
azure/anon john/fatrose stuffing oral cuddles fluff

Mar 30th, 2013
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  1. anon: you know, the great thing about your rose name is that Thickset doesn't necessarily mean fat.
  2. anon: if you felt like having rose lose the weight (in order to regain it or something) she could still be thick.
  3. anon: but not necessarily fat.
  4. azureangelic: heh true
  5. azureangelic: another reason why i kepe her weight ambigious~
  6. anon: hehehe.
  9. anon: well, you can get pretty descriptive with her size without saying numbers.
  10. anon: i think that works better, honestly.
  11. azureangelic: indeed
  12. azureangelic: besides numbers arent important when theres still a big warm soft tummy to squeeze and a pair of lusciously-padded thighs resting beneath a pert, doughy rump
  13. anon: exactly!
  14. anon: numbers just complicate things.
  15. azureangelic: numbers should be the last thing on johns mind when he's teasing her with gentle massages
  16. anon: very true.
  17. anon: at that point, i'm sure the biggest thing on his mind is her stomach.
  18. anon: or her butt.
  19. anon: sometimes, both.
  20. azureangelic: depends which is pressed against him more at the time
  23. azureangelic: i dont know why but im picturing rose and john at a drive-in threater and they're sharing the front seat of johns car and hes kind of awkward because roses butt is too big to not be spilling onto his lap even when shes sitting next to him in the cramped seat but shes cuddly and warm and hes trying to be a proper boyfrando so he doesnt bring it up
  24. anon: oh but she knows.
  25. azureangelic: she just assumes hes ok with it since hes doing such a good job at snuggling her with his arm
  26. azureangelic: somehow im expecting it to end with her outright sitting on his lap quietly sucking her extra-large soft drink with him both thankful shes short enough for him to wrap his arms around her and see the movie over her and mildly inconvenianced by just how much the pale little butterball fills up his lap and squishes him into the car seat
  27. anon: he's not going to complain about the weight, though.
  28. anon: that would be rude.
  29. anon: besides, they've both come to terms with the fact that they like her with more meat on her bones.
  30. azureangelic: of course
  32. azureangelic: otherwise itd be hard to explain the way she lies back against his chest and lets herself doze softly to the overdramatic climax of the film as he focuses his watery eyes on the heartbreaking scene on the screen and hooks his arms around her middle to rub her belly slowly and hug her against him
  34. azureangelic: she certainly isnt stuffed like when he cooks but shes had enough popcorn and soda over the evening to fill her up, leaving her tummy to press against the steering wheel just a bit and causing it to feel warm and heavy in his hands
  36. anon: that's always a good feeling. he rolls his hands under the bit that always lays on her thighs when she sits and lets his hands warm up as she snoozes. she'll wake up soon enough and he's comfortable enough that he doesn't mind sitting for a while. he does get worried about circulation to his legs, but he'll think more on that later.
  38. azureangelic: of course even when she does wake up it doesnt mean shes keen to move, seeing as she's full, happy, warm and comfy atop john, the back of her head leaning on his shoulder and her legs tucked around his
  40. anon: a lot of people have left the drive in by that point and john isn't sure what the few other cars that are there are doing, but when he can make at least one sort of rocking in the quickly dimming light, he gets an idea what's up. that thought has passed his mind, too, but he's more focused on just cuddling with rose than anything. he's not exactly the forward one here. besides, it's kind of cramped for that sort of thing.
  42. azureangelic: at which point she teasingly asks him if his hands are warm and shifts a little, her body wobbling and belly bouncing a bit over his fingers
  44. anon: he'd answer with his typical smile and nod, taking one hand away to find the seat control and give her a bit more room to lean back. he hears the seat creak, but thankfully this car isn't weak. he slips his hand around and under her shirt to squeeze at one of her rolls playfully and ask if that's any better.
  46. azureangelic: her only response is a soft murmur, leaning back further against his torso and resting one of her hands on his thigh, glacning up at him as best she can and licking her lips a bit of any stray cola droplets she had missed, probably a few smears of butter on her face from the popcorn
  48. anon: it's a bit of an odd angle to kiss her from, but he has no problem with it. his hands are still busying themselves with her stomach, rubbing over as much of her belly's soft, pillowey surface as possible. he pulls back from the kiss smacking his lips a little, though, mentioning that her lips are kind of salty.
