
Courier in Equestria: Intro, part 1

Jan 31st, 2013
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  1. >Day 748 since recovering from bullet-head-itis
  4. >You are Anonymous. Some know you as the ruler of Vegas, some know you just as the Courier.
  5. >Two years ago, you were shot in the head.
  6. >You lived, but not without a price.
  7. >All memories of your former life, your job, your name, your family, was lost.
  8. >Since then, you've taken to calling yourself either Anonymous or the Courier.
  9. >All others who know of you do the same.
  10. >Though your memory was lost from your former life, some of your skills remained.
  11. >Whoever you were, was likely a tinker, a thinker, perhaps even a philosopher. You preferred to solve problems with your intellect and charisma rather than your guns.
  12. >However, your ability to understand advanced technology allowed you to always trust in various energy weapons if a situation began to turn sour.
  15. >Augmenting yourself with numerous implants and organ replacements have further increased your abilities, as well as allowed you to use powered battle suits.
  16. >Your spine was replaced with a near unbreakable neural cord replacement, and most of your bones were coated in an artificial carbon overlay.
  17. >After your right arm was shattered, much of it was replaced entirely.
  18. >You quickly tracked down and disposed of the man who attempted to kill you, and in the process acquired the technology necessary to take over Vegas.
  19. >You formed alliances, gathered armies, and hunted down and invented technology.
  20. >The result was your team being one of most intimidating sights on the battlefield.
  21. >Suited in full, prototype, power armor whose design was taken from many different places, your team was able to drive back raiders, mutations, and even Caesar’s Legion, taking down Caesar in the process.
  24. >Two months ago, you took over Vegas, taking down House and installing your own AI in his place.
  25. >The AI controlled the securitrons, and would maintain law and order.
  26. >This allowed you to focus on other things.
  27. >Since taking down house, you negotiated a peace with the NCR, allowing you to retain control of New Vegas.
  28. >You've had an extraordinary amount of money and time on your hands after that.
  29. >Finding ways to use both was easy.
  30. >House, before he sealed himself in his tower, hoarded massive amounts of data on almost every topic imaginable.
  31. >History, science, literature, music, almost everything was archived in some way in this tower, or various linked databases.
  32. >Though you knew he was nostalgic, you had not expected him to keep such a comprehensive record of all human civilization.
  35. >You've already gone through most of the historical archives, learning much of Humanity's past.
  36. >The more you looked, the more that the nuclear apocalypse seemed horrific.
  37. >Before looking through the archives, you had come to accept deserts, radiation, and disgusting mutations as part of life.
  38. >Learning of a time when the Earth was covered in grass, trees, and wildlife, made you hate those who unleashed nuclear fire upon the world, for dooming humanity to live on a barren planet for the rest of it's days.
  39. >You had hoped, that with these archives, you could somehow begin to restore the planet back to what it once was.
  40. >Getting rid of gigantic, man eating, clawed, mutations would be nice as well.
  41. >You had found references to several dealings that Robco did with Vault-tec, concerning a module called the "GECK".
  42. >Surprisingly, not much information was stored on the device.
  43. >What was mentioned, however, was that it required a massive amount of electricity.
  44. >Smaller models were produced, according to this station, but they did not have the scaling potential of the prototype mentioned here.
  45. >That, and that it was not completed, nor tested.
  46. >With House's reactor powering Vegas, Helios and Hoover dam powering the increasing amount of NCR settlements, and few other sources of power remaining, you needed to find a new source of energy to power your new pet projects.
  49. >You'd already assigned a group of scientists from the Followers of the Apocalypse to take a look at the GECK information, hoping they'd be able to make some progress.
  50. >With any amount of luck, they could scale the smaller GECK modules to affect a larger area.
  51. >However, you were far more concerned, at the moment, with finding a new source of energy.
  52. >You begin your search of the lower levels of the archives.
  53. >Specifically, the ones for technological matters.
  54. >B1: Robots.
  55. >B2: Explosive Robots.
  56. >B3: Energy weapons.
  57. >B4: Laser Robots.
  58. >B5: Slave girl robots
  59. >This guy had problems.
  60. >B6: Biological augmentation.
