
Father's Legacy in 'MERICA! Nolan North/Saints Bro

Sep 18th, 2013
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  1. >The fourth game came out last night
  2. >The story of your father's life
  3. >Or so you thought
  4. >To many dick jokes and dildos in the third one in your opinion
  5. >And not enough actual sex in comparison to the stories your father would tell
  6. >Whatever, time to actually get out of bed
  8. >Shit, shower, shave
  9. >Weekend means that it's time to rescue Norman from Brad
  10. >Might have to rescue him more often, could swear you heard Norman whisper Bradical underneath his breath
  11. >Grap a Wildberry Poptart beore heading over to Norman's place
  12. >Walk outside and get pelted in the face by a newspaper
  13. >Every Saturday
  14. >Walk down the street to Norman's, just a few blocks away
  15. >Game plan: Grab Norman before Brad, go buy SR4 and then command center the multiplayer
  17. >Arrive at Norman's
  18. >walk inside like you own the place
  19. >Hear Norman's voice coming from his room
  20. >Probably should knock, he could finally be banging one of the 6 girls from school that latched onto him
  21. >Almost envious of his mad swag where not even his accused racism could stop him from picking up chicks
  22. >Knock and listen
  23. >"Yeah, yeah! I'm coming!"
  24. >Still not sure if banging or not
  25. >Door opens showing Norman with only pants and socks on
  26. >Still not sure if banging or not
  28. "Hey Norman. Hurry up and get dressed, we gotta get out of here before Brad comes by"
  29. >You know he will
  30. "Unless you're in the middle of something?"
  31. >Can't see his bed from here, but he's GOT to have someone on it, right?
  32. >"What? Why?"
  33. >He must not be fully awake if he can't figure out why he needs to get away from Brad
  34. >Try a different approach
  35. "No reason really, but hey, did you hear about the SR4? It came out last night. I was gonna go pick one up and was wondering if you wanted one too."
  36. >That's right, play the good guy. Don't offer to pay for it just yet though, Dad always said to "Fend for yourself"
  37. >You think that you might be a daddy's boy
  38. >Worry about that later, you've got another of Dad's video games to buy.
  39. >Norman's fully dressed now. That beanie of his must be like his signiture clothing
  40. >walking out the front door you check for any signs of Brad
  41. >Coast is clear, better start moving
  43. >Be Norman
  44. >Walking towards Gamestop with Nolan
  45. >He just wakes you up on a day that could have been spent sleeping in
  46. >It's better than Brad though
  47. >Last Saturday morning of hearing "Bradical" in the shower was a bit much
  48. >You're pretty sure they're fighting over your attention though
  49. >Brad wants to hang out with you for his retarded ideas of...well...everything
  50. >Nolan wants to hang out because of...
  51. "Nolan, why are hanging out again? Last I remember, you called me a racist just like everyone else in school."
  52. >"Are you kidding? We're like brothers, you and I. I'm like the Kamina to your Simon. I was a lot like you, man. When I first moved here, I also wondered about the crazy colour of everyone's skin. Granted, I didn't say anything that would make people call me a racist but I understood your plight."
  53. "What? Who the heck is Kamina and Seamore?"
  54. >"Simon, and don't worry about it, we're here."
  56. >Walk inside; oh hey, it's Rainbro
  57. >She's see's you and Nolan and walks over
  58. >"Hey guys, what are you doing here?"
  59. >notice that she has a copy of SR4 already
  60. >"We're here for Saint's Row 4!" blurts Nolan suddenly
  61. >wtf.jpeg
  62. "Yeah, what he said."
  63. >Rainbro's eyes light up
  64. >"Really?! Awesome, I was looking for someone to play it co-op with!"
  66. >Be Nolan
  68. >Why is she here?!
  69. >I mean of course she's here for SR4, but still!
