

Jul 13th, 2014
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  1. >You flip another page over on the clipboard, scanning the contents
  2. >Cider production up 15%. Increasing exports is a good idea. Don't want to saturate the market...
  3. >You side-step a palace cook, not looking up from the clipboard. You've been doing this walk every day since Celestia made you her personal assistant. You could easily do it blindfolded.
  4. >You keep walking, starting to ascend the stairs. She was always in the throne room by eight, so you had to be there by seven forty-five. You check your watch. 7:15. Yeah, you're not going to be-
  5. >"Anonymous! Sir!"
  6. >The voice of a guard interrupts your train of thought
  7. "Yes?"
  8. >"Your services are unneeded today, sir. Celestia is sick."
  9. "Sick?"
  10. >"A flu, sir. She'll be fine by tomorrow."
  11. >You glance down at your notes again
  12. >This is the quarterly trade report! She has to know about this stuff...
  13. "Is there anyway I can contact her? She needs to sign off on this."
  14. >"No, sir. She's highly contagious, and doesn't want to spread the disease to anybody. The whole wing is quarantined."
  15. >You groan and drop the arm holding the clipboard to your side
  16. "She's that sick?"
  17. >"Afraid so, sir."
  18. "Gah. Fine."
  19. >You shrug and turn back, walking down the stairs
  20. >Of all the days to get sick...
  21. >You reach the end of the stairs and make a left, heading to the kitchen
  22. >You sit down at a table, and, within seconds, Bodacious Baker is at the other end
  23. >"Ah, Anonymous. Is your taste for low-class food finally stated?"
  24. "Is your name finally less retarded?"
  25. >The pony across from you grins, and you return it, extending a hoof
  26. >"Why you down here now, man? You already got breakfast. Don't you need to be in the throne room?"
  27. "Celestia's sick, apparently. No court today."
  28. >"Hey, it's a vacation, right?"
  29. >You shrug
  30. "I guess. Just wish it wasn't today."
  31. >"Why?"
  32. "Well, the quarterly-"
  33. >You thoughts are interrupted by the sound of every cook in the kitchen dropping what they're doing and bowing
  34. >You turn around, not getting up
  35. >You didn't have to bow to the princesses
  36. >Something about you "looking odd" when doing it
  37. >Just being a biped was bad enough without awkwardly doubling over
  38. "Oh, hey Luna."
  39. >The night-princess nods to you
  40. >"Anonymous. A pleasure as always."
  41. "Is your sister okay?"
  42. >"I am not certain. She sent me a letter via magic-post very early this morning, asking me to leave my bedchambers and quarantine the entire residence wing. I suspect she's paranoid about spreading it."
  43. "When do ya think she'll get better?"
  44. >"I'm uncertain."
  45. >Luna pulls up a chair next to you, sitting down
  46. >She turns to Bodacious Baker
  47. >"Chef, could I possibly get a large bowl of cereal, some eggs, and a very tall glass of grapefruit juice?"
  48. >"Yes, Princess. Right away."
  49. >He scampers off to make the Princess breakfast
  50. >Which was really more like her dinner
  51. >Luna's nocturnal nature made her schedule all kinds of fucked up
  52. >The moon goddess turns to you
  53. >"The last time she got sick was just after my banishment ended. She took a week or so to recover."
  54. >Oh, god, a week
  55. >An entire fucking week without looking over the quarterly reports
  56. >Luna notices your panic
  57. >"Something the matter?"
  58. "I- I just got the quarterly trade reports, and she needs to look over them. I mean, I guess you could, but-"
  59. >Luna chuckles
  60. >"Trade? Gods no, Anonymous. That is her territory."
  61. >You shrug, acknowledging her point
  62. "Yeah, but... Somebody has to!"
  63. >"Well, why can't she?"
  64. "She's sick. That's what we were just-"
  65. >Luna holds up a hoof and you stop talking
  66. >"She's an Alicorn, Anonymous. The virus or bacteria may be invading her body, but she feels very little, if any, effects."
  67. "Then... Why the quarantine?"
  68. >"To prevent it from spreading. Any disease which can get past an Alicorn immune system is fierce indeed."
  69. "Well, even if she could look them over, it's not like I can just waltz in there."
  70. >"Why not?"
  71. "There's a quarantine. I can't spread-"
  72. >The hoof again
  73. >"Anonymous, are you a pony?"
  74. ""
  75. >"Indeed, you aren't. So you can't get sick."
  76. "I can still carry the disease to others, can't I?"
  77. >She dismisses you with a hoof
  78. >"The guards at the quarantine door can cast a disinfectant spell on you. Then you just need to stay in a cleanroom for a day or so."
  79. "A day?"
  80. >"Well, if the report is that important..."
  81. >You nod
  82. >She has a point
  83. >"Come, Anonymous. I'll get the guards to let you in."
  84. >Ten minutes of walking, explanations, and multiple-doorway-quarantine-entrances later, you're in the residence hall
  85. >It's oddly spooky without all the usual ponies buzzing around
  86. >You walk down the empty hallway, footsteps echoing
  87. >It's so silent...
  88. >You freeze for a second when you first hear the voices. You can't tell what they're saying. In fact, you can barely make it out.
