

Oct 15th, 2012
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  1. Dextkiller:
  3. Hi everyone. I can admit that I was part of the crowd that became furious when Red up and dropped everything. But after some calming words from the moderators here on the forums I began to see things more clearly. Everyone thinks Red is obsessed with money. This could be true, but it could also not. Allow me to elaborate:
  5. If anyone here on the thread is an artist, imagine this. You spend over 25 hours on a piece of art. You make it how you like it, and you hang it up on your wall like you planned to. Now imagine someone comes along and says they like your art, but it doesn't seem complete, and that they want to add something to it.
  7. Now after you spent so much time on the piece and got it looking how you want, wouldn't you be a bit hesitant to let somebody else take it and change it? Artist will understand this, me, I wouldn't let anyone lay a damned finger on it. Designing a video game is a form of art. And I can understand why Red would not want it changed. It is part of his legacy as a developer. And although he has made some decisions that haven't had the best results, not everyone is perfect. The fact that he gave Terraria over to 505 at all is surprising. Now let me tell you what I think is going to happen.
  9. 505 is going to add new content to the console version of terraria. They may polish a few things and update a bit, the PC will not see any of these updates UNLESS they become popular. If PC players see this content and are impressed with it, Red will most likely give the rights to 505Games and allow them to update the PC version. Games are made for others to play, not just for the developers to look at. Red began this in hopes of making a game that everyone will want to play, and if 505 helps bring more people into the crowd, then Red will most likely allow the original version of Terraria (His original piece of art) to be modified.
  11. Yeah, sure it seems bad, but any sane developer would do it the same way, so don't be mad at Red, he is just being cautious. Perhaps he made some mistakes in the past, but all of us know that he visits us every now and again to check up on how things are going with the community. He DOES care about our opinions, he shows that by commenting on threads very much like this one, as he has in the past. Does he want money? yeah, sure, but who cares? He may very well be on the edge of giving 505Games all the privileges, or he may not. Just be patient people, that's the best course of action.
  16. TUN3R:
  18. "If anyone here on the thread is an artist, imagine this. You spend over 25 hours on a piece of art. You make it how you like it, and you hang it up on your wall like you planned to. Now imagine someone comes along and says they like your art, but it doesn't seem complete, and that they want to add something to it."
  20. I was an artist once so I guess it will have to do.
  22. Unfortunately your example doesn't fit, for two reasons:
  24. 1. In your example you created a masterpiece for yourself, so you reserve the right to not give a f*ck about what people think. Had you created it with the intent to sell it, it's only fair that the client can request modifications, he / she is paying after all.
  25. 2. A game, especially one like Terraria, doesn't exactly lose value if you add more content (as long as you don't sacrifice quality for quantity).
  28. "Now after you spent so much time on the piece and got it looking how you want, wouldn't you be a bit hesitant to let somebody else take it and change it? I wouldn't let anyone lay a damned finger on it."
  30. Then for your sake I hope you don't paint for a living, cause you'd starve to death.
  33. "Designing a video game is a form of art. And I can understand why Red would not want it changed. It is part of his legacy as a developer. And although he has made some decisions that haven't had the best results, not everyone is perfect. The fact that he gave Terraria over to 505 at all is surprising. Now let me tell you what I think is going to happen."
  35. So he wouldn't give it to a more experienced (maybe well known?) developer, but he gave it to EA's long lost step brother? Nobody's perfect, but this is about as imperfect as it can get...
  38. "505 is going to add new content to the console version of terraria. They may polish a few things and update a bit, the PC will not see any of these updates UNLESS they become popular. If PC players see this content and are impressed with it, Red will most likely give the rights to 505Games and allow them to update the PC version."
  40. I'm not holding my fingers crossed.
  43. "Games are made for others to play, not just for the developers to look at."
  45. That's pretty easy to forget these days...
  48. "Red began this in hopes of making a game that everyone will want to play, and if 505 helps bring more people into the crowd, then Red will most likely allow the original version of Terraria (His original piece of art) to be modified."
  50. Money can change everything. Much as I'd like to punch Red in the face right now, I don't entirely blame him for selling off his ''ambition'', I'd have done the same. Who cares if the fans are pissed...
  53. "Yeah, sure it seems bad, but any sane developer would do it the same way, so don't be mad at Red, he is just being cautious."
  55. Yes look both ways before crossing the street, but WTF does that have to do with the matter at hand? He stopped updating the PC version, he sold the rights to console developers, he screwed us over. There's nothing cautious about that.
  58. "Perhaps he made some mistakes in the past, but all of us know that he visits us every now and again to check up on how things are going with the community. He DOES care about our opinions, he shows that by commenting on threads very much like this one, as he has in the past."
  60. Yes. In the past.
  63. "Does he want money? yeah, sure, but who cares? He may very well be on the edge of giving 505Games all the privileges, or he may not. Just be patient people, that's the best course of action."
  65. Not if you look at the big picture, but of course you don't.
  69. Dextkiller:
  71. "Blah blah blah. A bunch about how dextkiller is a kid and wrong because I am furious and hate Red even though I continue to play his game and be part of the community that is based off it."
  73. Look, buddy. I know you're ticked about the situation, but no reason to get all pissed at me. No, I don't paint for a living, but I have done plenty of art and understand how it works. If someone REQUISITIONS you to do a piece FOR them, then yes it makes sense. But if they see it and want to change it, would you really just let them change the original? because I would hand them a copy and tell them to show me. That is essentially what Red is doing, but I doubt you see that because you are in a furious rage over the situation.
  75. The obvious solution here is for you to chill out. i'm sure Terraria isn't the only game you play, and since you seem so hot-headed over it right now, maybe you should go do something else instead of being angry at people for no reason. Fuming at somebody who is trying to make logical sense out of a situation is not the way to make all the problems go away. You can be angry at me as much as you please, but that won't make this all go away. Unfortunately you don't seem to want to understand the situation, you only want to be angry at it (which of course will change it, right?)
  77. Overall, it's his game. You bought it, and he stayed with it for a long time and gave us countless hours of content to play with. But that isn't enough, is it? You seem to have missed the main point of what I was saying, so I will reiterate. If the content 505Games puts into the console version of Terraria is received well, we will most likely get it as well. Hopefully that will quench your fires of rage.
  81. Scizor300:
  83. "the development of art and video games are totally the same thing and you're just mad"
  85. I really hope you never try game design.
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