
Nerevarine in Equestria

Jan 4th, 2017
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  1. Your name is Anonymous and apparently you're the goddamn re-incarnation of Indoril Nerevar, also known as the Nerevarine. You just defeated the wicked Dagoth Ur and saved Morrowind, and most likely all of Tamriel from certain subjugation under the evil god. Something happened when you destroyed the Heart of Lorkhan however. A burst of light shone forth from Akulakhan, permanently erasing Dagoth Ur from Nirn, but it also affected you as well.
  3. Now, you've woken up in some entirely new world, that looks nothing like Vvardenfell. The land around you is green and full of life, unlike the relatively barren Ashlands and swamps of Morrowind. You look around some more and notice what appears to a small town in the distance, possibly an Imperial settlement based on the way the houses look.
  5. "Looks like Pelagiad..." you wonder to yourself.
  7. You walk towards the town. Based on the distance you judge it only should only take an hour at most to reach there. You're no stranger to walking, you've been doing it for several weeks already and there certainly weren't any Silt Striders going to Red Mountain.
  9. Eventually you reach a small forest with a signpost in the front of it.
  10. "Everfree Forest - DANGER" it says.
  12. You figure anything inside there can't be any more dangerous than the monsters and Daedra that Dagoth Ur had under his command, not to mention the devil himself. Worst comes to worst you have wraithguard and sunder, right?
  14. You continue through the forest under you hear a loud growl behind you. Spinning around you see what appears to be a lion with a scorpion tail and two small wings creeping up on you.
  16. "Well, I've certainly seen stranger."
  18. You don't feel like any more bloodshed today so you cast one of your illusion spells on it to calm it down and prevent it from trying to eat your face off.
  20. The lion blinks for a moment and then stares at you before running off into the tall grass.
  22. You continue forward out of the forest until you come across a small cottage.
  24. You decide it's in your best interest to ask someone sentient where in Tamriel you currently are at the moment.
  26. As you approach the house, you notice how small the door is and how small the building is overall.
  28. "What is this, a building for Wood Elves?" you think to yourself.
  30. Regardless, you knock on the door and hear a rather quiet-sounding female voice say "Just a minute please!"
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