
Undead Biker

Nov 9th, 2013
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  1. <Boilerplate> well actually you said you'll provide the lore not send actually
  2. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah
  3. <Boilerplate> Well...what is the lore of this Undead Biker?
  4. <SerCorbieGeisha> Okay
  5. <SerCorbieGeisha> So what I've come up with so far is
  6. <SerCorbieGeisha> There is an entity called the Technician
  7. <SerCorbieGeisha> Who goes around looking for dead murderers
  8. <SerCorbieGeisha> And revives them into monsters
  9. <SerCorbieGeisha> They awlays come back non-human
  10. <SerCorbieGeisha> Like Jason Vorhees being a giant decomposed person
  11. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or they can become like
  12. <SerCorbieGeisha> A Slenderman-ish figure with unnaturally long limbs
  13. <SerCorbieGeisha> The undead biker was involved in crime once and had one of those monsters set upon them
  14. <SerCorbieGeisha> And she survived
  15. <SerCorbieGeisha> The Technician appeared and took back that monster, to revive it. She followed and ended up learning the Technician's craft
  16. <SerCorbieGeisha> Which is flesh crafting
  17. <SerCorbieGeisha> Think Tzimisce unique discipline
  18. <SerCorbieGeisha> She got discovered but the Technician let her escape
  19. <Boilerplate> So how is Undead Biker Undead then? Did the Technician revie her or did revive herself?
  20. <Boilerplate> *how did
  21. <Boilerplate> I mean how did she originally died if she's undead?
  22. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then she uses her power to alter herself. She's transgendered and got into crime because of a profound anger and because she was poor and needed a way to start her transition
  23. <SerCorbieGeisha> And she became a serial killer
  24. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well
  25. <SerCorbieGeisha> She was already a bit of a killer
  26. <SerCorbieGeisha> Her victims at first were people who were going to victimise her in the first place
  27. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then she started killing whoever she thought was bad
  28. <SerCorbieGeisha> Her MO was to extract the face
  29. <SerCorbieGeisha> So that people would know who it was she killed
  30. <SerCorbieGeisha> The rest of the body, anything could happen
  31. <SerCorbieGeisha> She also wears a skull mask made of bone, which she attaches to her skin with her powers
  32. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then one day
  33. <SerCorbieGeisha> She got involved with a serial killer who goes around murdering trans women
  34. <SerCorbieGeisha> She hunted him down and slaughtered him
  35. <SerCorbieGeisha> Then the Technician came and revived him
  36. <SerCorbieGeisha> So he came back to kill her
  37. <SerCorbieGeisha> The Technician brought her back too
  38. <SerCorbieGeisha> She thoguht she was done for
  39. <SerCorbieGeisha> But the Technician just let her go and dumped a few corpses on her
  40. <SerCorbieGeisha> As if they're challenging her
  41. <SerCorbieGeisha> To push the limits of her supernatural skill
  42. <SerCorbieGeisha> Kind of like a "Let's see how your work compares to mine" thing
  43. <SerCorbieGeisha> So she rebuild herself with the parts taken from the corpses
  44. <SerCorbieGeisha> ANd also turns herself into a hulking figure, over 7 foot tall and shit
  45. <SerCorbieGeisha> Make a coat out of human skin
  46. <Boilerplate> Or a leather jacket made out of human skin?
  47. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yeah
  48. <Boilerplate> Talk about badass there
  49. <SerCorbieGeisha> And so she goes for a final showdown
  50. <SerCorbieGeisha> She also ends up crafting a motorcycle out of flesh and bone
  51. <SerCorbieGeisha> So basically
  52. <SerCorbieGeisha> It's a flesh abomination used as a mount
  53. <Boilerplate> I wonder if she has any guns like a sawed off shotgun or such?
  54. <SerCorbieGeisha> Her signature weapons are a regular bladed weapon and her left arm which is modified into a monstrous weapon
  55. <SerCorbieGeisha> Which she can undo at anytime
  56. <SerCorbieGeisha> And can rebuild if she has the parts
  57. <SerCorbieGeisha> Or can turn them into something else
  58. <SerCorbieGeisha> She's not above using guns though
  59. <SerCorbieGeisha> But she won't go for instant kills
  60. <SerCorbieGeisha> So if she has a shotgun
  61. <SerCorbieGeisha> She'll like
  62. <SerCorbieGeisha> Blow off someone's knees
  63. <SerCorbieGeisha> And allow them a chance to flee
  64. <SerCorbieGeisha> But they don't actually have a chance
  65. <SerCorbieGeisha> She just wants them to have hope
  66. <SerCorbieGeisha> So she can crush them
  67. <Boilerplate> ALso does she have Tranquil fury, or Deadpin Snarkish that throws out one liners, or is she irate?
