
Anon x AJ - Chapter 1: Victim of Circumstance

Aug 13th, 2012
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  1. Chapter 1: Victim of Circumstance
  3. >Applejack stands before the setting sun, upon a hill overlooking the southern fields of the Apple family orchard.
  4. >She swipes her trusty Stetson of her head and uses it to lightly fan herself, a long day of hard work under the blazing sun has taken it's toll on the sturdy mare.
  5. >Together with Big Macintosh she was able to buck quite the ammount of apples today, making a mighty big dent in their work for the season.
  6. >She tries to run the numbers in her head to determine how far ahead of schedule todays work puts them, but she was never very good with calculating on the top of her head.
  7. >The sound of steady hooves clopping up from behind pulls her out of her thinking.
  8. >She turns around to see her brother trotting up.
  9. >"Ah done stocked the last bushel o' apples up in the barn."
  10. >AJ smiles at her kin, "We sure got through a mighty big part o' the southern orchard today, Big Mac."
  11. >"Eeeyup." Big Macintosh replies, as stoic as ever.
  12. >Applejack plops her hat back on her head and brings a hoof to her chin as she gazes out over the apples trees.
  13. >"If we keep this hard work up, Ah reckon we'll have this 'ere field cleared up by the end of the week."
  14. >"Eeeyup, Ah reckon so."
  15. >If they could indeed clear the field up at such a fast pace, that'd give Applejack some extra time to devote to her little sister, Applebloom.
  16. >That little bundle of joy has a big school project comming up, she'd most certainly appreciate some help from her big sister.
  17. >It's been far too long since AJ spent some quality time with her beloved sister -- Applebucking seasons meant busy work.
  18. >She owed it to Applebloom to clear this field up fast.
  19. >The two members of the Apple family simply stand there for a spell, letting the light chill of the comming night cool off their sweaty bodies.
  20. >Despite having lived on the farm since she was a little filly, Applejack couldn't help but to be taken aback by the beautiful scenery of nature unfolding before her eyes.
  21. >The orange-tinted light of the setting sun dancing over the fields of green.
  22. >The earthy smell of nature that the mare had since long come to assosiate with home and family.
  23. >The gentle evening wind rustling the leaves of the trees.
  24. >Applejack sighs in relief; life was good.
  26. ===
  28. >You're Anon and you're trudging through the gloomy streets on your way home from work.
  29. >Dark clouds loom overhead, readying themselves to release one hell of a torrent.
  30. >Just your luck; the sun had been shining all day but right around the time your work day was drawing to an end the darkest clouds you've ever seen popped up out of nowhere.
  31. >Working overtime you were humbly looking forward to seeing the sunset on your walk home, it being one of the few glimpses of nature's beauty available in a big city, but alas the brewing storm denies you this simple pleasure.
  32. >Oh well, hopefully you'll make it home before nature decides to release the onslaught that's building up -- You'd hate to be caught out in the rain with nothing but a sweater.
  33. >If there ever was a time you appreciated living close to the office, now's the time.
  34. >As you reach the entrence to your apartment complex you feel tiny trickles of rain start to come down.
  35. >Phew, dodged the bullet with that one.
  36. >By the time you've traversed the stairs to your floor and closed your apartment door behind you, the storm had broken loose.
  37. >Looking out your kitchen window as you prepare some noodles you shudder at the prospect of being outside in this weather.
  38. >Sitting your dry, happy ass down infront of the telly with a bowl of noodles and a beer you smile to yourself.
  39. >It's friday night and after a long week of gruesome work, you can finally unwind for the weekend.
  40. >You're just gonna take it real easy and not even set foot outside the apartment til monday.
  41. >Fuck going out in the storm anyway.
  43. ===
  45. >When the sun at last disappears behind the horizon, the two siblings head for the farm house, both of them eager for some of Granny Smith's fine cooking.
  46. >Trotting down the path towards the house with her brother, Applejack turns her head to the sky.
  47. >Dark puffs of cloud had suddenly popped up all across the night sky.
  48. >"Tha's awful strange..." she says as she ponders the significance of these clouds
  49. >Big Macintosh stops and turns his attention to his sister.
  50. >"Them 'dere clouds swarming in, looks like a mighty fierce storm being built up."