  70. >You've had a massive crush on her since you saw her for the second time
  71. >The first was in a hallway, so you could only assume that she was lesbo from her hair
  72. >Second time was during gym, where she owned everyone in dodgeball
  73. >you could tell by the way she handled them that she was most definitely hetero
  74. >and athletic
  75. >and beautiful
  76. >and rocks video games
  77. >and is another of Norman's harem
  78. >Which is the REAL reason you befriended him; so you could get closer to her.
  79. >You're plan is backfiring horribly btw
  80. >You apparently packed some spaghetti into your pockets today
  81. >It's cool though, she's just talking with Norman now, you can just buy the game, go back home, and work on a game plan for talking to her.
  83. >Wait, why did they turn to you?
  84. >What's happening?
  85. >"So yeah, this is Nolan and I guess we're friends or something," he says
  86. >apparently we're doing introductions
  87. >which means you have two options: try to be cool and have possible spaghetti containment failure, or just brofist.
  88. >yeah, a brofist sounds safe
  89. >"And this is is Blu- Rainbow Dash"
  90. >She's raising her hand-OHSHIT I'M TAKING TOO LONG
  91. >BROFIST!
  92. >Hit her in the arm
  93. >oh god what have I done?
  94. >She rubs her arm for a second and kind of half-smiles/half-smirks and punches me back
  95. >"Heh, you're pretty cool. Not many people are open to arm punches when they first meet me. We should hang out some more. Anyway, I'll see you guys later."
  96. >She leaves, and now you see Norman as he comes back with his copy of the game
  97. >"Where's Rainbow?"
  98. "uh, buh, oh, huh?"
  99. >Articulate as ever
  100. "She just left, I think she likes me."
  101. >what?
  102. "I mean like as a person"
  103. >"Oh, alright. Anyway, I guess now we go home, and play online?"
  104. "No way, we're going back to my place, cause I've got multiple tv's in one room, so we can play over live without a freaking headset."
  105. >Alright cool, I guess we still have to head down to my place to grab my xbox, right?
  106. >oh yeah, multiple tv's, one xbox. right
  107. "Yeah, you right. Anyway, lets get a move on."
  108. >Something feels off; Brad should have shown up by now
  110. >Be Brad
  111. >Check clock: 11:36 AM
  112. >haven't slept since picking up the midnight release of SR4
  113. >played all night
  114. >need sleep
  115. >sleep is for the weak
  116. >there is more SR4 to be played
  118. >Be Norman
  119. >walking back home
  120. >Well that was cool you guess
  121. >Introduced Rainbro to Nolan
  122. >guess you and your two bro's can hang out more now
  123. >so you can sleep in on Saturday's now
  124. >except that there is still Brad to worry about
  125. >"So how well are you doing in school?" Nolan asks
  126. "I'm doing fine, my grades aren't amazing but I've always got a decent score. Why do you ask?"
  127. >"Just making sure my little bro isn't slacking off and playing video games all the time."
  128. "Pretty sure you wanted me to go get SR4, just a few minutes ago,"
  129. >Nolan looks ready o say something but you guess he changed his mind.
  130. >Get home and unlock front door
  131. >Getting kind of hungry now
  132. >you should probably offer Nolan food too.
  133. "Are you hungry?"
  134. >"Nah, I've got food at my place. We could just eat there."
  135. >Sweet, free lunch.
  137. >Be Nolan
  138. >Quickly check inside Norman's room while he's grabbing his Xbox
  139. >No sign of condoms or wrappers anywhere
  140. >Must not be banging yet, which is good and bad
  141. >Bad, because bro's not getting some, and good because he's not touching Rainbow Dashy
  142. >Dashy...not bad
  143. >Norman's ready to go, so you both start heading down to your place
  144. >Your house looks like-well, no one really cares about that
  145. >Norman seems in awe though
  146. >You head inside
  148. >Be Norman
  149. >Holy shit, this house is huge!