  89. >That's not Celestia talking
  90. >But... She's the only one who's supposed to be here
  91. >You walk slower
  92. >Eventually, you're at her door
  93. >You can hear murmurs, but nothing concrete
  94. >You slowly open the door a crack
  95. >"How long do we have?"
  96. >"All day. I called in sick."
  97. >A giggle
  98. >Wait, you know that voice...
  99. >Holy shit, that's Twilight
  100. >But what's she doing-
  101. >"You're so beautiful..."
  102. >"Y-You too..."
  103. >A soft shimmer of laughter
  104. >Celestia's laughter
  105. >"Gods, I wish we could just... Stay here, forever. Like this."
  106. >The door swings open on its hinges as you stand there, locked up like windows 95 trying to multitask
  107. >"Yeah... But this has to end, doesn't it?"
  108. >"I suppose. But, we could make it seem like it lasts forever..."
  109. >Another giggle
  110. >You stand, frozen, watching Twilight and Celestia
  111. >Twilight is laying on top of her, covered with blankets
  112. >Celestia notices your presence halfway through the kiss, eyes going wide
  113. >Her eyes reach the side of dinner plates, and she pulls back
  114. >"A-Anonymous!"
  115. >Her eyes are filled with anguish
  116. >You turn outside and press your back against the wall
  117. "I-- Jesus, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt!"
  118. >"A- Anon, I- It's not what it-"
  119. >Her voice is strained, high-pitched
  120. >Each word is shaky, as if it's being forced out
  121. >You decide to cut her off
  122. "No, look, I get it. Taking a day off for some time with your girlfriend, it's fine. I just-- I had a report I wanted you to sign off on, but that can wait. I'll just-- Jesus, I'm sorry."
  123. >Silence
  124. >You lay against the hard marble, breathing heavily
  125. >"You're... Sorry?"
  126. "Yeah. I just interrupted fuckin' foreplay. Of course I'm sorry."
  127. >"...You're not disgusted?"
  128. >You blink, then push yourself off the wall, leaning back into the door
  129. >Twilight and Celestia aren't on top of each other, but they're still in the same bed
  130. "Disgusted?"
  131. >"You just-- You saw two mares, together, in- i-i-intimancy.'
  132. >Twilight's normally purple fur is red, and her ears are folded so far back you can't see them
  133. "...Yeah? I mean, fuck, one of my lesbian friends and her girlfriend got drunk one time and I drove them home. They literally fucked each other in the back seat."
  134. >"And you didn't..."
  135. >Celestia's staring at you the same way she did when you first arrived
  136. >Examining an alien
  137. >"You didn't make them get out? Throw their filth to the wind?"
  138. >Filth
  139. >...Oh, shit. You see what's going on here.
  140. "Wait, wait, wait. Is the entire mare-on-mare thing like, a huge taboo or something?"
  141. >"The- The ultimate perversion."
  142. "Yeah. We humans had that for a while, too, but that was pretty long ago. We're fine with it now."
  143. >Okay, that's a fucking lie, but whatever
  144. >"F-Fine with it?"
  145. "Yeah."
  146. >The room is quiet as you exhale through tense lips
  147. "So... I'll leave you to it, then."
  148. >You duck out the door
  149. >You didn't wind up getting the papers to Celestia until the next day
  150. >Most of that day was, of course, spent in a quarantine, waiting for the viruses that didn't exist to die
  151. >You emerged feeling surprisingly refreshed, albeit a tad annoyed at the bland food
  152. >Doing nothing but reading for a day was relaxing
  153. >The minute you're out, however, you sprint to the throne room, clipboard in tow
  154. "Yo, Celestia. I have that stuff you were too sick to sign yesterday."
  155. >"Oh! Anonymous!"
  156. >She doesn't look you in the eye
  157. >"I shall review them with you."
  158. >You calmly explain everything that's in the report, like you always do
  159. >Celestia's fidgety and nervous, and she can't seem to get comfortable on her seat
  160. >You can guess the reason why
  161. >Still, you remain unfazed, and do your job as intended
  162. >She eventually signs off on some letters of intent, including the increase of Cider exports
  163. "Awesome. Well, I think we're done for today."
  164. >"Ah-- Yes. For today."
  165. >You nod, smile, and collect your things. Just before you exit, however, she opens her mouth
  166. >"Anonymous?"
  167. >You turn around
  168. "Yes, Princess?"
  169. >"I need to have a private meeting with you, after the court session is over."
  170. "Of course. Where shall I-"
  171. >"My bedchambers."
  172. "...Right."
  173. >You suppress the collective fantasies of the past year and nod, then exit
  174. >You hang with a few guard friends of yours until 5:00, when court ends. You bid them farewell and make it to the residential wing
  175. >This time, you knock
  176. >"Come inside."
  177. >You, again, try to suppress sexual fantasies as you enter her room
  178. "You wanted me?"
  179. >"Ah-- Yes. You see, Anonymous, you are the only other person who knows about me and Twilight."
  180. >You blink
  181. "Not even Luna?"
  182. >"Not even her."
  183. >You exhale through clenched teeth
  184. "Shit, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to-"
  185. >"No, it's a good thing."
  186. "Oh?"
  187. >"I-- I need you to help us."
  188. >You sit down in a nearby chair
  189. "How?"
