
End of 2017

Dec 30th, 2017
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  1. - here's the song for the paste
  3. 2017 was a weird year. I started out eating really badly through pretty much all of winter both to cope with the cold/snow and the stress of work in it, then that bad habit continued until Trog and some others started posting more weight loss stuff and I decided I didn't like my pants fitting so poorly and went for it too. Got myself under 200 pounds by SGDQ, did my run and had a great time during the event as usual and now I'm floating around 194. Work was pretty uniformly awful all year and Christmas was actually fairly merciful thanks to the weather not going off the deep end around here. Still exhausting but it could have been worse.
  5. Game-wise, this year is one of my favorites ever. I do still want to do one or maybe two really long streams just going over every game I played, maybe I'll do that after AGDQ so people can be around for it if they want. It definitely matches or gets close to some other huge years like 1997 (which had Goldeneye, FF7, SotN, Tekken 3, FFT, Fallout, Gran Turismo, Blast Corps, Grandia, Bomberman 64, and all sorts of other incredible games).
  7. As for 2018, I'm still looking to complete the Switch collection. I'm being much more careful on how I preorder stuff though. I bought way too much stuff too close to Black Friday this year and I could have saved a lot had I just waited a bit. Oh well. There are some huge titles coming this year too and I can't wait.
  9. For personal stuff, I'm not looking to become a new person or whatever, I'm happy with who I am. I just want to be a better version of that, so shooting for getting under 190lbs is a goal with the eventual shot at 180. I was wearing size 40 pants two years ago, I'm in a size 36 right now with a little room to spare even with some recent poor eating so I think we can get there.
  11. I want to stream a lot more and if some family stuff changes that should be able to happen. I get interrupted a lot pretty much every weekend. We'll figure it out.
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