Xesya>your asshat of leader insulted me outta the nowhere
  161. (21:27:58)<ORIJIN>there's NOTHING TO WIN
  162. (21:28:04)<Xesya>action -> reaction
  163. (21:28:08)<Xesya>thats life
  164. (21:28:16)<ORIJIN>Xesya, you talked to him like a fucking retarded ass
  165. (21:28:18)<m3mo_>who insulte you Xesya ?
  166. (21:28:22)<ORIJIN>oizo
  167. (21:28:25)<m3mo_>:D
  168. (21:28:26)<ORIJIN>a fait le con
  169. (21:28:26)<Xesya>he did
  170. (21:28:31)<ORIJIN>You did*
  171. (21:28:33)<Xesya>and i felt offended
  172. (21:28:40)<Xesya>i did insult him after that
  173. (21:28:40)<m3mo_>tu m'étonnes vu comment il est con lui aussi
  174. (21:28:45)<ORIJIN>yYOU FELT OFFENDED?
  176. (21:28:50)<m3mo_>nice mentality
  177. (21:28:52)<ORIJIN>(rip eduard)
  178. (21:29:00)<ORIJIN>and don't youthink
  179. (21:29:01)<m3mo_>he insults me, so i insult him
  180. (21:29:04)<Xesya>and i dont see any reason to treat anybody with respect who is insulting me
  181. (21:29:05)<ORIJIN>that YOUR BEHAVIOUR
  182. (21:29:07)<ORIJIN>RIGHT NOW
  183. (21:29:08)<Xesya>end of story.
  184. (21:29:12)<ORIJIN>is offending?
  185. (21:29:19)<ORIJIN>no never
  186. (21:29:21)<ORIJIN>Xesya,
  187. (21:29:23)<Xesya>Oizo
  188. (21:29:23)<Xesya>June 15, 2012 (11:38)
  189. (21:29:23)<Xesya>QuoteReply
  190. (21:29:23)<Xesya>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  191. (21:29:23)<Xesya> moron, if u want to play, tell us a date. And I scheduled first for the Friday, then u rescheduled for Thursday, we were in right to think that u will be 5. So tell me a fucking date
  192. (21:29:26)<Xesya>amen.
  193. (21:29:42)<ORIJIN>well
  194. (21:29:48)<ORIJIN>im not the guy who comes to you
  195. (21:29:54)<ORIJIN>and say "HI LETS PLAY THIS DAY"
  196. (21:30:00)<ORIJIN>and we don't show up
  197. (21:30:03)<ORIJIN>8)
  198. (21:30:03)<Xesya>you think that is the appropriate reponse to:
  199. (21:30:04)<Xesya>xesya
  200. (21:30:04)<Xesya>June 15, 2012 (01:01)
  201. (21:30:04)<Xesya>QuoteReplyEditDelete
  202. (21:30:04)<Xesya>--------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  203. (21:30:04)<Xesya>- "Oizo"
  204. (21:30:04)<Xesya> tonight is fine for us, I dont need to reschedule it
  205. (21:30:04)<Xesya>
  206. (21:30:04)<Xesya>4 days too late man, unfortunately we can't field 5 that spontaneous..