  190. >"Our anniversary, it's in a week. And, uh..."
  191. >"I need you to plan it for me."
  192. "Plan it for you?"
  193. >Celestia shifts on the bed, laying on her side
  194. >"Yes. You are, by far, the greatest assistant I have ever had in my thousand years of life. Your work ethic, brains, and resourcefulness is far above average."
  195. >Huh
  196. >Pretty much the opposite of what all your teachers in High School said, but, then again, they weren't immortal goddesses
  197. >"I know that I can't hide any kind of major event. I planned a small dinner, but, well..."
  198. >She looks up at you, ears dipped downwards a tad
  199. >"After you seemed to be... understanding, I hoped for more. Something more--"
  200. >Celestia looks down again, and her voice is a basically a whisper
  201. >"Something more like what she deserves."
  202. >Lick your lips, looking down at the chair yourself
  203. >To be honest, this isn't really your idea of a fun time
  204. >You...
  205. >Okay, you kinda crushed on the Princesses
  206. >Just a bit
  207. >But, well, she was-- sorta not into you, apparently
  208. >Probably not into your gender, even
  209. >So setting up a romantic night for her is something you'd dreamed about for a while
  210. >But it was with you
  211. >Not another mare
  212. >But...
  213. >Celestia's asking you to make the perfect night
  214. >You're her assistant
  215. >And god dammit, she fucking deserves a nice night. A full year of having to completely hide a relationship? That's fucking awful
  216. >You look up, face set with determination
  217. "Of course. What level of secrecy?"
  218. >"Total. No other person may have the slightest idea."
  219. >Well, fuck
  220. >You can still do it
  221. "Okay. Easy. So, what day next week?"
  222. >"Next Monday."
  223. >Six days to plan a perfect (and perfectly secret) evening for two hidden lovers
  224. >You grin
  225. "Piece of cake."
  226. >Six and three-quarter days later, you're putting the finishing touches on the perfect date night
  227. "What'cha make in the basket?"
  228. >"Uh... Four daisy sandwiches, a bottle of Maneland red wine, a salad for two, and two fruit tarts for desert."
  229. >You check over the presentation of Bodacious' basket, tilting a sandwich a few degrees to straighten it
  230. "Awesome. It's perfect."
  231. >You check your watch
  232. >4:00
  233. >The date was supposed to start at five and a quarter, so you have an hour
  234. >Plenty of time
  235. >You grab the basket and set off, quickly making it to your room
  236. >There's a blanket, some plates, and a whole shitload of candles neatly stacked near your bed
  237. "Okay..."
  238. >You reach on your dresser, lifting up a hollow statue of Starswirl the Bearded
  239. >The red crystal you've been hiding inside glows brightly
  240. >Acquiring that was stupidly hard
  241. >Not many people needed captured holding spells
  242. >You couldn't get it yourself -- the world-famous alien assistant to the princess, trying to purchase such an item? That would be in the tabloids for sure
  243. >So you paid a guard to do it, and made up some story about needing to fit more stuff in your briefcase
  244. >Which wasn't actually a lie
  245. >You grab the crystal and hold it gingerly, making sure not to break it
  246. >You stride to the other end of your room, picking up the faux-leather briefcase that's leaning against the wall
  247. >You open the latches, still holding the crystal in one hand. You proceed to lift the lid and smash the delicate stone inside, releasing the spell contained within
  248. >You wait for a while as it casts the spell. You are now in possession of a briefcase that's significantly larger on the inside than the outside
  249. >You start to pack the picnic
  250. >Blanket first
  251. >Basket
  252. >Plates and utensils
  253. >Perfect
  254. >You latch it up and check your watch again
  255. >4:45
  256. >Shit, that took you way longer than you thought
  257. >You exit your room and descend two flights of stairs
  258. >There's a chariot waiting for you, two pegasus guards already strapped in
  259. "Hey. You guys ready to go?"
  260. >"We have not been provided any sort of route or flightplan."
  261. "Yeah. This little exchange needs to be off the books. Matter of national security."
  262. >The guards both fidget slightly, uncomfortable
  263. >You ignore them and get in the chariot
  264. >"Take off and head east around the mountain."
  265. >They follow your command, and you're soon in the air
  266. >Scouting out this location took you a full two days
  267. >Convincing the head of the guard that you needed two pegasi who were "trustworthy" to meet you for a flight, alone, took you another
  268. >Negotiating with that guy was a fucking pain in the ass
  269. >You scan the ground, looking for a landmar-
  270. "See that stream?"
  271. >The guards' voices are a muffled shout over the wind and the beating of their wings
  272. >"Yes, sir!"
  273. "Follow it."
  274. >They do so for a few minutes, then you call out to them again
  275. "Down here."
  276. >They start descending in a lazy spiral
  277. >The wheels of the chariot touch down, and you hop off
  278. >There's a large patch of trees ahead of you
  279. >You turn back to the guys who just flew you here
  280. "Thanks, guys. I got it from here. Wait for a few minutes."
  281. >You take off into the forest, still holding the briefcase
  282. >You follow the stream until you come to the clearing you found on your second day of searching
  283. >You walk around the outcrop of rocks, settling into the grassy patch
  284. >There's a pool of water a few feet away, fed by the stream lazily falling over the sandstone rocks. It continues downwards into the forest, disappearing among the trees.