  50. azureangelic: she smirks a bit at his comment, asking if he expected her to be sweet, and nips at his chin a bit, the cozy atmosphere of the car combined with her bellyful of coke and popcorn making her lazily affectionate in a way she seldom showed to anybody else; her face smells of butter and salt mingled with the simple scent of her self, and as she shifted a little to press her round cheek against his collarbone her belly gave an audible groan as its contents shifted beneath his touch
  52. anon: the gurgle would just be a sign that he's doing his job right and the way she was basically using him as a bed, no signs of discomfort or anxiety, made it that much better. the position of her head tucking itself just below his chin made it awkward to kiss her, so he settled with affectionately rubbing his chin a little in her hair. there wasn't a whole lot of activity, but the whole experience, his hands continued ministrations on her body and the way her weight on his body always made him feel comfortable, felt like there really didn't need to be.
  54. azureangelic: her entire body would be jiggled by a hiccup, mouth closed as to try and obstruct the sudden noise but failing miserably, and the way her rotund frame wobbled from the movement caused her to bump against john again, though she had more than enough padding to keep herself from hurting her; as it subsided, she gave a relieved hum and slumped a little bit to let john muff her hair better, thick thighs spreading slightly and taking up as much room below the wheel of the car as they could as she rested her own hand on her tummy's uppermost curve and sighed happily
  56. anon: john would only chuckle at that, his hands rising up to join hers on her stomach, but not without sliding her shirt up as well. he carefully tucks the bottom hem of the shirt under her less prominent but still sizeable bust, a smile on his face as he slides his fingers in between hers.
  58. azureangelic: rose's teasing tone would come back as she sarcastically yet playfully commended him on his bravery, though the way she laid back against his shoulder with her eyes closed made it obvious she was greatly enjoying the cool air on her full stomach; her chubby fingers gripped john's, pressing his palm between her bellyfat and her own hand, and despite the parking lot not being quite abandoned she didnt have much of a mind to cover up her gelatinous midriff, especially with john cuddled up to her
  60. anon: there really wasn't any reason for john to want to change things right now. rose in his lap, pale, beautiful and soft, his hands on her stomach, a great mix of her own body heat mingling with the cooling night air. he does speak up and comment back at her as his eyes close. if he were really brave, he'd have tried to pull her shirt all the way off. he was just being considerate.
  62. azureangelic: her only response would be a murmur, and an "I didn't take you for a breast man", as cocky and teasing as it could be with her half-asleep in a puddle of contentment on his lap, shifting her weight slightly and rubbing her ample rump on his thighs in the process of repositioning herself a tiny bit to let his arms rest on her lovehandles
  64. anon: a slight groan escapes him as he feels her rear against his lap. he would think that he'd have a little more control over when his friend down stairs decided to stand at attention, but rose's body rubbing on him was a guaranteed way to reduce any illusions about control he may have had. with a tiny hint of a blush, he answers her comment with a "i guess i'm just a you man, regardless of body part."
  66. azureangelic: "I can live with that" is her own response; although she can feel him poking her meaty backside she's so cozy and full that she doesn't quite have the energy to tease him, though she makes a motion to keep his groin pressed against the space between her thick buttocks in case he decided to try anything beyond feeling up her stomach
  69. anon: // sorry, got distracted. //
  70. azureangelic: no worries~
  71. anon: anyway, it's weird, but as much of an ass man as i see john being, i can't imagine him being into actual anal.
  72. azureangelic: heh
  73. azureangelic: yeah my rose probably isnt into insertion in general so much as snuggling and teasing
  74. azureangelic: though that might just be my own preferences
  75. azureangelic: that and just sort of sitting on john and squishing him a bit but thats probably partially a passive-aggresive see-how-long-it-takes-until-he-complains venture that she stopped when it became apparent she could plop down on his head and he wouldnt really mind
  76. anon: most likely!
  77. anon: if it really bothered him, he could just shift into windy mode and slip away.
  78. anon: which i don't doubt he's done.
  79. azureangelic: its nice, even if it makes her butt a bit chilly
  80. anon: pffft.
