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Sep 26th, 2011
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  1. The stars twinkled in the heavens, like gentle diamonds. The moon, full and bright, shone down, gently caressing the land. There was a gentle glow about the night tonight, a sense of tranquility. All around Equestria, ponies were parting ways, getting ready to rest for the night. It was a beautiful night, just like any other.
  2. Nopony suspected the events that would occur that night.
  3. Princess Luna walked down the halls of Canterlot silently, looking straight ahead. Her elder sister, Princess Celestia, was already asleep, along with most of the Royal Guard. All asleep, just like everypony else in the Kingdom. Her hooves muffled with magic as not to wake anypony, Luna approached not the front gate to the royal kingdom, but a rear enterance, known to very few. Giving her wings a strong flap, she flew off into the night, soaring too high into the sky to be seen from the ground. Rather, she glided among her stars and moon, heading towards Everfree Forest. The entire time, through all of the motions, she had done her best to not think. Because the moment she started thinking, thoughts would bubble up, thoughts she preferred not to think.
  4. None of them care about you. They don't love you like they do your sister. They don't enjoy the night you work so hard to create. They prefer her day. They love her.
  5. Luna shook off those thoughts with great difficulty. Sure, it was true, ponies slept through her night, her beautiful, graceful night. And yes, they played all through the bright, unelegant, searing day. But that didn't mean that nopony loved her. Just because they didn't appreciate the work she put into the night, setting the stars, raising the moon, didn't mean they hated her. Did it?
  6. Her head still filled with those dark thoughts, Luna dropped from the sky slowly, the night princess landing in front of Everfree Forest. Even an Alicorn couldn't fly though those treacherous branches, so Luna would have to continue her journey on hooves. Not for the first time, Luna wondered if she was really doing the right thing. As doubt filled her mind, that dark voice in her thoughts seemed to urge her on.
  7. You deserve this.
  8. Taking a breath to calm her frazzled nerves, Luna stepped into the forest, quickly finding the path she had worn with her many trips. The first time she had come into the forest alone, she had been frightened. She knew the stories about the creatures that made this untamed forest their home. She had been expecting to be attacked, to have to fight for her life. But every time she had come here, she had been left alone. Almost as if the creatures knew her. Her trip tonight was no exception, she was left unfettered as she journeyed through the woods, and it wasn't long before she found her destination.
  9. Towering above the trees, seperated from the rest of the woods by a deep chasm, were the ruins of a castle. Luna didn't know who had once ruled from this forest, and had been too afraid to ask Celestia, lest her secret be discovered. Luna had been coming to this castle for months now, at first only once every few weeks, but gradually, her visits had become more and more frequent, until she had been spending the entire night in the stone walls. Tonight, though, would be differant. Luna cast her eyes to the sky, staring at her moon. Her beautiful, gentle, underappreciated moon. She could almost hear whispers around her, telling her it was time. No longer would the night be forgotten, a mere shadow of the day. She would be recognized, her moon on equal footing with her sisters sun. She knew what she had to do, and she knew time was short. Even now, Celestia would be awakening, preparing to cast her night down and bring up the sun.
  10. "Not tonight." she said, her horn glowing with the soft light of the night. Unbeknown to anypony besides herself, the moon halted in it's progress, remaining fixed in the sky. It wasn't long before she felt Celestia's magic, bringing up the sun to begin the day. Or trying to, at least. The sun could not rise, for the moon was not yeilding. Night had overtaken day, moon, stars, and all. Despite the fear that Luna felt at breaking the natural order, at knowing that Celestia would soon be looking for her, scolding her, Luna couldn't help but smile. Ponies would be awakening even now, greeted not by her sisters rising sun, but by Luna's beautiful moon. Once everypony understood what she worked so hard to create, she would lower the moon and bring down the stars.
  11. It wasn't as long as Luna expected it would be. It seemed like only minutes after Celestia's attempt to raise the sun that the Royal Guardponies were entering the castle ruins. Perhaps she'd have them rebuilt, call it Moon Castle...thoughts of the future were banished as Celestia entered the throne room, approaching her sister with a look of mixed sorrow and disbelief.
  12. "Luna, why have you not lowered the moon?" she asked gently. Beneath the question, Luna could hear an undercurrent of tension...of fear. Her older sister was scared, scared of her.
  13. "Because, I'm tired, Tia." Luna replied stubbornly, using her nickname in an attempt to ease the air. "I'm tired of everypony ignoring my night. It's only for a little bit...I work so hard."
  14. Luna expected her sister to understand, to soothe her. She knew that would would have to give way for the sun, but she at least knew that Celestia would care. She knew that her sister would take her home, and tell her all about the beauties she had created for her night. At least, she thought her sister would try.
  15. "You can't do this, Luna." Celestia said, still nervous, still tense. "You must lower the moon so the day can begin."
  16. Luna couldn't believe it. She looked at her sister, her eyes scanning for any signs of understanding, of love. But all she saw was fear. Celestia didn't care about her night. Her sister didn't care that Luna was being rejected by the very ponies she worked so hard for. All the day princess wanted was to raise the sun, and bask in her subjects adoration. Luna felt anger rising up in her, contempt, and this time, she didn't hide from them. Rather than push those dark feelings from her, she wrapped them around her like a cloak. They gave her strength, power, courage to speak the words the voice whispered in her mind.
  17. "I will not." she said firmly, standing before Celestia. As she rose to her full height, a part of her was surprised that she now stood eye to eye with the princess. "I created this night, and it shall remain. And if ponies will not appreciate it, then it shall remain...forever."
  18. Celestia recoiled, stepping away as her face displayed shock. "L-luna, my sister, what have you become?"
  19. "No longer will the night bow before the day. Thusly, I cast off my weak name, the name that cowered in your shadows, dear sister." she spat, every word filled with the dark hatred that was filling her. "From this moment hence, I shall be known as Nightmare Moon." From her magic, Nightmare Moon formed a suit of armor befitting the Princess-nay, the one Queen of Equestria. The metal felt cool against her pelt, a sharp contrast to the feelings that ran hot through her very soul.
  20. "Luna, you don't have to do this!" Celestia cried in anquish, reaching out a hoof. With a single thought, Nightmare Moon summoned a bolt of lightning, causing Celestia to withdraw to protect herself. Such power...she had no idea she was capable of this level of magic. The guardponies sprang into action, only to be stopped by Princess Celestia. "Luna, sister..." she began.
  21. "Be gone, Celestia." Nightmare Moon said coldly. "Your day holds no sway over Equestia. My night is all that it needs, and therefore, it will last forever."
  22. Finally seeing that Nightmare Moon was serious, Celestia nodded to her guards, turning to leave. She paused for a moment, looking back. "I will stop you, sister. I love you, but for the sake of our kingdom, I can not allow you to halt the day."
  23. With those final words, she left the castle, leaving Nightmare Moon alone with her thoughts. She should have known Celestia was only using her, afraid of her night, afraid of her power. But at long last, she had taken her rightful place. Everypony would learn to love her night, and soon, the day would be a distant memory.
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