  285. >You set to work, taking out the blanket and laying it down
  286. >You set the plates into their proper position, and put the basket between them
  287. >You stand up and look at your work
  288. >All straight and tidy. No issues that you can see.
  289. >Perfect.
  290. >You snap your briefcase shut and leave the picnic behind, and soon you're out of the forest
  291. >The two guards look up at you, and you smile back at them
  292. "That's done, boys. Now, back to the castle."
  293. >The metal of the chariot feels cool on your back as you turn around, looking behind you
  294. >Fog is beginning to roll into the area, and it's hard to make out any detail
  295. >You do, however, notice a small flash of purple light
  296. >A smile forms on your lips
  297. >That's Twilight...
  298. >Another flash, white this time
  299. >And Celestia
  300. >You already showed them the place
  301. >They'll be enjoying their picnic momentarily
  302. >You, meanwhile, will be enjoying a well-deserved break
  303. >You head towards the kitchen the moment the chariot touches down
  304. >Bodacious greets you as you come in
  305. >"How'd the picnic go?"
  306. "Not mine."
  307. >You go to the fridge and grab yourself a can of cider, popping it open. The cool taste of apples on your throat is refreshing. You turn to Bodacious
  308. "Hey, you want one?"
  309. >"You nuts? I can't drink on the job."
  310. >You roll your eyes and close the door
  311. "Sorry, I forgot that this stuff is alcoholic."
  312. >"Extremely alcoholic! I have no idea how you drink it!"
  313. >You chuckle
  314. >Cider is, at most, 0.2% alcohol by volume
  315. >You could drink a whole keg of the stuff
  316. >Ponies, however, got totally sloshed after just three glasses
  317. "Not my fault you guys have shitty livers."
  318. >You take another sip and sit down
  319. >"You're the one with a terrible liver. You shouldn't be able to handle that much booze."
  320. >He sits down at the chair opposite you
  321. >"So, if you didn't eat the picnic, who did?"
  322. >You take another swig
  323. "Classified. Now, get me some dinner."
  324. >"'Classified.' Of course."
  325. >He stands up, hurrying to the kitchen
  326. >You eat his meal slowly, and, for once, get a chance to chat with your bro
  327. >He's in line for a promotion, and him and his wife are thinking about foals
  328. >You don't have nearly as exciting news
  329. >Well, not news you can tell him, at least
  330. >You chat for a few hours, then check your watch
  331. >Eight
  332. >The sun's setting in the sky
  333. >Shit, you gotta go
  334. >You thank him for the meal and hurry back to your room
  335. >You put all the candles in your briefcase
  336. >Now, the tricky part...
  337. >You have to get into Celestia's room
  338. >Thankfully, you had a plan to avoid the guards
  339. >The castle was packed with secret passages, and Celestia told you where most of them are
  340. >You exit your room and head left, then go down the East wing stairs
  341. >There's a large bust of Starswirl the bearded on a pedestal
  342. >You wait a moment for the guards to pass
  343. >They patrol this corridor in seven-minute cycles. You checked yesterday.
  344. >Right as the guard turns the corner, you pull on Starswirl's beard
  345. >Immediately, the wall behind him disappears
  346. >Magical secret passages
  347. >Awesome
  348. >You step into the cramped passageway, and the wall re-materializes in front of you
  349. >You light a candle as you make your way down the dark hall
  350. >A few ladders later, you're standing immediately above Celestia's bedroom
  351. >You knock three times on a discolored marble panel below you, and it springs open, a rope ladder materializing out of thin air below it
  352. >You climb down into her bedchambers, then check your watch again
  353. >8:30
  354. >Fuck, you don't have much time...
  355. >You open the briefcase and grab as many candles as you can, placing them throughout the room
  356. >You light them all as quickly as you can, then tend to the fireplace, lighting a few logs
  357. >You glance around the room
  358. >Dim, but not dark
  359. >Every object flickering in the candlelight
  360. >Perfect
  361. >Now, you just...
  362. >You look up, but there's no hole in the ceiling, and no rope ladder
  363. >...Holy shit, you're a fucking idiot
  364. >You planned out this entire night, except the part where you get out of her fucking bedroom
  365. >It's not like you can use the door -- that's guarded
  366. >You feel panic set in as you check your watch again
  367. >9:00
  368. >They're going to be here any second
  369. >You desperately search her room for any alternative exit, but you come up empty-handed
  370. >Shit. You were going to-
  371. >Your thoughts are interrupted when a bright flash of light knocks you backwards
  372. >The two princesses appear in the middle of the room, locked in a kiss
  373. >Both their eyes are closed
  374. >You cough
  375. >Celestia's head whips to you in terror, but softens when she sees your face
  376. >"Oh. Anonymous. What are you doing in here?"
  377. "I, uh... was setting up the seductive candles, then totally forgot how the hell I was supposed to get out."
  378. >"Setting up the candles?"
  379. >Twilight tilts her head at you, confused
  380. "Yeah. I, uh, kinda-- Helped Celestia on-"
  381. >"Anonymous was kind enough to plan our date for me."
  382. >Twilight giggles
  383. >"I knew it wasn't you. You're never that good with romantic stuff."
