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May 16th, 2015
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  1. --> Agrayshirt (KiwiIRC@588B2109.1993CF5B.8405EBAC.IP) has joined #spacebus
  2. Agrayshirt Dohoho
  3. Agrayshirt I hear this is where the cool kids are
  4. Agrayshirt So in SS15 will there be watercoolers?
  5. Agrayshirt Hello please respond
  6. Agrayshirt Why is no one responding this a serious and legitimate question for the SS14 devs
  7. Agrayshirt Guys there's too many people in here for nothing to be going on.
  8. Agrayshirt Alright so what about watercoolers that dispense like fruit punch
  9. Agrayshirt Okay I see my idea isn't taking off
  10. <-- Tigercat2000 has quit (Quit: Leaving)
  11. Agrayshirt What about a water cooler that doubled as a toybox so you can keep your toys and things in it
  12. Miauw we already have watercoolers
  13. Miauw in ss13
  14. Agrayshirt Whoa who's hold on
  15. Agrayshirt I'm talking about something that will change the face of space station man.
  16. Agrayshirt Just imagine all the practical applications.
  17. <-- Faerindel has quit ()
  18. Agrayshirt I mean if you take a water cooler irl
  19. Agrayshirt Right?
  20. Agrayshirt And stick it in Ss13 + SS14 that's like
  21. Agrayshirt 3 Watercoolers to develop with.
  22. Agrayshirt I mean code wise that has to be an extreme amount of text and numbers (coders can back me up)
  23. Agrayshirt Add it all up and you have enough math and water for the whole station
  24. Agrayshirt Math+Water over code = i infinite
  25. Agrayshirt Water
  26. Agrayshirt You could make a whole new engine with water alone
  27. Agrayshirt Forget the coolers
  28. Agrayshirt The new face of SS14 will be water.
  29. Agrayshirt You can literally swim in the code.
  30. dangranos man, what are you smoking?
  31. Agrayshirt I'm just saying man. Have you thought about the possibility of the watercooler and what it could do for you? Let alone the SS14 code he'll maybe even life
  32. Agrayshirt Do we even know how much water is in one cooler? Imagine if we contacted NASA RIGHT NOW they would fund everything.
  33. Agrayshirt I mean not to get into logistics but, if we do this I think we could provide enough water for all baths on all the stations in all the servers in the whole world.
  34. Agrayshirt but I'm just worried. I mean what if the water evolved, beyond the code and molocules and wanted things in return...
  35. Agrayshirt what it want everyone would be saying?
  36. Agrayshirt Soap?
  37. Agrayshirt so much soap.
  38. Agrayshirt I need some feedback on this from an experienced physicist.
  39. Agrayshirt Maybe geothermal
  40. Agrayshirt And a coder
  41. Agrayshirt I mean
  42. Agrayshirt Sexually speaking the water would need reproductive organs at a microscopic scale to begin to learn and understand.
  43. Agrayshirt Overtime they would of course be put into coolers
  44. Agrayshirt Millions upon trillions of coolers.
  45. Agrayshirt I mean by then we would be on Waterstation13 (WS13 for you land people)
  46. Agrayshirt I mean it could cause stability issues.
  47. Agrayshirt In the global galactic space realm of reality.
  48. Agrayshirt I don't think at this point there would be anyway to stop it
  49. Agrayshirt I mean.
  50. Agrayshirt We could drink the water. But that would basically be post modern rape. At that point.
  51. Agrayshirt The question remains would there be enough humans to drink all the water?
  52. Agrayshirt Should we leave some behind?
  53. Agrayshirt and even if we do leave some behind what do we do with it?
  54. Agrayshirt Train the water to be water?
  55. Agrayshirt If we do would you be able to cope at night knowing you're involved with the murder and rape of the most common and once abundant drinking source in the known universe ?
  56. --> Faerindel ( has joined #spacebus
  57. Agrayshirt I mean we could just mate with the water and see what happens
  58. Agrayshirt But then what?
  59. Agrayshirt Drowning.
  60. Agrayshirt You'd drown in space from overexposed molecular biochemical water breakdown and again rape.
  61. Agrayshirt Hypothetically speaking we could hop to a world where water coolers were never invented.
  62. Agrayshirt But then again sooner or later they would figure out.
  63. --> SailorDave ( has joined #spacebus
  64. Agrayshirt Figure out that that we turned an enter universe into a vast untamed ocean of sentient raped molecules right for the picking and then we'd have to hop to another universe
  65. Agrayshirt But if they have the water cooler code.
  66. Agrayshirt Oh boy.
  67. Miauw what are you smoking
  68. Miauw where can i get it
  69. Agrayshirt And the REAL SS14 and SS15 and 16 and so on-
  70. Agrayshirt Oh
  71. Agrayshirt Hey man.
  72. Agrayshirt So is SS14 going to have watercoolers?
  73. Agrayshirt I mean.
  74. Agrayshirt If everyone were to stop and think for a second. On a water cooler irl there are usually two taps. Hot and cold. Now as fellow person of interest I can tell you. With the new water cooler code there won't be hot or cold.
  75. Agrayshirt See I'd they know what we know when we make the code for the WCs hot and cold will merely be numbers and letters and simply be phased out.
  76. Agrayshirt Now we could code an anti water. Some type of negative water. The only issue is keeping that water under control. How? You ask?
  77. Agrayshirt We freeze the code.
  78. Agrayshirt Literally. We will put the water coolers in the freezer. Sure it's temporary.
  79. Agrayshirt But it's not like there will be a better idea. What's worse at that point we will have to freeze humans as of course we to are water.
  80. Agrayshirt In a thousand years when the sun implodes we will be defrosted. Of course the Jews will want to know where all the water went and we'll say. "Sorry bud SS14 is still in alpha"
  81. Agrayshirt And thats why watercoolrs are risky to be honest.
  82. Agrayshirt I think we could have like axe bodyspray as a SS14
  83. Agrayshirt I know someone
  84. Agrayshirt Would coders like to be paid
  85. Agrayshirt Welp this was fun
  86. Agrayshirt Everyone is asleep
  87. Agrayshirt ( ´_ゝ`)
  88. Agrayshirt See ya SS14
  89. <-- Agrayshirt (KiwiI
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