
Rocket Ninetales Request

Jan 2nd, 2014
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  1. A life of freedom from law, free Pokemon, and all the attractive female Grunts made joining Team Rocket a very appealing idea to Derrick. He expected to work out in the field with a sexy female partner and strong Pokemon, having misadventures in crime with the two of them and maybe getting some action on the side from his partner on lonely nights. He would be the most skilled operative and eventually become Giovanni’s right-hand man.
  3. Unfortunately, none of those dreams ever came to fruition. Not only has he never stepped foot in the outside training area, instead limited to one of the organization’s many laboratories, but he’s never so much as battled with a single Pokemon of his own. Apparently the free Pokemon were only given to field agents or high-status scientists. Derrick had been disappointed since day one, and quitting Team Rocket had crossed his mind many times.
  5. However, there has always been a rumor that flowed around his fellow operatives: if you quit, or escape, Giovanni will make sure you never spread a single word of inside information. Some suspected that he made sure the runaway was murdered. One rumor suggested that he once had a woman’s mouth sealed shut by a Weedle’s String Shot. Some would say that a Hypno or Drowzee would erase every memory the person had, not just those of the Rockets, practically turning the victim into an adult toddler again and vulnerable to the world.
  7. Derrick took them all to be nothing but gossip, though; sure, Giovanni was a very imitating man, but he didn’t seem like the type who would torture someone. Hypnosis to erase inside information, Derrick could understand, but sealing a person’s mouth shut? That’s a bit extreme, isn’t it?
  9. Derrick didn’t have much else to think about during the day. His work at the laboratory was, well, what one would actually call ‘grunt work,’ despite not coming with the title. While the scientists researched Pokemon breeding and breeding methods, Derrick performed, as he called it, all of the ‘bitch work’ that was needed.
  11. Whether it was carrying around crates of chemicals, or transporting Poke Balls from Point A to B, Derrick did it all with a straight face – no smiles – and rarely spoke to anyone. This particular day was another one of those ‘what would mom think if she knew I joined a crime gang’ days, with Derrick seriously questioning his choice to abandon life as a trainer to join an organization that didn’t even give him a tagalong with big tits to hang out with. That “James” guy from the Viridian sector was so lucky -- although never meeting him, Derrick was envious of him and the fact that he got to travel with the very well-endowed Jessie. Their talking Meowth was pretty cool, too.
  13. Derrick, with a crate marked ‘FRAGILE’ barely in his hands, slowly walked forwards towards a sliding door on the wall. This room was one of the smaller study labs where a pair of female Ninetales was being studied for breeding methods and behaviors. Derrick had no idea what Team Rocket would do with that information, but he never liked to think on it too much – one of the things he did hate about the group was how eagerly they experimented on – and tortured – innocent Pokemon. Stealing them was one thing, but hurting them? Derrick was glad he didn’t have a researcher’s job.
  17. A loud, shrill-sounding voice poured from the speakers perched on the wall corners, accompanied by a deafening alarm. This only went off either during a test or when something when horribly wrong, and since this was a testing day, that only meant the obvious.
  19. Derrick panicked; he couldn’t run with the huge, heavy box, but he couldn’t drop it, either; it might explode. He fidgeted for a moment, then turned and walked as fast as he could manage to a fire exit door, pushing it open with the heavy crate and walking outside. The door slammed behind him, but was soon burst open by various scientists escaping the building.
  21. “What’s going on?” Derrick asked one of the few scientists he recognized; didn’t know the guy’s name, but that was common. The sweating, nervous scientist tugged on his shirt collar to fan himself.
  23. “No idea! We were trying to contain Mewtwo, and it broke out!” He explained. He clenched his fists, looking both angry and on the verge of tears. “All that work! All of those field agents that lost their lives!”
  25. “Wha—lives?!” Derrick asked, shocked to no end; he didn’t know that people actually died during missions! “How in the world did someone capture Mewtwo again?” Derrick struggled to place the box on the ground, but did with a deep gasp for air.
