

Jun 21st, 2013
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  1. 18:58:42: <PetraCore> Nancy heads out to the garden, wearing a lovely summery dress.
  2. 18:59:22: <Ragazzo> Cicily is there, leaning over slightly to smell some flowers.
  3. 19:01:09: <PetraCore> "Hey, Cicily."
  4. 19:01:16: <PetraCore> "I really like this dress you got me."
  5. 19:01:58: <Ragazzo> She straightens and gives a nod, not turning. "Hello Nancy...and you're quite welcome."
  6. 19:02:09: <Ragazzo> "It is a beautiful dress."
  7. 19:02:11: <PetraCore> "Um..."
  8. 19:02:14: <PetraCore> "Are you mad at me?"
  9. 19:02:20: <PetraCore> "About the thing with Taelyna?"
  10. 19:02:29: <PetraCore> "I just thought she could be a good role model for you."
  11. 19:02:40: <Ragazzo> "Why would I ever be upset Nancy?"
  12. 19:02:46: <PetraCore> "That's all I asked her to do, take you under her wing."
  13. 19:02:50: <PetraCore> "You seemed to like her..."
  14. 19:03:16: <Ragazzo> "I appreciate your concern."
  15. 19:03:28: <PetraCore> "Look at me?"
  16. 19:04:27: <Ragazzo> She smoothes her hair and turns after a moment. That's a smile alright...but...
  17. 19:05:01: <PetraCore> Nancy looks down, biting her lip.
  18. 19:05:04: <PetraCore> "I'm sorry."
  19. 19:06:40: <PetraCore> "I didn't mean to disclose your family business to anyone."
  20. 19:07:26: <Ragazzo> "I can't imagine why you should feel the need to apologize. You've only pressed a sylvan to take interest in me, mother will be so proud. At least until she discovers the sylvan thinks she is a oppressive /bitch/."
  21. 19:07:46: <Ragazzo> "And that is exactly what you meant to do."
  22. 19:07:56: <PetraCore> "No!"
  23. 19:08:01: <PetraCore> "I didn't realize!"
  24. 19:08:12: <Ragazzo> She turns away again, tugging at her hair.
  25. 19:08:14: <PetraCore> "i don't know anything about sylvan relationships with wood elves!"
  26. 19:08:22: <PetraCore> "I didn't realize, Cicily, I swear..."
  27. 19:08:47: <Ragazzo> "It doesnt matter Nancy. You would have done it anyway."
  28. 19:09:12: <PetraCore> "I wouldn't have."
  29. 19:09:19: <PetraCore> "I really wouldn't have."
  30. 19:10:38: <PetraCore> "Please, you have to believe me!"
  31. 19:10:41: <Ragazzo> "Dont lie to me! You've got what you wanted. Someone to come in and ruin my life, and make mother hate me so I'll have to be on my own."
  32. 19:11:02: <Ragazzo> "I suppose humiliating me wasn't enough..."
  33. 19:11:56: <PetraCore> "Cicily, that's no true!"
  34. 19:12:04: <PetraCore> Nancy sits down, shocked.
  35. 19:12:31: <Ragazzo> "Well it's what you've done Nancy!"
  36. 19:13:45: <Ragazzo> "Now everything is ruined unless I can convince mother not to attend parent's day, and the groundskeeper that I'm not being controlled! Which thanks to you is impossible!"
  37. 19:14:20: <PetraCore> "I can talk to the groundskeeper!"
  38. 19:15:07: <Ragazzo> Cicily takes a deep breath. And shakes her head. "No. I think you have done enough talking on my behalf."
  39. 19:15:29: <PetraCore> Nancy starts to cry.
  40. 19:15:39: <Ragazzo> She sits slowly, and hugs her knees.
  41. 19:16:29: <PetraCore> "I-I'm sorry..."
  42. 19:17:26: <Ragazzo> Cicily shakes her head. "I forgive you."
  43. 19:17:56: <PetraCore> Nancy looks at her.
  44. 19:18:04: <PetraCore> does it seem like Cicily really forgives her?
  45. 19:18:09: <Ragazzo> She's facing away.
  46. 19:18:27: <Ragazzo> It /sounded/ convincing.
  47. 19:19:31: <PetraCore> "I swear to god I didn't know."
  48. 19:19:54: <Ragazzo> "I believe you Nancy."
  49. 19:21:31: <PetraCore> "How can I help make it right?"
  50. 19:21:33: <PetraCore> "I mean..."
  51. 19:21:43: <PetraCore> "I want you and your mother to have a good relationship."
  52. 19:21:49: <PetraCore> "That's all I've ever wanted."
  53. 19:22:02: <PetraCore> "Why would I do this if I knew?"
