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- --***************************************************************************
- --* BlueStreak .ASS Exporter by TheGhost *
- --* for 3ds Max v6+ and Halo 2 Vista *
- --***************************************************************************
- --* Description: Exports an ASS representation of a 3ds max scene. *
- --*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- --* Submit bugs to TheGhost on the Halo 2 Vista forums. Visit the forums *
- --* for additional help at *
- --*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- --* Copyright (C) 2006 Adam Papamarcos ( *
- --* This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it *
- --* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the *
- --* Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your *
- --* option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that *
- --* it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied *
- --* the GNU General Public License for more details. A full copy of this *
- --* license is available at *
- --*-------------------------------------------------------------------------*
- -- Script Version 1.0.1
- objs = #()
- materials = #()
- ass = undefined
- exportFailed = false
- maxver = maxVersion()
- numDecimalPlaces = 10
- fn uniStr dbl =
- (
- local strRep = dbl as string
- if (findString strRep "e" == undefined) then
- (
- local strInd = findString strRep "."
- local currDecPlaces = strRep.count - strInd
- local zerosToAdd = numDecimalPlaces - currDecPlaces
- for z = 1 to zerosToAdd do
- (
- append strRep "0"
- )
- )
- strRep
- )
- eps = 0.00001
- fn numsAreClose n1 n2 =
- (
- (abs(n1 - n2) <= eps)
- )
- rollout roll "BlueStreak .ASS Exporter" width:255 height:313
- (
- GroupBox grp1 "" pos:[7,-1] width:239 height:34
- label lbl_title "BlueStreak .ASS Exporter" pos:[61,13] width:129 height:13
- edittext edt_info "" pos:[3,40] width:243 height:191 enabled:true
- button export_button "Export .ASS File" pos:[63,254] width:128 height:31
- label lbl_by "Script by TheGhost" pos:[7,290] width:101 height:14 enabled:false
- label lbl5 "v1.0.1" pos:[211,280] width:38 height:14 enabled:false
- checkbox chk_jms "Save to ASS File (3ds max only)" pos:[17,233] width:174 height:16 checked:true
- on roll open do
- (
- ClearListener()
- if maxver[1] <= 4200 then
- (
- edt_info.text = "Max version " + (maxver[1] / 1000.0) as string + " (gmax) detected.\n"
- chk_jms.checked = false
- chk_jms.enabled = false
- )
- else
- (
- edt_info.text = "3ds Max version " + (maxver[1] / 1000.0) as string + " detected.\n"
- chk_jms.enabled = true
- chk_jms.checked = true
- )
- )
- on export_button pressed do
- (
- objs = #()
- materials = #()
- ass = undefined
- exportFailed = false
- if chk_jms.checked == true then
- (
- local output_name = getSaveFileName caption:"Select File to Export" \
- filename: "C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft Games\\Halo 2 Map Editor\\data\\" \
- types:("BlueStreak ASS (*.ASS)|*.ASS|All Files (*.*)|*.*|")
- if output_name != undefined then
- (
- ass = createfile output_name
- exportFailed = false
- )
- else
- (
- exportFailed = true
- messageBox "Failed to create file path" title:"BlueStreak: Export error"
- )
- )
- else
- (
- ClearListener()
- ass = listener
- exportFailed = false
- )
- if (exportFailed != true) then
- (
- if chk_jms.checked == true then
- (edt_info.text += "Exporting to " + output_name + "\r\n\r\n")
- else
- (edt_info.text += "Exporting to Max Listener \r\n\r\n")
- clearListener()
- clearSelection()
- max select all
- objs = selection as array
- clearSelection()
- format "%\n" ";### HEADER ###" to:ass
- format "%\n" 2 to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"MAX\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" ("\"" + (maxver[1] / 1000.0) as string + "\"") to:ass
- format "%\n" ("\"" + sysInfo.username as string + "\"") to:ass
- format "%\n\n" ("\"" + sysInfo.computername as string + "\"") to:ass
- local sub_slot_name = #()
- for i = 1 to objs.count do
- (
- local tmesh = snapshotAsMesh objs[i]
- if (objs[i].material != undefined) then
- (
- if (classOf objs[i].material == Multimaterial) then
