
Randy Credico Interviews Roger Stone (08/23/2016)

Mar 31st, 2017
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  1. Supplemental document for: "Theory that Roger Stone's go-between for Wikileaks was Randy Credico", link:
  3. File link:
  5. "You're Crazy If You're Up This Early", Six O'Clock [PM] edition, broadcast date: August 23, 2016. Due to a technical error at the station, there is no audio for large sections of the early part of the program - neither the bumper music nor Stone's sections of the interview are heard. These sections are designated as [no audio]. This is not the result of a transfer to the uploaded file, but part of the original recording, with Stone's sections heard as impossibly faint on the audio. Transcript is for the entire Roger Stone section, and runs from start of file to 29:00 point.
  8. "You're Crazy If You're Up This Early" will be on in its place, throughout the entire hour. So: stay tuned for that. Speaking of, it's now six pm, stay tuned for "You'r Crazy...If You're Up This Early" _six o'clock edition_. So. However you interpret that. So.
  10. [where bumper music would be - no audio]
  13. Alright, there you go, Anton Karas, my favorite movie. Um, one of my top three movies...Peter Anthony is listening in Las Vegas, who was one of my mentors in the world of comedy, way back, we go way back to 1975, when he was working the [inaudible] Casino. I know he likes that movie, Casablanca, but...I just saw it the other day, The Third Man, I see something different every single time. We have a packed show today, this is Linda Perry's hour, this is the news hour, and we should be covering a lot of local news, we'll be talking about Rikers Island later on, with the award winning New Yorker journalist, staff writer, Jennifer Gonnerman, who's been around in this fight, criminal justice, way back. Nineteen ninety seven, I remember going up to that prison, up there in, where is it, Tacona, Bedford Hills prison [Taconic Correctional Facility]..and many others...Tulia, Texas...she's been on top of this...we'll be talking to her...we'll be talking about the situation in Nicaragua, because there's another election happening, at the same time as this election, just as controversial as this one. That would be the one between Daniel Ortega and a couple of other parties, and it's very interesting...he's got his wife on board with him, just like Clinton has his wife running, and he's basically going to be the Vice President, the same thing's happening in Nicaragua.
  15. We're going to be talking to a journalist whose mother fought with the Sandinistas, way back in 1978, '79. She became a lieutenant colonel, her name's Drew Mulligan, her daughter I know since 1986, when she's working for NBC, she's now working for Univision, got a very good perspective, Tiffany Roberts. But we're going to go right away to, without any transitional music, we've got so much on this show...I know I'd like to talk about the private prison business, so, what happened the other day in D.C. [reference to Obama directive banning use of private prisons:], and the consequences, [New York City Comptroller] Scott Stringer still using pension fund money for the private prison industry. Actually _using_ workers' pension funds, people who change bedpans for $11.99, taking their money, and putting it into some cynical business, the private prison industry. Which is something you would expect in 1860, those dough faced Democrats, like Fernando Wood, who led the charge against the 13th Amendment, he was involved in the slavery business. Well, Scott Stringer, right now, in the spirit of Fernando Wood has put workers' money, tied into the private prison industry. And you should call him up. I think I have his number. It's [redacted]. Look it up. Call him up and say, whattaya doing?
  17. So, a lot of things are happening, we got the election in Nicaragua, that's coming up, and we got the election here. And a lot of changes have taken place over the weekend, and Hillary Clinton is getting hammered _left and right_, by this whole Clinton Global Initiative, the emails, and I thought this election was a foregone conclusion, but I'm not so sure right now. We're going to talk to someone who knows more about it than I do, he's a professional, he's - do we have him? Oh, okay, he's like one of the smartest guys - and I know it's going to anger some of the people _out here_...who listen to WBAI, that I have someone that was connected to Nixon, and Reagan...they're going to be _angry_, you know, like I am trying to help out Trump. Whatever. You know, whatever it is, you gotta listen to all sides of this campaign. That's happening. There are four candidates. Not two. There are four candidates. Remember that. So, you're not helping another by talking about one. You got three- four choices. At any rate, let's go straight to uh, I believe, down in Southern Florida, the very famous, or infamous, depending on your outlook, Roger Stone. We got you there, Roger?