  68. <SerCorbieGeisha> I have no idea what Tranquil Fury is
  69. <Boilerplate>
  70. <SerCorbieGeisha> Pretty much
  71. <Boilerplate> Well Irate Protagonists have already been tried with Asura's Wrath, God of War, and such and they simply don't work because their obnioxious
  72. <SerCorbieGeisha> Think Jason Vorhees
  73. <Boilerplate> So she doesn't really speak actually
  74. <SerCorbieGeisha> She does
  75. <SerCorbieGeisha> But when she works, she doesn't speak
  76. <SerCorbieGeisha> She's not a killer 100% of the time
  77. <SerCorbieGeisha> Also not necesaarily 7 foot tall all the time
  78. <SerCorbieGeisha> Flesh crafitng means she can always change her looks
  79. <Boilerplate> Although I wonder if she's like Caleb from Blood:
  80. <SerCorbieGeisha> Butr she will always be a 7 foot tall skull-faced killing machine because she wants everyone to attribute her murders to her
  81. <SerCorbieGeisha> Who is Caleb?
  82. <Boilerplate> He's the protagonist from a 1997 FPS game called "Blood"
  83. <Boilerplate>
  84. <Boilerplate>
  85. <Boilerplate>
  86. <SerCorbieGeisha> Her killing method is best described as forcing her victims into a game of cat and mouse
  87. <SerCorbieGeisha> Where she is the cat
  88. <SerCorbieGeisha> And she's not afraid of being seen by the public
  89. <SerCorbieGeisha> She wants to torture her victim over a period of time
  90. <SerCorbieGeisha> And then when the time feels right, rip off their face
  91. <Boilerplate> unlike Kindred from Vampire: The Masquerade who to follow the Masqeurade....I remember it had something to do with Christian over/undetones for the reason why they hide their existence but you never explained why which got me confused.
  92. <Boilerplate> Since we were talking about Vampires in school and I pointed that Vampires can't go to school because it would reveal their existence and plus it's day time.
  93. <Boilerplate> Or basically the "Humans must never know our existence"
  94. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, Dracula walked around Picadilly Circus in the day
  95. <Boilerplate> Well I notice though that the enitire "Burn in Sunlight" came from Mernu's Nosferatu
  96. <Boilerplate> which is entirely a 20th century invention
  97. <Boilerplate> Which is rather the biggest faults with V:tM and V:tR actually
  98. <SerCorbieGeisha> Yes
  99. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, I wouldn't say it's a fault
  100. * Ozaline (~chatzilla@ has joined
  101. <Boilerplate> But rather problematic?
  102. <SerCorbieGeisha> I don't think undead monsters dying in sunlight is a problematic thing
  103. <Boilerplate> Of course maybe it can be impraticacle though if you think about it which is why the Vampires from V:TM are stuck in the cities
  104. <Boilerplate> and they cannot travel in open areas while Werewolves did that
  105. <Boilerplate> For example in the 19th century line, there was Victorian era Vampire and Werewolf The Wild West
  106. <Boilerplate> Which also implies that Vampire Gunslingers do not exist just like Vampire Biker gangs in the modern era (although exist in a way but stuck in the city with Sabbat packs) due to the sun therefore they have to stick to city grounds.
  107. <Boilerplate> Of course speaking of Dracula...I remember linking to a article here once that Dracula is connected with Dionysus or basically a demonization of him
  108. <SerCorbieGeisha> Nah, everyone knows that Dracula is Bram Stoker having a nightmare after eating crabs and being really interested in Vlad III
  109. <Boilerplate> Here's the article:
  110. <Boilerplate> I wonder if this article has any crebiblity at all?
  111. <Boilerplate> the sounds of things, I think this sounds like a film that can only be done in a bigger budget which I think there's only going to be short films or something like which I guess I could stick what is possible to do like making atmispheric horror films based on creepypastas or something.
  112. <Boilerplate> If I ever take that class or something, we'll see
  113. <SerCorbieGeisha> Well, Hellraiser isn't an exact translation of Hellbound Heart
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