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- if (!function_exists('file_put_contents'))
- {
- function file_put_contents($filename, $data)
- {
- $f = @fopen($filename, 'w');
- if (!$f)
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- $bytes = fwrite($f, $data);
- fclose($f);
- return $bytes;
- }
- }
- }
- $CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH = 'my-nice-folder/cnk_templates/'; //e.g. 'textpattern/_templates/versioning/'
- $CNK_VER_EXT = 'php';
- $CNK_VER_EXT_CSS = 'css';
- /*
- */
- if(@txpinterface == 'admin')
- {
- add_privs('cnk_versioning','1,2');
- register_tab('presentation', 'cnk_versioning', "Versioning");
- register_callback('cnk_ver_handler', 'cnk_versioning');
- register_callback('cnk_ver_disable_online_editing', 'page');
- register_callback('cnk_ver_disable_online_editing', 'form');
- register_callback('cnk_ver_disable_online_editing', 'css');
- }
- else if (@txpinterface == 'public')
- {
- register_callback('cnk_ver_textpattern', 'textpattern');
- }
- function cnk_ver_textpattern()
- {
- global $production_status, $CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH, $CNK_VER_EXT, $CNK_VER_EXT_CSS;
- if ($production_status != 'live')
- {
- $error = false;
- // read all files
- $forms = glob($CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'forms/*.'.$CNK_VER_EXT);
- $pages = glob($CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'pages/*.'.$CNK_VER_EXT);
- $css = glob($CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'css/*.'.$CNK_VER_EXT_CSS);
- if ($forms !== false) $error = !cnk_ver_push_forms($forms);
- if ($pages !== false) $error = !cnk_ver_push_pages($pages);
- if ($css !== false) $error = !cnk_ver_push_css($css);
- if ($error) echo 'Errors while synchronising database and files';
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_push_forms($form_files)
- {
- $forms = array();
- $rs = safe_rows_start('name,type,IFNULL(unix_timestamp(file_mod_time), 0) as mod_time', 'txp_form', '1=1');
- while ($rs && $r = nextRow($rs))
- {
- $forms[$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'forms/'.$r['name'].'.'.$r['type'].'.'.$CNK_VER_EXT] = $r['mod_time'];
- }
- for ($i=0; $i < count($form_files); $i++)
- {
- if (isset($forms[$form_files[$i]]) && $forms[$form_files[$i]] < filemtime($form_files[$i]))
- {
- cnk_ver_update_form($form_files[$i]);
- }
- else if (!isset($forms[$form_files[$i]]))
- {
- cnk_ver_update_form($form_files[$i], true);
- }
- $forms[$form_files[$i]] = 'processed';
- }
- // delete removed forms
- foreach ($forms as $key => $value)
- {
- if ($value != 'processed')
- {
- $cols = explode('.', basename($key, '.'.$CNK_VER_EXT));
- $name = $cols[0];
- $type = $cols[1];
- safe_delete('txp_form', "name = '$name' AND type = '$type'");
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function cnk_ver_update_form($filename, $create = false)
- {
- global $CNK_VER_EXT;
- $cols = explode('.', basename($filename, '.'.$CNK_VER_EXT));
- $name = $cols[0];
- $type = $cols[1];
- $form = doSlash(file_get_contents($filename));
- if ($create)
- {
- safe_insert('txp_form', "name = '$name', type = '$type', form = '$form', file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')");
- }
- else
- {
- safe_update('txp_form', "form = '$form', file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')", "name = '$name' AND type = '$type'");
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_push_pages($page_files)
- {
- $pages = array();
- $rs = safe_rows_start('name,IFNULL(unix_timestamp(file_mod_time), 0) as mod_time', 'txp_page', '1=1');
- while ($rs && $r = nextRow($rs))
- {
- $pages[$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'pages/'.$r['name'].'.'.$CNK_VER_EXT] = $r['mod_time'];
- }
- for ($i=0; $i < count($page_files); $i++)
- {
- if (isset($pages[$page_files[$i]]) && $pages[$page_files[$i]] < filemtime($page_files[$i]))
- {
- cnk_ver_update_page($page_files[$i]);
- }
- else if (!isset($pages[$page_files[$i]]))
- {
- cnk_ver_update_page($page_files[$i], true);
- }
- $pages[$page_files[$i]] = 'processed';
- }
- // delete removed pages
- foreach ($pages as $key => $value)
- {
- if ($value != 'processed')
- {
- $name = basename($key, '.'.$CNK_VER_EXT);
- safe_delete('txp_page', "name = '$name'");
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function cnk_ver_update_page($filename, $create = false)
- {
- global $CNK_VER_EXT;
- $name = basename($filename, '.'.$CNK_VER_EXT);
- $user_html = doSlash(file_get_contents($filename));
- if ($create)
- {