  54. 19:22:06: <Ragazzo> Cicily hugs her knees tighter. "We do!"
  55. 19:22:25: <Ragazzo> "Because you want to make her hate me!"
  56. 19:24:10: <Ragazzo> "I should have known...mother warned me people would try to turn me against her..."
  57. 19:24:10: <PetraCore> "No, I don't."
  58. 19:24:22: <PetraCore> "I want to make her /see/ you, and /love/ you for it."
  59. 19:24:34: <PetraCore> "You're strong, and wonderful, and a great artist!"
  60. 19:24:45: <PetraCore> "And I don't want her to put that down, I want her to adore it."
  61. 19:24:46: <Ragazzo> "She does love me! I'm a good daughter!"
  62. 19:24:50: <PetraCore> "You are!"
  63. 19:24:54: <PetraCore> "You are a good daughter!"
  64. 19:25:02: <PetraCore> "But she needs to be a good mother!"
  65. 19:25:16: <PetraCore> "You've done nothing wrong, Cicily!"
  66. 19:25:22: <PetraCore> "I don't think she's a bad person."
  67. 19:25:58: <Ragazzo> Cicily sniffs, staring upwards, blinking rapidly.
  68. 19:26:39: <PetraCore> "I fucked up."
  69. 19:26:48: <PetraCore> "I shouldn't have meddled."
  70. 19:26:56: <PetraCore> "Let me help you make this as right as it's going to get."
  71. 19:26:58: <PetraCore> "Okay?"
  72. 19:27:01: <Ragazzo> "You betrayed me..."
  73. 19:27:04: <PetraCore> "From here on out, I listen to you."
  74. 19:27:05: <PetraCore> "No!"
  75. 19:27:56: <Ragazzo> She buries her face in her knees.
  76. 19:28:16: <Ragazzo> "...fine, it doesn't matter anymore..."
  77. 19:28:48: <PetraCore> "Are we still friends?"
  78. 19:29:15: <Ragazzo> "...I don't know, are we."
  79. 19:30:22: <PetraCore> "I want to be."
  80. 19:30:33: <PetraCore> "I know I messed up."
  81. 19:30:49: <Ragazzo> She sniffs. "...ok then."
  82. 19:31:37: <Ragazzo> She lifts her head and grabs her purse. Begins cleaning her face with a napkin, and reapplying make up.
  83. 19:32:33: <PetraCore> "I want to make this up to you."
  84. 19:33:26: <Ragazzo> "Just...just go away ok. I can't...I can't do anything..."
  85. 19:33:59: <Ragazzo> "It's all ruined...I don't know what will even happen..."
  86. 19:34:13: <PetraCore> " you want me to bring you your art supplies?"
  87. 19:34:29: <Ragazzo> "...please."
  88. 19:37:32: <PetraCore> Nancy heads off to the art room, going to Cicily's cubby to get her bag.
  89. 19:39:21: <Ragazzo> It's there.
  90. 19:39:59: <Ragazzo> Cicily tries and compose herself while Nancy is gone, and fix her eyeshadow.
  91. 19:42:19: <PetraCore> Nancy brings it back out, setting it beside Cicily quietly.
  92. 19:42:30: <PetraCore> "Text me if you want to hang out."
  93. 19:44:27: <Ragazzo> "...You can stay if you want."
  94. 19:45:47: <Ragazzo> She starts to set up an easel and arrange paints.
  95. 19:46:30: <Ragazzo> 1d10+7 She gestures with a hand behind as she stands.
  96. 19:46:31: <Glacon> Ragazzo: She gestures with a hand behind as she stands.: 12 (1d10+7=5)
  97. 19:47:09: <Ragazzo> A rush of golden threads flash from her fingernails and weave together into a stool. She perches on it.
  98. 19:58:22: <PetraCore> She sits down.
  99. 19:58:24: <PetraCore> "Okay."
  100. 19:58:38: <PetraCore> "I like watching you paint."
  101. 19:59:06: <Ragazzo> Cicily sighs as she starts sketching out an looks like...a doll?
  102. 20:00:33: <PetraCore> "...was Taelyna terribly cruel to you?"
  103. 20:01:02: <Ragazzo> "No. She was compassionate, and sweet, and very concerned..."
  104. 20:01:48: <Ragazzo> Cicily darkens the outline as it progresses...that's an odd position for a doll...Not at all elegantly posed.
  105. 20:03:51: <PetraCore> "But you think she'll be cruel to your mother."
  106. 20:04:44: <Ragazzo> "Mother will be fine..."
  107. 20:06:50: <Ragazzo> She begins to define the area around the's in a container of some kind...And despite the inelegant way it's thrown in, it still looks immaculate in every regard. She finishes the outline and begins painting.