  19. [no audio]
  21. Yeah, have you spoken to, uh, Robert Caro about that?
  23. [no audio]
  25. Let me-
  27. [no audio]
  29. Well, listen, I think he's a great writer, and the book on Robert Moses, is a seminal piece. You've read The Power Broker, I'm sure. I don't have- Yeah-
  31. [no audio]
  33. But a civil rights leader, though, right?
  35. [no audio]
  37. Well, you know, that's-
  39. [no audio]
  41. That's exactly, that's a quote, that's an actual quote. That's not you talking. That's an actual quote.
  43. [no audio]
  45. You know, uh, that's an actual quote. Now, let me just- So, alright. I'm looking at Trump's speech the other day, and he's talking about Democrats not being good historically. I was looking at the last hundred years. You had Wilson, who was a white supremacist, from Virginia, when he was at Princeton University, he was a white supremacist there...then you had FDR, who would not pass an anti-lynching law, in his twelve years, and then you had Truman, no bargain, and then after Truman, you got Kennedy, who bugged Martin Luther King. Then you just laid out the story against Johnson, and then Jimmy Carter belonged to a segregated golf club, and then you have Bill Clinton, and you look at Ricky Ray Rector, you look at Rwanda, I mean...even this president right now, who Cornel West has laid out an incredible anti, not an anti-Obaama record...basically has said this guy has done nothing to promote the lives of African Americans. So, maybe, you know...the Democrats haven't been that good.
  47. [no audio]
  49. Right.
  51. [no audio]
  53. Right, so there you go.
  55. [no audio]
  57. Right.
  59. [no audio]
  61. Right. So we know...yes.
  63. [no audio]
  65. And plus, what you're leaving out, Roger, one thing you left out Roger, in 1999, there was a big scandal, the ACLU filed a lawsuit _against_ the Clinton administration, for what was called "Flying While Black". And this is the Customs Department, "Flying While Black". Everyone that was strip searched who was coming through the airport in Miami, and Dallas, and Houston, and other hubs, were strip searched, and ninety nine percent were people of color. And this was a lawsuit-
  67. [no audio]
  69. That was just before the New Hampshire primary in 1992, he was the Comeback Kid, and if he had come fourth or fifth, Paul Tsongas had won that primary, he would have been dead on the vine. Alright, I want to get to this race, I was going to...uh, I was going to have you on the show, and say, "Hey Roger," this is what I was planning a couple of days ago, "is this race over? Is Trump taking a dive?" I was...really. And then I'm looking at the polls this morning...I'm looking at the polls this morning, out of Los Angeles, the L.A. Times has Trump ahead by one point. So this race isn't over.
  71. [no audio]
  73. Is that a bad read by the L.A. Times, is that like a bad poll, I mean...
  75. [no audio for a long while, then audio abruptly comes on]
  78. -by an insurmountable lead by Hillary Clinton, that just doesn't happen. He's sitll, although perhaps behind a bit, he is within range, in a volatile race. You've got a lot of developments here, to go down before the election. First of all, we have the continuing Wikileaks of Julian Assange, who I believe is a hero, somebody who is really fighting the deep state, which, is devastating. Hillary inquiring about Parkinson's, Hillary admiting to-
  81. That I came out by Assange, today?
  83. STONE
  84. -she had cracked her head, she said to the head of the NFL, trying to get medical care...she's a very sick woman. Now it's interesting, that the Clinton spokesperson attacked me by name last week, saying that all of these claims about Hillary being in ill health are all manufactured by the right wing conspiracist, Roger Stone.
  87. Yeah, I see your name being bandied about-
  89. STONE
  90. -and, by the way, I am a conservative, why are we always called "right wing", but liberals are never called "left wing"? Can't figure that out.
  93. How come none of these liberals come out and call Julian Assange a hero? Here I got a guy, Julian Assange is definitely not a right winger, I got a so-called right winger calling Julian Assange a hero, _I call him a hero_, everyone that listens to this station calls Julian Assange a hero, why can't Democrats, like Chuck Schumer, Hillary Clinton's team, Christine Quinn, and all these other flacks come out and say "Julian Assange is a hero", when he's doing a public service?
  95. STONE
  96. Well, because the Clintons are not progressives, they're not liberals, they're crony capitalists. Their ideology is a perfect match for their soulmates, the Bushes. In fact, they're in business together. Mark my words, Randy, the next scandal about to blow up is the Haitian relief fraud, because Bill and Hillary, and their cronies, the Bushes, lined their pockets with millions that were supposed to be put aside to help the people of Haiti after a devastating earthquake.
