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Sep 11th, 2012
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  1. Original Call
  2. 84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 57, 51, 54, 50, 53, 32, 52, 57, 46, 51, 48, 48, 48, 32, 45, 57, 56, 46, 53, 50, 50, 48, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 48, 58, 52, 51, 92, 84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 51, 54, 52, 56, 51, 32, 50, 56, 46, 56, 52, 50, 48, 32, 45, 57, 54, 46, 55, 55, 56, 50, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 55, 58 , 49 , 51, 92, 83, 85, 80, 80, 76, 76, 89, 32, 49 , 54, 52, 54, 52 , 32 , 52 , 53, 46 , 53, 52, 48 , 50 , 32 , 45 , 49 , 49 , 56, 46, 50 , 54 , 51, 56, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 53, 58, 49 , 49 , 92. End of Sequence. Dial 45. End of Transmission.
  4. Call 2
  5. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  6. numbers dialed
  7. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  8. Rings 6 times
  9. -83, 85, 80 ,80 , 76, 89, 32, 51, 48, 56, 49, 50, 32, 54, 38, 46, 53, 49, 53, 56, 32, 45, 49.
  11. Call 3
  12. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  13. numbers dialed
  14. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  15. Rings 6 times
  16. -65, 73, 82, 67, 70, 84, 32,53, 49, 56, 49, 54, 32, 52, 56, 46, 53, 55, 51, 52, 32, 45, 49, 48, 50, 46, 53, 50, 50, 48, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 48, 58, 50 , 49, 92, 83, 85, 80, 80, 76, 89, 32, 52, 48, 57, 49, 50, 32, 53, 49, 46, 57, 52, 56, 48, 32, 45, 55, 55, 46, 52, 57, 53, 57, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84 ,32, 55, 58, 53, 57, 92, 83, 85, 80, 80, 76, 89, 32, 84, 52, 50, 57, 57, 32, 51, 54, 46, 55, 53, 55, 56, 32, 45, 56, 55, 46, 56, 57, 51, 51, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 57, 58, 49, 56, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 71. End of Transmission.
  18. Call 4
  19. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  20. Numbers dialed
  21. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  22. Rings 6 times
  23. -65, 71, 69, 78, 84, 32, 51, 56, 50, 57, 50, 32, 52, 51, 46, 50, 51, 55, 56, 32, 45, 55, 57, 46, 53, 49, 49, 55, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 51, 58, 52, 55, 92, 65, 71, 69, 78, 84, 32, 54, 53, 57, 53, 50, 32, 53, 52, 46, 49, 53, 56, 54, 32, 45, 49, 48, 57, 46, 53, 48, 54, 52, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 55, 58, 49, 52, 92, 83, 85, 80 , 80, 76, 89, 32, 54, 53, 56, 56, 51, 32, 54, 49, 46, 52, 49, 50, 57, 32, 45, 57, 49, 46, 50, 49, 53, 56, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 50, 50, 58, 52, 55, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 5. End of Transmission
  25. Call 5
  26. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  27. Numbers Dialed
  28. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  29. Rings 6 times
  30. -65, 71, 69, 78, 84, 32, 50, 51, 52, 32, 53, 56, 46, 50, 55, 49, 48, 32, 45, 57, 52, 46, 53, 52, 56, 55, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 49, 58, 50, 51, 92, 65, 73, 82, 67, 70, 84, 32, 50, 49, 51, 54, 56, 32, 51, 49, 46, 55, 49, 53, 53, 32, 45, 49, 49, 57, 46, 56, 51, 50, 56, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 50, 49, 58, 51, 56, 92, 84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 57, 50, 50, 51, 57, 32, 55, 48, 46, 50, 56, 48, 51, 32, 45, 56, 51, 46, 51, 51, 52, 48, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 52, 58, 53, 57, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 75. End of Transmission.
  32. Call 6
  33. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  34. Numbers Entered
  35. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  36. Rings 6 times
  37. -83, 85, 80, 80, 76, 89, 32, 57, 57, 53, 52, 56, 32, 51, 55, 46, 56, 49, 57, 55, 32, 45, 56, 51, 46, 53, 56, 50, 54, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 55, 58, 50, 57, 92, 84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 55, 56, 48, 51, 50, 32, 51, 53, 46, 56, 52,55, 49, 32, 45, 55, 49, 46, 53, 54, 52, 50, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 52, 58, 51, 48, 92,65, 73, 82, 67, 70, 84, 32, 54, 48, 48, 56, 49, 32, 51, 56, 46, 55, 54, 51, 48, 32, 45, 49, 49, 57, 46, 49, 54, 49, 55, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 48, 58, 51, 51, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 42. End of Transmission.