  108. 20:07:39: <Ragazzo> Grays, and Browns and dirty reds make up most of the area around the doll.
  109. 20:08:36: <Ragazzo> "She's a strong woman. I'm sure she will handle herself."
  110. 20:08:55: <PetraCore> "I like the painting."
  111. 20:09:05: <Ragazzo> "Thank you..."
  112. 20:09:33: <PetraCore> "Are you going to help me help Taelyna tonight?"
  113. 20:09:38: <PetraCore> "It will be lonely going alone."
  114. 20:09:49: <Ragazzo> "I could hardly say no."
  115. 20:10:07: <Ragazzo> 1d10+9 Painting quality...
  116. 20:10:08: <Glacon> Ragazzo: Painting quality...: 11 (1d10+9=2)
  117. 20:10:38: <Ragazzo> Cicily sets her brush down halfway through.
  118. 20:10:52: <PetraCore> "yes, you could."
  119. 20:11:08: <Ragazzo> "No, I couldn't."
  120. 20:11:53: <PetraCore> "I wouldn't mind..."
  121. 20:12:33: <Ragazzo> She removes the canvas from the easel, and crumples it with a bland expression.
  122. 20:12:42: <Ragazzo> "I would."
  123. 20:13:27: <PetraCore> "Ah..."
  124. 20:13:31: <PetraCore> Nancy reaches for the canvas.
  125. 20:13:59: <Ragazzo> "It's a failure. No one needs it."
  126. 20:14:42: <Ragazzo> She tears it in half and let's it fall to the ground.
  127. 20:20:00: <Ragazzo> Begins stretching a fresh canvas onto the easel with shaking hands.
  128. 20:20:17: <PetraCore> "I'd have kept it."
  129. 20:20:47: <Ragazzo> "I hate it. I don't want to remember I ever made something so ugly."
  130. 20:21:37: <PetraCore> "It was beautiful."
  131. 20:23:48: <PetraCore> Nancy hugs her knees.
  132. 20:24:08: <Ragazzo> "..thank you. But it wasn't."
  133. 20:24:38: <Glacon> Ragazzo: She begins the process all over again....: 14 (1d10+9=5)
  134. 20:24:38: <Ragazzo> 1d10+9 She begins the process all over again....
  135. 20:25:24: <Ragazzo> Works on it for a good thirty minutes in silence, only to set her brush down and stare at it.
  136. 20:25:33: <PetraCore> "I like it."
  137. 20:25:40: <Ragazzo> She reaches for the canvas again.
  138. 20:26:24: <PetraCore> "No!"
  139. 20:26:27: <PetraCore> "Let me have it."
  140. 20:26:39: <Ragazzo> It's a painting gorgeously dressed porcelain doll in a trash can by the way.
  141. 20:26:45: <Ragazzo> *of a
  142. 20:27:07: <Ragazzo> The doll is in pinks, blues, and golds.
  143. 20:27:26: <PetraCore> "Please?"
  144. 20:27:28: <Ragazzo> "...It's hideous."
  145. 20:27:34: <PetraCore> "It's gorgeous."
  146. 20:27:44: <PetraCore> " it supposed to be you?"
  147. 20:28:27: <Ragazzo> She looks at her hands and sighs. "I'll have to walk all the way to a sink..."
  148. 20:28:42: <Ragazzo> "Such a stupid idea...painting in a garden..."
  149. 20:29:06: <PetraCore> "...sorry. I could get a water bucket?"
  150. 20:29:30: <Ragazzo> She ignores Nancy's first question. Shakes her head at this one.
  151. 20:29:44: <Ragazzo> "No, thank you..."
  152. 20:30:20: <Ragazzo> "I suppose you can have it...It's the worst thing I've ever made....I don't know why you would keep it..."
  153. 20:33:15: <PetraCore> She takes the canvas.
  154. 20:33:25: <PetraCore> "Thanks... how long should I leave it to dry for?"
  155. 20:33:40: <Ragazzo> "About an hour..."
  156. 20:34:03: <PetraCore> "I'll go do that."
  157. 20:34:10: <PetraCore> "Then should I bring some lunch?"
  158. 20:34:13: <Ragazzo> "Ok..."
  159. 20:34:32: <Ragazzo> She picks up the halves of her first attempt.
  160. 20:35:30: <PetraCore> Nancy goes and sets the painting on her desk in her room, then goes to the kitchen to make sandwiches.
  161. 20:36:15: <Ragazzo> Cicily finds a room with a nearby sink before returning to the gardens.
  162. 20:36:29: <Ragazzo> *nearby room
  163. 20:37:01: <PetraCore> Nancy brings out a borrowed picnic basket with lunch in it.
  164. 20:37:04: <PetraCore> "Hey..."