  384. >Celestia blushes
  385. >"I-- Yes I am!"
  386. >"No, you really aren't."
  387. Twilight lifts you up with magic, freeing you from the mass of pillows you landed in
  388. >"Thanks, Anonymous. The dinner was fantastic, and that location..."
  389. >She looks, wistfully, off into the distance
  390. >"It was perfect."
  391. "Yeah. I'm pretty much the romance master. Now, could ya put me down?"
  392. >Twilight shrugs and gently places you on the floor
  393. >"As you wish."
  394. "Good. Uh... Look, I'm pretty sure you don't want me here for the next part. So, uh-- Could ya teleport me out?"
  395. >Twilight nods
  396. >"Where to?"
  397. "My room, I think."
  398. >Her horn lights up, and you land on your bed
  399. >You stare up at the ceiling
  400. >Yeah
  401. >Romance master
  402. >You just wish it was *with* her, instead of *for* her...
  403. >You soon fall into a troubled sleep
  404. >You had a huge day, after all
  405. >You need your rest
  406. >Not that you actually get any
  407. >Some mysterious person rudely shakes you awake at around 1:30
  408. >The floor hits your face as you fall out of bed in shock
  409. >"Anonymous!"
  410. >Luna?
  411. >What the fuck is she doing in your room-
  412. "What the fuck are you doing in my room?"
  413. >Oh, shit, you forgot to keep that thought inside your head
  414. >Eh
  415. >She woke you up really early. She can handle a curse word.
  416. >"Treachery, Anonymous!"
  417. "Treachery?"
  418. >"Of the highest caliber. My sister... I fear she is corrupted."
  419. >Oh, shit
  420. >You know what this is about
  421. >Or, at least, you think you do. Better let her talk, see what she thinks.
  422. "Corrupted?"
  423. >"I heard several... Thudding noises, in my room. As if her bed was smacking against the wall."
  424. >Shit. She knows.
  425. >You roll onto your stomach and get up, sitting on your bed again
  426. "And?"
  427. >"I-- I put my ear to the wall, and-- You won't believe what I heard."
  428. >You actually could, but you had to play stupid
  429. "What?"
  430. >"Her and-- My sister was having carnal knowledge. Carnal knowledge of a *mare.*"
  431. >The last word is a tortured whisper, as if the very thought is unbearable
  432. >You just groan in reply
  433. "Yeah. I know. She's screwing Twilight."
  434. >"What?"
  435. >Luna turns on the light, then leans right in next to you
  436. >The only thing you can see is her dinner-plate eyes
  437. "They've been dating for a year. I walked in on them earlier, and then helped them plan their anniversary."
  438. >"You assisted them in their debauchery?"
  439. "It's not debauchery. They're obviously in love."
  440. >"Unnatural love!"
  441. >You roll your eyes
  442. >You had to deal with this shit enough back on Earth
  443. "Unnatural love, yeah, but who gives a shit? Appeal to nature means nothing."
  444. >"But... It's the ultimate evil! An act against all that his holy!"
  445. "Honey, rape's an act against all that is holy. Murder's an act against all that's holy. Lesbian sex isn't."
  446. >"But..."
  447. "Why the hell is this world so homophobic, anyway?"
  448. >This has been bugging you for a while
  449. >Might as well rant about it
  450. "I mean, you guys don't really have 'religion,' per say. Closet thing is praise of you and your sister. And your sister's obviously cool with the lesbian sex thing, considering the fact that Twilight probably spent a few hours with her muzzle buried in her--"
  451. >Luna looks like she's about to vomit
  452. "Sorry, too far. But the question stands."
  453. >"It's... We know those acts are evil by those who perform them."
  454. "Those who perform them?"
  455. >"Chrysalis, seducer of mares. Ghengis Clopon, the great destroyer of the east, and lover of colts. The great rapist Flameword of the dragons. All homosexuals."
  456. >You give Luna a look
  457. "Seriously? That's... That's really it?"
  458. >"Of course. It's a simple pattern."
  459. "Really? You're going to judge people based off the actions of other people?"
  460. >"Well, if the pattern exi-"
  461. "No, don't give me that bullshit."
  462. >You hold up a finger and prod her in the chest
  463. "Correlation wasn't causation. You know your sister is a kind mare."
  464. >"But I cannot be sure! She's-"
  465. "Luna, no offense, but she's not the one that's done evil shit in the past."
  466. >Your words smack her in the face
  467. >She closes her mouth, going silent
  468. "She and Twilight are both perfectly good people. They just happen to be gay."
  469. >"But..."
  470. "Years of conditioning are not so easily erased, I know. But you have to think, here. Ignoring past events, why is it bad?"
  471. >"It... Sex is supposed to be for reprod-"
  472. "Luna, I helped Celestia plan your birthday party two months ago. I know for a fact you don't think that, or else you'd be with foal right now."
  473. >The night-Princesses' dark blue face suddenly turns red
  474. >"How do you know about that?"
  475. "You didn't really hide it. Hey, I'm not judging."
  476. >Luna stomps a hoof on your bed, sitting down
  477. >"I cannot think of any reason why I should dislike it. But that doesn't mean I'm okay with it."