  27. “We had a group up in Saffron try and replicate a Master Ball, and it worked long enough to get Mewtwo here, but shortly after we tried getting it in the containment unit, it came to and went berserk!” The scientist gritted his teeth after his long explanation. “I swear, Giovanni makes us go through such insane methods!”
  29. Derrick now considered himself very lucky to just be in ‘bitch work’ all day.
  31. “Don’t stop running!” One of the head scientists left the building running as fast as he could towards Derrick and the others. “Mewtwo’s still in there and the place is gonna blow!”
  33. Without another word, the group fled into the woods behind them as fast as they could. Just as they reached the trees, Derrick heard a huge explosion behind them; for some reason, they all hid behind trees (as if they’re fireproof, Derrick thought), and watched as the laboratory went down in flames. Luckily, many, if not all of the Pokemon inside had escaped as well and could be seen running in the opposite direction. It would be too much work to gather them all now, especially with Mewtwo flying above and circling the debris that was once the building.
  35. “Sir, is everyone accounted for?” One of the scientists asked. The head scientist shook his head, sighing in disappointment. “Besides losing everything we’ve ever worked for, what’s wrong?”
  37. “C3 and C4, the two Ninetales.” The head scientist replied. He clenched his fists in anger, looking away from his colleagues. “They made it out, but I didn’t see them leave. They’re out here somewhere.”
  39. “Okay, so what?” Derrick finally piped up, being noticed by everyone else. “It’s just two girls, how bad can they be?”
  41. “You don’t get it, kid.” The scientist replied. “Those two had just been injected with our mating drug. Their lust is uncontrollable right now.”
  43. Derrick looked confused. The scientist shook his head.
  45. “Let me put it in terms you’ll understand: they’re in heat and if someone gets in the way of them having sex, they won’t hesitate to attack. I really hope the male Pokemon around here have a strong libido.” The scientist explained. “I think as long as we keep an eye out, we’ll be fine.”
  47. “Mewtwo’s seen us!” A voice yelled out from the back of the group. “Scatter, now!”
  49. “How will that help? It’ll just use its mind to see us all!” Another voice asked as everyone ran.
  51. “Mewtwo’s awake, but it’s still dazed! It can’t use its powers to that point!” The first voice replied. “Everyone split up and we’ll meet in Celadon!”
  53. The group all split off into different directions. Derrick wasn’t sure whether to be terrified or panicked; a mixture of both sounded good. He had no Pokemon of his own, and was possibly trapped in these woods with two very angry, apparently very aroused Pokemon. What if they found him? Would they hurt him?
  55. Little did he know of the two sets of red eyes watching him from a bush.
  57. Looking around with no sight of a Pokemon, Derrick kept running. Celadon can’t be that far away, he thought, and maybe if he loses the rest of the group, he could get some street clothes and leave this whole life behind. Maybe he’d send out a fake message saying he died in escaping; it’s entirely possible that Mewtwo caught him. How would they know any better?
  59. After running for a bit longer, Derrick leaned against a tree to take a quick breather. Hopefully the Ninetales had wandered off by now, and the building was out of sight, so Mewtwo probably wasn’t looking for them just yet.
  61. “Okay, man. You’re just about out of here.” Derrick coached himself. “Celadon’s probably right past this tree. Maybe I can catch a wild whatever’s-there and chat with Erika.”
  63. The bushes near Derrick started to rustle. He froze, very slowly moving to look. After another moment, a Rattata scurried from the shrub and ran off past the trees. Derrick sighed in relief, taking a deep breath; it was just a little rat - nothing major.
  65. Derrick smiled in spite of the situation, relieved that his possible attacker was something so small. He wiped his brow, looking around for any trace of other Pokemon.
  67. A stream of fire shot past his head.
  69. Derrick didn’t bother to look around for the source; he started to run as fast as he legs would carry him. After just a moment, he heard the sounds of rapid footsteps getting increasingly closer to him – it sounded like two people, not just one. Did the police start using flamethrowers now? Maybe it was an Arcanine?