  83. anon: they probably spend more time cuddling and lying against each other than anything.
  84. azureangelic: taking turns using each other as a pillow
  85. anon: that's inevitable, i'm guessing!
  86. azureangelic: of course
  87. azureangelic: although rose is a nice enough sport to let john use her as a cushion more often then not
  88. anon: it doesn't really bother her any.
  89. anon: i bet she actually loves the attention.
  90. azureangelic: of course~
  91. azureangelic: it doesnt matter if the attention is him kneading and rubbing and squeezing her plush body or him using her blubber to rest his head on and nuzzle after a good meal
  92. anon: it's probably a nice change from the more aggressive attention she gets from others.
  93. anon: who either want specifically to fatten her up or for things that are a little more "penetrative."
  94. anon: john just likes being close to her.
  95. azureangelic: precisely
  96. anon: and the food she eats is on her own time.
  97. azureangelic: john is gentle and nice and encouraging in the good way as opposed to some other people
  98. azureangelic: (coughmeenahcough)
  99. anon: hehehehe.
  100. azureangelic: then again a small part of her enjoys even that, even if she'll never admit it
  101. azureangelic: shes very tsundere when it comes to crazy stuffing fishgirls and their accursed bellyrubs :U
  102. anon: that goes without saying!
  105. anon: of course, that doesn't mean john hasn't gotten caught up in feeding her, too.
  106. anon: he didn't force anything down, but he did encourage her.
  107. anon: and rose isn't one to deny encouragement of her bad habits.
  108. azureangelic: of course
  109. azureangelic: it isnt her fault when she eats so much she's reduced to a gurgling, swollen pale mass
  110. azureangelic: and its john's responsibility to give her tummy rubs when it inevitably happens~
  111. azureangelic: well thats what shed be teasing him with were she not too busy trying not to explode
  112. anon: she exagerrates that bit.
  113. anon: though, there have been a couple of times where john was almost certain she was going to.
  114. anon: he wasn't going to say no to bringing her food and she wasn't going to say no to the food.
  115. azureangelic: of course
  116. azureangelic: but even a girl like her has to have limits, and john's remarkably good at reaching those limits
  119. anon: at one point, she didn't move for a whole day for fear of exploding.
  120. anon: she just lay there, her stomach bloated up to ridiculous proportions.
  121. anon: john made sure she had plenty of water to drink as he massaged her every other hour to help the digestion along.
  122. azureangelic: every time he put his hands on her belly she made the most pitiful whines and gurgles imaginable and she visibly quivered a bit in relief when he so much as stroked her taut, pale midriff
  123. anon: it actually had him worried for a little bit, but she always sighed and relaxed after a while.
  124. anon: of course, i don't doubt she's actually been legitimately turned on by this sometimes.
  125. azureangelic: eventually he had to help her up to relocate to the bed and standing up the way her belly stuck out from under her shirt was a remarkable sight
  126. azureangelic: oh most definitely, all the flushing and sweating wasnt just her overwhelming fullness
  127. anon: he's probably done some eating out of his own. ;)
  128. anon: and yeah, he probably cracked a pregnant joke when she actually got to her feet.
  129. azureangelic: even she couldnt deny she had one hell of a food baby going on
  130. anon: if every ten pounds is a month, she's long overdue.
  131. azureangelic: he probably cant help but wrap her arms around her to feel how firm and bloated she is and tease her about "the kicks"
  132. anon: they're probably going to have come up with more than one name, from the looks of it!
  133. anon: there's no way there's just one in there.
  134. azureangelic: she just belches and elbows him, before continuing to tyr to wobble to the bed
  137. azureangelic: eventually she finally manages to lie down, head on a pillow and thighs spread and belly sticking straight up, and she realizes too late she's giving john a free view of her plush, most likely slightly-damp groin and sensitive underbelly
  139. anon: he blushes, but plays it off "well, i was wondering if you were wearing underwear under that skirt. i guess i know now! hahaha."
  140. anon: of course, he's still got his hands on her stomach from helping her lie down.
  142. azureangelic: she blushes as well, grinding her enormous thighs together sheepishly and moaning a bit, her shirt exposing the lower half of her belly as she gurgles and churns and her belly tingles under john's touch
  144. anon: he'd reach around and place his hands on her knees, gently sliding his hands down and smiling at her, offering to help her out.