  150. >You thought is was an apartment building
  151. >But no, you are apparently friends with the richest guy in school
  152. >You head inside after Nolan and are greeted by a man in a suit
  153. >A very purple suit
  154. >"Ah, you must be one of Nolan's friends. Dig the beanie. Anyway, don't wreck the place while I'm gone"
  155. >"Yeah, Dad." Nolan responded
  156. >But wait, wasn't that the... no it couldn't have been.
  157. >Set up shop with the xbox in Nolan's room.
  158. >Two giant TV's that look like they've got HD and 3D
  159. >"Alright man, let's start playing."
  161. "You mean after we eat, right?"
  162. >Really hungry now
  163. >"Oh, right. Yeah, we could eat first."
  164. >eat some burritos that were pretty good
  165. >phone starts ringing
  166. >it's Rainbro
  167. "Hey Rainbro! What's up?"
  168. >"Nothing much, just calling to see if you started playing yet."
  169. "No, not yet. I'm eating lunch right now and I was gonna start right after."
  170. >"Awesome, I'll join your game then, see ya!"
  171. >Wait what?
  172. "Uh, Nolan?"
  173. >"Yeah?
  174. "Don't suppose you'd want to hang out with Rainbro some more, huh?
  175. >Nolan's eyes widened for some reason
  176. >"Dashy? Here?!"
  177. "No, no, I mean like she was just going to join our game on xbox."
  178. >"Can we have three people on one game?"
  179. >you shrug
  180. >Guess we're going to find out
  182. >Be Nolan
  183. >Well, you're going to be talking with Dashy some more today
  184. >So much for formulating a plan
  185. >But you're pretty certain that only two people can play the game together
  186. >So how do we make this work, because now it HAS to happen
  187. >Norman looks like he's making another call
  188. >"Hey, Viynl. Did you get that Saint's Row 4 game yet? Oh? You actually convinced Octavia to play it too? Alright then, nevermind."
  189. >He's calling for another person so it's two and two? Clever boy
  190. >So, who's next?
  192. >Pinkie Pie? Must be another of his harem
  193. >She'll do it? Cool, now you need a way to make sure that you're playing with Norman or Dashy
  194. >Don't want to end up playing with someone you never met
  195. >Is that the doorbell?
  196. >Probably shouldn't anwser it, might get kidnapped
  197. >Again
  198. >Doorbell rings a second time
  199. >"Are you gonna get that?" Norman asked
  200. "Yeah, yeah."
  201. >Open door
  203. >What the hell?
  204. >Pink
  205. >So much pink
  206. >Hugging, squeezing, no breathing
  207. >"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie! You must be Nolan! Norman told me you two needed a parter for the new game out! So heeeeeeere I am! Oh and I brought Rainbow Dash too, cause she said that she was going to be playing too! Isn't this great? Now we can have a little gaming party! I'm not too used to these games but I'm certain I can get into it all the same."
  208. >Words. Perpetual. Infinite.
  209. "Hi" you squeaked as she released you from her vicegrip
  210. >Wait did she say Dashy was here?
  211. >Wait wait wait
  212. "How did you know where I lived?"
  213. >"That's a silly question. I know where everyone lives. In case of an emergency."
  214. >probably best not to inquire furter
  215. >"So how are we going to be doing this?" Rainbow asks you
  218. >Be Norman
  219. "We don't actually know, because we only have two TV's and two Xboxes, so Nolan and I will proably help you bring some over from your place.
  220. >Watch as Nolan finally snaps back to reality
  221. >"Actually, I have an idea," he says slipping out his own phone
  222. >"Nice place he's got here," points out Rainbro
  223. >"I don't know," replies Pink. "Seems a little too big for our small party. I think we should invite more people."
  224. "I don't think that's such a good idea"
  225. >Nolan finished his phone call
  226. >"I've got it covered, now let's all h-head to my room."
  227. >You're fairly certain that he hasn't fumbled his words before
  228. >Doesn't matter though, he apparently has a plan for this.
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