  99. K, can you elaborate on that, because I think our listeners are very concerned about the money, the mismanagement, the malfeasance, when it comes to Haiti. It really hasn't crystalized in my head, how did that happen? What did-
  101. STONE
  102. Essentially, the Bushes and the Clintons formed a joint, uh, charitable organization...they raised a hundred and thirty eight million, they spent nine million in Haiti, and they pocketed the rest. The rest went to fees, consultants, god knows where it went. If you go to the filings of the IRS, they're both incomplete and appear to be fraudulent in a number of areas. I am led to believe that Mr. Assange has extensive emails about the Haiti dealings, and I predict that is the next scandal to blow up.
  104. CREDICO
  105. You think on Haiti...I don't think he's doing this [Julian Assange publishing the DNC emails], a lot of people are saying he's got a hard-on for Hillary Clinton, because she's called for his arrest and indictment, and prosecution, and put in jail forever. I think that it's a public service, and if Trump was involved in the same stuff, I'm sure he would put that out there. Or if any president...puts anything out there, it's a public service, what he's doing. It's not his fault, that she did what she did, at the Clinton Global Initiative, it's not his fault, it's her fault.
  107. STONE
  108. Look, let's be as clear as we possibly can. The Clinton Foundation is not a charity, it's a slush fund for grifters. They're spending less than ten percent of what they collect for actual charitable activities, the rest is spent to augment a very upscale lifestyle, you know, private jets, star hotels, cut flowers, and the like. Paid for Chelsea's honeymoon, paid for a number of things that are inappropriate, mostly pays just to put money in their pocket. It's pay for play schemes, I'll give you a perfect example. Ukrainian billionaire Viktor Pinchuk gave the Clintons ten billion dollars [Donald Trump would take money from the same man:], in return Secretary of State Hillary-
  110. CREDICO
  111. Ten million, ten million.
  113. STONE
  114. Ten million, pardon me. In return, Hillary Clinton's state department allowed Pinchuk to topple a democratically elected president in Ukraine [this is Viktor Yanukovich, a Paul Manafort client; Manafort and Stone were former business partners, Stone would manage the campaign of Volomyr Lytvyn in the Ukraine, and Lytvyn would eventually join Yanukovich's ruling coalition]. They didn't remove him by impeachment, they didn't remove in an election, they removed him by gunpoint [Yanukovych would flee Ukraine after hundreds of protesters were killed by his police].
  116. CREDICO
  117. Right.
  119. STONE
  120. Now, that's not supposed to happen, in fact the New York Times narrative is that it is Donald Trump and his former campaign chairman Paul Manafort who are in bed with Putin. That's ironic, Trump's never met Putin, and Putin despises Manafort because he pushed Ukraine into the European Union, when he was working for a democratic political party.
  122. CREDICO
  123. By the way, this Ukrainian government was really like-
  125. [cross talk]
  127. STONE
  128. -the New York Times hatchet piece, that was by this fellow McIntire [Mike McIntire, co-author of "Secret Ledger in Ukraine Lists Cash for Donald Trump's Campaign Chief" by Andrew E. Kramer and Barry Meier, link:], a week ago, above the fold New York Times, _every single element_ will be indisputably disproven within ten days. _And then_, I must begin the drumbeat. McIntire must _resign_. And The New York Times must apologize. If they don't, Mr. Manafort tells me he is going to sue them for everything they're worth. By the way, it is not incidental, that The New York Times controlling interest is owned by Carlos Slim, a man who is the single largest donor to the Clinton Foundation.
  130. CREDICO
  131. [incredulous] He is?
  133. STONE
  134. And the partner of Jeb Bush in the massive Obama phone contract. Through a company called Track Phone. Where Jeb, that great civil libertarian, and Carlos, are partners. Look, if I were a progressive, or a liberal, and I have a lot of progressive and liberal friends, I'd be voting for Jill Stein. She's the Green Party candidate, she's on the ballot in forty four states-
  136. CREDICO
  137. She's fourth on the New York ballot.
  139. STONE
  140. She has real appeal.
  142. CREDICO
  143. She's fourth on the New York ballot. I think that's got to make Hillary a little nervous. Fourth, because, I don't think very many of the Sanders people, the real activists, that showed up, ten thousand at a time here, Washington Square Park in Brooklyn, Prospect Park, are going to vote for Hillary Clinton. They're going to go to Jill Stein. I think they're going to do very well. This must be a spectre hanging over the "Hillary Winning New York" campaign.