- safe_insert('txp_page', "name = '$name', user_html = '$user_html', file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')");
- }
- else
- {
- safe_update('txp_page', "user_html = '$user_html', file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')", "name = '$name'");
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_push_css($css_files)
- {
- $css = array();
- $rs = safe_rows_start('name,IFNULL(unix_timestamp(file_mod_time), 0) as mod_time', 'txp_css', '1=1');
- while ($rs && $r = nextRow($rs))
- {
- $css[$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'css/'.$r['name'].'.'.$CNK_VER_EXT_CSS] = $r['mod_time'];
- }
- for ($i=0; $i < count($css_files); $i++)
- {
- if (isset($css[$css_files[$i]]) && $css[$css_files[$i]] < filemtime($css_files[$i]))
- {
- cnk_ver_update_css($css_files[$i]);
- }
- else if (!isset($css[$css_files[$i]]))
- {
- cnk_ver_update_css($css_files[$i], true);
- }
- $css[$css_files[$i]] = 'processed';
- }
- // delete removed css files
- foreach ($css as $key => $value)
- {
- if ($value != 'processed')
- {
- $name = basename($key, '.'.$CNK_VER_EXT_CSS);
- safe_delete('txp_css', "name = '$name'");
- }
- }
- return true;
- }
- function cnk_ver_update_css($filename, $create = false)
- {
- global $CNK_VER_EXT_CSS;
- $name = basename($filename, '.'.$CNK_VER_EXT_CSS);
- $css = doSlash(base64_encode(file_get_contents($filename)));
- if ($create)
- {
- safe_insert('txp_css', "name = '$name', css = '$css', file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')");
- }
- else
- {
- safe_update('txp_css', "css = '$css', file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')", "name = '$name'");
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_handler($event, $step)
- {
- if(!$step or !in_array($step, array('cnk_ver_menu',
- 'cnk_ver_pull_all',
- 'cnk_ver_install',
- 'cnk_ver_deinstall')))
- {
- cnk_ver_menu();
- }
- else
- {
- $step();
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_disable_online_editing($event, $step)
- {
- // clear ob
- ob_end_clean();
- // return error message
- pagetop('Versioning');
- echo '<div style="margin: auto; text-align: center"><ul>';
- echo 'While cnk_versioning is enabled, this function is disabled.';
- echo '</div>';
- }
- function cnk_ver_menu($message = '')
- {
- pagetop('Versioning', $message);
- echo '<div style="margin: auto; text-align: center"><ul>';
- echo '<li><a href="?event=cnk_versioning'.a.'step=cnk_ver_pull_all">Write pages & forms to files</a></li>';
- echo '</ul>';
- echo '<ul style="margin-top: 100px">';
- echo '<li><a href="?event=cnk_versioning'.a.'step=cnk_ver_install">Install</a></li>';
- echo '<li><a href="?event=cnk_versioning'.a.'step=cnk_ver_deinstall">Deinstall</a></li>';
- echo '</ul>';
- echo '</div>';
- }
- function cnk_ver_pull_all()
- {
- pagetop('Write to files', '');
- echo '<div style="margin: auto; text-align: center">';
- if (gps('do_pull') || (glob('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'pages/*.'.$CNK_VER_EXT) === false && glob('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'forms/*.'.$CNK_VER_EXT) === false && glob('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'css/*.'.$CNK_VER_EXT_CSS) === false))
- {
- $error = false;
- // test if folders exist and have write permissions
- if (@is_writable('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'forms/') === false)
- {
- $error = true;
- echo 'Folder "/forms/" is not writable.<br /><br />';
- }
- if (@is_writable('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'pages/') === false)
- {
- $error = true;
- echo 'Folder "/pages/" is not writable.<br /><br />';
- }
- if (@is_writable('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'css/') === false)
- {
- $error = true;
- echo 'Folder "/css/" is not writable.';
- }
- if (!$error)
- {
- if (cnk_ver_pull_forms())
- {
- echo 'Forms were successfully written to the "/forms/" directory.<br /><br />';
- }
- else
- {
- echo 'There was an error while processing forms.<br /><br />';
- }
- if (cnk_ver_pull_pages())
- {
- echo 'Pages were successfully written to the "/pages/" directory.<br /><br />';
- }
- else
- {
- echo 'There was an error while processing pages.<br /><br />';
- }
- if (cnk_ver_pull_css())
- {
- echo 'Styles were successfully written to the "/css/" directory.';
- }
- else
- {
- echo 'There was an error while processing css.';
- }
- }
- echo '<br /><br /><a href="?event=cnk_versioning">Back to menu...</a>';
- }
- else
- {
- echo 'There are already some files in the pages, forms or css directory, which will be overriden. Do you want to continue?<br /><br />'.