  478. "She's your fucking sister. You can't just abandon-"
  480. >The sudden usage of the Royal Canterlot Voice knocks you back into your headboard with a sickening thud
  481. >That's gonna leave a mark...
  482. >"I just-- I wish to..."
  483. >Luna hangs her head in shame
  484. >"Understand."
  485. >Maybe you're being too harsh on her."
  486. "Look, it can be very confusing. I know that personally. But, well, you're heart is in the right place. My advice?"
  487. >You rub the back of your head, which is already starting to swell
  488. "Just talk to her. After Twilight, uh, leaves of course."
  489. >Luna nods, still staring down
  490. "And, hey, chin up. You're taking this a lot better than most would."
  491. >She looks you in the eyes
  492. >You could get lost in those great blue orbs... Almost like the night sky itself
  493. >You always liked her eyes
  494. >"Thank you, Anonymous."
  495. "Eh, don't mention it. Now, could I please sleep?"
  496. >"You probably shouldn't. Not with that bump on your head."
  497. >You feel your shoulders slump
  498. >Dammit, she's right
  499. >"Here, I'll take you to the hospital wing. We can tell them that I dream-walked in on you having a fierce night-terror, and you bumped your head while waking up."
  500. "Yeah. That'll work."
  501. >You climb out of bed, still holding your aching head
  502. >She wraps a wing around you to steady you, and you both walk down together
  503. >One examination later (you don't have a concussion, woohoo) you're back to your daily routine
  504. >Walking up stairs with clipboards
  505. >As usual
  506. >Usual, that is, until you see the squadron of Guards marching towards you
  507. >Fuck
  508. >"Anonymous! Sir!"
  509. "Yeah?"
  510. >"Commander Steelewing, Royal Canterlot Guard."
  511. "We've met."
  512. >That was an understatement
  513. >You talked to this guy at least three times a week. So what the fuck does he want?
  514. >He stands at attention, head held high
  515. >Well, "high" for a pony. So about up to your navel.
  516. >"Sir, you have been acting suspicious. Nervous."
  517. >A muscle tenses in your neck as your pulse starts to quicken
  518. >Shit shit shit shit
  519. "Really? Nah. I'm fine."
  520. >You pull off the lie pretty well
  521. >Learning how to lie was one of the first things you learned as Celestia's assistant
  522. >Steelewing, however, sees right through you
  523. >"You don't have to lie, sir. I've had scouts watch you for the past three days."
  524. >You grit your teeth
  525. "I didn't request such a thing."
  526. >"You didn't have to. I have the authority."
  527. >His face softens into an expression of pity and sorrow
  528. >Not really a look you've seen him give before
  529. >"We saw you set up the picnic. And the resulting events."
  530. >Your face falls
  531. >Well
  532. >You're fucked
  533. >"I can't imagine what it must have been like."
  534. "Huh?"
  535. >He looks genuinely empathetic
  536. >"To be forced into assisting them in their debauchery. I've already set up sessions with the mental health office."
  537. >You blink
  538. >Jesus, he's not even accusing you
  539. >He feels fucking sorry for you
  540. >"But we need your help to stop this. I have here..."
  541. >He pulls a paper out of his saddlebag
  542. >"...An official letter of intent from several mayors and high officials. We are to arrest the Princesses involved, before they can unleash their evil on the world. However, we need you to help subdue them."
  543. "Subdue them?"
  544. >"Yes."
  545. >You hold up a finger
  546. "Yeah. Look, let me get one thing. To help me out, okay?"
  547. >He nods
  548. >"I'll send an escort with you. Don't worry. We'll keep you safe."
  549. >It only takes about two minutes to get to your room
  550. "Stay outside."
  551. >"But-"
  552. "Stay."
  553. >You slam the door in his face, then flip the mattress off your bed
  554. >You open up the panel on the box spring and pull out a chest, then open that
  555. >You're now in possession of a 9mm film reel
  556. >This was your emergency backup
  557. >Getting it took you a full day, and cost you lots of money -- and a good portion of your shame
  558. >The reel has highly illegal material on it. In fact, just possessing it makes you a felon
  559. >But it's your only chance
  560. >You swing your magically-enhanced briefcase up onto the bed, and put it in
  561. >Right next to your projector
  562. >Your breathing is heavy as you exit the room, looking as calm and collected as you can.
  563. >"Ready to go?"
  564. "Yeah."
  565. >You march in the middle of the squad of guards
  566. >They move in step, and you soon fall in too
  567. >Fucking Marching Band
  568. >Still effecting you after all these years
  569. >It only takes a few minutes to get to Celestia's door
  570. >"Okay. Ready?"
  571. >Steelewing's voice is a whisper
  572. >"Three."
  573. >The front line turns around, facing their back hooves at the door
  574. >"Two."
  575. >They tense their muscles
  576. >"One. Go!"
  577. >The guards, in unison, buck Celestia's door down
  579. >You take the opportunity that presents itself
  580. >With Steelewing a step ahead, and the guards who bucked down the door coming down, you have a clear shot
  581. >You bolt forward, standing between them and the Princesses
  582. "STOP!"
  583. >The guards freeze in confusion
  584. >"Anonymous, you're-"
  585. "I wasn't coerced. I helped them willingly."
  586. >The room is utterly silent, except for the rapid breathing of the guards and the surprised Princesses
  587. >"Explain, before I arrest you too."
