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Dec 31st, 2013
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  1. FROM USER: tilertee
  2. EMT here, there are imperative differences between an arterial and a venous bleed. Please add this to your comments, they could be lifesaving. The photo on your post 'could' work, but use this steps for more precaution, protocol, and from experience.
  3. First assess whether the bleed is arterial or venous. The basic idea is arterial will be bright red and spurting and venous will more "pour" out. Also check to see how deep the cut us, because if it is deeper there is a better chance it hit the artery. Spurting = bad.
  4. If artery: either call 911 immediately or make sure after you put bandages on that there is a way to get to the hospital.
  5. Step 1: Apply one set of clean bandages, towel, shirt, sock, anything that is "clear" so that you can see the blood coming through. If it is still bleeding through, apply a SECOND set of one of those things. Hold your hand over and apply pressure.
  6. Step 2: This is when you elevate the limb, if the blood is still seeping through, apply one more round of bandages.
  7. Step 3: Still bleeding? Press down on the "pressure point" or artery point depending on the limb. For arm press on the serei spot (try it now, you'll feel it) For leg press on femoral artery here Step 4: If it is STILL bleeding, this is the only time to put on a tourniquet. BE ADVISED: A tourniquet can only be on for a certain short period amount of time, if I remember correctly an hour, so if you apply a tourniquet get to the hospital IMMEDIATELY and write down the TIME when tourniquet was applied.
  8. Step 5: Call fucking 911
  9. If venous bleed: Good! Not "as" dangerous. Same steps as for the arterial bleed, however it will be much easier to manage. If it's a very small and not deep cut, usually after the second bandage and elevating you will be good. Use tourniquet AS A LAST RESORT. This are incredibly dangerous if not used correctly. For venous bleed, use two or three more layers of bandages before trying a tourniquet.
  10. INCREDIBLY IMPORTANT: if the bleeding is serious, or really even if it isn't, DO NOT remove the bandages to look at the cut. This will break all of the tissue that already formed and will start the bleeding again. If you HAVE to because you honestly don't know if it is still bleeding, do with caution slowly.
  11. Tip: when in doubt, add more bandages and elevate.
  12. Tip 2: If it is a head laceration, add bandages and go to hospital immediately.
  13. Tip 3: Stomach laceration, add bandages and apply pressure, head to hospital immediately. Tip 4: Don't use a tourniquet unless absolutely necessary. Tip 5: Anything can be used as a tourniquet: your shirt, pants, belt, towel, suit jacket (can be totally badass) Tip 6: When in doubt, call 911. If it is a serious bleed, you will lose a lot of fluids and will need to be pumped with fluids to stabilize.
  14. CPR TIPS: These have changed in 2013, it used to be different but won't tell you because it will be too confusing.
  15. However, now it is CAB. C - Circulation A - Airway B - Breathing
  16. Essentially, circulation (chest compressions) have been noted after studies as being the most lifesaving quality, instead of the 2 breaths etc.
  17. Honestly, ANYTHING is better than nothing. Even though those original images are old, that is still better than just sitting there with a dead guy/girl/woman/wife/husband/aunt. Chest compressions will keep the blood flowing through long enough to hopefully keep the brain from dying.
  18. Watch some videos on YouTube, will take 5 minutes ;) knowing CPR is the best confidence booster on the planet.
  19. Tip: I don't remember the full statistic, but more than 90% of people who get CPR are not 'successful'. And even if it is successful, there is a very slim chance there will be quality of life.
  20. Hope that helps!!
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