  61. >B7: Experimental energy research.
  62. >Looks interesting. Might as well take a look.
  63. >Hitting the button with the side of your fist, you wait for the lift to bring you down to the floor.
  66. >When the door opens, you're greeted with pitch-blackness.
  67. >You hit the switch to the right of the elevator, turning on the lights.
  68. >Booting up the main computer on that level, you access the files, and begin to sort through what was stored on this level.
  69. >Much of what is here seems cobbled together in no logical order, ungrouped and uncatagorized.
  70. >House obviously didn't care much for sorting the information he hoarded.
  71. >You arbitrarily pick a project to look at.
  72. >"Multidimensional energy flow research"
  73. >You sit down, put your feet on the table, crack open a drink, and begin reading.
  74. >Several hours later, you have only a minimal understanding of how this stuff even worked, let alone how to apply this information to create energy.
  75. >You did note, however, that this kind of energy effected matter very strangely, if it was influenced.
  78. >You recognize that equipment responsible for measuring and containing the energy is in one of the labs on this floor.
  79. >You turn off the computer, and head towards said lab, hoping to gain more knowledge about the subject.
  80. >As you open the door, you are met with an array of tools you have no idea how to properly operate.
  81. >There is a transparent container in the middle of the room, using what you presume is some kind of force field to contain the energy.
  82. >But there is no energy in there, at least that can be detected by you, your pip-boy, or your array of implants.
  83. >You boot up the computer there.
  84. >"Interface failure. Cannot access containment unit."
  85. >Fuck
  86. "Well, the equipment seems to work, at least. Lets see what you're made of..."
  87. >Taking the back paneling off of what you assume to be the containment unit, you examine, and subsequently cut, the wiring responsible for keeping the containment device powered.
  88. >You then move in to examine the inside of the unit itself.
  89. >Everything's off, what could go wrong?
  92. >Examining the small coil inside, you presume this is where the energy was generated and trapped.
  93. >You lightly tap the coil, examining the strange material it is made of.
  94. >A small spark jumps from your finger as you do.
  95. >Oh, right. Cyborg. Nothing bad will come of this, right?
  96. >The coil sparks, generating a large burst of kinetic energy, as well as deafening pulse of sound.
  97. >A small dot of what looked like floating, black water was being held in front of the coil now.
  98. >Recovering from the blast, you look at it. It slowly ebbs and flows. It doesn't appear to be interacting with anything.
  99. >Aside from the streams of energy is it putting out, that is.
  100. >It seems to be looping into itself, without any kind of mechanism to harvest it.
  101. >From what you can remember, if this anomaly was not sustained, it would vanish within a few minutes.
  102. >Overcome by curiosity, you reach out to poke it.
  103. >Yes, poke it.
  104. >You're that much of an idiot.
  105. >As you get closer to it, it begins pushing back, with just as much energy as you can push at it.
  107. >You push past the last bit of resistance, and grab that sucker.
  108. >That's right. You just grabbed a tiny ball of energy that links to other places in space, and/or time.
  109. >Again, allow me to restate your idiocy.
  110. >You feel your hair standing up on end, and feel yourself unable to remove your hand.
  111. >You now realize why the containment field is there.
  112. >So idiots like you wouldn't try this.
  113. >Your pip-boy now registers an increase in the current going through you.
  114. >You see a flash of light, before everything goes dark.
  117. ???, ????
  119. >Where were you?
  120. >You couldn't see.
  121. >You couldn't hear.
  122. >Oh yeah, you can't breath either.
  123. >You try desperately to hold onto whatever air is left in your lungs, but you feel as if it's slipping out anyway.
  124. >You feel a great, internal pressure, as if your body was trying to explode.
  125. >You quickly try to turn on the light on your pip-boy, through the excruciating pain.
  126. >But still nothing. The only thing you could see was yourself.
  127. >You begin to get drowsy, as the trace amount of air left in your lungs is now insufficient to keep you awake. Your implants attempted to compensate, but they could not provide enough oxygen for you to stay awake.
  128. >At the edge of consciousness, you feel the pressure reverse.