  588. "You're all making a giant mistake. You're about to arrest two people who have done nothing wrong."
  589. >"We have seen their treachery with our own eyes!"
  590. "No, you saw love with your own eyes!"
  591. >You put as much emotion into the words as possible
  592. >Which probably comes off as extremely corny, but whatever. You have a mission here.
  593. >You bend down and open your briefcase, quickly unfolding the projector stand
  594. "I need you all to watch something. Something that's going to help you understand."
  595. >The film reel slides in easily, and soon it's spinning away
  596. >"What is this, Anonymous?"
  597. "Look. Just look at this, okay?"
  598. >The image flickers to life on the opposite wall
  599. >Marble is a surprisingly good surface to project film on
  600. "You see this?"
  601. >The screen shows an image of two mares, blushing, avoiding each other's gaze
  602. "This is what it looks like. 99% of the time."
  603. >The mares on-screen start to dance to unheard music
  604. "Just two people. Forget all the shit in the past. Forget the monsters and the villains. This is it."
  605. >Some of the guards tilt their heads
  606. "Two people in love. Just like straight love, but with two people of the same sex. It doesn't have to be evil. You know what is evil?"
  607. >Your voice rises in volume
  608. "How you treat this. Look at you, for god's sake. You're arresting your Princess for being in love. That's treason, and it's despicable. Misguided. Look at this."
  609. >You point to the two mares, still dancing
  610. "Does that look evil to you?"
  611. >You let the question hang in the air, then sweep your hands to the side, pointing at the Princesses
  612. "Do they?"
  613. >Steelewing avoids your glance, and his ears sag slightly backwards on his head
  614. "I didn't think so."
  615. >"But-- I--"
  616. >You gaze into his eyes, and his voice stops
  617. "Good. You're lucky that Celestia doesn't arrest you for treason right-"
  618. >The guards gasp collectively
  619. >You blink, then look to the screen
  620. >Oh Jesus
  621. >You--
  622. >Holy fuck, you're an idiot
  623. >You didn't watch the whole tape
  624. >Of course it wasn't just fucking dancing
  625. >No, you purchased a lesbian pornography video
  626. >Not even soft, tasteful porn
  627. >But hardcore, rim-job-filled, giant-strap-on pornography
  628. >The guards stand, transfixed
  629. >You hear the Princesses gasp behind you
  630. >You casually kick the projector over, and the film stops playing
  631. >You hear a few dejected gasps from the guards
  632. "Uh... Yeah. Not really a part of that I wanted to show. Just... Yeah."
  633. >Damn, it's really stuffy in Celestia's room
  634. >Poor ventilation
  635. >You tug at your collar, trying to cool off
  636. "Okay. Guards. Get out before the Princess has you court marshaled for treason."
  637. >"Court marshaled? I-"
  638. "You just tried to fucking arrest her, idiots. You guys could be glue in two days time, but she's gonna be nice. Now get."
  639. >Hooves thud on her carpeted floor as they shuffle from the room
  640. >You close the door behind them
  641. >"Anonymous, thank you so-"
  642. >You hold up a finger
  643. "Yeah, I know. Look, we have no time to meditate on how awesome I am. You guys got shit to do."
  644. >Celestia raises an eyebrow
  645. >"But... You got them to leave!"
  646. >"And showed them hardcore pornography."
  647. "Shut up."
  648. >Twilight snorts
  649. "Look. They told all the palace elites and shit. Everybody important knows."
  650. >The color drains from both Princesses
  651. "So you guys need to have a press conference. Right now."
  652. >"But-- I am not-"
  653. "I have a speech written already."
  654. >You pull a piece of paper out of your suit pocket and flick it at her
  655. >She catches it with magic
  656. "Now, get dressed, shower, read that over, and speak it. Seriously. You need to do this before the rumors get out of hand."
  657. >"But-"
  658. "No buts! Go go go!"
  659. >You rip the covers off them, and quickly avert your gaze
  660. "...Okay, I'm a fucking idiot. Sorry. But-- Go go go!"
  661. >You get out of the room before they can notice your quickly-growing erection
  662. >Dear fucking god
  663. >That dildo looked like somebody soaked it in fucking oil. Glistening in the light...
  664. >What, did Twilight sleep with it on?
  665. >You shake your head
  666. >No time to think of Celestia moaning as her former student bit her ear, smoothing sliding the head of-
  668. >FOCUS!
  669. >You spend the next two hours organizing a press conference
  670. >Not the first emergency one you've organized, so it's not really a big deal
  671. >Soon, a whole bunch of reporters are congregated in the palace courtyard
  672. >Celestia nervously stands just inside the main doors
  673. >"Anonymous, the speech is very good, but... I don't think they'll-"
  674. "No time!"
  675. >You shove her out the doors
  676. "Go go go, before the tabloids do!"
  677. >You watch from a window as she trots to the podium you had set up, then takes a deep breath
  678. >You watch her start the speech
  679. >You can actually pinpoint the moment she says "I've been dating a mare"
  680. >One reporter actually passes out
  681. >The rest all go bright red
  682. >You continue to watch the speech
  683. >"Hm. You set that up fast."
  684. >You spring into a rather embarrassing karate pose at the sudden noise
  685. "Luna? What the fuck! You can't sneak up on me like that!"