- (
- for m = 1 to objs[i].material.count do
- (
- local extent
- if (classOf objs[i] == Sphere or classOf objs[i] == Box or classOf objs[i] == Cylinder) then
- (
- extent = 1
- )
- else
- (
- extent = getNumFaces tmesh
- )
- for f = 1 to extent do
- (
- matID = getFaceMatID tmesh f
- if (findItem materials objs[i].material[matID] == 0) then
- (
- append materials objs[i].material[matID]
- local full_ssn = getSubMtlSlotName objs[i].material matID
- local ssn = substring full_ssn (4 + (matID as string).count) -1
- append sub_slot_name ssn
- )
- )
- )
- )
- else
- (
- if (findItem materials objs[i].material == 0) then
- (
- append materials objs[i].material
- append sub_slot_name ""
- )
- )
- )
- )
- format "%\n" ";### MATERIALS ###" to:ass
- format "%\n\n" materials.count to:ass
- for m = 1 to materials.count do
- (
- format "%\n" (";MATERIAL " + (m - 1) as string) to:ass
- format "%\n" ("\"" + materials[m].name as string + "\"") to:ass
- format "%\n\n" ("\"" + sub_slot_name[m] as string + "\"") to:ass
- )
- format "%\n" ";### OBJECTS ###" to:ass
- format "%\n" objs.count to:ass
- for j = 1 to objs.count do
- (
- format "\n%\n" (";OBJECT " + (j - 1) as string + " - '" + objs[j].name + "'") to:ass
- edt_info.text += ("Object " + j as string + ": \"" + objs[j].name + "\"\r\n")
- local tmesh = snapshotAsMesh objs[j]
- if (classOf objs[j] == Sphere or classOf objs[j] == Box or classOf objs[j] == Cylinder) then
- (
- local material_index
- if (classOf objs[j].material == Multimaterial) then
- (
- for m = 1 to objs[j].material.count do
- (
- matID = getFaceMatID tmesh 1
- material_index = findItem materials objs[j].material[matID]
- )
- )
- else
- (
- material_index = findItem materials objs[j].material
- )
- material_index -= 1
- if (classOf objs[j] == Sphere) then
- (
- edt_info.text += "Type: Sphere\r\n\r\n"
- format "%\n" "\"SPHERE\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" material_index to:ass
- format "%\n" (uniStr objs[j].radius) to:ass
- )
- else
- (
- if (classOf objs[j] == Box) then
- (
- edt_info.text += "Type: Box\r\n\r\n"
- format "%\n" "\"BOX\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" material_index to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr (objs[j].length / 2.0)) (uniStr (objs[j].width / 2.0)) (uniStr (objs[j].height / 2.0)) to:ass
- )
- else
- (
- edt_info.text += "Type: Pill\r\n\r\n"
- format "%\n" "\"PILL\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" material_index to:ass
- format "%\n" (uniStr objs[j].height) to:ass
- format "%\n" (uniStr objs[j].radius) to:ass
- )
- )
- )
- else
- (
- edt_info.text += "Type: Mesh\r\n"
- format "%\n" "\"MESH\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"\"" to:ass
- local xyz = #()
- local ijk = #()
- local uvw = #()
- local vertIndex_uniqueVert_map = #()
- local numUniqueVerts = 0
- local uniqueVert_vertIndex = #()
- local uniqueVert_normalID = #()
- local uniqueVert_tvertUV = #()
- local face_vert_indices = #()
- local face_shader_index = #()
- local numFaces = getNumFaces tmesh
- local en = Edit_Normals()
- addModifier objs[j] en
- select objs[j]
- max modify mode
- subobjectLevel = 1
- for f = 1 to numFaces do
- (
- local verts = getFace tmesh f
- local tverts = getTVFace tmesh f
- local matID = getFaceMatID tmesh f
- local vert_indices = #()
- for v = 1 to 3 do
- (
- local vert_index = verts[v]
- local normal_index = en.getNormalID f v
- local tvert_index = tverts[v]
- local tvertUV = [(getTVert tmesh tvert_index).x,(getTVert tmesh tvert_index).y]
- if (vertIndex_uniqueVert_map[vert_index] == undefined) then
- (
- numUniqueVerts += 1
- vertIndex_uniqueVert_map[vert_index] = #(numUniqueVerts)
- vert_indices[v] = numUniqueVerts
- uniqueVert_vertIndex[numUniqueVerts] = vert_index
- uniqueVert_normalID[numUniqueVerts] = normal_index
- uniqueVert_tvertUV[numUniqueVerts] = tvertUV
- )
- else
- (
- local uniqueVert = true
- for c = 1 to vertIndex_uniqueVert_map[vert_index].count do
- (
- uniqueVertIndex = vertIndex_uniqueVert_map[vert_index][c]
- if (normal_index == uniqueVert_normalID[uniqueVertIndex] and (numsAreClose tvertUV.x uniqueVert_tvertUV[uniqueVertIndex].x) and (numsAreClose tvertUV.y uniqueVert_tvertUV[uniqueVertIndex].y)) then