  39. Call 7
  40. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, follow by the hash key.
  41. Numbers Entered
  42. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  43. Rings 6 Times
  44. -84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 49, 48, 49, 55, 57, 32, 55, 51, 46, 49, 53, 55, 54, 32, 45, 49, 48, 50, 46, 53, 54, 57, 52, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 56, 58, 52, 50, 92, 65, 71, 69, 78, 84, 32, 51, 51, 56, 55, 56, 32, 51, 48, 46, 51, 52, 57, 53, 32, 45, 49, 49, 51, 46, 56, 55, 57, 55, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 54, 58, 50, 50, 92, 83, 85, 80, 80 , 76, 89, 32 49, 49, 51, 51, 52, 32, 51, 53, 46, 54, 50, 52, 54, 32, 45, 49, 48, 48, 46, 50, 51, 49, 56, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 50, 51, 58, 53, 50, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 76. End of Transmission.
  46. Call 8
  47. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  48. Numbers entered.
  49. -Please stay on the line for the next available circuit. TWC 28.
  50. Rings 6 times
  51. -84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 49, 49, 51, 50, 57, 32, 53, 53, 46, 57, 57, 55, 56, 32, 45, 57, 52, 46, 50, 47, 52, 52, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 48, 58, 51, 56, 92, 65, 73, 82, 67, 70, 84, 32, 56 ,49, 53, 52, 51, 32, 51, 55, 46, 56, 56, 50, 56, 32, 45, 56, 49, 46, 54, 52, 54, 48, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 57, 58, 52, 49, 92, 84, 82, 84, 79, 79, 80, 32, 50, 55, 53, 55 , 53, 32 52, 56, 46, 53, 50, 53, 48, 45, 49, 49, 57, 46, 56, 49, 48, 57, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 57, 58, 51, 48, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 68. End of Transmission.
  53. Call 9
  54. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  55. Rings 6 times
  56. -65, 71, 69, 78, 84, 32, 51, 48, 48, 56, 56, 32, 55, 50, 46, 54, 51, 52, 55, 32, 45, 49, 49, 52, 46, 55, 57, 51, 56, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 49, 56, 58, 53, 51, 92, 65, 73, 82, 67, 70, 84, 32, 54, 52, 55, 57, 56, 32, 51, 58, 46, 52, 54, 48, 48, 32, 45, 49, 50, 49, 46, 55, 54, 52, 55, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 50, 49, 58, 52, 54, 92, 84, 82, 79, 79, 80, 32, 49, 55, 56, 55, 51, 32, 50, 54, 46, 52, 51, 51, 52, 32, 45, 55, 48, 46, 51, 55, 50, 55, 32, 82, 69, 81, 65, 84, 32, 53, 58, 51, 49, 92. End of Sequence. Salt 25. End of Transmission.
  58. Call 10 (thank god no more numbers)
  59. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on OTP, followed by the hash key.
  60. “Compromised Agent Code” Entered.
  61. -This code has been compromised. Transferring to your Group 1 incident *???* alert for re-assignment. Your passcode is 40CH.
  62. Rings Once
  63. -Group 1 Incident Response, Press star for immediate ESA page, otherwise, leave contact information.
  64. Presumably Presses Star
  65. -Your party is now being paged. ding-dong
  68. Call 11
  69. -Condition Orange, Condition Orange. Please enter your agent number and I’ll list it on the OTP, followed by the hash key.
  70. “Compromised Agent Code” Entered.
  71. -This code has been compromised. Transferring to your Group 1 incident *???* alert for re-assignment. Your passcode is 40CH.
  72. Rings Once
  73. -Group 1 Incident Response, Press star for immediate ESA page, otherwise, leave contact information.
  74. Doesn’t Press anything
  75. -Start your message now. Press any key on your telephone when through. Tone
  76. -Press “P” the 7 key to play your message, “A”, the 2 key to *???* to your message and continue recording, “E” the 3 key to erase your message and start over, “X” the 9 key to exit and send your message, or 0 to discard your message.
  77. Caller Presses “0”
  78. -Nothing Recorded. Ding Dong
  80. END
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