  686. >"It is not my fault that you lack perception, Anonymous."
  687. "Jerk."
  688. >You turn towards the podium, watching her give her speech some more
  689. >Luna nudges you
  690. >"Anonymous, you're a fantastic assistant."
  691. "Nah. This is my job."
  692. >"I know. That's why you're fantastic."
  693. >You look at her
  694. >She has a small smirk on
  695. "I don't follow."
  696. >"You're able to put personal feelings aside to do your job."
  697. >You quickly look away, back at Celestia
  698. "I don't know what you're talking about."
  699. >"Anonymous."
  700. >You reluctantly look back at her
  701. >Those starry eyes are full of compassion and sympathy
  702. >"You like her."
  703. "Do not-"
  704. >"Yes, you do."
  705. "...Maybe a little."
  706. >You look back at her giving the speech
  707. "But I didn't do this because I'm some-- fucking 'nice guy' faggot, okay? I did this because she was a friend in need."
  708. >"I know, Anonymous. If you were a doormat you wouldn't have literally shoved her out the door a second ago."
  709. >You nod, then close the curtain
  710. "So. You gonna tell her?"
  711. >"Of course not."
  712. >You sigh in relief
  713. "Good. It was just a--"
  714. >"A juvenile crush because she's attractive?"
  715. "How did you-"
  716. >"I see dreams, Anonymous."
  717. >You go pale
  718. >Oh... Dear god
  719. >She--
  720. >Well, the chances of her seeing that one with the-
  721. >"Including the one with the maid outfit."
  723. "I-- That's an invasion of privacy!"
  724. >"It's my job."
  725. "Still not okay!"
  726. >Luna shrugs
  727. >"Eh."
  728. >You roll your eyes
  729. "Okay, so you saw me having a sex dream about your sister. But that's just a stupid crush. It means nothing."
  730. >"Even with just a small crush... Seeing her with Twilight must have hurt."
  731. "...Maybe a little. Not much, okay?"
  732. >Luna looks out the window, towards her sister
  733. >"You know..."
  734. >You shoot her a look
  735. >"It would be a lot easier to get rid of that silly crush if you got to know some more mares."
  736. >You shrug
  737. "I guess, yeah, but I work a lot, and-"
  738. >"I can get her to give you some time off."
  739. "...Well, I'd love that, but I'm a freaky hairless ape thing. I can't really just walk into a club."
  740. >"No, you can't. But there's plenty of mares right here in the castle."
  741. >You raise an eyebrow
  742. >She's not seriously suggesting...
  743. >"And, if you find the Alicorn form attractive, I do believe I know one who you might wish to talk to."
  744. >You turn away, looking back out the window
  745. >Celestia is being assaulted by Camera flashes
  746. "...I'd like that."
  747. >"Tonight at eight?"
  748. "I'm open."
  749. >Luna smiles, turning to you
  750. >"I'm glad to here it. I'll see you then."
  751. >She walks a few steps away, then turns back to you
  752. >"Oh, and-- Anonymous?"
  753. "Yeah?"
  754. >Luna grins in a way that speaks to your most base instincts
  755. >"Trust me. When I'm through with you, my sister will be the last thing on your mind."
  756. >A shiver goes down her spine as she walks away
  762. >Ohhhh god
  763. >This is a feeling you haven't had for a while
  764. >You're hungover
  765. >Really hung over
  766. >Death Grips is playing a concert in your head, and it fucking hurt
  767. >You slowly sit up in bed, trying to ignore how fucking horrible everything feels
  768. >How the hell did you even get drunk?
  769. >The "alcohol" here is barely more than water...
  770. >Oh, fuck, you remember now
  771. >The Griffon king brought a bottle of wine
  772. >Actual, honest-to-god wine
  773. >The ponies took one shot each, but you had five or six glasses
  774. >Or... Like eight
  775. >Maybe
  776. >It's fuzzy... Why did he have wine in the first place?
  777. >Right, dedication of that one statue thing
  778. >Jesus, for such a fancy, formal party, that thing got crazy fast
  779. >You remember dancing on a table with Luna, and then...
  780. >Something to do with Twilight and Celestia and a dance-off, and... You think there was cake involved, somehow, and...
  781. >"Mmmphhff..."
  782. >The sound of Luna snoring next to you snaps you back to the present
  783. >So you ended up in bed together
  784. >At least that part was norma-
  786. >You feel your heartrate rise as you look to your left
  787. >Oh-- Oh no
  788. >Twilight's going to murder you
  789. >You are so fucking dead
  790. >Why the hell would Celestia even sleep with you? You were dating her fucking sister, and she was in a fucking relationship!
  791. >Even if she was drunk, you can't believe she cheated on-
  792. >Time seems to freeze as you notice the third person in your bed
  793. >Oh
  794. >Guess it doesn't count as cheating if both are involved...
  795. >You slowly turn your head back to the right, where your Princess is sleeping
  796. >She looks so content, with that claw wrapped around her--
  797. >Wait, claw?
  798. >Your eyes scan further
  799. >Oh, Christ. That's the griffon ambassador.
  800. >Why the fuck is he-
  802. >...Well.
  803. >This was going to be one hell of an awkward breakfast.
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