
Spooky Vampire Stuff Chapter 1

Nov 10th, 2014
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  1. >Tired from the long day at work, you come in and don't even notice the blood trailing down Octavia's neck.
  2. >Vinyl stares, mouth agape, completely stunned how you just overlooked the scene in front of you
  3. >You come in and collapse on the couch next to then after you throw your stuff on your bed.
  4. >You grab the remote, surprised the TV isn't already on. One of Vinyl's favorites is on right now. Come to think of it, you thought those to were snuggling when you came i-
  5. >Ohmygodvinylisavampire
  6. >le panic
  7. >Octi is nearly unconscious, pale, and bleeding.
  8. >"Anon, calm down! I can explain this!"
  9. >After leaping off the couch and entering your best karate position (you remember reading a book on karate once...) you interrogate your undead room mate for more
  10. >"Explain that you're a VAMPIRE?"
  11. >Blood-sucking demonspawn sounded better to you, but you didn't want to piss a vampire off.
  12. >"Or explain why you're DRINKING OCTI'S BLOOD?"
  13. >Vinyl takes a deep breath, gently lays Octavia down on the couch, and gets up from the couch. You back away, afraid she might be about to silence you.
  14. >"Anon, she knew, ok? She KNEW about me! She volunteered, I was just so hungry! And she's not dying, I only drank enough to satisfy myself... she'll be fine after a little rest!"
  15. >You glance from Vinyl to Octavia. Come to think of it, she doesn't look deathly pale, just... like she came back from a blood donation.
  16. >"How do I know you're not lying?" you assert, staring the blue-haired girl down as you don a more serious face.
  17. >"Because you've been living with us for six months, and in all that time I've never tried to hurt either of you!"
  18. >"But... how can you...? Does this mean that...? How long...?" You stutter out bits and pieces of speech. Your world has been shattered, you've always been a man of science, and this made no sense at all! A disease like this cannot occur in nature!
  19. >You snap out of your confusion, realizing you've relaxed much more and are staring intently at Octavia.
  20. >Vinyl sees this, and explains more.
  21. >"I was only getting just enough... when she wakes up, she can tell you! She runs to the kitchen, coming back with a paper towel.
  22. >As she dabs up the blood, you notice her licking her lips quite a lot. She did look rather sickly... perhaps that was because she was undead, or maybe she was malnourished. You weren't exactly an expert on these things
  23. >Though you can't explain what's happening, you do know that at least one of your friends needs your help. Just... which one, you're not quite sure.
  24. >Even if Vinyl was a vampire, she was still your friend... right?
  25. >She'd always been there for you! Like when you lost your first job in Canterlot, and she found you a new one working at the observatory!
  26. > You sit down next to Vinyl, seeing her a new light. You're... scared of her. Though you believe she is your friend, and she truly means no harm, is she still safe? Did she get enough from Octi, or did you interrupt?
  27. >Will Octi become a vampire?
  28. >Will Octi become a vampire?
  29. >Oh dear
  30. >"Wait, is Octi going to turn?!" you, say, frantically looking for a way to get to the door and avoid the two girls in case that did happen.
  31. >Vinyl had already managed to clean Octi up, and hurriedly turn to you, motioning for you to calm down. "No, no no no! She'll be fine! You need to quiet down, someone's going to hear us!"
  32. >You realized how childish you must be acting like right now. You remember all the superhero movies where the guy's normal friend eventually finds out about his powers and freaks out. You always hated that, you found yourself thinking they should get a grip and just trust them.
  33. > Now you can understand where they were coming from
  34. >Finally getting yourself into a semi-controlled state, you squeak out a few words.
  35. >"H-how? H-how did this happen? And for how long have you been... like this?" you ask, motioning to your canines.
  36. >She dons a very solemn, sulking face. Her entire body seems to shrink, and the air in the room got... sad. Now you only wanted to comfort her, but...
  37. >"If you don't mind, I'd rather not talk about it. It's... personal."
  38. >"But, um... since I was 14"
  39. >You thought about how vampires aren't supposed to age, then you realized movies aren't exactly very accurate sources of information. She looked about in her early 20s... and good, you might add...
  40. >Damnit anon, this is literally the worst possible time to do this.