  145. anon: he's pretty sure she can't reach around her stomach right now.
  147. azureangelic: all she can do is look voer her bubbling belly at him, blush, and lie back, resiting both her hands on her swollen gut and slowly pull the massive ball of pudge and food back slightly, spreading her thighs and doing her best to expose herself to him
  149. anon: it's a good thing her butt is actually big enough to give her a bit of leverage, too.
  150. azureangelic: shes almost dreading to see how much of her latest belt-buster of a meal is going to her ass
  151. anon: it's no wonder she didn't wear underwear, she probably doesn't have any that fit.
  152. azureangelic: definitely none that fit after her meal
  153. azureangelic: her poor undergarments had no chance ot wrapping around her overfed circumference
  155. anon: either way, it gives john easy access now.
  156. anon: he actually helps her, propping his arm against her stomach to keep it from falling on his head while he's licking at her.
  158. azureangelic: as soon as she feels his tongue she's moaning and writhing, visibly resisting the urge to clench her bulging thunder thighs and fingertips digging into her belly as she does her best to hold it off of john, a gurgly burp being shaken up by his actions
  160. anon: john's as good with his tongue as he is with cooking and that's saying something. he doesn't spend too much time in anyone place, but he also makes sure to hold off juuuuust long enough to make sure rose gets plenty of enjoyment out of it. maybe he does have a hard time parsing her language sometimes, but when it comes to body language, he can read her like a book.
  162. azureangelic: one particularly well-placed lick causes rose to give a vocal keen, eyes screwing shut and body lurching back into the bed, and her lapse of control causes her to slam her thighs together; john would find himself buried between those meaty, warm, soft thighs, face squished into her soft nethers and neck gripped by her legs as she hiccuped, moaned and panted
  164. anon: that wouldn't stop him, though. she's still got enough control to keep her stomach up and as long as he has a little breathing room to be comfortable, he's fine. it's not like he's not used to rose being squishy, but this is the first time she's been quite this enthusiastic about this. she must be really full.
  166. azureangelic: full is one way to put it, considering she's moaning, panting and gasping more than usual, her belly slowly wobbling side to side as she squirms and groans, the sounds of her meal bubbling and churning adding a bizarre sense of intimacy to john's endeavor and ensuing she remained almost limp and unwilling to do much of the work herself
  168. anon: john's mouth would start getting tired, regardless of his enthusiasm to continue. he also knew that rose's arms would be getting tired, too. so he'd make every effort to get this done before he got a cascade of belly fat on his head to interrupt thing. he probably didn't take into account that orgasm has the unfortunate side effect of literally shutting off your brain to most all other strenuous activities besides the vital ones.
  170. azureangelic: as soon as she reached climax, the overstuffed girl just gave a wild cry and let her head jerk backwards, hands slipping off her belly in no small part thanks to her palms building up warmth and sweat from her iron grip on her doughy gut; she was blissfully unaware of her heavy, sloshing stomach crushing john's head, though, in favor of the sticky release she had unleashed on the poor boy's face in her ectasy
  172. anon: the combination of thigh and belly fat smooshing john against the bed wasn't unpleasant, but he wasn't fond of the smell combined with the stifling feeling of being crushed. yanking his head out, he noticed his glasses have something on them, only to realize...well....that's a thing. he just gives rose a look and notices she's too busy recovering before he just heads to the bathroom to clean his face off.
  174. azureangelic: for her part she simply lies back and pants, too full and dazed to do anything else, enjoying the afterglow and waiting for him to return
  176. anon: he does come back, cleaned up and grinning at her before hopping onto the bed and lying beside her as best he can.
  178. azureangelic: she just silently watches him snuggle up to her, still out of breath, although once he's close enough she slowly eases forward and nuzzles against him, resting her weight against her bare torso and sighing deeply in contentment and happiness
  180. anon: she probably passes out right there.
  181. anon: i doubt john goes anywhere, fallling asleep beside her, too.
  182. azureangelic: between the warmth, the exhaustion and the feeling of her full belly pressing against him its probably an excellent sleep as well
  183. anon: what a good night for them both.
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