  71. Derrick couldn’t run any faster – he felt as if his lungs could burst at any moment. He wanted to pause and rest, but he knew it was impossible; he’d collapse and his attacker would catch him.
  73. In what seemed like an instant, Derrick went from the wind blowing through his hair to a mouthful of grass and dirt; whatever was behind him had indeed caught up, pouncing at him and knocking him down hard. Derrick spat out the soil in his mouth, trying to turn around to see who his predator was.
  75. All he saw was a long, white-furred leg and paw – and that was enough to terrify him.
  77. The paw moved off his back and he took the chance to flip over and try to back away – he was now in full view of the Ninetales duo. Neither of the two Pokemon looked pleased to see him, their eyes red and teeth barred. One of them growled and spat a small ball of fire into the air.
  79. “I’m sorry, Ninetales and … Ninetales!” Derrick pleaded. “I’m not the ones who did those things to you, I swear! I’m an innocent guy!”
  81. The Pokemon didn’t look to be buying his story. The two Ninetales approached him, step by step, fangs barred and glares focused on him.
  83. “Are you going to kill me?” Derrick asked. To his great relief, the Pokemon shook their heads ‘no.’ “Oh, thank you.” Derrick said. “But if you’re not going to kill me … what are you going to do?”
  85. Of course, Derrick couldn’t understand the growling and repeated sayings of “Nine!” from the Pocket Monsters, but he still took it as something negative. He briefly considered attempting to stand and run, but one Ninetales stood behind the first and didn’t take her gaze off him. The front Ninetales didn’t speak; she turned her body around and looked at Derrick from behind. She lifted her large, bushy tails, revealing her pink, moist vagina to him.
  87. “No.” Derrick said calmly. “I know you’ve been injected with whatever, but this is not a cheap Unova porn video, and there are likely a dozen Rattata in these woods.”
  89. The presenting Ninetales hissed at him, shooting a fireball at the grass and lighting it aflame. She didn’t seem to accept ‘no’ for an answer. The second Ninetales didn’t seem too thrilled by his answer either, but seemed to think she had more to offer; she presented as well.
  91. “It’s not going to happen.” Derrick stayed firm. “Bite me and burn me all you want.”
  93. Ninetales didn’t bother doing either; the first jumped at him, grabbing his pants with her teeth and furiously tearing at them. Within moments they were shredded, leaving his boxers in view.
  95. “Hey, stop that!” Derrick protested. “You can’t do that!”
  97. The Ninetales didn’t seem to hear nor care about Derrick’s rejection. Her fangs repeated the action on his boxers. His penis wasn’t erect in the slightest – he told them ‘no,’ after all – so Ninetales started to lick it with her long, smooth, wet tongue. A shiver ran down Derrick’s spine.
  99. “Quit it, damn it!” Derrick grabbed Ninetales’s snout and tried to push her away, but was returned by a snip at his hand. “Ow, fuck!” Derrick pulled his hand away, seeing two fang marks had barely broken the skin. He wasn’t aroused at all; far from it – Ninetales wasn’t going to make him in the mood for this.
  101. The second Ninetales (who Derrick was less afraid of, for some reason,) approached him. She walked past the Pokemon trying to lick his erection firm and moved towards his face.
  103. “Oh fuck no, don’t do it—mmph!” Derrick’s protest was silenced by Ninetales doing just as he asked her not to – sitting directly on his face. He could feel the dripping juices of her vagina running down his lips, but his tongue didn’t dare dart out to taste them; he was repulsed by the mere thought. The Ninetales, like earlier, hissed in anger at his pause to act.
  105. The first had finally achieved her goal of making his penis erect; not by choice, mind, but by his body responding to the pleasuring sensations of her tongue. Derrick wanted to push her away, but also didn’t want bit a second time.
  107. He could barely breathe from the fur in his face, and he could already feel the other Pokemon moving on his body. No matter what happened, these creatures wouldn’t settle for a fellow Pokemon to relieve them.