  131. Day 1, Equestria.
  133. >A moment later, you are greeted by yet another deafening sound, as well as bright light.
  134. >You gasp for air.
  135. >By the time you're able to think coherently, you notice a wind, and feel as if you are falling.
  136. >You quickly attempt to get your bearings, but realize that you are not on solid ground.
  137. >You're roughly 100 feet above a disturbing amount of... Green.
  138. >Green? What?
  139. >The most green you ever saw was when near small, uncontaminated lakes
  140. >Oh yeah, you're still falling.
  141. >Startled, you reach a startling conclusion that you're approaching the startling amount of trees at a startling velocity.
  142. >As you near the trees, you do the only thing that you could thing of.
  143. >You attempt to grab onto a passing tree branch.
  144. >You do, it snaps.
  145. >Grab another one, try a thicker one.
  146. >It snaps.
  147. >Fucking brittle ass trees.
  148. >The fact that you weighed over 300 pounds didn't help either.
  149. >Another one.
  152. >In your haste to try to molest as many trees as possible in the time allotted, you realize the ground is now inches away.
  153. >You land gracefully in a patch of flowers.
  154. >Nah, just kidding. You break your leg, you dumbass.
  155. >From your violent, and slightly sexual, molestation of the trees, you slowed down enough to not kill yourself.
  156. >Congratulations.
  157. >You slump over, clutching your leg, and still feeling the pain from being in... Whatever that was.
  158. >Cringing, you attempt to pull up your optic implant interface, trying to see how bad the damage was.
  159. >It wasn't responding. All you could see across your field of vision were error messages and static.
  160. >You turn it off, for now.
  161. >You slouch over and look at your pip-boy to survey the damage.
  162. >Fracture in your left leg, but the bone's mostly intact, meaning no need for surgery.
  163. >Major blood loss.
  164. >Capillary and vein damage.
  165. >Minor eye damage.
  166. >Lung damage.
  167. >You pull some Hydra out of your pack, and apply it to your leg.
  168. >A few moments later, you feel some of the pain subside.
  170. >You pull yourself up, putting more weight on the unbroken leg, as the other one was still tender.
  171. >Your eyes feel as if they are going to collapse.
  172. >You rub your eyes, attempting to stifle the pain a bit.
  173. >You look at your hands, and you notice that they have blood on them.
  174. >As a matter of fact, you have blood all over you. It looked as if your blood tried to escape from your body, somehow.
  175. >You also felt it running down your cheek.
  176. >It seems your eyes were bleeding.
  177. >In addition, your optical implants were not functioning.
  178. >You could not ascertain how your body was doing, past your pip-boy interface.
  179. >The bleeding seems to have slowed at least, for the moment.
  180. >Now, time to survey the landscape.
  181. >These were trees.
  182. >A lot of trees.
  183. >You'd never seen this many trees in your life.
  184. >If you were still on Earth, this was a place that was likely untouched by radiation or war.
  186. >You begin turning around. Trees in all directions. This was impossible.
  187. >From what you remembered while you were falling, these trees could go on for miles. Even dozens of miles.
  188. >Welp, might as well survey what you managed to bring with you.
  189. >You pull out your pack, glad that you weren't too lazy to stash all of your stuff in your penthouse.
  190. >9 Stimpacks
  191. >2 Bottles of Hydra (One empty)
  192. >1 Doctor's bag
  193. >7 drinks, assorted
  194. >You thank yourself that you grabbed some vodka, you need a drink after this.
  195. >And one weapon.
  196. >A laser rifle, with only 24 battery charges left
  198. >You were trapped in the middle of God-knows-where, with no food, no sense of direction, few medical supplies, and only one weapon, with a single clip.
  199. >You've eaten somewhat recently, and have water with you.
  200. >Therefore, shelter is top priority right now.
  201. >You pull out your pip-boy, and attempt to map the nearby area.
  202. >From it's scans, there appears to be a mountain formation to your east.
  203. >It'd be a good idea to find shelter there, probably in a cave.
  204. >You begin to hobble in that direction, hoping to get there before dark.
  205. >You make a mental note that once you're safe, you need to take another look at yourself, to make sure none of the damage could be permanent.
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