- '<a href="?event=cnk_versioning'.a.'step=cnk_ver_pull_all'.a.'do_pull=1">Yes, overwrite existing files...</a><br /><br />'.
- '<a href="?event=cnk_versioning">No, bring me back to the menu...</a>';
- }
- echo '</div>';
- }
- function cnk_ver_pull_forms()
- {
- $rs = safe_rows_start('name, type, form', 'txp_form', '1=1');
- while ($rs && $r = nextRow($rs))
- {
- if (@file_put_contents('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'forms/'.$r['name'].'.'.$r['type'].'.'.$CNK_VER_EXT, $r['form']) === false) return false;
- }
- safe_update('txp_form', "file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')", '1=1');
- return true;
- }
- function cnk_ver_pull_pages()
- {
- $rs = safe_rows_start('name, user_html', 'txp_page', '1=1');
- while ($rs && $r = nextRow($rs))
- {
- if (@file_put_contents('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'pages/'.$r['name'].'.'.$CNK_VER_EXT, $r['user_html']) === false) return false;
- }
- safe_update('txp_page', "file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')", '1=1');
- return true;
- }
- function cnk_ver_pull_css()
- {
- $rs = safe_rows_start('name, css', 'txp_css', '1=1');
- while ($rs && $r = nextRow($rs))
- {
- if (@file_put_contents('../'.$CNK_VER_OUTPUT_PATH.'css/'.$r['name'].'.'.$CNK_VER_EXT_CSS, base64_decode($r['css'])) === false) return false;
- }
- safe_update('txp_css', "file_mod_time = FROM_UNIXTIME('".time()."')", '1=1');
- return true;
- }
- function cnk_ver_install()
- {
- pagetop('Versioning Plugin Installation', '');
- echo '<div style="margin:auto; text-align:center">';
- if (cnk_ver_do_install())
- {
- echo '<p>Installation was successful</p>';
- }
- else
- {
- echo '<p>Installation aborted</p>';
- }
- echo '</div>';
- }
- function cnk_ver_do_install()
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".safe_pfx('txp_form')." ADD `file_mod_time` DATETIME NULL;ALTER TABLE ".safe_pfx('txp_page')." ADD `file_mod_time` DATETIME NULL;ALTER TABLE ".safe_pfx('txp_css')." ADD `file_mod_time` DATETIME NULL";
- if (!cnk_ver_batch_query($sql))
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_deinstall()
- {
- pagetop('Versioning Plugin Deinstallation', '');
- echo '<div style="margin:auto; text-align:center">';
- if (gps('do_deinstall'))
- {
- if (cnk_ver_do_deinstall())
- {
- echo '<p>Deinstallation was successful</p>';
- }
- else
- {
- echo '<p>Deinstallation aborted</p>';
- }
- }
- else
- {
- echo '<a href="?event=cnk_versioning'.a.'step=cnk_ver_deinstall'.a.'do_deinstall=1">Yes, I really want to deinstall</a>';
- }
- echo '</div>';
- }
- function cnk_ver_do_deinstall()
- {
- $sql = "ALTER TABLE ".safe_pfx('txp_form')." DROP `file_mod_time`;ALTER TABLE ".safe_pfx('txp_page')." DROP `file_mod_time`;ALTER TABLE ".safe_pfx('txp_css')." DROP `file_mod_time`;";
- if (!cnk_ver_batch_query($sql))
- {
- return false;
- }
- else
- {
- return true;
- }
- }
- function cnk_ver_batch_query ($p_query, $p_transaction_safe = true)
- {
- if ($p_transaction_safe)
- {
- $p_query = 'START TRANSACTION;' . $p_query . '; COMMIT;';
- }
- $query_split = preg_split ("/[;]+/", $p_query);
- foreach ($query_split as $command_line)
- {
- $command_line = trim($command_line);
- if ($command_line != '')
- {
- $query_result = safe_query($command_line);
- if ($query_result === false)
- {
- break;
- }
- }
- }
- return $query_result;
- }
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