  109. He begged to the Pokemon in his thoughts: Please, Ninetales. Let him go. The two females continued to growl and hiss in anger when he wouldn’t pleasure them, one of them finally becoming fed up and shooting a small blast of fire at his feet. The sudden extreme burning sensation was more than enough of a painful warning.
  111. Derrick slowly moved his tongue from his mouth, already tasting the inside of Ninetales’s wet vagina. His tongue pushed inside, swirling around her walls. Thank God for those porn videos, he now thought – fake as they were, he had a basic clue on what to do. Luckily, Ninetales seemed fine with this; her body squirmed on his face and she let out what sounded like a pleasured sigh.
  113. The first Ninetales now succeeded in both getting pleasured and taking Derrick’s virginity – she lowered onto him, forcing his erection to push inside of her vagina. Ninetales moved down to set on Derrick’s stomach, easily taking every inch of his penis inside of her. Derrick wanted nothing more than these two sex-craving monsters to leave him be. He knew that wasn’t going to be the case.
  115. The Ninetales on his face had started to grind against his mouth as he continued to lick – the Ninetales at his waist had begun to move as well, slowly bouncing on his erection. At any moment when the repulsing nature of the situation would start to make Derrick go soft, Ninetales simply tightened around him – the sensation almost instantly hardened him back up. It was a feeling he couldn’t explain – nor would he ever try to. It would be far too humiliating to be “that Rocket Grunt that got raped by two Pokemon.”
  117. The Ninetales started to moan, growl, and speak from the pleasure; groans of “Nine!” came from the both of them as they moved on Derrick’s body. Ninetales on his waist started to grind against Derrick in a circular motion while clamping her walls on his erection – he felt himself start to throb inside of her, but his body tried to resist orgasm.
  119. While his mind focused on the lower Ninetales, the one on his face was growing impatient and grinded her vagina against his mouth. Derrick’s tongue went back to swirling, the tip of his tongue finding her clitoris and furiously lapping at it. Ninetales’s body shivered in pleasure and a loud moan of “Niii-ine!” came from her accompanied by a quick burst of fire from her mouth.
  121. He felt his penis throb violently from the Ninetales now rapidly spurts of bouncing on him, her hips bucking against his body as she continuously shot spurts of flame into the air. He felt his own orgasm approaching fast; he cursed his body for reacting to the sensation. He began to dart his tongue further inside the Pokemon on his face, hoping to finish her as soon as the first; perhaps if they were both satisfied, they would let him go.
  123. The bouncing and tongue swirls were getting to be too much for Derrick’s body to handle; the Ninetales on his penis had moved down to his stomach again and stayed in place, squeezing and grinding on him to force release. The one on his face had gone from standing slightly over him to sitting down hard, all of her weight on him now.
  125. The bottoms of Ninetales’s tails had started to brush across Derrick’s balls; the soft feeling of the fur was enough to finally set his body off; with a teeth-gritting moan, Derrick felt himself erupt; semen shot hard into the Pokemon riding him, Derrick’s hips thrusting upward with no control. He easily filled the Pokemon up twice in a row, Ninetales grinding down hard on him and covering his stomach with her own juices – the injection must’ve left Ninetales extremely aroused; her orgasm didn’t seem to ever end. It took a good few minutes before Ninetales was satisfied enough to stand.
  127. Just as he was recovering from that, Derrick felt liquid spray on his mouth; the second Ninetales had reached orgasm as well, rubbing herself all over Derrick’s face as she climaxed. It ran down his cheeks, leaked into his mouth (which he had no choice but to swallow), and covered his face in her juices.
  129. With both Pokemon now off and away from him, a trembling, scared Derrick sat up on the grass. The Ninetales looked at him, then at one another, and scurried off into the woods behind them. Derrick wiped his face and looked down at his nude lower body – his virginity had been taken by a Ninetales. Two Pokemon robbed him of his first time. But the worst part of all of this?
  131. He knew they’d be back.
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