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a guest
Oct 31st, 2014
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  1. AnotherOneBitestheDust
  2. AppleCore
  3. AppliedEnergistics2
  4. AsieLib
  5. BiblioCraft
  6. BigReactors
  7. Binnie'sMods
  8. BiomesOPlenty
  9. BloodMagic
  10. Botania
  11. BuildCraft
  12. Carpenter'sBlocks
  13. CGOrigin
  14. Chisel
  15. CodeChickenCore
  16. CoFHCore
  17. CookieCore
  18. CompactMachines
  19. CustomCollection
  20. Enchiridion
  21. EnderIO
  22. EnhancedPortals3
  23. ExtraUtilities
  24. Factorization
  25. Forestry
  26. ForbiddenMagic
  27. Galacticraft
  28. HardcoreEnderExpansion
  29. HardcoreQuestingMode
  30. NuclearControl2
  31. IguanaTinkerTweaks
  32. IndustrialCraft2-EXP
  33. InventoryTweaks
  34. IronChests
  35. JABBA
  36. LanteaCraft
  37. LiteLoader
  38. MalisisCore
  39. MalisisDoors
  40. Mantle
  41. MineTweaker
  42. MobiusCore
  43. ModTweaker
  44. VoxelMap
  45. MouseTweaks
  46. NEIAddons
  47. NEIPluginsUnofficial
  48. NetherOres
  49. NotEnoughItems
  50. ObsidiPlates
  51. OpenBlocks
  52. OpenComputers
  53. OpenEye
  54. OpenModsLib
  55. Opis
  56. Pam'sHarvestCraft
  57. PneumaticCraft
  58. ProjectRed
  59. Railcraft
  60. RefinedRelocation
  61. RoguelikeDungeons
  62. RouterReborn
  63. TheSpiceofLife
  64. Statues
  65. Steve'sCarts2
  66. Storagedrawers
  67. TinkersConstruct
  68. Thaumcraft
  69. ThaumicNEI
  70. ThaumicTinkerer
  71. ThermalExpansion
  72. ThermalFoundation
  73. TiCTooltips
  74. TinkersSteelworks_ephys
  75. TwilightForest
  76. Waila
  77. WeepingAngels
  78. Witchery
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