  145. STONE
  146. Well, I think maybe the Clintonites are smug for two reasons. One, they have every intention of keeping Jill Stein out of the debates. If Jill Stein, and Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate on the ballot in forty eight states, cannot get into the debate, it's very hard for them to become well known. In other words, you have the real possibility that progressives will vote for Hillary, in order to stop Trump, because they didn't know there was a progressive alternative on the ballot. That's why I have suggested, to Donald Trump, who I am a friend of, for forty years, that he should refuse to participate in these debates unless Stein and Johnson are included. What's the criteria? Not some phony poll number. Because it's the chicken and egg thing, uh, Randy. You can't get into the debate unless you have fifteen percent of the vote, and you can't get fifteen percent of the vote unless you get into the debate.
  148. CREDICO
  149. Right.
  151. STONE
  152. The criteria should be: the only candidates in the debate should be candidates who are on the ballot in enough states, to theoretically reach two hundred and seventy electoral votes. There are only four: the Republicans, the Democrats, the Green Party candidate, and the Libertarian Party candidate.
  154. CREDICO
  155. So-
  157. STONE
  158. That should be the measure.
  160. CREDICO
  161. We're talking with Roger Stone. Roger Stone is the author of many books, he is a political consultant, he is called the notorious hitman political you revel in being called all of these nasty names? Roger?
  163. STONE
  164. Well, Randy, I've been called the dirty trickster, but remember: one man's dirty trick is another man's civic participation.
  166. CREDICO
  167. Right.
  169. STONE
  170. I'm a libertarian. I-
  172. CREDICO
  173. You're not even a Republican, anymore, right? You're a libertarian?
  175. STONE
  176. At this current moment, I am not a Republican, because the Republican Party has morphed into the same party as the Democratic party.
  178. CREDICO
  179. You're actually with the Libertarian Party.
  181. STONE
  182. It's the party of Wall Street.
  184. CREDICO
  185. You're a libertarian. You actually were running, or a major advisor to Gary Johnson in 2012, and he was left out of the debates. And he's doing much better in the polling this time around. When you talk to people, Roger, the way I'm talking to you, I get- I'll be accused of helping Donald Trump win. It's not my fault that the Democrats selected such a bad candidate. Look at- Why did she run, when she's going to continue to get this slow but steady drip of negativity, in the press, from this point on? It's not going to stop.
  187. STONE
  188. Because they're- the Clintons' greed for power and money cannot be abated. They've got so many bullets, but it's a new day. And all of the scandals of the past will be revisited. Bill Clinton is a Bill Cosby type sexual predator. Twenty seven women have said that. And they have made very specific accusations in which they have been either sexually assaulted, or raped, or Bill Clinton exposed himself. Now: with Hillary Clinton, who only months ago said: "Women victims of sexual assault deserve to be believed." And then when asked about the women who had accused her husband of sexual assault, she said those women will have something to answer for. Hillary Clinton is the one who has run the cover-up, who has hired the heavy handed private detectives, to threaten, and bully, and intimidate Bill's victims. Who says so? Juanita Broaddrick.
  190. CREDICO
  191. Why are we looking the other way? Why are people- Why are the media and progressives running away, why don't they wanna really accept- There's a lot of these things that really seem to be true. A lot of credibility to a lot of these accusations, why are a lot of people afraid to accept it?
  193. STONE
  194. Because I think they buy into the notion, the romantic notion of the first woman president. Hillary Clinton is an abuser of women. Hillary Clinton has cast the women of Libya back two hundred years. Before the vested interests paid her through the Clinton Foundation to topple Gaddafi, women in Libya could own property, could drive a car, could go to college, could go to grad school, could choose their own husband, could travel without the permission of their husband-
  196. CREDICO
  197. Unlike Saudi Arabia.
  199. STONE
  200. -without a veil-
  202. CREDICO
  203. Unlike Saudi Arabia.
  205. STONE
  206. Now, a lot of those things are illegal. They're not allowed.
  208. CREDICO
  209. Saudi Arbaia, that would be the place you'd want to democratize. Saudi Arabia. You'd want to democratize. If you're looking to promote human rights and civil rights and women's rights and gay rights, you would go in, and blockade Saudi Arabia, not Libya.
