
White Fell part one

Jan 6th, 2017
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  1. “Alright, listen up.” you said, pointing at a projection of a map on the wall of your darkened living room. “These are the Euphrates and Tigris rivers. The land fertilized by them is called Mesopotamia. It’s been the location of ancient empires like Sumer and Babylonia. This is the root of civilization. Humanity’s great legacy started here!”
  2. “Rubbish!” White Fell snarled, thrashing in the rope that you used to tie her to a kitchen chair so that she would listen, rather than try to escape as she’d done every other time you tried to teach her about stuff. “Humanity’s legacy is nothing but self-indulgent, parasitic, sedentary garbage!” She craned her neck and chewed on the ropes.
  3. “That’s rude.” you said. “And human history is anything but sedentary, if you’d just let me teach you.”
  4. “Liar.” she said as she gnawed. You groaned.
  5. “You know what, let’s just take a break.” you said. Her head popped up.
  6. “Really?” she asked, excited. “Break time already?”
  7. “Only if you don’t act up this time.” you said.
  8. “I won’t, I won’t! Just let me free!” she whined, wriggling in her bonds. These breaks had quickly become her favorite times during the short time she’d spent serving her punishment. It was during breaks that she was allowed to roam outside for a while, and they excited her like recess excites a school kid.
  9. “Just stop moving so I can untie the ropes.” you said. She didn’t listen, and slipped out of the ropes as soon as they were loose enough. Her feet took a moment to gain traction on the wooden floors before she shot off towards the door. She stopped to late and slammed into the door, and jittered while she waited for you to unlock all the locks, which were too high for her to reach. “One second.” you said, taking the pre-paid cell phone you bought her off of the kitchen table. “Do you remember how it works?” She nodded as she snatched it from your hands. “Are you sure? What do you do if I call you?”
  10. “Big green button.” she said.
  11. “And how do you hang up?”
  12. “Big red button.” she said.
  13. “Alright good. And I got this for you.” You stuck a name tag on her that read ‘If found causing trouble, please call this number’. She looked down at it and a scowl crossed her face, but disappeared when you unlocked the deadlock. “Don’t mess with the pack.” you said.
  14. “I won’t.” she growled.
  15. “Alright. Be back by three o'clock.” She nodded frantically. You opened the door, and she shot off like an F1 car into the woods.
  17. ----------
  19. “So how are things with the pack?” you asked. Winnie, sitting next to you on your couch sighed and stretched out her back.
  20. “Don’t even ask.” she said. “Too stressful to even think about. Fell might be your little housepet now, but she’s caused a lot of trouble in the pack.” You chuckled.
  21. “More like my little evil demon.” you said.
  22. “Is she giving you trouble?’ Winnie asked. “I’ll knock some sense into her if you want.”
  23. “No...I swear I can get through to her.” you said. “She’s just so stubborn.” Winnie smirked as she continued her stretching. Must’ve been a long day.
  24. “Well if you change your mind.” she said. “Just keep it in your head, Anon. Wendigos are a different breed. Reclusive like nothing else.” She sighed again and sprawled out, resting her head on your lap and grabbing your arm, resting it on her chest like a blanket. Your fingers stroked the soft fur on her cheek. “I was thinking back to when I was a kid today.”
  25. “Yeah?”
  26. “Yeah. When I was at Grimwoods with my old friends. You know Phanty, right?”
  27. “The ghost from that detective agency commercial?” you asked. “I don’t know if we’ve met.”
  28. “What about Sibella?”
  29. “The vampire, right?”
  30. “Yeah...things were a lot simpler back then.” she said. “Just a little kid, barely involved with the pack. Sometimes I wish I could relive it. Just for a day.” Her yellow eyes turned up to you. “You ever wish something like that?” You thought briefly back to high school.
  31. “I used to think I would like to go back and change how things happened. But now I think everything turned out pretty good.” Winnie giggled to herself.
  32. “I bet you wouldn’t say that if you hadn’t met me.” she said. You exhaled in amusement.