- (
- uniqueVert = false
- vert_indices[v] = uniqueVertIndex
- )
- )
- if (uniqueVert == true) then
- (
- numUniqueVerts += 1
- append vertIndex_uniqueVert_map[vert_index] numUniqueVerts
- vert_indices[v] = numUniqueVerts
- uniqueVert_vertIndex[numUniqueVerts] = vert_index
- uniqueVert_normalID[numUniqueVerts] = normal_index
- uniqueVert_tvertUV[numUniqueVerts] = tvertUV
- )
- )
- )
- face_vert_indices[f] = vert_indices
- face_shader_index[f] = (findItem materials objs[j].material[matID])
- )
- edt_info.text += "Unique Vertices: " + numUniqueVerts as string + "\r\n"
- edt_info.text += "Number of Faces: " + numFaces as string + "\r\n\r\n"
- format "%\n" numUniqueVerts to:ass
- for v = 1 to numUniqueVerts do
- (
- local xyz = in coordsys local (getVert objs[j] uniqueVert_vertIndex[v])
- local ijk = in coordsys local (en.getNormal uniqueVert_normalID[v])
- local uv = uniqueVert_tvertUV[v]
- format "%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr xyz.x) (uniStr xyz.y) (uniStr xyz.z) to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr ijk.x) (uniStr ijk.y) (uniStr ijk.z) to:ass
- format "%\n" 0 to:ass
- format "%\n" 1 to:ass
- format "%\t%\n" (uniStr uv.x) (uniStr uv.y) to:ass
- )
- format "%\n" numFaces to:ass
- for f = 1 to numFaces do
- (
- format "%\n" (face_shader_index[f] - 1) to:ass
- format "%\n" (face_vert_indices[f][1] - 1) to:ass
- format "%\n" (face_vert_indices[f][2] - 1) to:ass
- format "%\n" (face_vert_indices[f][3] - 1) to:ass
- )
- max create mode
- clearSelection()
- deleteModifier objs[j] en
- )
- )
- local numInstances = objs.count
- edt_info.text += "Number of Instances: " + numInstances as string + "\r\n"
- format "\n%\n" ";### INSTANCES ###" to:ass
- format "%\n\n" (numInstances + 1) to:ass
- format "%\n" ";INSTANCE 0" to:ass
- format "%\n" -1 to:ass
- format "%\n" "\"Scene Root\"" to:ass
- format "%\n" -1 to:ass
- format "%\n" -1 to:ass
- format "%\n" 0 to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\t%\n" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" "1.0000000000" to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\n" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" to:ass
- format "%\n" "1.0000000000" to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\t%\n" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" "1.0000000000" to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\n" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" "0.0000000000" to:ass
- format "%\n\n" "1.0000000000" to:ass
- for i = 1 to numInstances do
- (
- format "%\n" (";INSTANCE " + (i as string)) to:ass
- format "%\n" (i - 1) to:ass
- format "%\n" ("\"" + objs[i].name + "\"") to:ass
- format "%\n" (123 + i) to:ass
- if (objs[i].parent == undefined) then
- (
- format "%\n" 0 to:ass
- )
- else
- (
- format "%\n" (findItem objs objs[i].parent) to:ass
- )
- format "%\n" 0 to:ass
- local rot = in coordsys parent objs[i].rotation
- local trans = in coordsys parent objs[i].pos
- local scal = in coordsys parent objs[i].scale
- format "%\t%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr rot.x) (uniStr rot.y) (uniStr rot.z) (uniStr rot.w) to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr trans.x) (uniStr trans.y) (uniStr trans.z) to:ass
- if (scal.x != scal.y or scal.y != scal.z) then
- (
- messageBox ("Warning: Object '" + objs[i].name + "' does not have a uniform scale in\r\n" \
- + "the x, y, and z directions. This WILL cause undesired results!") \
- title: "BlueStreak: Critical error"
- )
- format "%\n" (uniStr scal.x) to:ass
- local offset_rot = objs[i].objectoffsetrot
- local offset_pos = objs[i].objectoffsetpos
- local offset_scale = objs[i].objectoffsetscale
- format "%\t%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr offset_rot.x) (uniStr offset_rot.y) (uniStr offset_rot.z) (uniStr offset_rot.w) to:ass
- format "%\t%\t%\n" (uniStr offset_pos.x) (uniStr offset_pos.y) (uniStr offset_pos.z) to:ass
- format "%\n\n" (uniStr offset_scale.x) to:ass
- )
- if chk_jms.checked == true then
- (
- close ass
- )
- )
- )
- )
- CreateDialog roll
- -- End of Script --
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