  41. >"I'm sorry... I just, can't think of anything else to say..."
  42. >Her sulking manner turns to fiery rage. It scares the shit out of you.
  43. >"Then DON'T! Just leave me alone! I never asked for this!"
  44. >You almost cower a little as she stomps off towards her room, and slams the door shut.
  45. >So much for being quiet.
  46. >Your attention turns to Octi. You can finally get a closer look at her...
  47. > There are little flecks of blood on the upper part of her stark white shirt. Her neck has stopped bleeding, and the two little fang marks glisten in the moonlight shining through the balcony window. You never did get a good look at her teeth...
  48. >She looks a little pale, but otherwise she just looked really sleepy. Kinda cute if you can ignore all the vampire stuff....
  49. >You couldn't admit it, but you so had a crush on the cellist.
  50. >But you had to help her now.
  51. >You picked her up, took her to her room and placed her in her bed. As you took her covers and started to pull them up you heard her whisper something.
  52. >You moved closer, cocking your head to get a better hearing
  53. >"A... an..non. Vinyl's... nice. I did th-this for her..."
  54. >What a relief. At least you know she won't be eating you.... hehehe
  55. >Voluntarily
  56. >Feeding frenzy scenes from media flash through your mind
  57. >Again, silly, TV isn't a good source of knowledge
  58. >You hope
  59. >Octavia finally collapses onto her pillow, this time for good.
  60. >She even starts snoring
  61. >It's absolutely adorable
  62. >You slowly back out of the room, closing the door as gently as you could.
  63. >Finally, you have a moment to yourself.
  64. >You're really fucking tired
  65. >Shuffling over to your room, you shove your stuff off and tackle your bed
  66. >Glorious sleep, instantly.
  67. >You wake up to the smell of bacon and eggs.
  68. >It's a saturday, so no work!
  69. >Wait
  70. > Octy doesn't cook
  71. > Vinyl doesn't cook either. Does she even eat? You've never seen her eat....
  72. >Somethin's afoot!
  73. > You get out of bed, stretch, yawn, scratch, the usual. You come to the kitchen to see...
  74. >Vinyl, cooking.
  75. >"Oh, hey Anon... I, uh, know I kinda freaked you out last night but... I hope you can look past that. I'm still the same Vinyl you know. Please, can we not make this some big thing? Don't tell anyone... please" She requests
  76. >"I.. of course, Vinyl. It just... that was really new what happened last night, and Octi was... you know... I just-"
  77. >"You did what anyone would do in the situation. You did really good, actually. One time I had I guy try and exorcise me with his fingers crossed into a crucifix... ehehe.."
  78. >You stare at each other awkwardly for a bit. >Then she realizes the food's about to burn
  79. >"Ohmygosh!"
  80. >As she fixes the food, she seems to find the right words to say
  81. >Anon, I'm... I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner. There was never a good time, I just couldn't think of how to tell you. I made you breakfast as a kind of... uhh... making-up-for-it sort of thing. Just... go wait in the living room. This is the least I can do for you."
  82. >You weren't going to argue with bacon and eggs. Doesn't matter if a vampire made them.
  83. >Le TV
  84. >Le Sci-Fi
  85. >Some terrible cheesy Sy-Fy movie is on. You love watching them and making fun of them... they're such bad movies.
  86. > Some guy gets nommed by (monster) and Vinyl leaves the kicthen with a plate of breakfast.
  87. >"Here you go! I don't really cook but... I hope it's not terrible."
  88. >She smiles, closes here eyes and places her hand behind her head nervously.
  89. >As you take a bite, you can just tell how much she wants you feedback.
  90. >It's actually delicious. But she doesn't even eat, right?
  91. >"It's great!" You declare, mouth still with bits of bacon in it.
  92. >"YES!" She says. "I still got it!" She does a little dance.
  93. >Maybe she used to be a good cook before... really, can she eat?
  94. >"Can you eat regular food...?"
  95. >"Oh, yeah, I can. But I just don't crave it any more, and it doesn't satisfy my hunger... I have to have, well, blood."
  96. >That last word slides out of her mouth with a sharp edge. She didn't really like mentioning it to you, she was probably just as nervous about you judging her as you were about getting nommed.
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