  33. “Yeah, I guess I—” You were cut off by you phone buzzing on your coffee table. “Uh oh.” Winnie sat up.
  34. “What is it?” she asked as you picked up the phone.
  35. “Hello?” you said.
  36. “Hi.” the other line said. “Is this the number I’m supposed to call about that white werewolf thing?”
  37. “Yeah.” you said, butterflies beginning to flap about your stomach. “Is she there? Can I talk to her?”
  38. “She’s not here.” he said.
  39. “Oh jeez…” you said.
  40. “Anon, who is it?” Winnie asked. Her eyebrows were creased in worry.
  41. “What did she do?” you asked.
  42. “Well she took off a name tag thing and threw it into a playground.” the guy said. You felt a hot sweat on your forehead. “And she was just prowling around the edge of the forest, and she had some blood on her dress...or maid’s costume, or whatever it was.”
  43. “She didn’t hurt anybody did she?” you asked. Winnie’s eyes widened.
  44. “Anon, what the hell is happening?” she asked, squeezing your shoulder.
  45. “It’s about White Fell.” you said.
  46. “I could tell that much!” she yelled. “What did she do?!”
  47. “Hey, maybe you should keep that thing on a leash.” the guy said.
  48. “What did she do, Anon?” Winnie demanded.
  49. “Hello?” the guy said.
  50. “Shut up!” you yelled into the phone before hanging up. You looked at Winnie. “Something about Fell, covered in blood.” you said as you dialed Fell’s number.
  51. “Oh, Jesus Christ.” Winnie said. “I TOLD you we shouldn’t let her go outside.”
  52. “I know, I know.” you said. After only one ring, the sound of White Fell’s voice, begrudgingly telling you to leave a message played in your ears. “FELL PICK UP THE PHONE!” you screamed after the beep. “She’s not picking up.”
  53. “Well, come on then!” Winnie said. “We have to go find her!”
  55. ----------
  57. A light drizzle fell onto the billows of branches on the trees above, and from there dripping down from the leaves onto you and Winnie’s heads as you walked through the woods.
  58. “She’s close.” Winnie said, her nose bobbing up and down. “I can smell her. But the rain is throwing me off.” She stood still, her head tilted up as she sniffed the air, her ears moving like satellite dishes. She groaned. “Okay, you just go look that way.” she said, pointing behind you. “I’ll go this way.” She took a few steps back. “Just call for me is tries to attack you, okay?” You flashed a thumbs up and your most charming of smiles. She smiled back, turned, and ran off into the brush.
  59. You turned and looked up at the trees. What golden sunlight that was able to penetrate the clouds above washed over the trees, and peeked through the branches, and shone through the thin leaves, making the trees look like misty spirits. You sighed as you set off into the foliage. What had Fell done? It felt like a failure on your head. You’d been her teacher for like two or three days. Not long, but she didn’t seem to have learned anything at all. And now she’s off killing children or something.
  60. “Fell!” you called. You didn’t like the sound of your voice as it reverberated through the woods. She probably wouldn’t hear you anyways, the rain really messes with their senses. “I thought I taught you better!” you yelled. “I thought you learned something! Like not to kill people!” You stopped walking and let the drizzle fall onto your hair, the pitter patter and drone of nature fill your ears. “And I told you to always answer your phone!” You listened to the sound of your voice, echoing all about, through the trees and over the rain.
  61. Something dripped on your forehead. But there was a lot dripping on your forehead. It was just rain. But as you felt a second heavy drop land on your face, you second guessed that thought. You touched your forehead, and when you pulled your hand away, staining the tips of your fingers was dark, thick blood. Your stomach tied itself in a knot, and you slowly, reluctantly turned your head up.
  62. Two fierce, deep crimson eyes stared you back. Fell’s white, silky hair hung down past her face as she clung onto the branches of the tree above you. Next to her, carefully lain over the branches was the hulking carcass of a buck, it’s head hanging over, it’s face staring lifelessly at you, it’s torso torn asunder, dripping with the same viscous blood that had dripped onto your skin.