  211. STONE
  212. Well, not only that, we know that under Sharia law, radical Islamics are killing gay people, lesbians, women, Christians, anybody who disagrees with them. Hillary Clinton will not stand up for gay people. Donald Trump will. It's a matter of national defense. He will protect all people.
  214. CREDICO
  215. What about Gary Johnson and Jill Stein?
  217. STONE
  218. -radical Islamists-
  220. CREDICO
  221. What about the other candidates, Jill Stein and Gary Johnson. Where are they on these- I'm sure I know where Jill Stein is. Which is pretty much-
  223. STONE
  224. I think you'd find them- I couldn't tell you Jill Stein's views on radical Islam, I'm really not familiar with them. I know Gary Johnson shares _my view_, that all Americans need to be protected. Including gay Americans. I had a friend in the Orlando nightclub.
  226. CREDICO
  227. No kidding.
  229. STONE
  230. So this thing touched me personally, very deeply. We need to come to grips with this. And I'm really of the view that Hillary Clinton is a crony capitalist who'll sell to the highest bidder.
  232. CREDICO
  233. Alright. We're-
  235. STONE
  236. Whether you want to buy a coup in the Ukraine, or whether you want to buy the toppling of the government in Libya, or whether you want to get- corner the market in uranium, as one Russian interest did [a widely debunked story, see:], the Clintons are, it's a pay for play operation.
  238. CREDICO
  239. I'm going to get a lot of heat for some of this banter with you, but it's okay. It's okay.
  241. STONE
  242. ...Hillary and Chelsea, who runs the money laundering operation, for which she's paid six million a year, by the way. They're going to do serious time.
  244. CREDICO
  245. Alright, now, Roger, I gotta get to this, because we've only got a few minutes left, alright, because I've been teasing people about the October Surprise. There's gotta be- I get what you're saying there, and I'm gonna get some heat from a lot of the listeners, and some fellow producers here, I'm not agreeing with everything you're saying here...but I'm giving you the chance to say it. We get the other side. What about the October Surprise? You've been in touch, indirectly, with Julian Assange...what, can you give us any kind of insight? Is there an October Surpise happening? Because I've heard people saying that she [Hillary Clinton] hasn't heard nothing yet. Imitating Al Jolson there.
  247. STONE
  248. Well, first of all, I don't want to intimate in any way, that I control or have influence with Assange. Because I do not. We have a mutual friend, somebody we both trust, and therefore I am a recipient of pretty good information. I believe that Mr. Assange is in possession of all of the emails that Hillary's henchwomen, Huma Abedin and Cheryl Mills - another one who has profited greatly by milking African governments for enormous million dollar fees due to her influence in the Clinton administration. They thought they erased all these emails, but they're not erased. Now, in the Clinton Foundation scandals, their defense has always been, not, we didn't do it, it's been, you have no proof.
  250. CREDICO
  251. Alright.
  253. STONE
  254. I suspect Mr. Assange _does have proof_.
  256. CREDICO
  257. Alright.
  259. STONE
  260. Hillary? IT'S HANDCUFF TIME!
  262. CREDICO
  263. Alright, well, Roger, that- Thank you for your perspective, and thank you for joining WBAI. Here on ninety nine point five. This is a progressive radio station, you know that? And we give everybody-
  265. STONE
  266. I'm a progressive libertarian. I am a-
  268. CREDICO
  269. We give everybody an opportunity here.
  271. STONE
  272. -happen to be a fiscal and economic conservative.
  274. CREDICO
  275. I understand that.
  277. STONE
  278. -even the liberals I know don't like paying high taxes.
  280. CREDICO
  281. Listen, Roger, it's always a pleasure to have you on this show, you give- you're very animated, articulate, and interesting, and you give a perspective that you don't get that often here, at WBAI. And I appreciate it, we'll be talking to you in the future, and thank you for...all of your commentary. Roger Stone-
  283. STONE
  284. Well, look, Gary, Randy, I'd love to be back with you, and next time, why don't we bring in a Clinton advocate, let's do a little debate. I'd be happy to do a debate.
  286. CREDICO
  287. Okay. Good. We're gonna do that. Okay. We'll hold you to that. Alright? We'll talk to you very soon. Roger Stone.
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