
SoVsona Notes WIP

May 28th, 2017
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  1. Name: Anne
  2. Age: 24
  3. Starting Class: Soldier
  4. - The only child of a lesser noble family who, enamored with the idea of becoming a knight of Zofia and desperate to not become a potential political pawn, ran away from home to join the knights order. However, the rift caused by death of King Lima IV left them unsure of where to go or what to do. Thus, they followed their former commander, Clive, to the Deliverance. During an attack by Rigelian forces, Anne became separated, forcing them to retreat and take shelter in a farming town. From there, they joined up with Celica's forces in the hopes that maybe her paths would cross with those of the Deliverance's. Even after learning of the Deliverance's capture of Castle Zofia, Anne still followed Celica, claiming that the priestess was more in need of their services than the more-than-capable Deliverance.
  6. Classes: Soldier (starting) -> Knight -> Baron
  7. Starting Weapon
  9. "After the unification of Valentia, Anne retired from the knighthood and became an author. They spun tales of valor and heroism, claiming to draw inspiration from their comrads' escapades. They often visited their former colleagues, with a bottle and baked goods in tow."
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