  63. “What are you talking about?” Fell growled.
  64. “A deer?” you asked. “Is that it?” She glared down at you, and before long, heaved the carcass out of the tree. It plummeted to the ground and crashed down with a heavy thud. Fell jumped out of the tree with the grace of an Olympic gymnast. “Jesus, Winnie and I thought you killed someone. Why didn’t you pick up the phone, Fell? That’s the one thing I begged you to do.”
  65. “I tried!” she said. “I pressed the button and it all just got too complex to figure out.”
  66. “What do you mean? We practiced it. Which button did you press?” you asked.
  67. “The big green one! Just like you told me!” she said, crossing her arms.
  68. “Well you must not have, because you declined my call.”
  69. “Hmm…” she said. “Maybe it was worth mentioning that I can’t see as many colors as you humans can...” You rubbed your forehead.
  70. “Oh, my god…” you said, rubbing your face. “You’re colorblind. I should’ve known. Winnie is too.” You took a deep breath and started chuckling. “It’s kind of funny though, isn’t it?” She turned up her nose and ‘hmph’d.
  71. “I bet those colors aren’t any good anyways.” she mumbled.
  72. “No...I mean, I’m just an idiot sometimes, huh?” you said. A smile slowly grew on her face. A few chuckles escaped her mouth.
  73. “Yes, sometimes you are.” she said. Your sighed, glad that this ordeal was over. You eyed the bleeding carcass, splayed out on the forest floor behind Fell.
  74. “What’s with the deer?” you asked.
  75. “I was going to keep it in the tree until I had to go back to the cabin.” she said. “Although, now I feel like my break is going to be cut short.”
  76. “Why’s that?”
  77. “I’m in trouble, aren’t I?” she said.
  78. “Well, you went near the playground. You didn’t pick up the phone. You took off your name tag, and I’m pretty sure Winnie told you no hunting.” you said. “I’m sure you’ve figured by now that I’m lenient with the punishments. But, Winnie isn’t.” Fells eyes widened a bit.
  79. “...Alpha is here?” she asked. You nodded.
  80. “And she didn’t want you going out at all.” you said. “...I’m sorry Fell, but I think this might be the end of you going on breaks.” Her tail, which, up to this point, had been slowly spanning back and forth behind her, lowered down between her legs.
  81. “B-but...I-I can’t just stay inside all day!” she said, taking a step towards you. “Please! I didn’t do anything wrong! I didn’t hurt anybody!”
  82. “Relax, relax.” you said. “I’ll talk to Winnie.”
  83. “You will?” she asked, a glimmer of hope showing in her eyes.
  84. “Yeah. You’re too much of a handful to be having you around all day.” you said. “Just don’t do stuff like this anymore, alright?” She nodded.
  85. “Anon?” you heard through the brush. “Anon?”
  86. “Winnie, we’re over here!” you called back. The greenery began to rustle, and Winnie emerged. She looked at Fell, then at you, then at the deer carcass.
  87. “Fell, you’re in big trouble!” she yelled. Fell cast a quick glance at you, but Winnie’s watchful eye caught it. “Don’t look at him, look at me! Big trouble!”
  88. “I-I caught you dinner.” Fell said, hoping for some leniency.
  89. “Yeah, but I told you NO HUNTING!” Winnie yelled. She looked at you. “I told you these breaks were a bad idea, Anon. She needs to stay in your house at all times, no matter how restless she gets.”
  90. “Yeah, but...don’t you think that’s a bit harsh?” you asked. Winnie narrowed her eyes. She glanced at Fell and then back at you.
  91. “Don’t try to go easy on her, Anon.” She jabbed at your chest with her clawed finger. “Use your backbone, I know you have one.” She turned to Fell. “Now Fell, pick up that buck. We’re going home.” She nodded and heaved the buck up onto her back as Winnie stormed off in the direction of home, dragging you along with her, scolding you for being soft on the Wendigo.
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