
Early Valentine's Day OneShot

Sep 15th, 2013
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  1. >Valentines Day
  2. >You are the hopeless romantic named Anonymous with a magical talking pony name Celestia
  3. >For the past couple days you've been planning something special (yet subtle) for Valentines Day for your special mare
  4. >She isn't really in a relationship with you but you plan on changing that
  5. >You have introduced her to your town over the past year so that she may able to walk on and about the streets
  6. >Luckily, you live in a simple town filled with kind honest people
  7. >You can only hope that your plan goes well with her
  8. >...
  9. >...
  10. >...
  11. Friday: Valentine's day
  12. >You wake up bright and early to drive to the local organic stores to restock ingredients for Celestia's breakfast in bed
  13. >She usually sleeps-in nowadays since she no longer raises the sun
  14. Location: Home
  15. >You are now preparing her favorite breakfast and desserts
  16. >Making a fresh batch of cranberry juice for both you and her you wonder if there should be "a song" both you and her can share
  17. >You go to your computer and start searching for a song that would pop out and really express your feelings for her
  18. Time Passed: 5min.
  19. >You found a song you personally liked but you were unsure if it's the right song
  20. >You burn the files onto a CD
  21. >"I guess this will have to do", you whisper to yourself
  22. >Putting the CD in your pocket you stop and think for a moment
  23. >"This is probably the only shot you'll ever have! Make this moment last for as long as you can."
  24. >You walk back to the kitchen and place the food onto a tray that you built specifically for her so that she may eat with ease
  25. >You lightly knock on Celestia's door and ask if you have permission
  26. >You hear the squeaks from the springs of her bed
  27. "Come in"
  28. >Turning the knob your heart starts to race and your hands get a little clammy
  29. >Pushing the door open you see that Celestia was holding her Crunch candy bar pillow
  30. >"I uh, I brought you breakfast!" you said that a bit too loud
  31. >Smooth move
  32. >You clear your throat
  33. >"I brought you some food and whatever...hope you like it"
  34. >You place the tray near her then walk back to the door without letting her say a word
  35. >Remembering that you had a CD in your pocket you turn back and placed the CD near her cd player that she had
  36. >It really is interesting how she wanted a CD player instead of an iPod
  37. >before leaving the room you softly said under your breath "Happy Valentine's Day, Celestia"
  38. >You closed the door then walked back to your room
  39. >Feeling exhausted you fell onto your bed and slept
  40. Time Passed: 30min.
  41. >You woke up to someone or somep0ny knocking on your door
  42. "A-Anonymous? Could I come in please?"
  43. >Something sounded off. She usually has a calm demeanor but in this case it almost sounded...weak and shy
  44. >"You may enter"
  45. "I heard the playlist you gave me...And-And I really did enjoy the breakfast and assorted desserts you made for me!"
  46. >She almost sounds as if...nah. She'll never fall for a guy like me...right?
  47. "The traditions of Earth are still new to me but...I bought you something"
  48. >She levitates a poorly wrapped present and places it at the edge of your bed
  49. "I do hope you like it"
  50. >You reach over and grabbed it
  51. >You look to her and back to the gift
  52. >She gives you a smile then motions her head back to the gift
  53. >You slowly unwrap the gift and lay your eyes on a picture frame with detailed carvings and a picture drawing of both you and Celestia sitting in a bed of wild grass while looking to a sea of stars that illuminate strange tones of color that almost seem mesmerizing
  54. >A neatly folded note taped behind the frame was waiting for you to open and read
  55. >Your unaware of your watery eyes that you now have due to this over emotion that you are experiencing
  56. >You open the note and see that it's written in a form of calligraphy and you unknowingly read it allowed
  57. >"Would you be mine?"
  58. Cheesy Levels: High
  59. >Time almost felt like it stopped for a moment
  60. >In what seemed like forever you respond "Only if you promise to be mine"
  61. >She trotted over to you and gave you a peck on the lips
  62. "Forever and ever"
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