  207. (21:30:13)<ORIJIN>Yes
  208. (21:30:14)<ORIJIN>GG
  209. (21:30:19)<ORIJIN>4 days too late
  210. (21:30:20)<ORIJIN>yeah
  211. (21:30:24)<Xesya>whatever
  212. (21:30:28)<ORIJIN>on a DATE that YOU scheduled
  213. (21:30:30)<ORIJIN>yep yep
  214. (21:30:33)<ORIJIN>very nice
  215. (21:30:39)<Xesya>if you're too dumb to accept it on time its not my problem
  216. (21:30:49)<m3mo_>ORIJIN va voir un admin uz plz
  217. (21:30:52)<m3mo_>ce mec est trop limité
  218. (21:30:54)<Xesya>you didnt accept the date at all
  219. (21:31:06)<Xesya>m3mo_ learn english
  220. (21:31:29)<ORIJIN>Xesya,
  221. (21:31:31)<ORIJIN>remember
  222. (21:31:33)<ORIJIN>french channel
  223. (21:31:35)<ORIJIN>our channel
  224. (21:31:38)<ORIJIN>we are the boss
  225. (21:31:38)<ORIJIN>:)
  226. (21:31:41)<Xesya>alors bon :)
  227. (21:31:54)<Xesya>vous avez pas accepte le fixture
  228. (21:31:57)<ORIJIN>oh nice you talk french! you're still dumb as fuck
  229. (21:32:02)<Xesya>c'est pas mon probleme
  230. (21:32:18)<ORIJIN>je crois que je vais lui mettre un bon gros ban dans sa gueule lui
  231. (21:32:18)<Xesya>lit les regles
  232. (21:32:35)<m3mo_>ORIJIN stop discuter ave lui, il est dans son monde
  233. (21:32:38)<ORIJIN>Xesya, i gonna talk about this
  234. (21:32:38)<m3mo_>va voir un admin uz
  235. (21:32:42)<ORIJIN>with uz admins
  236. (21:32:44)<ORIJIN>reals*
  237. (21:32:46)<Xesya>good.
  238. (21:32:55)<Xesya>do so
  239. (21:33:00)<Xesya>wont change anything
  240. (21:33:02)<Xesya>gg ppr
  241. (21:33:15)<ORIJIN>won't change yeah let's see
  242. (21:33:16)<ORIJIN>:)
  243. (21:33:26)<Xesya>nothing to see :)
  244. (21:33:30)<Xesya>no show, we won
  245. (21:33:40)<m3mo_>nice fair
  246. (21:33:43)<m3mo_>nice politeness
  247. (21:33:46)<m3mo_>nice mentality
  248. (21:33:55)<Xesya>nice
  249. (21:34:38)<ORIJIN>m3mo_,
  250. (21:34:41)<ORIJIN>tu joues?
  251. (21:34:48)<ORIJIN>si j'arrive a mettre 5 joueur
  252. (21:34:51)<m3mo_>ouais
  253. (21:34:52)<ORIJIN>enfin en ramener
  254. (21:34:53)<ORIJIN>on joue
  255. (21:34:57)<ORIJIN>SMS TOUT LE MONDE
  256. (21:35:01)<ORIJIN>JE VEUX DU SPAM
  257. (21:38:15)<ORIJIN>Xesya,
  258. (21:38:22)<ORIJIN>we have until 00.00 to play right
  259. (21:38:46)<Xesya>actually.
  260. (21:39:12)<ORIJIN>et oizo qui rep pas
  261. (21:39:18)<ORIJIN>mais je sais pas pourquoi
  262. (21:39:20)<ORIJIN>mais je sens
  263. (21:39:23)<ORIJIN>qu'on va jouer m3mo_
  264. (21:39:25)<ORIJIN>je le sens
  265. (21:39:37)<m3mo_>oizo est pas là
  266. (21:39:39)<m3mo_>pas chez lui
  267. (21:40:16)<m3mo_>y a zaam
  268. (21:40:30)<ORIJIN>zaam est la
  269. (21:40:33)<ORIJIN>on est 3
  270. (21:40:38)<ORIJIN>luca se bouge pas le cul
  271. (21:41:55)<Zaam>Wesh
  272. (21:42:28)<ORIJIN>ALLEZ LA
  273. (21:42:32)<ORIJIN>ca fait 3
  274. (21:42:36)<ORIJIN>uni est sur fb
  275. (21:42:47)<ORIJIN>UNI PEUT JOUER A 23H
  276. (21:43:11)<fandesandro>c'est uz les gars ;D
  277. (21:43:24)<m3mo_>ninja peut pas
  278. (21:43:28)<m3mo_>zaam est ok pour 23h
  279. (21:43:31)<ORIJIN>fandesandro,
  280. (21:43:32)<Zaam>Oui
  281. (21:43:32)<ORIJIN>osef
  282. (21:43:39)<ORIJIN>c'est une question d'honneur
  283. (21:43:41)<Zaam>& Oizo gros gay
  284. (21:43:43)<Zaam>Il joue ?
