
Cold Brew (VD)

Jan 4th, 2015
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  1. Name: Cold Brew
  3. Gender: Male
  5. Race: Earth Pony
  7. Class: Crusader (Knight/Paladin)
  9. Skills:
  10. -Strong: passive; Your sheer physical strength is a thing of wonder, enabling great feats in times of need. You can lift, carry, push and pull heavier loads than others, and can roll to lift/move extremely heavy things.
  11. -Tough: passive; You are particularly hardy and tough, making you difficult to bring down. Your hit and wound maximums are increased by 1 (6 each without other modifiers).
  12. -Earth Pony Way: Being born without a horn or wings has taught you how to spend more time and effort in the things you do. You can pick one skill and gain a +1 bonus. This does not include non-skill actions like melee attacks or recovering from helplessness.
  13. -Vanguard: passive; you and all allies ignore first damage taken in combat, including critical failures. This does not negate non-damage effects.
  14. -Protect: automatic instant, recharge 3 after effect ends; Takes all damage for a target until the end of next turn (2 turns total). Neither can be rendered helpless in that time, but the knight becomes helpless afterwards if the target would have become helpless during Protect’s duration.
  15. -Blast: weapon, recharge 1; your weapon lands with explosive force. This attack autocrits a specific type of foe, selected when the skill is learned. Hits all nearby targets on a crit. (Favored Enemy: any sentient being taller than him and of the races available to players) (+1 from EPW)
  16. -Cleave: weapon; attack multiple targets within range that are close to each other. Every additional target increases the chance of a critical miss (attacking 2 targets crit fails on 2-; attacking 5 targets crit fails on 5-; etc)
  18. Talent: Horsepower - Strength checks have -2 to their DC.
  20. H/W: 6/6
  22. Inventory:
  23. -Antique iron double-ended maul with a spiked pommel (Great Weapon)
  24. -Butcher's knife (weapon)
  25. -Metal tankard
  26. -Heavy, rusted, battered plate armor
  27. -Cloth jerkin
  28. -Grimy folded-up piece of paper detailing a knight's code (
  29. -Eye patch (for seeing in the dark better)
  30. -Bag of coins, usually empty
  32. Traits:
  33. Cold Brew is a short angry drunk of an earth pony who is currently homeless in Manehattan. He was born in a little northern village in Equestria called Dumbarton. His mother died in childbirth and his father died in a traffic accident not long after, and so he grew up with his uncle Thunderbraid and his grandfather Storm Dust, who both filled his head with stories of magical lands and noble knights. He made it his goal in life to become a knight himself, but unlike most children who give up on their fantasies after maturing he stuck with his plans.
  34. After his grandfather passed away, he left Cold Brew plenty of money in his will. He spent it to buy himself an antique suit of armor and a replica maul. The price of such artifacts left him without a bit to his name, and so he took to traveling with his gear hoping to prove himself worthy of being called a knight and a hero. Modern society is no place for a knight of yore, however, and he is dismissed by most as a fool, living much like a typical hobo.
  35. The first thing most notice about Cold Brew is his height. He is a very short pony, about a head or two shorter than the average, but stocky and heavily built to compensate. His head is adorned by a long braided orange mane, with an enormous thick beard and heavy eyebrows to match. His coat is ochre, while his eyes are sky blue. He is middle aged. He often wears his plate armor, and values it along with his maul greatly. He speaks with a thick Scottish accent. He tends to wear an eye patch, leading many to think he lost his eye in an accident; in fact, he simply wears it for being able to move into dark areas easily. His cutie mark is a longsword.
  36. Cold Brew seems to only have two settings: loud and very loud. He is gruff, blunt, boisterous, stubborn, is always spoiling for a fight, is not afraid to speak his mind but is also good-natured at heart and loyal to his friends to a fault. He loves his food and drink, with emphasis on the latter. While he is not an alcoholic, he is very fond of beer and mead, and is quite an angry drunk. He tries to get by in Manehattan by doing odd jobs, but is rarely hired due to his aggressive attitude and odd looks; however, he has lucked out in being employed by Roach Rustlers, and thanks his lucky stars for it. His goal in life is to be knighted by Celestia, but is also trying to save money to afford a trip back to Dumbarton to visit his uncle. Cold Brew considers himself to be more reasonable and open-minded than him.
  37. Since he is essentially a homeless bum, Cold Brew is currently illegally squatting in an old abandoned shop about two blocks from a diner/bar called O'Reilly's. He has little in his makeshift home apart from an old mattress, a stand for his armor and a fridge which is usually empty. He showers by drenching himself with a bucket of cold water every morning. When not on the job, Cold Brew spends his day either roaming the city or vegetating in O'Reilly's. He is good friends with the manager of the place, a soft-spoken pegasus stallion named Six Springs. In reality, Cold Brew is bad for business since he rarely has money to pay for anything and sometimes puts off other potential customers, but Six Springs lets him hang around anyway.
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