  165. 20:37:24: <Ragazzo> "Hey..."
  166. 20:38:48: <PetraCore> "I brought those little sandwiches you taught me how to make."
  167. 20:38:53: <PetraCore> Nancy smiles nervously.
  168. 20:40:53: <Ragazzo> Cicily nods and after a moment waves her hand.
  169. 20:41:17: <Ragazzo> 1d10+7 Threads scatter glinting from her fingers.
  170. 20:41:18: <Glacon> Ragazzo: Threads scatter glinting from her fingers.: 16 (1d10+7=9)
  171. 20:41:34: <Ragazzo> A small table and a second stool form.
  172. 20:41:52: <Ragazzo> "I don't want to sit on the ground..."
  173. 20:43:16: <PetraCore> "That makes sense."
  174. 20:43:23: <PetraCore> She puts the tablecloth over the table.
  175. 20:44:27: <Ragazzo> "....thank you for bringing food."
  176. 20:44:46: <PetraCore> She sets out the food.
  177. 20:44:51: <PetraCore> "you're welcome."
  178. 20:45:04: <PetraCore> "I brought some sweet chilled tea..."
  179. 20:45:30: <Ragazzo> "Lovely..."
  180. 20:45:41: <PetraCore> She pours a glass for Cicily.
  181. 20:46:22: <Ragazzo> Cicily dips her head gratefully.
  182. 20:48:37: <Ragazzo> "How are you and Charlie?"
  183. 20:48:46: <Ragazzo> She takes a sandwich.
  184. 20:49:22: <PetraCore> "We're doing well."
  185. 20:49:27: <PetraCore> "We want to build a treehouse."
  186. 20:50:46: <Ragazzo> "Interesting...when did you decide on that?"
  187. 20:51:06: <PetraCore> "Ah... we talked about it last night."
  188. 20:53:00: <Ragazzo> Cicily nods.
  189. 20:53:31: <Ragazzo> "Well....good luck with that."
  190. 20:53:50: <PetraCore> "Would you and Creek want to help us?"
  191. 20:55:48: <Ragazzo> "It could be fun. I'll bring it up to him"
  192. 21:00:24: <Ragazzo> "So...How have your powers been progressing?"
  193. 21:01:24: <PetraCore> "Alright, I guess."
  194. 21:08:27: <PetraCore> "Yours?"
  195. 21:10:09: <Ragazzo> "Ah...well enough..."
  196. 21:11:46: <PetraCore> Nancy picks at her food.
  197. 21:13:01: <Ragazzo> Cicily reaches over and squeezes Nancy's hand.
  198. 21:13:10: <Ragazzo> "'ll be ok."
  199. 21:17:52: <PetraCore> "We'll be okay?"
  200. 21:17:54: <PetraCore> She looks over.
  201. 21:19:04: <Ragazzo> She nods after a moment.
  202. 21:21:13: <Ragazzo> "I don't have any other friends...
  203. 21:21:14: <Ragazzo> "
  204. 21:26:13: <PetraCore> "You're my /best/ friend."
  205. 21:26:34: <Ragazzo> She looks down.
  206. 21:27:01: <Ragazzo> "I'm sorry about that..."
  207. 21:29:05: <PetraCore> "Sorry about what?"
  208. 21:30:13: <Ragazzo> "That someone like me is your best friend."
  209. 21:32:11: <PetraCore> "I /like/ you."
  210. 21:34:39: <Ragazzo> "...why?"
  211. 21:36:15: <PetraCore> "You're talented, and smart, and funny..."
  212. 21:37:33: <Ragazzo> "I...thanks."
  213. 21:40:00: <Ragazzo> "...I didn't mean to snap at you."
  214. 21:41:50: <PetraCore> "It's fine."
  215. 21:41:57: <PetraCore> "I understand why you're mad."
  216. 21:43:19: <Ragazzo> "I know you're concerned...but...You know that I'm ok right?"
  217. 21:43:25: <Ragazzo> "I'm happy..."
  218. 21:43:32: <Ragazzo> She bites her lip.
  219. 21:50:23: <PetraCore> "Are you?"
  220. 21:50:38: <Ragazzo> "Yes..." /Lies/.
  221. 21:55:09: <PetraCore> Nancy squeezes her hand
  222. 21:55:16: <PetraCore> "And that's all I want, Cicily."
  223. 21:55:31: <Ragazzo> "Ok..."
  224. 21:57:23: <Ragazzo> "So
  225. 21:57:45: <Ragazzo> "So we ought to clean up..."
  226. 21:58:00: <Ragazzo> She begins putting stuff away.
  227. 21:58:03: <PetraCore> "Yeah."
  228. 21:58:11: <PetraCore> She starts to throw away the paper dishes.
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