
Bayar's Shame

Jan 6th, 2015
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  1. The Airship shook gently as it cruised through the air. This beast was no war ship or cargo freighter, this was a cruise ship. Built for luxury and and comfort, this floating 5 star hotel, was akin to a decorative ceremonial sword amongst the lances and aces that made up the bulk of the fire nation air force. Ornate gold dragons adorned the miles wide hull. Red steel highlighted the ships features, as four giant propellers kept it afloat. Inside the floors were adorned with lush red carpets, and the freshest flowers from all over the fire nation, sat in jade vases around ever corner. The smells of sage and cinnamon was sprayed hourly in the halls keeping the entire airship smelling fresh and spicy .Statues of dragons and phoenixes seemed to look down constantly on the passengers. The tables in the dining hall that served more like a five-star restaurant were carved from hard wood mahogany and polished to the point you could see your face in them. The ceiling was hand painted, showing a blazing sun golden plates serving as its rays of light. Needless to say Shen thought it was all a bit much. Looking down to from the golden monstrosity hanging over his head at the two beautiful young women sitting across from him, Shen decided not to complain. After all the food was really good. Poi certainly seemed to agree as she was on her third bowl of boneless pork. Shen was amazed she could put away so much food, it was like watching a Cyoteviper swallow a Jackalope whole. The dark skinned girl looked over to the plate sitting in front of a grumpy looking girl with dyed red hair.
  3. “Hey Kim are you going to finish your dumplings?” Poi asked gesturing with her chopsticks. Kimiko pushed the plate over to her and then sat back in her chair pouting. Poi smiled widely and squealed a quick thanks as she began to dig into the dumplings. Shen noticed her eyes linger on his own plate, which caused him to redouble his efforts to finish his own meal.
  5. “Where is your Idiot brother?” Kimiko asked as she picked up her chopsticks to poke her tofu lazily. “He was supposed to meet us here for lunch.”
  7. “Oh uh I'm sure he'll be here soon.” Shen said smiling a little nervously. If this place was making his skin crawl, he could imagine Bayar being five seconds from throwing the first mouthy wetlander of the side of the ship. Shen was about to excuse him self from the table when a loud commotion came from the kitchen. All heads in the restaurant turned to look as Bayar came stumbling out throwing a swinging door dogging flying pottery and as a angry elderly cook cursed at him. Bayar grabbed a metal tray from a passing by waitress using it as a shield to deflect a incoming wok.
  9. “Calm down woman I just got lost is all!” Bayar shouted angrily, his anger turned to panic as he ducked, a knife embedding itself in the wall behind him. It took six waiters to restrain the old cook, and a rather large check from Kimiko to convince the staff, that despite Bayars appearance he was not a thief. Bayar sat down next to Shen, propping his chin up on his knuckle. Shen notice Poi had Stoped eating and was watching Bayar with a Concerned look on her face. Looking over he saw Kim offering a third apology to the old cook.
  11. “Are you ok, Bayar?” asked Poi as she set her chopsticks down for the first time since her food arrived.
  13. “Yeah just fine.” Bayar grumbled a large frown on his face, cheeks red. The sight of his older brother sulking as some thing Shen was becoming more and more familiar with, he wasn't sure if he liked it. Back home if one of their fellow Sandbenders had done this Bayar would of given him a speech about being a man, or bury him in sand till he agreed to stop the behavior. Shen tensed up as Kimiko returned to the table, her irritation radiating from her so intensely he could sear he felt heat. And here the duel had already put her in such pleasant mood. Slamming her hands down on the table Kim glared at Bayar who glared right back. Poi and Shen looked between them both wishing they were some where else.
  15. “Care to explain to us what you were doing lurking around in the kitchens?” Kim asked pointedly.
  17. “Nothing I just got lost s'all” Bayar said not making eye contact.
  19. “How did you get lost? There are signs all over the ship?” Poi asked talking over Kim with a soft tone.
  21. “I wasn't looking where I was going. Besides I said I was sorry, it was a mistake pure and simple, let s just drop it. Whats your problem any way princess?” Bayar said defensivley.
  23. “She lost a fi-ow!” Shen began but was cut of by Kim delivering a sharp kick to his shin, causing tot able to move an inch.
  25. “Poi I'm going back to the room, please keep them out of trouble.” Kim said hastily picking her self up from the table. ignoring Bayar's insulting snort, she handed Kim her wallet and marched towards the exit. Shen watched Kim leave, her face faltering a split second before she was out of his sight. The glimpse of her moist eyes made the young Sandbender flinch a little. Returning his eyes to the table he saw Poi looking right at him. Her eyes widened a little as she nodded in the direction Kim went. Flaring his nostrils a little, Shen got up to follow his Firebending teacher out of the restaurant. Poi and Bayar were left at the table in a awkward silence. As was par the course for when ever they were alone together, Bayar seemed to find every thing but her completely attention grabbing. Poi bit her lip as she watched him, her big blue eyes trained on him. With a sigh she picked up her menu and handed it to him.
  27. “Kim gave me some money for food. So eat up” Poi said her ear to ear grin returning to her face. “The food is really good, Bayar.” The young man took the menu with a nod of thanks, but still a noticeable lack of eye contact and began to page through it. Poi's smile slowly began to fade as she watched him scan the menu.
  29. “All this wetlander food seems so fancy I can't tell it apart.” Bayar said flipping thought it eyes focusing hard on the words on the page. “I'll just get what ever you had.”
  31. “You Got the same thing as me on crescent island, same thing as Shen last week when we stopped at that inn, You always get what every one else orders.” Poi said calmly looking across at her friend.
  33. “So?” Bayar said slowly looking up from the menu making eye contact with her for the first time.
  35. “It's because you can't read, Isn't it?” Poi said delicately as she looked right back, her hands fidgeting in her lap.
  37. “What? No of course I can read, your just used to wetlander food you know whats better” He said his cheeks turning slightly red as he went back to looking at the menu.
  39. “Bayar....” Poi said as she gently reached over took the menu and turned it right side up in his hand. Bayar stared saying nothing for what seemed to him a excruciatingly long time.
  41. “it was...upside down wasn't it.....” He said meekly. Poi just gave him a sympathetic look and a nod.
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