  285. (21:43:46)<m3mo_>non pas là
  286. (21:43:50)<Zaam>GAY GAY GAY
  287. (21:43:59)<fandesandro>bah vous pouvez 4v5 sur uz
  288. (21:44:07)<ORIJIN>ctf
  289. (21:44:09)<ORIJIN>ca va etre auch
  290. (21:44:19)<ORIJIN>Xesya, we play at 23
  291. (21:44:21)<ORIJIN>cya
  292. (21:44:22)<fandesandro>ah ouais
  293. (21:44:23)<ORIJIN>:)
  294. (21:44:27)<fandesandro>bend est pas là ?
  295. (21:44:33)<ORIJIN>je l'ai mp sur fb
  296. (21:44:37)<ORIJIN>j'attends une rep
  297. (21:44:58)<ORIJIN>this is sad
  298. (21:45:01)<ORIJIN>really
  299. (21:46:48)<m3mo_>ts3 ORIJIN
  300. (21:46:49)<ORIJIN>im gathering all my members
  301. (21:46:53)<m3mo_>y a uni
  302. (21:51:43)<ORIJIN>Xesya,
  303. (21:51:47)<ORIJIN>you wanna te
  304. (21:51:54)<ORIJIN>test our serv?
  305. (21:55:42)<m3mo_>Xesya
  306. (21:55:45)<m3mo_>we will play
  307. (21:55:53)<ORIJIN>and you'll have the ips
  308. (21:55:58)<ORIJIN>to check that no fake
  309. (21:56:07)<ORIJIN>uhauahuahauahahauhauahauh
  310. (21:56:16)<ORIJIN>you look like a dumbshit now no?
  311. (21:56:25)<ORIJIN>but before i flame you
  312. (21:56:27)<ORIJIN>let's play this
  313. (21:56:30)<ORIJIN>gl and hf
  314. (21:56:57)<m3mo_>but we, we will check the ips ;)
  315. - 18 min, 25 sec
  316. (22:15:22)<Xesya>sry was on gtv
  317. (22:15:25)<Xesya><ORIJIN>you look like a dumbshit now no? - ????
  318. - 9 min, 22 sec
  319. (22:24:50)<Xesya>i take no show
  320. (22:24:54)<Xesya>i dont play you cunts
  321. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:52:49)<ORIJIN>xesya is a fucking dumbass
  322. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:52:49)<Slazick>you're out of the clan
  323. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:52:51)<Slazick>why
  324. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:52:58)<ORIJIN>he wanted to no show ppr
  325. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:53:07)<ORIJIN>this bullshit motherfucker ass licker
  326. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:53:09)<Slazick>HaHaHaHaHaHaha
  327. (22:24:56)<Xesya>(21:53:11)<ORIJIN>kanker nazi
  328. (22:24:59)<Xesya>gg
  329. (22:25:10)<ORIJIN>ahhahahaha
  330. (22:25:12)<ORIJIN>hahahahahaha
  331. (22:25:17)<Xesya>we're done here
  332. (22:25:17)<ORIJIN>lolol
  333. (22:25:19)<Xesya>stupid fool
  334. (22:25:21)<ORIJIN>who said that?
  335. (22:25:29)<Xesya>you
  336. (22:25:38)<ORIJIN>Xesya,
  337. (22:25:40)<Xesya>idc
  338. (22:25:45)<Xesya>i have enough of you kids
  339. (22:25:47)<Xesya>no show
  340. (22:25:48)<Xesya>gg
  341. -you have left
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