  51. >"But Rainbow Dash 'erself told me that the weather-team had notin' but clear skies planned for the next few days."
  52. >"Ya'll don't say?" Big Mac says, appearing mildly interested
  53. >AJ looks to her brother and then back up at the sky.
  54. >Big Mac gazes up at the clouds as well.
  55. >Those clouds were ammasing quickly.
  56. >BM: "Well we better hurry on inside lest we be caught out in the wet."
  57. >Applejack dispel her concerns and smiles at her brother.
  58. >AJ: "When yer right, yer right."
  59. >AJ: "Let's get a move on."
  61. ===
  63. >Lying down in bed feels simply divine after being shacked up in your cramped couch all night.
  64. >Note to self: start saving money for a new couch.
  65. >The storm is still raging outside, heck, it's even built up a lot more intensity.
  66. >The daily weather forecast spoke of a mild, pleasant autumn night and what do you get?
  67. >The most brutal downpour you've seen in your entire life.
  68. >Go figure.
  69. >It's not really a big deal, it's not like you had any plans for the weekend anyways.
  70. >You're content to hide away inside rather than brave this ravaging storm.
  71. >As you lie in deep thought, the sound of rain bearing down on your window entrances your sleepy mind.
  72. >It's not long before you drift of to sleep.
  73. >Far above the thick blanket of clouds that hang over the city, a solitary star in the night-sky burns with increased intensity.
  74. >As the star's glow takes on a crimson tinge, a deep laughter echoes across the skies.
  76. ===
  78. >As she finishes with the last of the dishes, Applejack stares out the window.
  79. >They barely made it inside before the rain broke out.
  80. >Little Applebloom was already sound asleep when they came in and Big Macintosh turned in after dinner as well.
  81. >Applejack volunteered to help Granny Smith wrap things up for the night.
  82. >Deep thunder echoes across the skies.
  83. >There had been quite a few bad storms in the past, but this felt different somehow.
  84. >Apparently her face must have reflected the concern she was feeling because Granny Smith speaks up.
  85. >"Wat's so troubling 'bout some downpour, huh missy?"
  86. >Applejack turns and locks eyes with Granny Smith.
  87. >"Ah can't quite seem to put ma' hoof on it, Granny, but something 'bout this storm just don't feel right, that's all."
  88. >GS: "Ah shucks, you young ones always getting worked up over nothing."
  89. >GS: "C'mon now, off to bed with ya."
  90. >GS: "There'll be plenty o' time to worry about the weather in the morning, young lady."
  92. >Applejack bids Granny Smith a good night before heading up to her room.
  93. >As she crawls in under the covers of her bed, she can't seem to shake a feeling of unease.
  94. >Something about this storm wasn't right. She was possitive.
  95. >Unnatural storm or not, the sound of rain against her window does a good job of making her drowsy.
  96. >Granny Smith was right; sleep now, worry later.
  97. >As the exhausted mare drifts of to sleep, a deep laughter is carried across the night by the wind.
  98. >Hidden behind a mass of dark clouds, a crimson star burns bright over Luna's sky.
  100. ===
  102. >Loud thunder jolts you from your sleep.
  103. >You groggily flail your arm about in the darkness, searching for your extra pillow, the pillow that you sometimes hug at night.
  104. >You find it and hook your arm around it, pulling it close.
  105. >How very odd, the pillow feels warm... and fuzzy.
  106. >Must be your sleepy mind playing tricks on you.
  107. >If you didn't know any better, you'd insist you could even feel the pillow breathing lightly.
  108. >Thunder booms again causing your pillow to stir softly in your arms.
  109. >You move your other arm to encirle the pillow in a tighter embrace.
  110. "It's okay... It was only thunder..." the words roll gently of your tounge, barely audible
  111. >Your whispering seems to put your pillow at ease.
  112. >Since you're already half asleep you don't even think twice about the absurdity of the situation.
  113. >Lightning flashes across the skies, the stark flash penetrating even your thick blinders, casting it's light over a pillow lying on your bedroom floor.
  114. >You must have pushed your extra pillow off the bed in your sleep.
  115. >Oblivious to this fact, you drift of to sleep whilst tightly hugging the tan pony mare sleeping next to you.
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