
Crincap (flare star planet)

Nov 26th, 2017
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  1. In the year 1859 on Earth, a geomagnetic storm caused by a titanic solar Coronal Mass Ejection wreaked havoc on telegraph systems and simple electrical equipment. Aurora were visible in the lower latitudes. In 2012, as if to say "I could end the world this year, but I won't," the Sun unleashed another such flare in some other direction. If a "Carrington-Class" flare were to hit the Earth today, it would cause catastrophic and permanent damage to electronic devices, the internet, and the global economy.
  3. Such flares are commonplace on the smallish lacustrine planet Crincap, orbiting the M6V flare star Webb-64, locally known as Dei.
  5. An inventor working in his laboratory in Xeems cursed the gods as his newfangled electric motor went up in flames during that week's solar storm. Other inventors and scientists would try to utilize electricity over time, but none could manage to create a machine that could be reliable, safe, and functional at the same time.
  7. Crincap's magnetic field is quite strong for the planet's size, a trait which has allowed its atmosphere and ocean to more or less survive the past five billion years of superflares, at the expense of far more powerful magnetic storms. Humans and many specimens of Earth life would find life difficult on Crincap, from the thin atmosphere to the weekly doses of radiation to the lack of ever having internet access, but the local life forms have mostly found ways of getting around the planet's deadly sky.
  9. The native intelligent civilization, the Crinchars, have a maximum life span of about 60 earth years when living on Crincap's sun-facing side. Around the Earth's sun they might easily live 200 years, as Crinchar DNA repair mechanism has massively outperformed Earth life.
  11. There are a handful of developed industrial nations on Crincap, many relying on steam power. Nuclear thermal steam power is not out of the question, when the science of radiation progresses further.
  13. ok at this point i gotta say that the main reason i made crincap was because i wanted steampunk spaceships and i decided to go to another solar system to get them and also to throw away electricity entirely.
  15. Crincap has a mass of 0.355 Earths, a radius of 0.769 Earths, and 0.6 G of gravity. It has one small asteroid moon at around 2 planetary radii away.
  17. The space program was founded because you get awfully bored when you don't have television.
  19. THis post is unfinished.
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