
Love Letter to the Beloved CM

Mar 30th, 2020
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  1. and now for something different....
  3. LOVE LETTER to the Channel Manager:
  5. [15:37] <+Moriarty> goshzilla, is a  monster, who, LIKE MOST MONTSTERS goes by one name, goshzilla!  She has grey scaley skins and and immense layer of fat that she uses to knock down buildings and blow up bridge after bridge as she shoots fire from her hideous hairy cruel snout.  Destroying all in her path, stopping only to feed off the flesh of the living every ten minutes.  Her huge pendulum breast swing side to side taking out radio towers and sky
  6. [15:37] <+Moriarty> scrapers.  Flurries of Bats shooting out of the nether regions, vampire bats, satiating themselves of the blood of the living.   Her immense terrifying tail, knocking down low rises, and gradding elephants into her immense colon for reverse digestion.  Good by ZOo asian elephant exhibit!  Finally The sound she makes when mating with Mothrah break glass for hundreds of miles around, and shatters eardrumps of all who are unfortunate
  7. [15:37] <+Moriarty> enough to be wihtin its sound.  Truly my friends, God help us all.
  8. [15:38] <+Moriarty> The strong stench of ass cheese and used taco greese radiates off her
  9. [15:39] <+Moriarty> [ ] I have a deep and abiding faith that Jesus will provide the answer
  10. [15:39] <+Moriarty> by that I mean humanity will rise as one against the tyranny of goshzilla, butcher and eat her until the troubles end
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